Ayala High School

Ayala High School

Distance Learning Course Expectations

Mr. Marceau

COURSE: US History

General Information

Focus: The rise of democratic ideas in America. Americas expansion and increased influence Worldwide between its foundation until today.

Length of Course: one year/ two semesters

Credits: five units per semester

Text: American Anthem: Modern American History, Ayers et. al.

Teacher Availability

The best way to reach me is by email, I will respond within 24 hours.


I will also have office hours Tuesday 1:35 – 2:35pm, Wednesday 7:15 – 8:15am, and Thursday 7:15 – 8:15am

I’m also available by appointment all other days of the week.

Student Expectations

1. Be prepared each day in class, have the following materials.

• Textbook

• Pens (blue or black) #2 pencils and erasers

• Something to write on

• Logged into Google Meets on time with your camera ON

o Desktop doesn’t have camera? Your phone does, or get a Chromebook from the district. Figure it out!

• Remember you are in school

2. Assignments will be put on Google Classroom. You will turn them in there as well.

3. Attendance is critical for success in this class. Lecture notes can be copied from another student, but this is never adequate. Classroom participation is one aspect of your grade, so attending class and participating is crucial.

4. Tardiness is not tolerated in this class, unless proper documentation is presented.

5. BE RESPECTFUL - Students are expected conduct themselves as a young adult. What this means; treat others as you would like to be treated, don’t interrupt when others have the “floor”. Come prepared to learn.

6. Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated! If there is evidence of cheating, then NO credit will be given for that assignment. If evidence exists of plagiarism, then all students involved will receive NO CREDIT for that assignment.

Late Work Policy

Assignments must be turned in on time, NO LATE WORK. Assignments and due dates will be on Google Classroom. Check it EVERY day.

Quality of Work

Always answer in complete sentences

Work to be turned in should not have doodling, and not torn or wrinkled

All work turned in must include a title or heading with name, date and period

Grading Scale

Grades are determined on total points earned and the percentages of the total points earned. The scale used to determine grades will be as follows:

100% - 90% = A

89% - 80% = B

79% - 70% = C

69% - 60% = D

59% and below = F

Grades will be based on the following:

50% Tests/Quizzes

40% Homework/Projects

10% Class Participation

Aeries will be updated regularly, so that is the best place to see grades.

This class will be challenging but FUN! Attend class, take complete notes, stay awake in class, ask questions, participate actively in class and you will succeed in this class. If you choose not to do those things you will not succeed in this class.


I have reviewed and understand the grading policy and classroom procedures.

Student Name _________________________________

Parent Signature ________________________________

Student Signature _______________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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