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Chapter 1THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND1.1 IntroductionBody Mass Index (BMI) can approximately calculate the total fats of the person present in the body. It is based on the two variables such as the height and the weight of the person. The most common way of calculatingit is by dividing ones’mass in kilograms or pounds by the square ofthe stature in meters or inches. Present BMI calculators are based on the BMI-for-age chart that contains the height, the weight, and the age brackets in determining the approximate BMI value and its classification.As technology rises, online BMI calculators became available through the internet. This requires the height and the weight of the user, and some asks for age and gender too. After filling up the informations needed, just click the calculate button and then the BMI will be determined. To find out the BMI classification (underweight, normal, overweight and obese), there is a reference chart wherein the range of the designated category will be based. Because of this, manual calculation can now be eliminated.Last April 2014, the Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering students from the Technological University of the Philippines–Taguig Campus successfully created a Microcontroller based BMI Calculator with Database and Monitor Display. The system was designed to get the accurate height and weight of the user and automatically calculate the BMI with the help of the microcontroller. All the data will be saved in the database and could also be printed.1.2 Background of the StudyOverweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may damage health. Body mass index (BMI) is a simple index of weight-for-height that is commonly used to classify the two. The World Health Organization definition is that a BMI greater than or equal to 25 is overweight, and a BMI greater than or equal to 30 is obese.According to the World Health Organization stated on August 2014 article, worldwide obesity has nearly doubled since 1980.In 2008, more than 1.4 billion adults, 20 and older, were overweight. Of these, over 200 million men and nearly 300 million women were obese. Sixty five percent of the world's population living in countries where overweight and obesity kills more people than underweight. More than 40 million children under the age of 5 were overweight or obese in 2012.These two are the leading risks for global deaths. Around 3.4 million adults die each year as a result of being overweight or obese. In addition, 44% of the diabetes burden, 23% of the heart disease burden and between 7% and 41% of certain cancer burdens are attributable to overweight and obesity.In the Philippines, a 2011 survey by the Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) showed that 22.3% of Filipino adults were overweight, and 6.1% were obese. The FNRI-DOST also stated that the problem of obesity was increasing in an alarming rate in the Philippines where 7 out of 10 women and 1 out of 10 men were affected. The occurrence of overweight Filipinos is expected to increase significantly by 2015, which means more health problems ahead. According to the World Health Organization, obesity kills 2.8 million people worldwide while in the Philippines, it accounts for 37,000 deaths annually according to FNRI-DOST.Based on the data gathered by the proponents of the Microcontroller based BMI calculator with Database and Monitor Display,126 TUPT students as the respondents, female students have higher percentage of overweight, obese class 1 and underweight; and lower percentage of normal weight compared to male students. Normal weight percentage for female students was 61.91% only compared to male students having 77.96%. Overweight percentage for female was 28.57% while 15.25% for male. Underweight and obese class1 for women was 4.76% while 3.38% only for men.With those collected informations,it only shows that most people are not conscious about their health status. Thus,the researchersdecided to propose a new version of an automated Body Mass Index calculator by the aid of a microcontroller. It is designed to help obese, overweight and underweight persons to monitor the BMI and its classification. This will also benefit the users to be more aware of possible health diseases that can lead to death because of overweight and underweight conditions. 