André Franco - Administration

André Franco



|Schedule: 90 Minutes | |

| | |

|Day 1 | |

| | | |

|• Learn about the first day of school in Spanish-speaking countries | |EQ: |

|• Review vocabulary for personal characteristics and descriptions | | |

|• Read and demonstrate comprehension of review vocabulary and concepts | |How am I and you like? |

|• Review the use of adjectives | | |

|• Use adjectives to describe oneself and others orally and in writing | | |

|• Listen to and understand descriptions about students | | |

|• Use a visual prompt for writing | |Georgia Standards: |

|• Review the verb ser | | |

|• Use the present-tense forms of ser to complete a paragraph | |C3: The students develop |

|• Use ser to describe people | |a better understanding of the |

|• Review adjectives for nationalities | |English language through the |

| | |study of the target language. |

|Vocabulary: Review vocabulary | | |

| | |A. Compare vocabulary usage and |

|Technology: CD player, overhead/LCD projector | |structural patterns of the target|

| | |language with English. |

|Pacing: 130 minutes | | |

| | |MLII.CU1: The students understand|

| | |perspectives, practices, and |

| | |products of the cultures where |

| | |the target language is spoken and|

| | |how they are interrelated. |

| | | |

| | |A. Participate in real or |

| | |simulated cultural events, such |

| | |as family activities and |

| | |holiday celebrations. |

| | | |

| | |B. Identify patterns of behavior |

| | |typically associate with |

| | |cultures, such as eating |

| | |and shopping customs, leisure |

| | |activities, and celebration of |

| | |national holidays. |

| | | |

| | |MLII.INT1: The students |

| | |understand spoken and written |

| | |language on new and familiar |

| | |topics presented through a |

| | |variety of media in the target |

| | |language, including authentic |

| | |materials. |

| | | |

| | |A. Identify main ideas and |

| | |essential details when reading |

| | |and listening. |

| | | |

| | |D. Demonstrate Novice-Mid to |

| | |Novice-High proficiency in |

| | |listening and reading |

| | |comprehension. |

|1. |WARM-UP/ASSESS (10 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |


| |• Chapter Opener (p. 1) | | |

| |Present the Chapter Opener and use it as an opportunity for you and your students to get to| | |

| |know each other. | | |

| |• Fondo cultural: El primer día de clases (p. xxxviii) | | |

| |Go over the information and have students respond to the question. | | |

|2. |PRESENT/PRACTICE (75 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Grammar, Cap. PE |

| |• Presentation: ¿Cómo eres tú? (p. 2) | |[pic] TRB: Cap. PE, Audio Script |

| |Play Track 1. Review vocabulary and grammar for personal characteristics and descriptions. | |[pic] Answers on Transparencies: Cap. PE, |

| |• Actividad 1 Los chicos (p. 2) | |Act. 1 Answers |

| |Students demonstrate reading comprehension by answering questions. | |[pic] Answers on Transparencies: Cap. PE, |

| |• Presentation: Adjectives (p. 3) | |Act. 4 Answers |

| |Present the grammar box about adjectives. | |[pic] Act. 1 Answers, Cap. PE |

| |• Actividad 2 Y tú, ¿cómo eres? (p. 3) | |[pic] Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: |

| |Students describe themselves and others orally and in writing. | |Transparency 21 |

| |• Actividad 3 ¿Cómo son? (p. 3) | |[pic] WAVA: Cap. PE, Audio Activity 1 |

| |Students use adjectives to describe people. | |[pic] WAVA Answer Key: Cap. PE, Audio |

| |• Actividad 4 Dos jóvenes (p. 4) | |Activity 1 |

| |Play Track 2. Students listen to and read descriptions of students and demonstrate | |[pic] Act. 4 Audio, Cap. PE |

| |comprehension. | | |

| |• Actividad 5 ¿Y cómo son tú y tus amigos? (p. 4) | | |

| |Students write descriptions of themselves and others. | | |

| |• Actividad 6 Amigos y primos (p. 4) | | |

| |Students read a conversation between two people in an illustration and write a similar | | |

