Goal 1: Increase the representation of women in academic ...

Appendix B


The University of Texas at El Paso NSF ADVANCE:

Institutional Transformation for Faculty Diversity

Evaluation Model

Developed by:

Manuela Romero, Ph.D.

Program Evaluator

Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology

The University of Texas at El Paso

Burges Hall 418

El Paso, TX 79968

Goal 1: Increase the representation of women in academic science and engineering careers.

|Objectives |Outcomes |Measures |

|PR1 Policies for support and |By end of grant period, the |Determine existing number of tenure-track and tenured women by college and department. |

|retention |total number of female faculty| |

|PR2 Support recruitment efforts |will increase by at least 16% |Track departmental/college turnover by year. |

|PR3 Provide research support |in the participating colleges.| |

|FD1 Expand FMPW to include leadership| |Develop entry survey to track decision-making process for choosing UTEP and evaluate attractiveness of UTEP policies. Survey |

|development and feedback on climate | |should include basic demographic information to include graduate school and previous experience (e.g. create baseline to measure |

|change | |involvement in professional associations). |

|Cl1 College/Department action plans | | |

|to remove barriers to recruitment, | |Pre-measures for Policy Implications |

|retention and advancement | |Outline existing policies |

|Cl3 Establish inter-departmental | |Gather data (interviews) on informal practices |

|communication processes | | |

|IA2 Define strategies for change | |Ongoing measures for Policy Implications |

| | |Develop and/or modify policies |

| | |Collect data regarding policies at other universities and women/family-friendly organizations |

| | |Conduct interviews with existing faculty (e.g. focus groups) about the types of policies they would like to see in existence |

| | |Conduct similar interviews with department chairs and/or college deans. |

| | |Implement policies |

| | |Establish criteria for measuring success |

| | |Possible measures of success: |

| | |Interview/focus groups guidelines and/or survey to determine satisfaction with policies |

| | | |

| | |Pre-measure for assessment of Climate |

| | |Develop survey to track climate specific to UTEP |

| | |Determine climate areas for study (e.g. communication mechanisms, satisfaction with t/r/s, etc.) |

| | |Determine use of UT system assessment conducted last year |

| | |Review surveys conducted at other Universities |

| | |Supplement survey with interviews and focus groups |

| | |Identify strategies for change |

| | | |

| | |Create strategies for devising departmental action plans and ways in which success of the plans can be measured |

Goal 2: Increase the advancement (recruitment and promotion) of women in academic science and engineering careers.

|Objectives |Outcomes |Measures |

|PR1 Policies for support and retention |By end of the grant |Longitudinal analysis by gender (and possibly ethnicity) |

|PR3 Provide research support |period, women will receive|Life tables for the last year 5 years (pre) and the next 5 years (ongoing and post) |

|FD1 Expand FMPW to include leadership development and feedback |tenure at the same rate as|Following each entry cohort through the tenure/exit process for each of the ten years |

|on climate change |men. |Analysis across department, colleges, and or University. |

|FD2 Develop model that defines strategies for interweaving r/t/s| | |

|and promoting leadership | |Create exit survey |

|Cl1 College/Department action plans to remove barriers to | | |

|recruitment, retention and advancement | |Create tenure survey |

|IA2 Define strategies for change | | |

| | |Ongoing measures |

|FD1 Expand FMPW to include leadership development and feedback |By the end of the grant |Follow tenure cohort through tenure year |

|on climate change |period, women will be |Number of women and men eligible for tenure |

|FD2 Develop model that defines strategies for interweaving r/t/s|promoted to full professor|Number of women and men receiving tenure |

|and promoting leadership |at the same rate as men. |Number of women and men exiting |

|FD3 Synergy between tenured and tenure-track faculty that | |Follow with exit survey |

|benefits mentor’s advancement | | |

|Cl1 College/Department action plans to remove barriers to | |Ongoing measures |

|recruitment, retention and advancement | | |

|IA2 Define strategies for change | | |

Goal 2: (continuted).

|Objectives |Outcomes |Measures |

|FD1 Expand FMPW to include leadership development and feedback |By the end of the grant period, the |Number of women and men in administration for the last five years |

|on climate change |percentage of women in administration will| |

|FD2 Develop model that defines strategies for interweaving r/t/s|increase from 20% to 35%. |Number of women and men in administration throughout the five years of the grant |

|and promoting leadership | | |

|FD3 Synergy between tenured and tenure-track faculty that | |Number of women leaving administration |

|benefits mentor’s advancement | |Develop interview guideline on reasons for leaving and experiences in administration |

|Cl1 College/Department action plans to remove barriers to | | |

|recruitment, retention and advancement | |Ongoing measures |

|IA2 Define strategies for change | | |

|FD1 Expand FMPW to include leadership development and feedback |By the end of the grant period, at least |Track composition of key committees for last five years (or at least last year). |

|on climate change |40% of the membership on key university | |

|FD2 Develop model that defines strategies for interweaving r/t/s|committees will be women. |Follow composition of key committees for the next five years |

|and promoting leadership | |Develop interview guideline on experience while on committees |

|FD3 Synergy between tenured and tenure-track faculty that | | |

|benefits mentor’s advancement | |Ongoing measures |

|Cl1 College/Department action plans to remove barriers to | | |

|recruitment, retention and advancement | | |

|IA2 Define strategies for change | | |

|FD1 Expand FMPW to include leadership development and feedback |By the end of the grant period, all junior|Develop a third-year assessment (which ties in closely with entry-level assessment) |

|on climate change |women faculty who have been at UTEP at | |

|FD2 Develop model that defines strategies for interweaving r/t/s|least three years will be active in one or|Ongoing measures |

|and promoting leadership |more of their discipline’s professional | |

|IA2 Define strategies for change |association. | |

Goal 3: Apply the Initiative to create climate change at UTEP and to transfer to other institutions.

|Objectives |Outcomes |Measures |

|All objectives |By the end of the grant period, the processes that have |Analysis of data |

| |been put into place at UTEP will have met Goals 1 and 2 | |

| | |Evaluate success of Goals 1 & 2 |

| | | |

| | |Determine if practices of participating departments flowed to other |

| | |departments |

|CL4 Identify and share best practices |By the end of the grant period, the processes described |Ongoing publications (ideas below) |

|IA3 Oversee all grant initiatives |in the proposal and best practices will appear in |Process |

| |peer-reviewed publications. |Best practices |

| | |Implementation |

|Cl1 College/Department action plans to remove barriers to |By the end of the grant period, 80% of target |Re-administer pre-assessments and make comparisons |

|recruitment, retention and advancement |departments will have indicated improved departmental | |

|Cl2 Involve faculty in assessment |climates for workforce diversity. |Determine if practices of participating departments flowed to other |

|Cl3 Ongoing communication between departments | |departments |

|IA1 Initiate policy change | | |

|IA2 Define strategies for change | | |

|Cl1 College/Department action plans to remove barriers to |By the end of the grant period, 80% of participating |Evaluate action plans across participating departments |

|recruitment, retention and advancement |departments will have created action plans that target a| |

|Cl2 Involve faculty in assessment |diverse faculty. |Determine if practices of participating departments flowed to other |

|Cl3 Ongoing communication between departments | |departments |

|IA1 Initiate policy change | | |

|IA2 Define strategies for change | | |

|CL4 Identify and share best practices |By the end of the grant period, UTEP leaders and faculty|Review data |

|IA3 Oversee all grant initiatives |in participating departments will have been informed of | |

| |best practices, initiatives and support |Determine if practices of participating departments flowed to other |

| | |departments |


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