Vita2 - Case Western Reserve University

December, 2006


Richard J. Boland, Jr.

Professor of Information Systems

Weatherhead School of Management

Case Western Reserve University

Cleveland, Ohio 44106-7235

Telephone +1 216 368 2249

fax +1 216 368 4776



B.S.B.A., Northwestern University, 1967

M.B.A., Northwestern University, 1968

Ph.D. Case Western Reserve University, 1976


August 1989 - Present - Professor of Information Systems (Chairman from August, 1994 to August 2001) and Professor of Accountancy, Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio.

August 1999 - Present - Senior Research Associate, The Judge Institute of Management Studies, University of Cambridge, UK,

August 2002 - Present - Visiting Fellow of Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge .

September, 1995 - December, 1995, Arthur Andersen Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Judge Institute of Management Studies, University of Cambridge, UK

August 1988 - August 1989 - Eric Malmsten Professor, School of Economics, Gothenburg University, Gothenburg, Sweden.

August 1976 - August 1988, Professor of Accountancy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. (Asst. 1976-1981, Assoc. 1981-1986)

January - June, 1986, Visiting Associate Professor, UCLA Graduate School of Management, Los Angeles, California.

January-May, 1983, Visiting Fellow, Templeton College, Oxford University, Oxford, England.

July 1968 - July 1969, Jan - August 1972, Audit Staff of Deloitte, Haskins and Sells, CPAs, Cleveland, Ohio.

August 1969 - Jan. 1972, Instructor, Cuyahoga County Board of Mental Retardation


Founding Editor and Editor in Chief, Information and Organization ( Originally Accounting, Management and Information Technologies). Pergamon Press, Elsevier Science, Ltd., 1991 - 2001.

Associate Editor, Information and Organization, Elsevier, 2001- present

Co-Editor of "Series in Information Systems" (with R. Hirschheim, University of Houston) for John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1984 - present.

Editorial Board, Accounting, Organizations and Society, 1982 - 2005.

Editorial Board, Information Systems Research, 1987 - 1999.

Editorial Board, Information Systems Journal, 1992- present

Editorial Board, South African Computer Journal, 1995 - present

Editorial Board, Systemes d'Information et Management, 1996- present

Editorial Board, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 1999 - present

Editorial Board, Behavioral Research in Accounting, 1986 - 1991.

Editorial Board, Advances in Public Interest Accounting, 1987 - 1988.

Associate Editor, Education, Accounting Review, 1982 - 85.

Member, Faculty of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1988-89.

Member, Faculty of Science, Technology and Society, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1984 - 89.


American Institute of Certified Public Accountants


“Distributed Innovation in Architecture, Engineering and Construction” National Science Foundation”, Co-PI with Youngjin Yoo and Kalle Lyytinen, August, 2006 - July, 2009, $683,000.

“Path Creation with Digital Technologies: Networks of Innovation in Architectural Design and Construction”. Nation Science Foundation Grant. Principal Investigator with Co-investigators Kalle Lyytinen and Youngjin Yoo. May, 2002 - May 2005, $450,000

“Workshop on Managing as Designing” National Science Foundation Grant (with Fred Collopy) $50,000, November, 2001 – July, 2002.

"Knowledge Management in Technological Innovation," CMOST Technology Management Program (TRW grant), $25,000, November, 1992.

"Coordination of Distributed Decision Making, Digital Equipment Corporation, Equipment grant of $89,000, August, 1992.

"Coordination of Distributed Decision Making," National Science Foundation, Supplemental Grant of $27,000, June, 1992.

"Coordination of Distributed Decision Making in a Corporate Planning Environment," National Science Foundation, Coordination theory and collaborative technology program, National Science Foundation, $210,000, September 1990 - August 1993.

"Impact of Cultural Values and Advanced Information Technologies on Coordinated Decision Making," funded by Peat Marwick Foundation, $ 38,900 Principal Investigator (with W. Dilla and M. Leatherwood), May 1989 - April 1990.

"Impact of a Decision Aid on Audit Judgement", $ 25,000, funded by Peat Marwick Foundation, Principal Investigator with Sung Ho Lee, April 1985 - December 1986.

"Graphics for Networked Interaction Among Business Policy, Accounting System Design and Software Engineering Courses," $ 292,640 (Co-investigator with J. Chandler), funded by UIUC Project Excel and IBM Corporation, April 1985 - August 1986.

"Managing Information for Competitive Advantage," funded by IBM Corporation,

$2.7 million, (with Ann Huff) 1984 - 1989.

"Cases in Accounting System Design," $ 16,000, funded by the Touche Ross Foundation to develop cases on the design of computerized information systems, Co-investigator with John Chandler, May 1982 - September 1983.

"Cases in Accounting Practice," $ 20,000, funded by the Touche Ross Foundation, Principal Investigator with F. Neumann, May 1980 - December 1981.

"Cases in Computer Audit and Control", $ 10,000. Funded by the Touche Ross Foundation, with F. Neumann (principal investigator). Completed December, 1978.


Notable Contribution to Information Systems Literature Award, American Accounting Association, August, 2001

Ted Alfred Distinguished Service Award, Weatherhead School of Management, May, 2001.