| |conversation between two other people. | | |


| |• If students have direct experience in attending school in another country, have them | | |

| |share information about the start and end dates of a typical year, or the daily schedules. | | |


| |• Have students take pictures of people at school demonstrating each trait reviewed on p. | | |

| |2. Label each picture with a sentence identifying the trait and use them to make a poster | | |

| |or a slide show. | | |

| |• Have students treat Actividad 5 as if it were a magazine article. They should include a | | |

| |photo, write a title for the interview, and present the interview to make it look like it | | |

| |came from a magazine. | | |


| |• Make an overhead of the Gramática chart on p. 3 and add photos or drawings of males and | | |

| |females to help students grasp the gender and number distinctions underlying adjective | | |

| |agreement. Give this to students as a handout. | | |


| |• Using the script for Actividad 4, create a chart for hearing impaired students. In the | | |

| |first column, list the dictated sentences. In the second column, have students write c for | | |

| |cierta if the information is true. If it is false, have them rewrite the sentence with | | |

| |correct information. | | |

|3. |PRESENT/PRACTICE | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Grammar, Cap. PE |

| |• Presentation: The verb ser (p. 5) | |[pic] Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: |

| |Present the grammar box about the verb ser. | |Transparency 22 |

| |• Actividad 7 Así son los compañeros de Alejandro (p. 5) | |[pic] Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: |

| |Students use the present-tense forms of ser to complete a paragraph. | |Transparency 23 |

| |• Actividad 8 ¿Y cómo son tus compañeros? (p. 5) | |[pic] Answers on Transparencies: Cap. PE, |

| |Students use ser to write descriptions of friends. | |Act. 7 Answers |

| |• Actividad 9 Juego (p. 5) | |[pic] Act. 7 Answers, Cap. PE |

| |Students describe people in the context of a guessing game. | |[pic] Pre-AP* Resource Book: Listening |

| |• Exploración del lenguaje: Nationalities (p. 6) | |Strategies |

| |Learn about Spanish adjectives for nationalities. | |[pic] Pre-AP* Resource Book: Writing |

| |• Presentación escrita: Steps 1, 5 (p. 13) | |Strategies |

| |Have students begin Step 1 in class. Explain to students how the presentation will be | |[pic] Pre-AP* Resource Book: Speaking |

| |graded. | |Strategies |


| |• Photocopy the nationalities chart on p. 6 and distribute to students. Have students | | |

| |analyze the chart to form general rules about how nationality adjectives are formed. Have | | |

| |them color-code the different forms and then come up with general rules and exceptions. | | |

|4. |WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (5 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Core Practice Activity: P-1 |

| |• Presentación escrita: Step 2 (p. 13) | |[pic] Core Practice Activity: P-1 Answers |

| |Have students begin Step 2 in class or for homework. | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: PE |

| |• Core Practice Workbook P-1 | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes |

| |Assign P-1 for homework or in-class work. | |Answer Key: PE |

| |• (p. 4) | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities: Vocabulary|

| |Have students go online at home or in class for more practice with adjectives. | |Flash Cards, Vocabulary Check |

| |HERITAGE LANGUAGE LEARNERS | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities: PE-1, |

| |• Realidades para hispanohablantes: ¿Cómo eres tú?, PE. Assign for homework or in-class | |Adjectives |

| |work. | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities: PE-2, |


| |• Guided Practice Activities: Vocabulary Flash Cards, Vocabulary Check. Have students fill| |[pic] Guided Practice Activities Answer Key:|

| |in vocabulary flash cards as in-class work or homework. | |Vocabulary Flash Cards, Vocabulary Check |

| |• Guided Practice Activities: Adjectives. Have students complete guided practice | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities Answer Key:|

| |activities for homework or in-class work to reinforce grammar concepts for extra practice.| |PE-1, Adjectives |

| | | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities Answer Key:|

| | | |PE-2, Adjectives |

|5. |WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Pre-AP* Resource Book: Listening |