1.3 Objectives of the Study1.3.1 General Objective:To design and develop a Microcontroller based BMI Calculator.1.3.2 Specific Objectives:1. To design a Microcontroller based BMI calculator with notification through buzzer by means of a microcontroller programmed using C++ language.2. To create a database that will add, updateand save the data for monitoring purposes.3. To print the collected data with a recommendation message depending on the BMI classification using thermal printer.4. To test and assess the accuracy, reliability and functionality of the device including every parts and components used.1.4 Significance of the StudyThis study is worth pursuing because of its capability to provide a device as medical equipment. This will benefit the following:University Clinic.This study can help the University Clinic by providing a device that can accurately measure the height and the weight of a student, automatically calculate the BMI of the user, and easily determine the body status.Professors.This study can help the Physical Education Professors by providing equipment that can automatically calculate the BMI of a freshman student during PE1 subject.Students.This study can help students who are health conscious to monitor their body mass status.1.5 Scope and Delimitation1.5.1 Scope:The weight of the user will be measured through a load cell.The ultrasonic sensor will measure the height of the user.The data from the weighing scale and ultrasonic sensor will be sent to the microcontroller where the calculation of BMI takes place and the result will be displayed in the monitor.The calculated data will be stored in the database and can be viewed for monitoring purposes.All the measurements will be both in Metric and English units.The data stored can be edited or updated.There will be a picture in the program that will show the user’s image. The device is applicable forpersons aged 15 years old and above.The result can be printed using thermal printer. The printed data will have a recommendation message based on the BMI classification. The collected data will be stored in the archive after a year.1.5.2 Delimitation:The maximum height that the ultrasonic sensor can detect is up to 7 feet or 2.13 meters only.The maximum weight that the load cell can measure is up to 770 pounds or 350 kilograms.The device is not applicable for people who cannot stand alone.Chapter 2REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES2.1 Research Literature2.1.1BMI CalculationQuetelet Index of Obesity was introduced by a Belgian statistician named Adolph Queteletin the 19th century. According to his index, BMI is calculated by dividing the weight of a person in kilograms by the square of height in meters. Before 1980, physicians were generally using tables forweight and height estimations and there were different charts formen and women with incorporated ranges of body weightsfor height in inches. But these tables were imperfect as itrelied on weight only, not on the body composition.Currently there is so much advancement in the BMIcalculation like the height and weight is calculatedautomatically with the help of formula and the data is thenautomatically fed in the computer which shows the BMI ofthe person on the monitor screen or on LCD display.Analternative way of calculating Body Mass Index (BMI) has been proposed by mathematician Nick Trefethen, a Professor of Numerical Analysis at Oxford University last January 2013.Current formula: Metric:BMI = weight (kg) / height (m) ^ 2English:BMI = 703 * weight (lb) / height (in) ^ 2New formula: Metric:BMI = 1.3* weight (kg) / height (m) ^ 2.5English:BMI = 5734*weight(lb)/height(in)^2.5The numbers 1.3 and 5734 are designed to make the BMI reading unchanged for an adult of average height.The change means that some tall people previously classified as "overweight" are "normal" under the new proposed formula, and some short people who were "normal" are now "overweight".2.1.2 BMI-for-Age Growth ChartsThe BMI-for-age charts for boys and girls aged 2 to 20 years are a major addition to the new CDC Pediatric Growth Charts. The recommended BMI-for-age cut-offs for teens according to Himes and Dietz (1994) are:≥ 95th percentile=Overweight85th to < 95th percentile=Risk of overweight5th to <85th percentile=Normal< 5th percentile=UnderweightOverweight rather than obesity is the term preferred for describing children andadolescents with a BMI-for-age equal to or greater than the 95th percentile of BMI-for-age.The cut-off for underweight of less than the 5th percentile is based on recommendations bythe World Health Organization Expert Committee in Physical Status on 1996.Figure 2.1 BMI-for-Age