Research Recognition Award, Weatherhead School of Management, May, 1995.

Weldon Powell Memorial Distinguished Scholar, 1987 - 1988, Department of Accountancy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Burlington Northern Foundation Faculty Achievement Award, 1987. University of Illinois award for outstanding achievements in teaching and research for the period January 1986 - June 1987.

Faculty Award of Merit, Federation of Schools of Accountancy, 1983 National Award for Most Significant Contribution to Accounting Education (for Case Studies in Accounting Policy and Practice).

AMOCO Foundation Special Award for Undergraduate Education, May, 1982. University - wide competition for new course development project: "Accounting Policy and Practice".

Center for Advanced Study, University of Illinois, Resident Associate for the 1981 - 82 academic year for research project on "Technology and Public Policy".

Undergraduate Instructional Award, Summer, 1981. University - wide competition for development of innovative methods in teaching to develop the course "Accounting Policy and Practice".



R. J. Boland and Fred Collopy, Managing as Designing (Palo Alto: Stanford University Press) 2004

L. R. Pondy, R. J. Boland and H. Thomas, Managing Ambiguity and Change (Chichester: John Wiley & Sons), 1988.

R. J. Boland and R. A. Hirschheim, (eds.) Critical Issues in Information Systems Research (Chichester; John Wiley & Sons), 1987.

* R. J. Boland and R. A. Hirschheim (eds.) Critical Issues in Information Systems Research, (Chichester: John Wiley & Sons) 1991. Student paperback edition.

R.J. Boland and J. S. Chandler, Cases in Accounting System Design (New York: Touche Ross & Co.), 1986.

R. J. Boland, Cases in Accounting Policy and Practice (New York: Touche Ross Foundation), 1982, 220 pp.

R. I. Tricker and R. J. Boland, Management Information and Control Systems (Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.), 1982, 346 pp.

* Translation into Chinese by Hu Changping and Liu Ji Cheng, (Wuchang: Hubei Technical Press, 1989).

F. Neumann, R. J. Boland and J. Johnson, Case Studies in Computer Control and Auditing (New York: Touche Ross Foundation), 1978, 152 pp.

* Reprints: Selected cases reprinted in:

Sardinas, J., Burch, J. and Asebrook, R., EDP Auditing: A Primer (New York: John Wiley), 1982 pp. 142 - 176.

Robinson, L. A., Davis, J. R. and Alderman, C. W., Accounting Information Systems (New York: Harper & Row), 1982, pp. 369 - 372.

Bodnar, G., Accounting Information Systems 2nd Ed. (Boston: Allyn and Bacon), 1983.

Li, David, Accounting Information Systems (Homewood: Irwin), 1983.

Refereed Articles – Reprinted Articles

R. J. Boland, Jr., "The Tyranny of Space in Organizational Analysis", in Negwenyama, O., Introna, L. D., Myers, M. D., and DeGross, J. I., (Eds.) New Information Technologies in Organizational Processes, Kluwer Academic Press, Boston, 1999, pp. 27-48

- Reprinted in: Information and Organization, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 3-23, 2001.

R. V. Tenkasi, and R. J. Boland, "Exploring Knowledge Diversity in Knowledge Intensive Firms," Journal of Organizational Change Management, 1996, pp. 63-78.

- Reprinted in: The Journal of Systemic Knowledge Management, 1998, pp. 1-18.

R. J. Boland and R. V. Tenkasi, “Perspective Making and Perspective Taking in Communities of Knowing”, Organization Science, August, 1995, pp. 350-372.

- Reprinted in De Sanctis G. and Fulk, J., (eds.) Shaping Organization Form: Communication, Connection and Community, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks: CA, 1999, pp. 327-367

R. J. Boland, R. V. Tenkasi and D. Te'eni, "Designing Information Technology to Support Distributed Cognition", Organization Science, Vol. 5, No. 3, 1994,

pp. 456-475.

- Reprinted in: Meindl, J. R., Stubbart, C. and Porac, J., (Eds.) Cognition Within and between Organizations, Thousand Oaks: Sage, 1996, pp. 245-280.

R. J. Boland, "Accounting and the Interpretive Act" Accounting, Organizations and Society , 18:2/3, 1993, pp. 125-146.

- Reprinted in Bryant, C. G. A., and Jary, D., Anthony Giddens: Critical Assessments by Leading Sociologists, Routledge, 1997.

R. J. Boland, "Information System Use as a Hermeneutic Process," Nissen, H. E., Hirschheim, R. A. and Klein, H. K., (eds.) Information Systems Research: Alternative Approaches (Amsterdam: North Holland) 1991, pp. 439-458.

- Reprinted in Myers, M. and Avison, D. (Eds.) Qualitative Research in Information Systems: A Reader, Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2002

R. J. Boland, "Phenomenology: A Preferred Approach to Research on Information Systems", In Mumford, E. (ed.), Research Methods in Information Systems (Amsterdam: North Holland), 1985, pp. 193 - 201.

- Reprinted in Langefors, B., Verrijin - Stuart, A . A. and Bracchi, G., Trends in Information Systems (Amsterdam: North Holland) 1986, pp. 341 - 350.