| |• Presentación escrita: Step 2 (p. 13) | |Strategies |

| |Have students begin Step 2 in class or for homework. | |[pic] Pre-AP* Resource Book: Writing |

| |• Core Practice Workbook P-2 | |Strategies |

| |Assign P-2 for homework or in-class work. | |[pic] Pre-AP* Resource Book: Speaking |

| |• (p. 5) | |Strategies |

| |Have students go online at home or in class for more practice with the verb ser. | |[pic] Core Practice Activity: P-2 |

| |• (p. 7) | |[pic] Core Practice Activity: P-2 |

| |Have students go online at home or in class for more practice with nationalities. | |Answers |

| |STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities: PE-3, |

| |• Guided Practice Activities: The verb ser. Have students complete guided practice activities | |The verb ser |

| |for homework or in-class work to reinforce grammar concepts for extra practice. | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities Answer |

| | | |Key: PE-3, The verb ser |

| |Mr. Franco’s Blog: | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |: | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Blogueando para aprender: | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Colby College (Maine): | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |BBC “Mi vida loca”: | | |

| | | | |

|6. |PROJECT PE-1 (40 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |Cut out photos of people from magazines. Number them and post them around the room. Type | | |

| |up a handout that has a description to match each photo. Have students walk around the | | |

| |room and match the descriptions to the photos. Ask them to write an additional sentence | | |

| |for each photo’s description. | | |

|Schedule: 90 Minutes | |

| | |

|Day 2 | |

|• Ask and tell where someone is from | | |

|• Summarize information from a chart | |EQ: |

|• Review vocabulary for leisure activities and likes and dislikes | |What do you |

|• Read and listen to activities and demonstrate comprehension | |like to do? |

|• Review the present tense of regular verbs | | |

|• Use the present tense of regular verbs to complete a paragraph | | |

|• Review interrogative words | | |

|• Ask and answer questions about activities and writing summaries | | |

|• Write, read, and respond to questions about activities | |Georgia Standards: |

|• Ask and tell where one goes and how often | | |

| | |C3: The students develop a|

|Vocabulary: Review vocabulary | |better understanding of the |

|Technology: CD player, overhead/LCD projector | |English language through the |

|Pacing: 130 minutes | |study of the target language. |

| | | |

| | |A. Compare vocabulary usage and |

| | |structural patterns of the target|

| | |language with English. |

| | | |

| | |MLII.CU1: The students understand|

| | |perspectives, practices, and |

| | |products of the cultures where |

| | |the target language is spoken and|

| | |how they are interrelated. |

| | | |

| | |B. Identify patterns of behavior |

| | |typically associate with |

| | |cultures, such as eating |

| | |and shopping customs, leisure |

| | |activities, and celebration of |

| | |national holidays. |

| | | |

| | |MLII.INT1: The students exchange |

| | |spoken and written information in|

| | |the target language, utilizing |

| | |cultural references where |

| | |appropriate. |

| | | |

| | |A. Express needs and |

| | |preferences. |

| | | |

| | |B. Express feelings and emotions.|

|1. |WARM-UP/ASSESS (10 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Core Practice Activity: P-1 |

| |• Homework check | |[pic] Core Practice Activity: P-1 Answers |

| |Review the previous day’s homework assignment. Go over any recurring errors that students| |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: PE |

| |may have made, reteaching as necessary. | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes |

| | | |Answer Key: PE |

| | | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities: Vocabulary|

| | | |Flash Cards, Vocabulary Check |

| | | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities: PE-1, |

| | | |Adjectives |

| | | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities: PE-2, |

| | | |Adjectives |

| | | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities Answer Key:|

| | | |Vocabulary Flash Cards, Vocabulary Check |

| | | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities Answer Key:|

| | | |PE-1, Adjectives |

| | | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities Answer Key:|

| | | |PE-2, Adjectives |

|2. |WARM-UP/ASSESS | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Core Practice Activity: P-2 |

