TR4 Component and Assembly Handling and Shipping ... - Cubic

These are general guidelines provided by Cubic Corp. regarding the TR4 component and assembly handling and shipping from the TR4 Manufacturer to any specified Cubic delivery location. These guidelines are written under the assumption that the manufacturer’s location, due to the nature of their work, currently maintains a high-level of security controls. If for any reason, the manufacturer considers that their location is not securely adequate, please contact Cubic Security for an assessment and/or additional guidelines. It is imperative to follow this TR4 Component and Assembly Handling and Shipping Instruction Checklist. All steps must be completed per shipment. If for any reason devices are separated, another checklist is required.Attach the original completed copy of the Checklist with the shipment, which will be maintained on-site at Cubic inside a secure PCI filling cabinet. Send an advance soft copy to cubicPCIteam@StepInstructionsName(Print and Sign)Date?Component Assembly (secure board, advanced application board)?Device components must be secured when not under construction with access limited to approved parties.?The manufacturing area for these components must be managed and held under access control to authorized parties only.?The manufacturing area for these components must have CCTV monitoring in place allowing for review of access for a period of a minimum of 90 days. ?TR4 Assembly?Assembled TR4’s must be secured when not under construction with access limited to approved parties. ?The manufacturing area for these components must be managed and held under access control to authorized parties only.?The manufacturing area for these components must have CCTV monitoring in place allowing for review of access for a period of a minimum of 90 days.?Each TR4 must be placed in a serialized, bar-coded, tamper-evident bag and can be resealed with red tamper-evident tape during assembly movement. StepInstructionsName(Print and Sign)Date?TR4 Packaging?TR4’s may be removed from controlled storage location(s) only when ready to be packaged.?All TR4’s being packaged together must have their serial numbers recorded.?Place TR4’s into a serialized, bar-coded, tamper-evident bag. Record the serial number(s) on the shipping document/manifest that is e-mailed to Cubic.?Place sealed serialized, bar-coded, tamper-evident bag within the specific packing box. Seal all box seams with red tamper-evident packing tape.?Use only a mainstream bonded and trusted shipping carrier with a proven track record such as UPS, DHL, or USPS.?Shipping carrier must provide locational tracking of packages, in route, as part of the shipping documentation. ?TR4 Shipping ConfirmationThe TR4 Manufacturer, at time of shipment, must provide shipping confirmation via email at cubicPCIteam@ under the subject “TR4 Shipment Confirmation”The shipping confirmation document shall include:Carrier usedShipment tracking numberAll TR4 serial numbers included in the package, andA softcopy of this completed checklist.Package the JSON files and inspection reports (PAT results) for the devices to be uploaded to the CTS CM JSON Collab SharePoint site URL: ................

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