R. J. Boland and R. Hoffman, "Humor in the Machine Shop: An Interpretation of Symbolic Action", in Pondy, L. R., Frost, P., Morgan, G. and Dandridge, T. (eds.), Organizational Symbolism (Greenwich: JAI Press), 1983, pp. 187 - 198.

- Reprinted in Organizational Reality (2nd Ed.), Mitchell, V. and Frost, P. (eds.) (Scott-Foresman), 1982.

R. J. Boland, "Organizational Control, Organizational Power and Professional Responsibility", Business and Professional Ethics Journal, Vol. 2, Fall, 1982, pp. 15 - 26.

- Reprinted in Windt, P. and Francis, L., Ethical Issues in the Professions (Prentice-Hall, 1989).

- Reprinted in Tuedio, J. A., Professional Ethics in a Free Market System, Haven Publications, 1991)

Research Articles:

R. J. Boland, Jr., Youngjin Yoo and Kalle Lyytinen, “Wakes of Innovation in architecture, engineering and construction” Organization Science, Forthcoming.

Youngjin Yoo, Richard Boland and Kalle Lyytinen, “From organization design to organization designing”, Organization Science, April, 2006

R. J. Boland, Jr., “Interpretation and Theory in Qualitative Research”, in S. Tengblad, R. Soli, and B. Czarniawska (eds.) The Art of Science ,Copenhagen Business School Press, 2005

R. J. Boland, Jr., “Fake!” European Journal of Information Systems, December 2005

R. J. Boland, Jr.and Kalle Lyytinen “Information System Research as Design: Process, Narrative and Identity” in Research Methods in Information Systems, Springer Verlag, 2004.

R. J. Boland, Jr. “Design in the punctuation of Management Action” in Boland and Collopy (eds.) Managing as Designing, Palo Alto, Stanford University Press, 2004, pp 106-112.

R. J. Boland, Jr. and Fred Collopy, “Design Matters for Management” in Boland and Collopy (eds.) Managing as Designing Palo Alto, Stanford University Press, 2004, pp. 3-18.

R. J. Boland, Jr. and Fred Collopy, “Toward a Design Vocabulary for Management” in Boland and Collopy (eds.) Managing as Designing Palo Alto, Stanford University Press, 2004, pp. 265-276

R. J. Boland, Jr. “An Ecology of Distributed Mediated Cognition” in C.Ciborra and C. Angelou (eds.) Information Systems and Social Theory Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) 2003

R. J. Boland, Jr. and Youngjin Yoo, “Sensemaking Processes in Knowledge Management”, in Clyde Holsapple, (Ed.) Handbook of Knowledge Management, Springer Verlag, 2002, pp. 381-392 .

R. J. Boland, Jr. "Information System Use as a Hermeneutic Process,” in Myers, M. and Avison, D. (Eds.) Qualitative Research in Information Systems: A Reader, Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2002

R. J. Boland, Jr., J. Singh, P. Salipante, J.D. Aram, S.Y. Fay, and P. Kanawattanachai, “Knowledge Representations and Knowledge Transfer”, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 393-417, 2001.

R. J. Boland, Jr. and R. Tenkasi, "Communications and Collaboration in Distributed Cognition", in G.M. Olson, T.W. Malone & J.B. Smith (Eds.), Coordination Theory and Collaboration Technology.  Mahwah, NJ:  Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2001.

U. Schultze and R. J. Boland, Jr., “Knowledge management technology and the reproduction of knowledge work practice” Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 9:2/3, 2000, pp. 193-212

R. J. Boland, Jr., “The Limits of Language in doing Systems Work”, in R. Baskerville, J. Stage, and J. I. DeGross (eds.) Organizational and Social Perspectives on Information Technology, Kluwer Academic Press, Boston, 2000, pp. 47 – 57.

U. Schultze and R. J. Boland, Jr., “Place, space and knowledge work: a study of outsourced computer systems administrators” Accounting, Management and Information Technologies, Volume 10, No. 3, 2000, pp. 187-219.

R. J. Boland, Jr., "Some Sources of the Unity in Plurality of Scandinavian Research on Information Systems Development", Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, 1999, Vol. 10, No. 1&2, pp. 187-191

R. J. Boland, Jr., "Accounting as a Representational Craft: Lessons for Research on Information Systems", in Currie, W. and Galliers, B., Rethinking Management Information Systems: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, Oxford University Press, NY 1999, pp. 229-244.

R. J. Boland, Jr., "The Tyranny of Space in Organizational Analysis", in Negwenyama, O., Introna, L. D., Myers, M. D., and DeGross, J. I., (Eds.) New Information Technologies in Organizational Processes, Kluwer Academic Press, Boston, 1999, pp. 27-48

D. Te'eni, D. Schwartz and R. Boland, "Cognitive Maps for Communication: Specifying Functionality and Usability," in Carey, J. (Ed.) Human Factors Research in Information Systems Ablex, 1997.

U. Schultze and R. Boland, "Constructing High Tech Space: Mind, Body and Place in High Tech Work" Proceedings of the AOS Conference on Time, Space and Accounting, Copenhagen, September 4-7, 1997

Ulrike Schultze and Richard J. Boland, Jr. , “Hard and Soft Information Genres: An Analysis of two Notes Databases” Proceedings of the 30th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 1997.