| |• Actividad 10 Una población diversa (p. 6) | |[pic] Core Practice Activity: P-2 Answers |

| |Students summarize information from a chart about the Spanish-speaking population in the | |[pic] QuickTake Quiz P-1 |

| |United States. | | |


| |• For Actividad 10, make a transparency of the Conexiones activity. Explain that a bar | | |

| |graph presents information in a visual format, making comparisons more apparent. | | |

|3. |WARM-UP/ASSESS (15 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: |

| |• Actividad 11 ¿De dónde son? (p. 7) | |Transparencies 12-20 |

| |Working with a partner, students ask and tell where someone is from. | |[pic] Answers on Transparencies: Cap. PE, |

| |• Actividad 12 ¿Y de dónde eres tú? (p. 7) | |Act. 11 Answers |

| |Working with a partner, students ask and tell where someone is from. | |[pic] Act. 11 Answers, Cap. PE |

| | | |[pic] WAVA: Cap. PE, Writing Activity 4 |

| | | |[pic] WAVA Answer Key: Cap. PE, Writing |

| | | |Activity 4 |

|4. |PRESENT/PRACTICE (60 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Grammar, Cap. PE |

| |• Presentation: ¿Qué haces? (p. 8) | |[pic] Act. 13 Audio, Cap. PE |

| |Play Track 5. Review vocabulary for leisure activities and likes and dislikes. | |[pic] TRB: Cap. PE, Audio Script |

| |• Actividad 13 Paula y Pepe (p. 8) | |[pic] Answers on Transparencies: Cap. PE, |

| |Play Track 6. Students listen to statements about activities and demonstrate comprehension.| |Act. 13 Answers |

| |• Presentation: Present tense of regular verbs (p. 9) | |[pic] Answers on Transparencies: Cap. PE, |

| |Present the grammar box about the present tense of regular verbs. | |Act. 14 Answers |

| |• Actividad 14 ¿Qué hace Claudio los fines de semana? (p. 9) | |[pic] Answers on Transparencies: Cap. PE, |

| |Students use the present tense of regular verbs to complete a paragraph. | |Act. 15 Answers |

| |• Actividad 15 Unas preguntas (p. 10) | |[pic] Vocabulary & Grammar Transparencies: |

| |Students use interrogative words to complete the sentences. | |Transparency 24 |

| |• Presentación escrita: Steps 1, 5 (p. 13) | |[pic] WAVA: Cap. PE, Audio Activity 2 |

| |Have students begin Step 1 in class. Explain to students how the presentation will be | |[pic] WAVA Answer Key: Cap. PE, Audio |

| |graded. | |Activity 2 |

| |STUDENTS WITH LEARNING DIFFICULTIES | |[pic] Act. 14 Answers, Cap. PE |

| |• Give students three sets of index cards: one set with subjects and subject pronouns, one | | |

| |with the regular stems, and a third with the regular verb endings. Have them draw random | | |

| |cards from the first two sets, and then choose the correct ending from the third set. | | |


| |• Have students prepare a four-season guide to recreational activities in your area for | | |

| |Spanish-speaking tourists. | | |


| | | |[pic] Act. 15 Answers, Cap. PE |

|6. |PRESENT/PRACTICE | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Pre-AP* Resource Book: Writing |

| |• Actividad 16 ¿A menudo o nunca? (p. 10) | |Strategies |

| |Working with a partner, students ask and answer questions about activities and write | |[pic] WAVA: Cap. PE, Writing Activity 5 |

| |summaries of their conversation. | |[pic] WAVA: Cap. PE, Writing Activity 6 |

| |• Actividad 17 Dos preguntas, por favor (p. 10) | |[pic] WAVA Answer Key: Cap. PE, Writing |

| |Working with a partner, students write, read, and respond to questions about activities. | |Activity 5 |

| |• Actividad 18 Tu tiempo libre (p. 11) | |[pic] WAVA Answer Key: Cap. PE, Writing |