Growth Charts for 2-20 years oldFigure 2.2BMI-for-Age Growth Charts for AdultsFor adults, BMI is not age or gender specific and the classification of overweight and underweight is different as it is for children and adolescents. For adults, overweight and underweight categories are defined by fixed BMI cut-points. Clinical guidelines established in 1998 by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute are as follows:BMI less than 18.5=UnderweightBMI of 18.5 through 24.9=NormalBMI of 25.0 through 29.9=OverweightBMI of 30.0 or greater=ObeseThe Philippine Association for the Study of Overweight and Obesity (PASOO) with the FNRI and other medical societies conducted a national survey to assess the applicability of the BMI cut-off points for Asians among Filipino adults. With the study, it was determined that the temporary BMI cut-off for overweight among Filipino men and women is 23 kg/m2, while the cut-off for obesity is 27 kg/m2.2.1.3 Weight and Height Sensorsa. Load CellLoad cell is a sensor that detects force (mass, torque, etc.).When force is applied to a load cell, it converts the force into an electrical signal. In the dictionary, a load cell is defined as a weight measurement device necessary for electronic scales that display weights in digits.Figure 2.3 Load CellLoad cells are also known as load transducers because they convert a load (force) into electrical signals.This electrical signal can be a voltage change, current change or frequency change depending on the type of load cell and circuitry used.b. Ultrasonic SensorUltrasonic sensoris an electronic device that emits an acoustic wave beyond the upper range of human hearing called the audible range ( 20 hertz to 20 kilohertz), and determines the distance between the sensor and an object based on the time it takes to send the signal and receive the echo.Figure 2.4 Ultrasonic sensorUltrasonic sensors have many applications including: parking assistance sensors in cars, proximity alarms, medical ultrasounds, generic distance measurement, etc.To generate the ultrasonic wave, ultrasonic sensor uses a vibrating device known as a transducer to emit ultrasonic pulses that travel in a cone-shaped beam. The range of an ultrasonic sensor is determined by the frequency of vibration of the transducer. Ultrasonic sensors work best when positioned in front of materials that readily reflect ultrasonic waves, such as metal, plastic and glass. This enables the sensor to give an accurate reading at a greater distance from the object in front of it. However, when the sensor is placed in front of an object that readily absorbs ultrasonic waves, such as fiber material, the sensor must move closer to the object to give an accurate reading. The angle of the object also has an impact on the accuracy of the reading, with a flat surface at a right angle to the sensor offering the longest sensing range. This accuracy decreases with a change in the angle of an object in relation to the sensor.2.1.4 MicrocontrollerA?microcontroller?(?C,?uC?or?MCU) is a small computer on a single?integrated circuit?containing a processor core, memory, and programmable?input and output?peripherals. It is an integrated circuit that is programmed to do a specific task and sometimes called as mini computers.By reducing the size and cost compared to a design that uses a separate microprocessor, memory, and input/output devices, microcontrollers make it economical to digitally control even more devices and processes.a. Arduino ProgrammingThe Arduino?integrated development environment?(IDE) is a?cross-platform?application written in?Java, and is derived from the IDE for the?Processing programming language?and the?Wiring?projects. It is designed to introduce programming to artists and other newcomers unfamiliar with software development. Arduino programs are written in?C?or?C++. The Arduino IDE comes with a?software library called "Wiring".b. C++ languageC is a high-level programming language developed in the mid-1970s. C++ is derived from the C language; it has object-oriented feature which allows the programmer to create objects within the code. This makes programming easier and more efficient. Because of the power and flexibility of the language, most software programs today are written in C++. The main highlight of C++ is a collection of pre-defined classes, which are data types that can be initiated multiple times.c. Gizduino XGizduinoXis the latest addition to the growing family of Arduino compatible controllers. It is based on an ATMEGA1281 MCU, a