R. J. Boland, "Why Shared Meanings have no Place in Structuration Theory", Accounting, Organizations and Society, 21: 7/8, 1996 pp. 691-697.

R. V. Tenkasi, and R. J. Boland, "Exploring Knowledge Diversity in Knowledge Intensive Firms," Journal of Organizational Change Management, 1996, pp. 63-78.

R. J. Boland and Ulrike Schultze, "From Work to Activity: Technology and the Narrative of Progress", in Orlikowski, W., Walsham, G. and Jones, M., Information Technology and the Transformation of Work , Elsevier: Amsterdam, 1996, pp. 308-324.

R. J. Boland and Ulrike Schultze, "Narrating Accountability" in Munro, R. and Mouritsen, J. (Eds.), Accountability: Power, Ethos and the Technologies of Managing, Thompson Press , London, 1996, pp. 62-81.

R. J. Boland and R. V. Tenkasi, “Perspective Making and Perspective Taking in Communities of Knowing”, Organization Science, August, 1995, pp. 350-372.

Anil Maheshwari and R. J. Boland, "Computer Mediated Representation and the Experience of Self Reflection" Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems , 1995, pp. 189-195.

R. J. Boland, "Identity, Economy and Morality in 'The Rise of Silas Lapham'". In B. Czarniawska-Joerges and P. Guillet de Monthoux (Eds.), Good Novels, Better Management: Reading Organizational Realities, (pp. 115-137), Switzerland: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1994.

R. J. Boland, R. V. Tenkasi and D. Te'eni, "Designing Information Technology to Support Distributed Cognition", Organization Science, Vol. 5, No. 3, 1994,

pp. 456-475.

R. V. Tenkasi and R. J. Boland, "Locating Meaning Making in Organziational Learning: The Narrative Basis of Cognition". In R. W. Woodman and W. A. Pasmore (Eds.), Research in Organizational Change and Development, Vol. 7, (pp. 77-103) Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1993.

R. J. Boland, "Accounting and the Interpretive Act" Accounting, Organizations and Society , 18:2/3, 1993, pp. 125-146.

R. V. Tenkasi, R. J. Boland and R. E. Purser, "Raising Awareness of Interpretive Processes in Knowledge Work: SPIDER, a Computer Based Hyper-Environment for 'Thinking about Thinking'" In D. J. Sumanth, J. A. Edosomwan, D. S. Sink and R. Poupart (Eds.), Productivity and Quality Management Frontiers - IV, Miami, Florida: Institute of Industrial Engineers, February, 1993.

R. J. Boland and R. Greenberg, "Method and Metaphor in Organizational Analysis" Accounting, Management and Information Technologies, 2:2, 1992, pp. 117-141.

R. J. Boland, "The Engine of Inquiry, or 'Why Say Anything at All?'" in Polesie, T. and Johansson, I. (Eds.), Responsibility and Accounting: The Organizational Regulation of Boundary Conditions (Studentlitteratur, Lund, Sweden), 1992, pp. 43-58.

R. J. Boland, D. Schwartz, R. Tenkasi, A. Maheshwari and D. Te'eni "Sharing Perspectives in Distributed Decision Making" Association of Computing Machinery, Conference on Computer Supported Cooprerative Work, Toronto, November, 1992.

D. Te'eni, D. Schwartz and R. Boland, "Cognitive Maps for Communication: Specifying Functionality and Usability," Fourth Symposium on Human Factors in Information Systems, Phoenix, February, 1992.

R. J. Boland and T. O'Leary, "Technologies of Inscribing and Organizing: Emerging Research Agendas" Accounting, Management and Information Technologies, 1:1 1991, pp. 1-7.

R. J. Boland, "Information System Use as a Hermeneutic Process," Nissen, H. E., Hirschheim, R. A. and Klein, H. K., (eds.) Information Systems Research: Alternative Approaches (Amsterdam: North Holland) 1991, pp. 439-458.

R. J. Boland, R. H. Greenberg, S. H. Park and I. Han, "Mapping the Process of Problem Reformulation: Implications for Understanding Strategic Thought," in Huff, A., (Ed.) Mapping Strategic Thought (John Wiley; Chichester) 1990, pp.195 - 226.

R. J. Boland, "Beyond the Objectivist and the Subjectivist: Learning to Read Accounting as Text", Accounting, Organization and Society, 1989, pp. 591-604.

R. J. Boland and W. Day, "The Experience of System Design: A Hermeneutic of Organizational Action" Scandinavian Journal of Management, 5:2, 1989, pp. 87-104.

R. J. Boland, "Metaphorical Traps on the Road to Human Progress through Information Systems" in Klein, H. and Kumar K., (eds.) Systems Development for Human Progress , (Amsterdam: North Holland) 1989, pp. 277-290.

R. J. Boland and R. H. Greenberg, "Metaphorical Structuring of Organizational Ambiguity" in Pondy, L. R., and Thomas, H., Managing Ambiguity and Change (Chichester: John Wiley & Sons), 1988, pp. 17-36.

