References for September 1999 CLS - Contact Lens Spectrum

References for September 1999 CLS

(pg.21) “Aging, Hormones and Dry Eye” by Kelly Kinney Nichols, O.D., M.S.

1. Akramian J, Wedrich A, Nepp J, et al. Estrogen therapy in keratoconjunctivities sicca. Adv Exp Med Biol 1998; 438: 1005-9

2. Azzarolo AM, Mircheff AK, Kaswan RL, et al. Androgen support of lacrimal gland function. Endocrine 1997; 6:39-45.

3. Craig JP, Tomlinson A. Effect of age on tear osmolarity. Optom Vis Sci 1995; 72:713-7.

4. Holly FJ, Lemp MA. Tear physiology and dry eyes. Surv Ophthalmol 1977; 22:69-87.

5. Kramer P, Lubkin V, Potter W, et al. Cyclic changes in conjunctivaal smears from menstruating females. Ophthalmology 1990; 97:303-7.

6. Mathers WD, Lane JA, Zimmerman MB. Tear film changes associated with normal aging. Cornea 1996; 15:229-34.

7. Maters WD, Stoval D, Lane JA, et al. Menopause and tear function: the influence of prolactin and sex hormones on human tear production. Cornea 1998; 17:353-8.

8. McGill J, Liakos G, Seal D, et al. Tear film changes in health and dry eye conditions. Trans Ophthalmol Soc UK 1983; 103:313-7.

9. Metka M, Enzelsberger H, Knogler W, et al. Ophthalmic complaints as a climacteric symptom. Maturitas 1991; 14:3-8.

10. Sator MO, Joura EA, Golaszewski T, et al. Treatment of menopausal keratoconjunctivitis sicca with topical oestradiol. Br J Obstet Gynaecol 1998; 105:100-2.

11. Serrander AM, Peek KE. Changes in contact lens comfort related to the menstrual cycle and menopause. A review of articles. J Am Optom Assoc 1993; 64:162-6.

12. Sullivan DA, Wickham LA, Rocha EM, et al. Influence of gender, sex steroid hormones, and the hypothalmic-pituitary axis on the structure and function of the lacrimal gland. Adv Exp Med Biol 1998; 438:11-42.

13. Vavilis D, Maloutas S, Nasioutziki M, et al. Conjunctiva is an estrogen-sensitive epithelium. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1995; 74:799-802.

14. Wickham LA, Rocha EM, Gao J, et al. Identification and hormonal control of sex steroid receptors in the eye. Adv Exp Med Biol 1998; 438:95-100.

(p.37-39) “Identifying Soft Contact Lens Induced Distortion with Corneal Topography“ byKensey Inouye, O.D.

1. Lebow KA, Campbell-Burns D, Understanding the Values that Describe Oxygen Flux Through a Contact Lens, Contact Lens Spectrum,.

(pg.45-48) “Subtle Signs of Sicca: Advanced Tear Film Assessment” by Jean Pierre Guillon, Bsc, Ph.D., FCOptom, Graeme Young, BSc, Mphil, FCOptom, DCLP, FAAO

1. Lemp MA. Report of the National Eye Institute/Industry Workshop on clinical trials in dry eyes. CLAO J, 21(4):221-232; 1997.

2. Hoh H, Schirra F, Kieneccker C, Ruprecht KW. Lid-parallel conjunctival fold (LIPCOF) and dry eye: A diagnostic tool for the contactologist. Contactologia 1995; 17E: 104-117.

3. Craig JP, Tomlinson A. Importance of the lipid layer in human tear film stability and evaporation. Optom Vis Sci 1997; 74:8- 13.

4. Hykin PG, Bron AJ. Age-related morphological changes in lid margin and meibomian gland anatomy. Cornea 1992; 11:334- 332.

5. Bron AJ, Benjamin L, Snibson GR. Meibomian gland disease. Classification and grading of lid changes. Eye 1991; 5:395-411.

6. Caffery B, Cotter J, White P. Dry eye: a common and complicated problem. CL Spectrum, May :42-47; 1997.

7. Hom MM, Martinson JR, Knapp LL, Paugh JR. Prevalence of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction. Optom Vis Sci 67:710-712; 1990.

8. Paugh JR, Knapp LL, Martinson JR, Hom MM. Meibomian therapy in problematic contact lens wear. Optom Vis Sci 67:803-806; 1990.

9. Mengher LS, Bron AJ, Tonge SR, Gilbert DJ. Effect of fluorescein instillation on the pre-corneal tear film stability. Current Eye Research 4:9-12; 1985.

10. Golding TR, Bruce AS, Mainstone JC. Relationship between tear-miniscus parameters and tear-film breakup. Cornea 1997; 16:649-661.

11. Rolando M, Macri A. Low-tech detection of tear film related eye surface pathology. In: Murube J. Ojo seco-Dry eye. Soc Espan Oftalmol, Madrid. Technimedia Editorial. 1997.

12. Schwallie JD, McKenney CD, Long WD, McNeil A. Corneal staining patterns in normal noncontact lens wearers. Optom

Vis Sci 1997; 74:92-98.

13. Guillon J-P. Tear film structure and contact lenses. Chapt. 85:815-939 In: The preocular tear film in health, disease and contact lens wear. Ed. Holly FJ. (Lubbock, Texas: Dry Eye Institute) 1986.

14. Guillon J-P. The Keeler Tearscope-Plus - An improved device for assessing the tear film. Optician, 213 (5594): 66-72; 1997.


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