| |Working with a partner, students ask and tell where they go and how often. | |Activity 6 |

| |• Presentación escrita: Step 3 (p. 13) | | |

| |Have students complete Step 3 in class. | | |


| |• If students have difficulty with the interrogative words, give them a simple chart that | | |

| |makes the relationship clear between the interrogative and the type of information | | |

| |elicited. | | |

|7. |WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (5 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Core Practice Activity: P-3 |

| |• Core Practice Workbook P-3 | |[pic] Core Practice Activity: P-3 Answers |

| |Assign P-3 for homework or in-class work. | |[pic] Core Practice Activity: P-4 |

| |• Presentación escrita: Step 4 (p. 13) | |[pic] Core Practice Activity: P-4 Answers |

| |Have students complete Step 4 in class or for homework. | |[pic] Pre-AP* Resource Book: Writing |

| |• Core Practice Workbook P-4 | |Strategies |

| |Assign P-4 for homework or in-class work. | | |

| |• (p. 12) | | |

| |Have students go online at home or in class for more practice with regular verbs. | | |

|8. |WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS | |Targeted Resources |

| |HERITAGE LANGUAGE LEARNERS | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes: PE|

| |• Realidades para hispanohablantes: ¿Qué haces?, PE. Assign for homework or in-class work. | | |

| |STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS | |[pic] REALIDADES para hispanohablantes |

| |• Guided Practice Activities: Vocabulary Flash Cards, Vocabulary Check. Have students fill in| |Answer Key: PE |

| |vocabulary flash cards as in-class work or homework. | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities: |

| |• Guided Practice Activities: Present tense of regular verbs. Have students complete guided | |Vocabulary Flash Cards, Vocabulary Check |

| |practice activities for homework or in-class work to reinforce grammar concepts for extra | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities: PE-4, |

| |practice. | |Present tense of regular verbs |

| |• Guided Practice Activities: Presentación escrita. Have students complete guided practice | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities: PE-5 and|

| |activity for homework or in-class work. | |PE-6, Presentación escrita |

| | | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities: PE-5 and|

| |Mr. Franco’s Blog: | |PE-6, Presentación escrita |

| | | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities Answer |

| | | |Key: Vocabulary Flash Cards, Vocabulary |

| |: | |Check |

| | | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities Answer |

| | | |Key: PE-4, Present tense of regular verbs |

| |Blogueando para aprender: | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities Answer |

| | | |Key: PE-5 and PE-6, Presentación escrita |

| | | |[pic] Guided Practice Activities Answer |

| |Colby College (Maine): | |Key: PE-5 and PE-6, Presentación escrita |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |BBC “Mi vida loca”: | | |

| | | | |

|9. |PROJECT PE-1 (40 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |Cut out photos of people from magazines. Number them and post them around the room. Type | | |

| |up a handout that has a description to match each photo. Have students walk around the | | |

| |room and match the descriptions to the photos. Ask them to write an additional sentence | | |

| |for each photo’s description. | | |

|Schedule: 90 Minutes | |

| | |

|Day 3 | |

| | |EQ: |

|• Read an article about Enrique Iglesias and demonstrate comprehension | |Quién es |

|• Describe images using reviewed vocabulary and grammar | |Enrique Iglesias? |

|• Revise and publish a poem in the shape of a diamond | | |

|• Write about and discuss activities | | |

|• Begin reviewing vocabulary about classes, supplies, and objects found in school | | |

| | |Georgia Standards: |

|Vocabulary: Review vocabulary | | |

|Technology: Overhead/LCD projector | |C3: The students develop a|

|Pacing: 130 minutes | |better understanding of the |

| | |English language through the |

| | |study of the target language. |

| | | |

| | |A. Compare vocabulary usage and |

| | |structural patterns of the target|

| | |language with English. |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |MLII.CU1: The students understand|

