
Facilitator Training CourseIntroductionCourse DescriptionThis is a three day instructor led orientation to online teaching. Through the use of research-based content and collaborative discussions, it provides an introduction to online facilitation. By the end of the course you will knowledge of proven techniques for facilitating a successful distance learning course. In addition, learners are provided with mentoring guidance for substantiated and continual instructional support. Targeted AudienceThis course is intended for higher education faculty members with two or more years facilitation experience and little or no experience teaching in a distance learning environmentPrerequisitesTo successfully participate and complete the assignments in this course, the learner must:Have at least two years facilitation experienceHave past experience using a computer and working with the Internet Be familiar with taking an online courseBe comfortable sharing thoughts and experiences through text Be skilled with adult learning techniquesBe a self-directed learner, able to schedule time to meet deadlines, and willing to ask for help with technology or course assignments, when neededCourse Goal The facilitator training course formally introduces experienced instructors to the role of online facilitation. It prepares faculty to effectively adapt, develop and facilitate their teaching methodology to an online instructional format for adult learners in order to support the growth of the online course load. By the end of the course facilitators willUnderstand how to successfully transition and adapt their teaching methodology to meet the need of distance learners Participate in a mentoring program that provides support for navigation mentoring support through multiple online teaching professionalsAssessment of LearningLearning and teaching effectiveness will be obtained by measuring participant’s knowledge before and after the training through trainer observation of individual and group activities, performance of participants, and monitoring by mentors.Facilitator Training CourseFacilitator Skills and Instructional Material - Day 1Objective:The adult learner will identify skills needed for effective distance learning in an online environment with accuracyGiven the attributes the adult learner will describe the phases of development for distance learning facilitators with without errorGiven the distance learning theory the adult learner will compare online facilitation skills to classroom facilitation with quality interpretationDistance LearningAccording to The United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA) defines Distance Learning as “The acquisition of knowledge and skills through mediated information and instruction, encompassing all technologies and other forms of learning at a distance.”Skills Needed for Effective Distance Learning FacilitatorsOnline learning has evolved over the years and what constitutes as effective online learning has as well. At one time the emphasis for measuring effective online instruction was centered on the technology, however there are many other identifiable elements of effective online facilitation. Among them is the ability of the facilitator to establish presence (student engagement) early in the course and to promote interactivity between students through good discussion questions. These two skill are important because it sets a foundation and moves learners through the learning process. Establish Presence“Establishing presence is the process of demonstrating to others who we are in the online environment, as well as making social connections with others who share that environment with us.” (Palloff & Pratt, 2011). Establishing presence sets the foundation for any learning experience. Students are familiar with face to face classroom norms so this rarely has to be reinforced in traditional settings. However, online learning differs from the traditional setting. The tone for the learning environment has to be established early. It must be defined and communicated, and the expectations must be demonstrated through the interaction with the learners. The act of establishing a presence creates and promotes a connected learning environment (Palloff & Pratt, 2011).?There are various examples of way facilitators can establish presence in there online classroom. See examples below. Establish PresenceFacilitator’s Background InformationResponse to discussion postClass messages on various topicsCalendarCurrent audio and video clipsSynchronous Media (Skype) or Virtual Classroom TechnologiesInstructor BlogsPromote Interactivity“Skillful facilitation allows students to interact with one another and the instructor at a high level” (Palloff & Pratt, 2011). Not only is the instructor’s presence required, but the instructor must manage the learning experience more than in a face to face environment (Reagan,?n.d.). Creating the interactivity is a share process that is promoted and demonstrated by the instructor. These skills are picked up and modeled with student interaction. Throughout the course, the instructor initiates strategies that promote interactivity and prevents learning stagnation. Promoting interactivity requires a combination of strategies. Facilitators monitor the discussion among students and ask probing questions to extend the conversation and the learning. Other strategies include posting announcements, providing prompt feedback, and providing clarity on assignment expectations and participation requirements.Promote InteractivityMonitors discussionAsk probing question to extend conversation and learningPost AnnouncementsProvides Feedback on assignments and postingsProvides clarity on assignments and expectationsSet clear participation requirementsReflection:What are some current techniques you use to establish present in you classroom? How would those methods transfer to an online environment?