family member of the ATMEGA1280 used in Arduino Mega board. This kit offers 54 I/Os, 1 hardware SPI, 2 hardware UART, not to mention its large memory capacities: 128K FLASH, 8K SRAM, and 4K EEPROM. Other hardware peripherals additions inherited from ATMEGA1281 chip includes 3 additional timers, 10 additional timer OCR, 1 additional ICR, and 2 additional PWMs.Figure 2.5Gizduino X2.1.5 DatabaseA database is a data structure that stores organized information. Most databases contain multiple tables, which may each include several different fields. For example, a company database may include tables for products, employees, and financial records. Each of these tables would have different fields that are relevant to the information stored in the table.Nearly all e-commerce sites use database to store product inventory and customer information. These sites use a database management system (or DBMS), such as Microsoft Access, FileMaker Pro, or MySQL as the "back end" to the website. By storing website data in a database, the data can be easily searched, sorted, and updated. This flexibility is important for e-commerce sites and other types of dynamic websites.Early databases were relatively "flat," which means they were limited to simple rows and columns, like a spreadsheet. However, today's relational databases allow users to access, update, and search information based on the relationship of data stored in different tables. Relational databases can also run queries that involve multiple databases. While early databases could only store text or numeric data, modern databases also let users store other data types such as sound clips, pictures, and videos.a. Visual Basic .NET – is a simple, modern, object-oriented computer programming language developed by Microsoft to combine the power of .NET Framework and the common language runtime with the productivity benefits that are the hallmark of Visual Basic.VisualBasicis a programming language and development environment created by Microsoft. It is an extension of the BASIC programming language that combines BASIC functions and commands with visual controls. Visual Basic provides a graphical user interface GUI that allows the developer to drag and drop objects into the program as well as manually write program code.b. MySQL – pronounced either "My S-Q-L" or "My Sequel," is an open source relational database management system. It is based on the structure query language (SQL), which is used for adding, removing, and modifying information in the database. Standard SQL commands, such as ADD, DROP, INSERT, and UPDATE can be used with MySQL. MySQL can be used for a variety of applications, but is most commonly found on Web servers. A website that uses MySQL may include Web pages that access information from a database. These pages are often referred to as dynamic.Websites that use dynamic Web pages are often referred to as database-driven websites.2.1.6 Thermal PrinterThermal printing?(or?direct thermal printing) is a?digital printing?process which produces a printed image by selectively heating coated?thermochromic paper, or?thermal paper?as it is commonly known, when the paper passes over the thermal?print head. The coating turns?black?in the areas where it is heated, producing an image. Two-colour direct thermal printers can print both black and an additional?colour?(often?red) by applying?heat?at two different?temperatures.A?thermal impact printer?or?electrothermal printer?is a printer that uses heated pins to "burn" images onto heat-sensitive paper. These printers are commonly used in calculators and fax machines; and although they are inexpensive and print relatively fast, they produce low resolution print jobs.Figure 2.6 Thermal PrinterThis printer is ideal for interfacing with a microcontroller, simply need a 3.3V-5V TTL serial output from the microcontroller to print text, barcodes, bitmap graphics, even a QR code. Easy to use with Arduino board, just connect the Serial interface (RX, TX).2.2 Research Studies2.2.1Foreign Studies:a. Microcontroller Based Automated Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator with LCD DisplayThis study was conducted by Burhanuddin Ismail, Syed Fahad Akbar Ali and Ali AsgharAyaz on April 2012.The aim of the project was to design amicrocontroller based automated Body Mass Index (BMI)calculator with LCD display, which calculates the body mass indexusing the two basic parameters that are weight and height.Thehardware of the project consists of a load cell or a weighingmechanism, which is used to