R. J. Boland, "Discussion of Accounting and the Construction of the Governable Person", Accounting, Organization and Society, 1987, pp. 267 - 272.

R. J. Boland, "The In-Formation of Information Systems" in R. J. Boland and R. Hirschheim (eds.) Critical Issues in Information Systems Research, (Chichester: John Wiley & Sons) 1987, pp. 363 - 379.

R. J. Boland and T. O'Leary, "Self-Regulation, Public Interest and the Accounting Profession", Research in Accounting Regulation, 1987, pp. 103 - 122.

R. J. Boland and L. R. Pondy, "Micro Dynamics of a Budget Cutting Process: Modes, Models and Structure", Accounting, Organizations and Society, 11:4/5, 1986, pp. 403 - 422.

R. J. Boland, "Fantasies of Information", Advances in Public Interest Accounting , Vol. 1, (Greenwich: JAI Press) 1986, pp. 49 - 65.

R. J. Boland, "Phenomenology: A Preferred Approach to Research on Information Systems", In Mumford, E. (ed.), Research Methods in Information Systems (Amsterdam: North Holland), 1985, pp. 193 - 201.

R. J. Boland, "Sense - Making of Accounting Data As a Technique of Organizational Diagnosis", Management Science, Vol. 30, No. 7, 1984, pp. 868 - 882.

R. J. Boland and L. R. Pondy, "Accounting in Organizations: Toward a Union of Rational and Natural Perspectives", Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol. 8, No. 2 & 3, 1983, pp. 223 - 234.

R. J. Boland and R. Hoffman, "Humor in the Machine Shop: An Interpretation of Symbolic Action", in Pondy, L. R., Frost, P., Morgan, G. and Dandridge, T. (eds.), Organizational Symbolism (Greenwich: JAI Press), 1983, pp. 187 - 198.

R. J. Boland, "Professional Ethics in MAS", The Ohio CPA Journal, Summer 1983, pp. 139 - 143.

R. J. Boland, "Organizational Control, Organizational Power and Professional Responsibility", Business and Professional Ethics Journal, Vol. 2, Fall, 1982, pp. 15 - 26.

R. J. Boland and S. H. Park, "Use of Multi-Level Models in Information Evaluation", Korean Management Review, Vol. XI, Feb., 1982, pp. 191 - 220.

R. J. Boland and W. Day, "The Process of System Design: A Phenomenological Approach", Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Information Systems, Ann Arbor, December 3 - 5, 1982.

R. J. Boland, "Myth and Technology in the American Accounting Profession", The Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 19, No. 1, 1982, pp. 109 - 127.

R. J. Boland, "Organizational Control Systems and the Engineer: The Need for Organizational Power", Proceedings of the Second National Conference on Ethics in Engineering, Chicago, March 5 - 6, 1982, pp. 200 - 209.

R. J. Boland, "A Study in System Design: C. West Churchman and Chris Argyris", Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1981, pp. 109 - 118.

R. J. Boland, "Control Causality and Information System Requirements", Accounting, Organizations and Society, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1979, pp. 259 - 272.

R. J. Boland "The Process and Product of System Design", Management Science, Vol. 24, No. 9, May 1978, pp. 887 - 898.

R. J. Boland, "MIS for an Active Decision Maker", Proceedings of American Institute of Decision Sciences National Meeting, Chicago, pp. 144 - 147, October, 1977.

R. J. Boland and S. Mahapatra, "Interactive Inquiry: A Strategy for MIS Design and Implementation", Proceedings of American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Tuscon, Arizona, pp. 510 - 519, 1975.

R. J. Boland and H. MacWilliams, "An Improved Technique for Systems Analyst Interaction with Users in Problem Definition", Proceeding of the Fourteenth Annual Computer Personnel Research Conference, The Association of Computing Machinery, pp. 63 - 78, July 29 - 30, 1976.


Published Proceedings

R. J. Boland, “The Calculating Self in ‘The Rise of Silas Lapham’”, Fourth Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Accounting, Manchester, United Kingdom, July, 1994.

R. J. Boland, "Coordination of Distributed Decision Making in a Corporate Planning Environment", Proceedings of the Coordination Theory and Collaboration Technology Program Grantee Meeting, National Science Foundation Workshop, Washington, D.C., July, 1993.

R. J. Boland, "Research Progress on Coordination of Distributed Decision Making" Proceedings of the Coordination Theory and Collaboration Technology Program Grantee Meeting, National Science Foundation, Washington, D.C., July, 1992, pp. 73-84.

D. Te'eni, R. J. Boland, D. Schwartz and R. Tenkasi, "An information system for supporting a distributed process of decision making," Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Management Information Systems, Tel-Aviv, May, 1992, pp. 1-6.

R. J. Boland and D. Te'eni "SPIDER: A Collaborative Technology for Distributed Decision Making in a Corporate Planning Environment," Proceedings of the Coordination Theory and Collaborative Technology Program Grantee Meeting, National Science Foundation, Washington D.C., June, 1991.

W. Dilla, M. Leatherwood and R. Boland, "Organization Network Communication Structures and Coordinated Decision Making," Proceeding Abstracts of the American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, August, 1990.