_________________________________________________Phases of Development for Distance Learning FacilitatorsExcellent online instructors takes time to develop. Online facilitation development it a process of personal growth that involves a mixture of continuous exposure, feedback from master facilitators, and self-reflection on one’s own developmental needs.There are five phases of development that instructors go through while cultivating and expanding their online facilitation skill. Complete chart below:16383002032000Visitor –16478256159500Novice –1647825762000Apprentice –166687527559000Insider –16192505143500Master -There are four categories or areas of need that are present at each stage – personal (instructor), pedagogy ( teaching skills), content (discipline), and technology (skill development). Although each need is exist at each development phase, how they emerges varies from stage to stage. In the same context, the training needed to address these needs also vary dependent upon the phase of development the facilitator identifies with. 36861472428461(Haythornthwaite, 2011)00(Haythornthwaite, 2011) Reflection:What phase of development do you identify with?________________________________________________________________________________________________Theories of Distance LearningThree theories associated with e-learning, transformation, framing and emergence help bring context to the world of distance learning. Transformation Theory – making meaning from one’s experience that causes a shift in feelings and actions. This learning manifest on personal, social and political levels. Framing - refers to the rules and experience used in learning. The framing theory focus on the frame or set of behaviors that is identified for learningEmergence – learning that leads to new understanding of content through the process of learning with a community. “Individual learning emerges from the relationship between a learner and their environment..”(Haythornthwaite, 2011)The combination of these theories help support the process of adult learning. When applied to the e-learning environment, adults rely on the previous experiences to build upon and transform their understandings. This is supported by a learning community that invites a level academic diversity and contributes to the learning experience. A frame or a new a set of rules is adapted through the use of technology in a distance learning environment. Engaging Distance LearnersCommunal ConstructivismThe Communal Constructivism approach focuses on how a learning community comes together to construct knowledge. It is the cornerstone of e-learning theories and engagement. It is founded in the intrinsic motivation of adult learners to formulate communities of thought among other learners seeking similar content through knowledge sharing and active contribution and reflection. It centers around the process of students learning together in social settings through shared experiences. Through engagement prompted by instructor facilitation, students formulate structured learning communities. Engaging Learners Personal interaction between instructors a students as well as student to student maintains an increased level of engagement. The facilitator’s ability to establish presence and to bolster interactivity is vital to the e-learning environment. Suggestion for promoting engagement:Get to know your studentsKnow the classroom mechanics of an online courseBe accessible and respond to student inquiries in a timely mannerGo beyond the university requirement of posting a brief, weekly announcementProvide substantive feedback and positive critiqueInject fun through various multi-media project based activitiesReflection:Which strategies do you think may improve student engagement most? How?________________________________________________________________________________________________Group Discussion:Do you have experience as an online student? If so, share with your group any specific strategies you thought worked well in the online classroom. Explain why you thought it worked and how you might apply them in your own online classroom.________________________________________________________________________________________________Facilitator Training CourseManagement and Technology Tools - Day 2Objective:The adult learner will demonstrate understanding of the mentoring program and its process with accuracyGiven the criteria the adult learner will demonstrate understanding of the faculty evaluation program for with accuracyThrough discussion and peer interaction, the adult learner will identify and explore engaging technology for the online learning environmentFaulty Mentoring ProgramMentoring is an effective tool use to support development and accelerate readiness. In order to reinforce the enhancement and effectiveness of the Online Faculty Facilitation Course, participants will receive continual instructional support with the guidance of the Virtual Mentoring Program. The goal of the program is to use a peer-mentoring approach to address personalized needs of the learner. Through the program, mentees will:Shadow an assigned mentor throughout a semester long courseParticipate in co-facilitation under the mentor’s guidanceDevelop and maintain a peer-based relationship with an assigned mentorParticipate in constructive feedback and interactive discussionsParticipate in a mentor facilitated orientation courseUnder the guidance of a Lead Mentor, Virtual Mentors are assigned mentees based on curriculum discipline. Mentors have five or more years of instructional facilitation experience with a minimum of two years distance learning experience. The mentor’s duties include:Provide and share resources and techniques Facilitate an online orientation course Engage mentee as a co-facilitatorMonitor mentee’s development and provide feedbackCultivate the mentor-mentee relationshipManagement and Evaluation Program for FacultyA faculty management and evaluations programs are designed to provide