calculate the body weight of a person,and a built in height calculating mechanism, which is used tocalculate the height of a person. The weight of the person iscalculated in kilograms and the height in meters in accordance of the BMI standard formula.The microcontroller basedautomated Body Mass Index calculator is a useful device when itcomes to controlling your weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The calculated weight of the person through load cell converts the mechanical force into electrical signals that can beeasily obtain after processing through microcontroller. While theheight of the person is calculated by the ultrasound sensor withbuilt-in transmit and receive circuitry as when it transits theultrasound signal by transmitter, it reflect back to the receiver afterstriking the object or person and height is then calculated bymultiplying the speed of the ultrasound signal and the time takenby the it to return back to the sensor.All this data is manipulatedthrough microcontrollerand then the result is displayed on theLCD display.b.Advanced BMI Calculator with under and overweight alertsThis project by Sooxma Technology aims at developing a BMI calculator which playsa major role in alerting the risk of diseases due to overweight. The proposed system notonly shows the calculated value through LCD display but also, alerts through buzzerregarding over and under weights.BMI stands for “Body Mass Index,” a ratio between weight and height. BMI is astandard “tool” for helping you judge your body weight and the amount of body fat youhave. Carrying excess body fat, not muscle, puts you at greater risk for health problemssuch as heart disease, cancer, diabetes and stroke.The controlling device of the whole system is a Microcontroller. The data fromthe load cell and ultrasonic sensor are processed to calculate the BMI. The calculatedBMI is displayed on to a LCD. Also, the Microcontroller continuously monitors the BMIvalue and judges whether the person is overweight or underweight and alerts throughBuzzer.To perform the above mentioned intelligent task, intelligent program writtenusing embedded “C” is loaded into it.c.Ultrasonic Height and Weight BMI machineFigure 2.7 IPR-scale06Table 2.1 IPR-scale06 Details:Place of Origin:Henan China (Mainland)Type:Medical / Personal ScaleRated Load:200kgSticker:PVC stickerAdvertisement:Setting freelyStand Platform Size:340mm*360mmBrand Name:IPRPower Supply:AC 100V~ 240VAccuracy:0.1kgPrinter:ThermalLanguage:AlternativeCertificate:CE ISO9001Model Number:IPR-scale06 height weight BMI machineDisplay Type:LED screenOEM:AvailableMaterial:Aluminium alloy caseSelf size:2350*490*340(mm)Warranty:One yearPrice:$600-900Table 2.2 Product SpecificationsProduct name?IPR-scale06 ?height weight BMI ?machineFunctionsweight/height/BMI/blood pressure/pulse/ ideal weightOEMAvailableMaterialIron case, PVC stickerPower supplyAC 100V~ 240V? 50/60HZ?SizeSelf size: 2350*490*340(mm)Stand Platform Size: 340mm*360mm???Major Technical Features1) Height measurement range: 0~200cm (Minimum division: 0.5cm)2) Weight measurement range: 5~200kg (Minimum division: 0.1kg)1) Printing tickets (thermal printer)2) voice reporting (alternative languages)3) displaying measurement results (LED screen)1) Proper coins (Diameter: 18-29mm. Thickness: 1.2-3.0mm)2) Bill acceptor: ICT, ITL3) Blood pressure: OMRON4) Ultrasonic probe: made in the USAPrint out of your name, telephone NO., advertisement, and logos and so on freely after connecting to computer.(4 lines of ads, each one inputted into 30 characters)MOQ1 setSampleAvailablePaymentT/T, Western Union?Delivery3~15days?Packagingcarton with Foam and Packing Belt ??0.27CBM2Cartons/Set 1750*360*240mm and 660*450*400mmApplicable occasionshopping mall, supermarket, hospital, pharmacy, shoe shop, check-up center, fitness center and bath center, even hotel2.2.2 Local Studies:d. Five Peso (5 Php) Body Check Up Machine at Mercury Drug StoreThis vendo machine offers individual’s measurements of height, weight, Body Mass Index (BMI), blood pressure and body fat percentage and it will just take the user less than five minutes to measure everything.After all the measurements,the result will be issued and is printed on a thermal paper. It gives the measurements, the percentage and normal range.2857500-25403429006985 Figure 2.8 Mercury Drug Machine Figure 2.9 Sample Receipte. Microcontroller based BMI Calculator with Database and Monitor DisplayMicrocontroller based BMI Calculator with Database and Monitor Display was successfully created by Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering students of the Technological University of the Philippines-Taguig Campus last April 2014.Figure 2.10 Microcontroller based BMI Calculator with Database and Monitor DisplayThe Body Mass Index (BMI) is used for measuring the human body shaped on an individual’s mass and height and the proportionality of it. The study was all about measuring Body Mass Index automatically with the help of a microcontroller.MCU Based BMI Calculator with Database and Monitor Display will measure the height, weight, and calculated BMI once the user stepped on the prototype. The data from the microcontroller will be saved in the database. The project used ultrasonic sensor to be able to determine the height, load cell to get the weight and a microcontroller to calculate the Body Mass Index of the user. The ultrasonic sensor can measure a maximum of 2 meters while the load cell can measure 350 kilograms maximum.2.3 SynthesisMicrocontroller based Body Mass Index Calculatoris designed to improve the recent BMI calculator. With this proposal, BMI calculation will be more convenient to the users. This project will measure the height and the weight of the user, automatically calculate the BMI and easily determine the BMI classification. After the system calculates the data, there will be a notrification through buzzer that will be activated if it detects that the user is in the underweight, overweight or obese category.The formula to be used in computing the BMI will be the proposed formula by Nick Trefethen. The weight sensor to be used is a load cell with a maximum capacity of 350 kilograms while the height will be measured using an ultrasonic sensor with a 3cm to 400 cm distance range. And the microcontroller to be used is the Gizduino X with 54 I/Os.This project will also have a database that will provide the storage of the data. This will also help an individual to monitor their health status. This project doesn’t need the help of the internet and can be utilize conveniently anytime.The database will include user’s personal information and picture. The unit of measurements will be both in Metric and English system. The collected data can also be printed for the user to have a copy of the BMI result with a recommendation message depending on the BMI classification.PROCESSOUTPUTINPUT2.4 Conceptual FrameworkCitation of ProblemMicrocontrollerBasedAutomatedBMICalculatorKnowledge: ? Ideas about the existing related studies.? Microcontroller basic principle of operation.?Ultrasonic sensor and load cell basic principle of operation. ? OutsourcingPeople Ware: ?Programmer ? End User: -Students -Clinic Staff -PE Instructors Hardware: ? CPU? Monitor ? Keyboard? Mouse ? Load Cell ? Height sensor ?Gizduino X (microcontroller)Software:? C++ ? ? My SQL Data GatheringDesignDevelopmentAdjustmentsTesting and EvaluationNoIs the prototype functioning well?YesProject ImplementationDiagram 2.1 Conceptual Framework2.5 Definition of TermsBody Mass Index – is used for measuring approximate total fat of a person present in the bodybased on their body weight and stature height. C++ Language – is a programming language that is used in Arduino. It has object-oriented feature that makes programming easier.Database – is a collection of information that can easily be access, manage, and update. Load Cell – is a sensor that detects force (mass or torque).Load cells are also known as load transducers because they convert a load (force) into electrical signals.MySQL – is an open source relational database management system. It is a software product whose primary function is to store and retrieve data as requested by other software applications.Ultrasonic Sensor – is an electronic device that emits an acoustic wave beyond the upper range of human hearing called the audible range ( 20 hertzto 20 kilohertz), and determines the distance between the sensor and an object based on the time it takes to send the signal and receive the echo.Visual – is a programming language and development environment created by Microsoft.Visual Basic is designed to make software development easy and efficient, while still being powerful enough to create advanced programs.Chapter 3RESEARCH DESIGN3.1 Project ConceptualizationThe data will be displayed on the monitor. As the system detects user as underweight, overweight or obese, the alarm will be activated.Input: User’s InformationFill-up the required information needed to access the system. The data will be stored at the database.Press the start