R. J. Boland "In Search of Management Accounting: Explorations of Self and Organization" Proceedings of the Second Management Accounting Research Conference, University of New South Wales, Sidney Australia, September 1990.

M. Leatherwood, Dilla, W. and Boland, R. J., "Network Communication Facilities and User Perceptions of Task and Social Environments" in Huber, G. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 1990 IFIP Conference on Environments for Decision Support Systems Budapest, July 1990.

R. J. Boland, "The Coming Hermeneutic Turn in Accounting Research," in Johnson, O. (ed.) Methodology and Accounting Research: Does the Past Have a Future? (Champaign: University of Illinois) 1989, pp. 215-233.

R. J. Boland and J. C. McKeown, "Information Systems Concepts and External Financial Reporting", in Jensen, D. (ed.) Information Systems in Accounting Education (Columbus: The Ohio State University), pp. 57 - 84, 1985.

R. J. Boland, "Tutorial on Management Information Systems", Lancaster, F. Wildrid (ed.), Library Automation as a Source of Management Information, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1983, pp. 10 - 26.

R. J. Boland, "Three Challenges for Management Accounting in the 1980's" Management Accounting 1980, Proceedings of the Management Accounting Symposium, University of Illinois, 1980, Board of Trustees, University of Illinois, pp. 195 - 202.

R. J. Boland and Soong Park, "Group Method for Developing an Accounting Degree Program", Korean Accounting Review, Vol. 3, May 1980, pp. 5 - 16.

R. J. Boland and S. H. Park, "Desired Output Characteristics of a Master of Accounting Science Program", Proceedings of Midwest American Accounting Association, May, 1979.

Book Reviews

The Accounting Professional: Ethics, Responsibility, Liability, Windal, F. W. and Corley, R. N. Prentice-Hall, The Accounting Review, January, 1981, Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 246 - 248.


Social Studies of Information Technology Workshop, London School of Economics, “Design of a Visual Thinking Language” March, 2006.

Keynote Speech, European Academy of Management, Munich, “Managing as Designing” May, 2005

Symposium on Mediated Practice, Department of Communication, University of California, San Diego, “ Mind Eats Body and other Tales of Terror from Distributed Mediated Cognition”, February, 2002

Hightower Distinquished Lecture Series, Goizueta School of Business, Emory University “Ecology of Distributed Mediated Practice”., April, 2002

Research Symposium on Workplace Transformation, Finnish Technology Agency (TEKES) Helsinki, “Space, Time and Technology in the Modern Workplace”, September, 2002.

Social Studies of Information Technology Workshop, London School of Economics, “ The Everyday Experience of Virtuality,” March, 2001.

The Eighth Daniel Alpert Lecture, "Knowledge Work Gone Adrift in the Information Age", University of Illinois at Urban- Champaign, April 1996.

Keynote Speech for the International Conference on Information Systems Doctoral Consortium, "I am the Object of your Desire", Cleveland, Ohio, December, 1996.

Invited Plenary Speaker, " Images of Accounting and Information Technologies", Norwegian Conference on Computers and Organizations, University of Trondheim, Norway, July 1995.

Keynote Speech, The Administrative Science Association of Canada Annual Meeting, "Images of Accounting and Information Technologies", Windsor, Ontario, June 1995.


R. J. Boland, “Organization Designing”, NYU/IOS NSF Workshop on Organiziation Design, New York, June 2004

R. J. Boland and Kalle Lyytinen, “Theory as Design” IFIP 8.2 Conference on Research Methods, Manchester, UK, July 2004

R. J. Boland, Managing as Designing, International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management Annual Convention, Gothenburg, Sweden, July, 2004

Yan Lou, Kalle Lyytinen and R. J. Boland, “Systemic Risk Control” International Conference on Information Systems, Washington DC, December, 2004

R. J. Boland and Alex Citurs, “Work as the Making of Time and Space” International Conference on Spacing and Timing, Palermo, Italy November, 2001.

R. J. Boland, “The Lonely Individual in a Virtual World” Workshop on Distributed Teams, Florida International University, March, 2001

R. J. Boland and R. V. Tenkasi, "Metaphor and the Embodied Mind", The Conference on Language and Organizational Change, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, May, 1999

R. J. Boland and R. V. Tenkasi, "Working Collaboratively across Intranets and the Internet: Technologies for Sensemaking and Interpretation of Knowledge" Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago. IL, August, 1999.

R. J. Boland, "The Tyranny of Space in Organization Analysis" IFIP 8.2 Conference on New Information Technologies in Organizational Processes, St. Louis, August 1999

R. J. Boland, "Narrative as Method in Researching Organizational Practice", International Conference on Information Systems, Helsinki, Finland, December, 1998.

Anil Maheshwari and R. J. Boland, "Computer Mediated Representation and the Experience of Self Reflection" International Conference on Information Systems , Amsterdam, December, 1995.

R. J. Boland and Ulrike Schultze, "From Work to Activity: Technology and the Narrative of Progress", IFIP Conference on Information Technology and Work, University of Cambridge, December, 1995.