| | |perspectives, practices, and |

| | |products of the cultures where |

| | |the target language is spoken and|

| | |how they are interrelated. |

| | | |

| | |C. Examine the influence of the |

| | |geography of the countries |

| | |studied on cultural elements such|

| | |as food, clothing, dwellings, |

| | |transportation, language, and |

| | |art. |

| | | |

| | |MLII.IP1: The students exchange |

| | |spoken and written information in|

| | |the target language, utilizing |

| | |cultural references where |

| | |appropriate. |

| | | |

| | |D. Give descriptions. |

| | | |

| | |G. Ask questions and provide |

| | |responses about plans and events.|

| | | |

| | | |

| | |MLII.IP2: The students |

| | |demonstrate skills necessary to |

| | |initiate, sustain, and close oral|

| | |and written exchanges in the |

| | |target language. |

| | | |

| | |A. Initiate, participate in, and |

| | |close an oral or written |

| | |exchange. |

| | | |

| | |D. Demonstrate Novice-Mid to |

| | |Novice-High proficiency in oral |

| | |and written exchanges with |

| | |respect to proper pronunciation, |

| | |intonation, and writing |

| | |mechanics. |

| | | |

| | | |

|1. |WARM-UP/ASSESS (10 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Core Practice Activity: P-3 |

| |• Homework check | |[pic] Core Practice Activity: P-3 Answers |

| |Review the previous day’s homework assignment. Go over any recurring errors that students | |[pic] Core Practice Activity: P-4 |

| |may have made, reteaching as necessary. | |[pic] Core Practice Activity: P-4 Answers |

| | | |[pic] Pre-AP* Resource Book: Writing |

| | | |Strategies |

|2. |PRESENT/PRACTICE (75 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Answers on Transparencies: Cap. PE, |

| |• Actividad 19 ¡Enrique! (p. 11) | |Act. 19 Answers |

| |Students read an article about Enrique Iglesias and demonstrate comprehension. | |[pic] Act. 19 Answers, Cap. PE |

| |• Actividad 20 Juego (p. 12) | |[pic] WAVA: Cap. PE, Audio Activity 3 |

| |Students describe images in the context of a game. | |[pic] WAVA Answer Key: Cap. PE, Audio |

| |• Actividad 21 Y tú, ¿qué dices? (p. 12) | |Activity 3 |

| |Students write about and discuss activities. | | |

| |• Share Presentación escrita with class (p. 13) | | |

| |Have students share their poems with the class. | | |


| |• Following the model in Actividad 19, have students research a popular entertainer and | | |

| |write a report on his or her life and career. | | |

| |• To extend Actividad 20, ask students to write a letter to a long-lost relative that | | |

| |describes what they typically do on the weekends. Remind students to check their work for | | |

| |spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors. | | |


| |• For Actividad 20, pair advanced learners with visually impaired students. Have the | | |

| |advanced learner briefly describe the illustration. The visually impaired student may then | | |

| |use interrogatives to elicit additional details. | | |

|3. |WRAP-UP/HOMEWORK OPTIONS (5 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |ALL STUDENTS | |[pic] Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 1A,|

| |• (p. 12) | |AVSR Act. 2 Answers |

| |Have students go online at home or in class for more practice with regular verbs. | |[pic] Answers on Transparencies: Cap. 1A,|

| |• A ver si recuerdas… Capítulo 1A (pp. 14-15) | |AVSR Act. 3 Answers |

| |Have students go over the A ver si recuerdas… section of Capítulo 1A in class or for homework| | |

| |to reacquaint themselves with the material that will be reviewed in the next class period. | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Mr. Franco’s Blog: | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |: | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Blogueando para aprender: | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |Colby College (Maine): | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| |BBC “Mi vida loca”: | | |

| | | | |

|4. |PROJECT PE-1 (40 minutes) | |Targeted Resources |

| |Cut out photos of people from magazines. Number them and post them around the room. Type | | |

| |up a handout that has a description to match each photo. Have students walk around the | | |

| |room and match the descriptions to the photos. Ask them to write an additional sentence | | |

| |for each photo’s description. | | |


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