button to begin the calculation.Press the print button to have a copy of the data.DatabaseWeighing scaleHeight sensorFunction buttonsPrinter948055975012424776166370Diagram 3.1 Process Flow Diagram of the MCU Based BMI CalculatorThe concept of this project is to measure the BMI of a person automatically and will be stored in a database. To begin the process, the user needs to register or input personal information including name, age, and gender in the User Information. Then the user has to push the start button. As the user stepon the machine the weighing scale and the height sensor make it possible to the system to automatically calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI).The controlling device of the whole system is a Microcontroller. The data from the load cell and the height sensor are processed to calculate the BMI. The calculated BMI is displayed on the monitor screen and stored in the database with complete details and classification. Also, the microcontroller continuously monitors the BMIvalue and judges whether the user is normal, but if the user is either obese, overweight or underweight, the system will give an alert through buzzer.All the data gathered like the height, weight, BMI and BMI classification of the user can be documented with the aid of the thermal printerwitha recommendation message also appear on the printout.3.2 Project Design and Specifications3.2.1 Block DiagramSTARTLOAD CELLHEIGHT SENSORDATA BASEBUZZERLEDsPRINTERMICROCONTROLLERDiagram 3.2 MCU Based BMI Calculator Block DiagramThe initial component of the diagram is the start button; when being pressed, the load cell and the ultrasonic sensor will automatically detect the height and the weight of the user. All the data will be transferred to the microcontroller which is assigned to do the calculation of the BMI. After the computation, the data willbetransferred to the database and will be stored. When the system detects that the user is in the underweight, overweight, or obese classification, the buzzer will be activated and the corresponding LED indicator will lit. The measured data can also be printed afterwards.3.2.2 Structural Design1.3ft2.0ft1.2ft7.0ft1.0ft106795563421.3ft1.2ft1.0ft1.0ft2.3ft31007051203041.3ft1.5ftFigure 3.1 MCU Based BMI Calculator Structural Design3.2.3 Mechanical DesignHeight sensorWeight sensor1196692222135Figure 3.2 MCU Based BMI Calculator Mechanical DesignThe intended design for the system is made up of stainless steel. The height sensor will be placed on top while the weight sensor at the bottom. The length of the holder of the ultrasonic sensor will be 1.2 ft. The base carrying the load cell is 1.3 ft. long.3.2.4 Instrumentation3.2.4.1 Hardware Componentsa. Load Cell – has350 kilograms capacity.It can be used in platform scales, small weighing platforms as well as electronic scales and weighing systems. The load cell will weigh within the tolerance regardless of the load application point.Figure 3.3Load Cellb. Ultrasonic Sensor – is a non-contact sensor distance measurement module. This is dual transducer device and best in 30 degrees angle. It has a supply voltage of 5V and a global consumption of 15mA. It also has an ultrasonic frequency of 40 KHz with a minimal range of 3cm and a maximum range of 400cm.Figure 3.4Ultrasonic sensorc. Gizduino X – is the latest addition to the growing family of Arduino compatible controllers. It is based on an ATMEGA1281 MCU, a family member of the ATMEGA1280 used in Arduino Mega board. This kit offers 54 I/Os, 1 hardware SPI, 2- hardware UART, not to mention its large memory capacities: 128K FLASH, 8K SRAM, and 4K EEPROM. Other hardware peripherals additions inherited from ATMEGA1281 chip includes 3 additional timers, 10 additional timer OCR, 1 additional ICR, and 2 additional PWMs.Figure 3.5Gizduino Xd. Computer set – have a specification of Intel core i5 and a 2Ghz processor and a minimum 2Gb for the RAM, 120Gb for the hard drive, DVD-RW for the optical drive, 10/100 MBPS for wired network card and a 802.11B/G compatible for wireless network card.Figure 3.6 Computer Sete. Thermal Printer – is also known as receipt printer. This printer is ideal for interfacing with a microcontroller, simply need a 3.3V-5V TTL serial output from the microcontroller to print text, barcodes, bitmap graphics, even a QR code. Easy to use with Arduino board, just connect the Serial interface (RX, TX).Figure 3.7Thermal Printer3.2.4.2Software Componentsa. Arduino – The open-source Arduino environment makes it easy to write code and upload