R. J. Boland and R. Bricker, “Financial Analyst Reports as the Social Construction of Corporate and Management Identities”, European Accounting Association, Birmingham, United Kingdom, May, 1995.

Anil Maheshwari and R. J. Boland, "Computer Mediated Representation and the Experience of Self Reflection" International Conference on Information Systems , Amsterdam, December, 1995.

Invited Presentation, "Images of Accounting and Information Technologies", Conference on Management Accounting and Corporate Strategy, Copenhagen Business School, October, 1995.

Invited Presentation, “Institutional Pressures and Ethical Issues for the Practicing Accountants”, American Accounting Association Conference on Professional Ethics, Binghamton, NY, June, 1994.

R. J. Boland and R. Bricker, "Financial Analysts and the Shaping of Corporate and Management Identities", The Social Construction of Industries and Markets, Chicago: Illinois, April, 1994.

R. J. Boland and U. Schultze, "Beyond Activity Based Costing: Rewriting its Narrative Foundation", Symposium on Management Accounting: Beyond Activity Based Costing, European Accounting Association Annual Congress, Venice, Italy, April, 1994.

Panel member on "Alternative Perspectives on Information Systems Research: Social, Ethical and Epistemological Issues" and "Editors' Panel: Research Directions in Accounting Information Systems", AIS Research Symposium, Phoenix, Arizona, February, 1994.

Panel member on "Meet the Editors", International Conference on Information Systems, Orlando, Florida, December, 1993.

Panel member on "Ethnographic Research Methods in Accounting", Midwest AAA Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, April, 1993.

Panel member on "Methodological Issues and Structuration Theory", International Conference on Information Systems, Dallas, Texas, December, 1992.

R. J. Boland, "Decision Making in Organizations of the Future", Conference on Effective Use of Information Technology, Center for Executive Systems, University College, Dublin, October, 14, 1992.

R. J. Boland and R. V. Tenkasi, "Postmodernism and Information System Design", National Academy of Management, Las Vegas, Nevada, August, 1992.

Panel member on "Language of System Development", International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP) WG 8.2, University of Minnesota, June, 1992.

R. J. Boland, "In Search of Management Accounting" European Institute of Advanced Studies in Management Workshop on Accounting and Organizational Control, Madrid, June, 1991.

W. Dilla, M. Leatherwood and R. Boland ,"A Process Analysis of Distributed Decision Making" with TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting, Philadelphia, October 1990.

Panel Member on Qualitative Research Methods, International Conference on Information Systems, Copenhagen, December 1990.

D. Te'eni, R. Boland and D. Schwartz, "Knowledge Elicitation for Strategic Planning Decisions", TIMS/ORSA Joint National Meeting, Nashville, May 1991.

R. J. Boland, "Accounting and the Interpretive Act" University of Iowa, Program on the Rhetoric of Inquiry, Accounting and the Humanities - The Appeal of Other Voices: Studies in Accounting as a Human Practice, September 22-23, 1989.

R. J. Boland, R. Greenberg and I. Han, "Relevance of Accounting Data and Incidence of Problem Reformulation by Managers" European Accounting Association Annual Congress, Stuttgart, April, 1989.

R. J. Boland and T. O'Leary, "Behind the Accountant: Images of Accountants and Information Technology in Advertising, 1910 - 1970", Second Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Accounting Conference, University of Manchester, England,

June 10 - 13, 1988.

R. J. Boland, "Metaphorical Traps on the Road to Human Progress through Information Systems" International Federation of Information Processing Societies, W.6. 8.2, Atlanta, Georgia, May 8, 1987.

R. J. Boland, "The Coming Hermeneutic Turn in Accounting Research", 8th Annual Big Ten Universities Doctoral Consortium, University of illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 1987.

R. J. Boland, "Integrating Professionalism and Ethics into the Accounting Curriculum", American Accounting Association Western Regional Meeting, Sacramento, CA, April 1987.

R. J. Boland, "Implications of Institutional Theory for Accounting Research", American Accounting Association Western Regional Meeting, April, 1986.

R. J. Boland, "Accounting and the Reproduction of Culture: Budgets and the Process of Structuration", European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management Workshop on Accounting and Culture, Amsterdam, June 5 - 7, 1985.

R. J. Boland, "Phenomenology: A Preferred Method of Research on Information Systems", International Federal of Information Processing Societies, W.6. 8.2, Manchester, England, September 1 - 3, 1984.

R. J. Boland and L. R. Pondy, "Micro Dynamics of a Budget Cutting Process", University of Wisconsin Conference on Accounting in its Organizational Context, Madison, July 12 - 15, 1984.

R. J. Boland and L. R. Pondy, "Toward an Interactive Model of the Rational and National Aspects of Accounting in its Organizational Context", presented at the UCLA Conference on Accounting Research, July 29 - 31, 1981.

R. J. Boland, "Experiencing Information Systems as a Strategy of Organization Design", paper presented at The Institute of Management Science/Operations Research Society of America, National Meeting, Colorado Springs, November, 1980.

R. J. Boland, "Organizational Sense Making and Alternative Accounting Systems", paper presented at the Academy of Management National Meeting, August 11 - 13, 1980, Detroit, Michigan.