supportive feedback to faculty that advises them on how they are doing and to help identify the needed professional development that meets individual needs. The faculty management program includes four major categories. It includes but is not solely dependent upon student evaluation feedback. Management and Evaluation Program Guidelines DimensionsSource of EvaluationCourse DesignCourse Management SystemCourse syllabusCourse designTeacher / Student InteractionDiscussion boardsFacilitating peer discussionsCoaching and mentoring activitiesQuality of Student LearningEffective student assessmentsPurposeful student feedbackInstructor Effects to Improve Practice over TimeStudent course evaluationsMentor assessmentsDevelopment planMuch of the evaluation is conducted with the assigned mentor. The information is used to identify professional development opportunities and adapt on ongoing professional development plan. Learning Platform (LMS/CMS) to be Used for Distance Learning CoursesDistance learning faculty could not manage online courses without eLearning platforms or Learning Management System (LMS). ?This technology is designed to streamline tasks needed to have a successful online course. Blackboard is the campus LMS platform. Its functionalities helps students collaborate, participate in mobile studies, and remotely access grades and assignments. Instructors use the platform to create content, grade assignments, communicate and course updates and provide student feedback. Some of the features include the following. Content Authoring - Provides editing interface similar to a word processorAdaptive Release - Allows instructors can create custom learning routes by monitoring when students can access content items such as discussions, assessments, or learning activitiesSyllabus Builder - Enables instructors to create or upload an existing syllabus. Discussion Board - Enables threaded, asynchronous discussions Assessments and Surveys - Allows instructors to deliver online, automatically-scored assessments and surveysGradebook - Stores student performance results Reporting and Performance Dashboard - Provides a view of student progress and monitors student activityYou can learn more about the university LMS by visiting: Tools That Engage and Enhance LearningStudent engagement is an enormous challenge in education whether learning is taking place on-line or in a classroom setting. Integrating media tools often encourages engagement and creativity. Consider incorporating some of the following tools into distance learning activities for adult learners.Video conferencing assist adult learners with developing essential communication skills by: ? Allowing interacting with subject matter experts ? Permitting face-to-face real-time collaboration with peers ? ? ? ?Functioning as a medium where student can troubleshoot?activities from different geographical locationsVideo conferencing options allows schools, particularly those in rural areas, the ability to offer students advanced detailed courses similar to academic environments in heavily populated areas. Through video conferencing distance learners gain unparalleled access to different places and opportunities to achieve course learning goals.Social Media is a technology method and approach used to close the communication gap and keep online learners engaged within a course. Majority of students already use some type of social media to communicate. Used appropriately, social media is an effective tool that engages learners in numerous munity Building - Enhances the relationships with the online class environment and the institutionCommunication - Provides an alternate, virtual meeting place for course updates and notificationsCollaboration - Creates learning groups for discussions and sharing of resources ?Various media formats can be used to provide a common ground for adult distance learners. ?Using media to entertain and engage stimulates learning and increases student's content retention. Various methods are used to support learning objectives and to trigger student's analytical and critical thinking skills in a virtual classroom.Consider injecting interactive stories and scenarios, games that support learning objectives, videos that connect learning content, animations and simulations?to support and foster engagement.Group Discussion:Share with your group current technology that you have use in your face-to-face class setting. How can this be used in an online environment?________________________________________________________________________________________________Facilitator Training CourseIssues and Classroom Management - Day 3Objective:Through discussion and peer interaction, the adult learner will identify and explore technology tools for student collaboration in the online learning environmentGiven the criteria the adult learner will demonstrate understanding of the qualities of a successful online studentThe adult learner will identify classroom management issues and the solutions in the online environment with accuracyTechnology Tools for Student CollaborationStudent Collaboration is the foundation of distance learning. Integrating collaborative learning activities helps students to creatively engaging in purposeful communications. Incorporating a variety of technology enhances teaching and helps create interactive learning opportunities. There are various tools that encourages interactive, discovery-based learning in a collaborative format. With this type of active and engaged learning, students are inspired to pursue a deeper knowledge of the subjects they're studying. Below is a list of media enriched tools used to enhance collaboration, critical thinking and problem-solving skills.Web ToolsDescriptionSupports Adult LearningCapziesDigital storytellingStudents can create visual stories, narratives and complicated media projects to share with learning communityAudiobooFotobabbleVoiceThreadVoiceover toolsAllows the