Christian Writers Directory: Register by Email

Christian Writers Directory: Register by Email

Due to go live in early March 2015, the Christian Writers Directory is an initiative of UKCBD, the UK Christian Bookshops Directory. The project has three main aims: to help bridge the gap between Christian readers, writers, booksellers and publishers; to help Christian writers develop their online profiles; and to provide a resource for editors, journalists and other researchers searching for information about Christian authors or wanting to commission writers.

This is a subscription based service, standard rate £10 per year (£5 per year for members of ACW, the Association of Christian Writers) — but advance registration, before the Directory goes live, is FREE for ACW members, £5 for non-members.

Please note that to qualify for inclusion you must have either at least one published work to your name or an agreed publisher contract with details of your forthcoming title available, and you must read and agree to the UKCBD Disclaimer, Terms of Use and Privacy Policy:

So what are you waiting for? Please copy the form below into an email or word processor, complete your details then send it to — but hold on one moment: before you press send, be sure to check your grammar, punctuation and spelling very carefully: this will inevitably reflect upon you as a writer.

Most fields are optional, but the more info you supply, the more complete and effective your profile will be.

Afterwards, please print or save a copy for your own records.

Thank you.

Phil Groom,

News Editor & Webmaster, UKCBD



About You

1. Name »

Your location is optional but may be useful for anyone considering inviting you for a book signing, talk or other event — either your full address or simply an area of the country.

2. Location »

3. Phone Numbers (optional — landline and/or mobile) »

4. Skype Name (optional) »

5. Email address (required) »

If included in your profile your email address will be javascript encoded as an anti-spam measure.

6. Include email address in profile? (required) » Yes/No

7. About You (300 - 400 words, less if you prefer) (required)


8. Are you an ACW member? (required) » Yes/No

9. Other Memberships/Qualifications


About Your Writing

10. What kind of writer are you? Eg: Biographer, Devotional Writer, Historian, Humourist, Journalist, Novelist, Poet, Short Story Writer — please specify up to three categories separated by commas:


Please use the following sections to give details of up to 15 items for inclusion in your profile. Please include title, publisher, ISBN, price and source for trade availability if appropriate/known (eg: CLC Wholesale, Gardners, Joining the Dots).

11. Books in Print


12. eBooks Published


13. Books planned


14. Other Writing Published (eg, Magazine/Newspaper articles, poems, short stories)


15. Reviews — please give the details of any online reviews of your books, with URLs on separate lines:


Social Media/Websites

16. Blog URL »

17. Facebook URL »

18. Pinterest ID »

19. Twitter ID »

20. Website URL »


Please enter details for your profile picture and a featured book cover. If no profile picture is specified, a snapshot of your blog or website will be used instead. Alternatively, send attachments but please specify their link destinations here:

21. Photo of you URL (profile picture) »

21a. Link profile pic to... (eg, your blog, facebook page, or website URL) »

22. Book Cover URL - your No.1 book to be prominently featured in your profile »

22a. Link book cover to... (eg, URL for your favourite review or your publisher info page) »

Other Info

23. Specialist interests


24. Available for... (eg: Book Signings, Church or School Visits, Presentations, Reading Groups, Talks...)


25. If any of your books are featured by Speaking Volumes please give details here »

26. Anything else? (eg, interviews, news reports, videos...) »

And finally…

27. Comments (anything entered here will not be included in your profile)



By sending your details, you confirm that you have read and agree to the UKCBD Disclaimer, Terms of Use and Privacy Policy:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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