R. J. Boland, "Some Ethical Considerations in Designing an Organizations Information System", paper presented at the First National Conference on Engineering Ethics, June 20 - 22, 1980, Troy, New York.

R. J. Boland and S. H. Park, "A Dilemma in Information System Design", paper presented at the Joint National Meeting of The institute of Management Science, Operations Research Society of America, New Orleans, May, 1979.

R. J. Boland, "Control Causality and Information Requirement", paper presented at the Joint National Meeting of TIMS/ORSA, New York, May 1978.

R. J. Boland and S. H. Park, "Exploring the Limits of Models", paper presented at the Midwest AAA Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, April 1978.

R. J. Boland, "Policy as a Design Process", presented at the Interdisciplinary Faculty Seminar Series, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, April, 1977.

R. J. Boland, "Improving the Problem Definition Phase of System Implementation: A Learning Model Based Strategy", presented at the International Conference on the Implementation of Management Science in Social Organizations, University of Pittsburgh, February, 1976.


University College Dublin, November, 2006

University of Oulu, May, 2006

Copenhagen Business School, May, 2006

Rotterdam University, May 2006

University of Southern California, November, 2005

UCI-MIT Workshop on Distributed Cognition, Laguna Beach, April, 2004.

London School of Economics and Political Science, Social Studies of Technology, November, 2002.

University of Manchester, Department of Accounting and Finance, November 2002.

University of Oslo, Department of Informatics, Olso, Norway, October 2002.

Helsinki University of Art and Design, Project on Workspace Design, September 2002.

University of Helsinki, Center for Activity Theory Research, September, 2002.

University College Dublin, Department of Information Systems, Dublin, Ireland, September 2002.

University of Pretoria, School of Information Science, October, 2001

Arizona State University, Department of Accounting Research Seminar, April 2001

Stern School of Business, New York University, Roy Radner’s Interdisciplinary Faculty Research Seminar, March, 2000.

Judge Institute of Management Studies, University of Cambridge, Information Systems Research Seminar, November, 2000.

Free University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, Information Systems Research Seminar, March 1999

UCLA Anderson School of Management, Information Systems Research Seminar, April, 1999

MIT, Department of Organization Studies Research Seminar, April, 1998.

University of Alberta, Department of Accountancy, May, 1998.

Cambridge University, Judge Institute for Management Studies, 1998

University of Orebro, Sweden, September, 1997

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, School of Information Science, April, 1996.

University of Jyvaskyla, Finland, September, 1996

University of Lund, February, 1996

Gothenburg Research Institute, February, 1996

University of Cambridge, October and November, 1995.

University of Warwick, November, 1995

University of Lancaster, November, 1995

University of Southampton, November, 1995

Institute of Technology, Trondheim, Norway, July, 1995

Norwegian Computing Center, Oslo, July, 1995

Georgia State University, May, 1995.

Chalmers Institute of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, October, 1994

Copenhagen School of Business, Copenhagen, Denmark, October, 1994

Ecole Nationale Superiore de Telecommunications, Paris, France, September, 1994.

Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm, Sweden, September, 1994

University of Pretoria and the University of Cape Town, South Africa, November, 1993.

Accounting Research Seminar and Information Systems Research Seminar, University of Houston, February, 1993.

Accounting Research Seminar and Information Systems Research Seminar, Queens University, January, 1993.

Accounting and Finance Research Seminar, University College, Cork, October, 1992.

Information Systems Research Seminar, Judge Institute of Management, University of Cambridge, October, 1992.

Accounting Research Seminar, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, September, 1992.

Information Systems Research Seminar, University of California - Los Angeles, March, 1992

Information Systems Research Seminar, University of Michigan, February, 1992

Information Technologies Group Research Colloquium, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, February, 1991.

Gothenburg School of Economics, Gothenberg, Sweden, December, 1990

University of Lund, Department of Computer and Information Science, May, 1989.

Norwegian School of Economics, Department of Accounting, February, 1989.

National Doctoral Program of Finland, University of Turku, November, 1988.

Norwegian School of Economics, Institute for Information Systems Research, October, 1988.

Stockholm School of Economics, Research Program on Power and Democracy in Sweden, August, 1988.

University of California, Los Angeles, Graduate School of Business, October 1986.

University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology, School of Management, May, 1985.

University of Birmingham, U.K., Department of Accounting and Finance, April, 1983.

University of Bath, U.K., School of Management, April, 1983.

University of East Anglia, U.K., Department of Accounting and Computing Science, March, 1983.

London School of Economics, U.K., Research Colloquium on Systems Analysis, March, 1983.

University of Gothenburg, Sweden, Department of Business Administration, January, 1983.

University of Gothenburg, Sweden, Department of Computer Science, January, 1983.

University of Wisconsin, Madison, Accounting Research Forum, October, 1978.


Accounting, Organizations and Society, Communications of the ACM, Administrative Science Quarterly, Management Science, Journal of Management Studies, Research in Accounting Regulation, Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, Advances in Public Interest Accounting, Information Systems Research, Journal of Information Systems, Management Information Systems Quarterly, Scandinavian Journal of Management, Organization Science, Human Relations


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