it to the I/O board. It runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. The environment is written in Java and based on Processing, avr-gcc, and other open source software.b. Visual Basic .NET – is a simple, modern, object-oriented computer programming language developed by Microsoft to combine the power of .NET Framework and the common language runtime with the productivity benefits that are the hallmark of Visual Basic.Visual Basicis a programming language and development environment created by Microsoft. It is an extension of the BASIC programming language that combines BASIC functions and commands with visual controls. Visual Basic provides a graphical user interface GUI that allows the developer to drag and drop objects into the program as well as manually write program code.c. MySQL – pronounced either "My S-Q-L" or "My Sequel," is an open source relational database management system. It is based on the structure query language (SQL), which is used for adding, removing, and modifying information in the database. Standard SQL commands, such as ADD, DROP, INSERT, and UPDATE can be used with MySQL.3.3 Project Actualization3.3.1 Financial FeasibilityTable 3.1 Estimated Bill of MaterialsDescriptionPriceComputer Set15,000Thermal Printer2,100Stainless Steel4,000Load Cell1,800Gizduino X1,090Ultrasonic Sensor350Miscellaneous3,000Total27,3403.3.2 Gantt ChartTable 3.2 Gantt Chart for Project Study IPROJECT STUDY 1ACTIVITYTERM WEEK (September to December)STEPPROCEDURE12345678910111213141Title Research????????????????????????????2Brain Storming????????????????????????????3Data Gathering????????????????????????????4Documentation and Revision (Chapter 1)????????????????????????????5Documentation and Revision (Chapter 2)????????????????????????????6Documentation and Revision (Chapter 3)????????????????????????????7Pre-canvassing of materials????????????????????????????8Title Defense????????????????????????????? Proponents: ???????????????ALINSUNORIN???ALONZO??????????????3.3.2 Gantt ChartTable 3.3 Gantt Chart for Project Study IIPROJECT STUDY 2ACTIVITYTERM WEEK (January to April)STEPPROCEDURE12345678910111213141Finalization of Project Concept????????????????????????????2Canvassing of Materials????????????????????????????3Purchasing of Materials????????????????????????????4Programming of Microcontroller????????????????????????????5Database Making????????????????????????????6Construction of the Prototype????????????????????????????7Testing and Troubleshooting????????????????????????????8Prototype Evaluation????????????????????????????9Finalization of Documents????????????????????????????10Project Defense????????????????????????????? Proponents: ???????????????ALINSUNORIN???ALONZO??????????????BIBLIOGRAPHYTheses/ DissertationsBurhanuddin Ismail, Syed Fahad Akbar Ali and Ali AsgharAyaz. (April 2012).Microcontroller Based Automated Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator with LCD Display.Sooxma Technology. (n.d).Advanced BMI Calculator with under and overweight alerts.Rachelle A. Alvarez, Roi M. Javier, Joyce P. Lapitan, Mark Jonald A. Tanay.(April 2014).MCU based BMI Calculator with Database and Monitor Display.Websites[1]CDC Pediatric Growth Charts. Using the BMI-for-Age Growth ChartsRetrieved (October 2014) from modules/module1[2](Orlistat) Xenical Philippines (2014). BMI For Filipinos Retrieved (October 2014) from [3]Nutritionist-Dietitians' Association of the Philippines (2014). Healthier You Facts:? OBESITY Retrieved (October 2014) from [4]Load Cells - Loadstar Sensors (2014) Load Cell Retrieved (October 2014) from [5]A&D Company, Limited (2014) Load Cell Retrieved (October 2014) from [6]Wesley Stephenson (January 29 2013). BMI: Does the Body Mass Index need fixing? Retrieved (October 2014) from [7]Jumbo Dumbo Thoughts (?June 15, 2014). On the Overweight and Obese: 1 in 4 Filipino adults are overweight, 1 in 20 are obese Retrieved (October 2014) from [8]Jonathan Marker (July 28, 2014) How Do Ultrasonic Sensors Work? Retrieved (October 2014) from [9]e-Gizmo Mechatronix Central (2014) Gizduino X Retrieved (October 2014) from [10]Techterms (November 5, 2007). Visual Basic Retrieved (October 2014) from [11]Techterms (March 6, 2007). Visual Basic Retrieved (October 2014) from [12]Alibaba (2014) most popular IPR-scale06 ultrasonic height weight BMI machine (October 2014) from [13]Stacy Liong (2011). Five Peso (5 php) Body?Check Up?Machine at?Mercury?Drug Store Retrieved (October 2014) from ................

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