creation of audio broadcast that supports student’s learning, collaborative projects, and interactive assessmentsMindmeisterMind mapping toolServes as a collaborative brainstorming tool used to capture and share ideasDescription of Distance LearnersDistance learners have characteristics and issues that are unique to them. Online learning offers the professional adult learner the opportunity to manage their educational goals with the responsibilities of a work life balance. Just the same many traditional students are incorporating distance learning in their educational plan. However, distance learning requires identifiable skills in order to successfully navigate through the learning process.Some distinct characteristic of a successful online adult learners include:Ability to collaborate with othersAbility to communicate in writingBeing highly motivatedPossessing good organizational and time management skillsAbility to commit 4 to 15 hours per week per course Description of the Differences Between Synchronous Teaching Skills and Asynchronous Facilitation SkillsDistance learning is generally divided into two categories: synchronous and asynchronous. Both distance learning formats have their benefitsWhat is synchronous learning?Learning that occurs in real time is considered synchronous. Students who participates in synchronous are able to interact with the facilitator and other students during the lesson. The students who participate in synchronous learning courses are able to interact with other students and their teachers during the lesson. The facilitator is able to immediately address students concerns and address learning gaps without delay. This method encourages student interaction and prevents students from feeling isolated during the learning process. This method is not flexible however, students must meet at specific times in order to participate. Synchronous technology include web conferencing, video conferencing, and podcastWhat is asynchronous learning? Asynchronous learning can occur while student and teacher is offline. Students are able to follow the course curriculum at the own pace and their own schedule. The instructor provides the syllabus, course materials, lectures, assessments and assignment which can be accessed at any time. This method is beneficial for adult learners that require the flexibility and are self-motivated to complete their learning goals. Asynchronous technology include virtual libraries, discussion boards, e-portfolios, and social networksTechnology Management IssuesAccess to technology can be taken for granted. Campuses must be mindful that there are less developed areas that may not have the up to date technology or equipment necessary to adequately achieve online learning requirements. Classroom Management IssuesAlong with facilitating learning, educators are charged with monitoring the atmosphere of the learning environment. Within instructor led facilitation courses, disputes arise and can be identify and defused as it occurs. This vastly differs from the asynchronous online classroom. During this type of distance learning environment, learners communicate through text –based formats at various times throughout the day. With the lack of face to face communication, potential disruptions and misinterpretation of communication are often made through assumptions of meaning and stereotyping. This plays out when student’s responses are interpreted negatively and illicit negative feedback from other learners before it has been noticed or observed by the instructor. To manage this type of controversy, instructors use proactive strategies that helps creates positive online learning environments. Facilitators must set the framework for clear expectations, open dialogue, and professional feedback. In addition instructors should began their initial communication requesting student to enter the online learning space with the willingness to be open to new information, respectful to various beliefs and mindful of communication. Creating icebreakers that prepare students to interact productively and respectfully in the online learning environment provides added reinforcement. If controversy does erupt, be supportive and provide one-on-one feedback showing concern and providing redirection. Group Discussion:What type of classroom management issues have you experienced? What techniques do you use to resolve these issues?________________________________________________________________________________________________ReferenceBlackboard academic suite.?Retrieved from , G. P. (1994, July/August). Distance learning: A different time, a different place. Change, (26, 4) [online serial].Haslam, J.?(20144).?Synchronous vs. asynchronous classes.?Retrieved from , C. (2011).?E-learning theory and practice. Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database..Jones, R.?(2013).?Faculty focus: Higher ed teaching strategies from magna publications.?Retrieved from , R.?(2013).?Faculty focus: Higher ed teaching strategies from magna publications.?Retrieved from , s. (2014). Edudemic connecting education and technology. Retrieved from ReferencesPalloff, R.M., & Pratt, K. (2011).?The excellent online instruction. Strategies for professional development. Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.Pedagogy & learning: What makes a successful online student??Retrieved from , l.?(n.d.).?10 principles of effective online teaching: Best practice In distance education.?Retrieved from pdf/TenPrinciplesofEffectiveOnlineTeaching.pdfSvitak, A. (2010). 5 Ways classrooms can use video conferencing. Retrieved from states distance learning association.?().?Retrieved from , Melissa. 2013. Connecting with your online students via social media. Retrieved from ttp://2013/04/15/connecting-with-your-online-students- via-social-media?Why is project-based learning important? (2014). Retrieved from ................

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