David P. Schenck

Residence Office

3006 Harbor View Department of English-CPR 107

Tampa, FL 33611-1645 University of South Florida

9428. Tampa, FL 33620-5550

Phone 813-974-7533 FAX 813-974-2270


The Pennsylvania State University, 1968-71, Ph.D. (French)

The University of North Carolina, 1965-68, M.A. (French, Italian)

Illinois Institute of Technology, 1964-65, (Microbiology)

Ripon College, 1960-64, B.A. (Biology)

Post-doctoral studies

Georgetown University Medical Center, Center for Clinical Bioethics:

“Just Health Care: Moral Critique, Outrage and Response,” 2002

Georgetown University Medical Center, Center for Clinical Bioethics:

“Heath Care Ethics Consultations,” 2000

Georgetown University Medical Center, Center for Clinical Bioethics:

“Research Ethics: Institutional Review Board Responsibilities

and Related Competencies,” 2000

Georgetown University Medical Center, Center for Clinical Bioethics:

“Organizational Ethics: Developing Centers of Ethical Responsibility

and Related Competencies,” 1999

Georgetown University Medical Center, Center for Clinical Bioethics:

“Pastoral Care of the Dying: Ethical and Spiritual Dimensions,” 1999

Visiting Scholar, Georgetown University Medical Center, Center for Clinical

Bioethics, 1998-99

Georgetown University Kennedy Institute of Ethics: Advanced Bioethics

Course VIII, “Ethical Challenges in Managed Care,” 1997.

Georgetown University Kennedy Institute of Ethics: Advanced Bioethics

Course VII, “Bioethics in the 21st Century,” 1996.

Georgetown University Medical Center, Center for Clinical Bioethics,

“Suffering, Dying and Death: The Ethics of Finitude”, 1995.

Georgetown University Kennedy Institute of Ethics: Advanced Bioethics Course V, “Theories and Methods in Bioethics”, 1994.

Georgetown University Kennedy Institute of Ethics: Intensive Bioethics Course XIX, 1993.

University of Virginia: NEH Summer Seminar,

"Models and Metaphors in Biomedical Ethics," 1986.

Mount Holyoke College: NEH Summer Institute,

"The Teaching of Medieval Civilization," 1981.


University of South Florida

Professor of English, 2002-

Professor of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (Joint Appointment),


Professor of Biomedical Ethics, 1999 -.

Courtesy Professor of Nursing, 1998 - 2003

Professor of French, 1987-98.

Associate Professor of French, 1976-1987 (Tenured, 1977).

Assistant Professor of French, 1974-76.

University of Paris VII

Visiting Professor, Fall 1976.

St. Andrews College

Assistant Professor of French, 1971-1974.


Director, Ethics Center, University of South Florida, 2000 – 2001


• Supervise all faculty, staff and activities of Center

• Teach undergraduate and graduate courses in biomedical ethics

• Research in biomedical ethics

• Outreach to USF Health Sciences Center, local health care community,

and other constituencies with interests in practical ethics

Dean and Executive Officer, University of South Florida - Sarasota Campus, 1990-1998.


? Academic Program

? Faculty and Staff

? Financial Affairs

? Student Affairs

? Physical Plant

? Library

? Security

? Advancement

? Records and Registration

? Articulation with Tampa (main) Campus

Selected Initiatives:

? Develop campus strategic plan.

? Develop new academic programs.

? Recruit women and minority faculty, staff.

? Develop advancement plan to market campus programs and increase fund-raising efforts.

? Improve relations between dissident student groups.

? Improve fiscal responsibility of campus.

? Encourage faculty/staff professional development.

? Increase conferencing.

? Seek land acquisition for campus.

? Develop campus facilities master plan.

? Increase permanent faculty positions.

? Encourage shared governance with faculty/staff.

? Oversee new construction and renovations.

? Develop close relationships with local legislative delegation and community leaders.

? Encourage development of "user-friendly" campus.

? Expand counseling services.

? Initiate special advising service for students in academic difficulty.

? Strengthen campus computing services.

? Encourage campus outreach and interaction with area arts organizations, Chambers of Commerce, local hospitals, schools, businesses.

? Effect joint hire and initiate new programs with Sarasota Memorial Hospital.

Assistant Provost, University of South Florida-Tampa Campus, 1987-1990.


? Coordinate academic program reviews.

? Coordinate new academic program proposals.

? Coordinate development of new Liberal Arts core curriculum.

? Oversee faculty recruitment.

? Coordinate faculty grievance issues with university counsel.

? Supervise EO/AA issues in Academic Affairs.

? Review and make recommendations to Provost on tenure and promotion applications.

? Prepare university master plan update.

? Coordinate university activities with Florida Board of Regents' and Chancellor's offices.

? Review and make recommendations on faculty leaves, sabbaticals.

Director of University Honors, University of South Florida-Tampa Campus, 1982-1987.


? Research and design new Liberal Arts Honors Program.

? Supervise Honors curriculum.

? Recruit students.

? Advise Honors students.

? Manage budget.

? Select Honors faculty.

? Negotiate joint program with USF College of Medicine for Honors students.

? Survey/evaluate Honors curriculum.

Director, University of South Florida Self-Study for Reaffirmation of Accreditation, 1982-1984.


? Plan and execute all aspects of self-study and coordinate visit of Visiting Committee.

Director, University of South Florida/University of Paris VII Reciprocal Exchange Program, 1975-1980.


? Supervise USF end of program.

? Select student and faculty exchanges.

? Negotiate terms of exchange with French counterparts.


Biomedical Ethics

Theories and Methods of Bioethics

Clinical Bioethics

Philosophy of Medicine

Head and Neck Surgery

Palliative Care

Medieval French Epic Literature


Biomedical Ethics (numerous courses), undergraduate and graduate

French language and literature, all levels through graduate

Italian language

Interdisciplinary Humanities

World Literature


Refereed Articles

“Ethical Considerations in the Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer.” Cancer Control, 9,5, (2002), 410-419.

"Requiem for Life": A Review. BioLaw, 2 (1987), 411-413.



Echoes of the Epic; Studies in Honor of Gerard J. Brault, with Mary Jane Schenck, eds. Birmingham, AL: Summa Publications, 1998.

The Myth of Guillaume. Birmingham, AL: Summa Publications, 1988.

Refereed Articles and Chapters

"Couches culturelles du Moniage Guillaume:  bellatores, oratores."Essor 

et fortune de la chanson de geste dans L'Europe et l'orient latin. Actes du IX Congrès International de la Société Rencesvals pour l'étude des épopées romanes. Padoue-Venise, 29 août - 4 Septembre 1982. Modena: Mucchi Editore, 1984, 169-177.

"Le comique et le sérieux dans le Moniage Guillaume et le Moniage Rainouart." Chapitre VI, Les chansons de geste du cycle de  Guillaume d'Orange. Tome III, Les Moniages-Guibourc. Hommage à Jean Frappier. Ph. Ménard et J.-Ch. Payen, eds. Paris: SEDES, 1983, 239-259.

"Les relations spatio-temporelles dans la chanson de geste,"

VIII Congresso de la Société Rencesvals. Pamplona: Institucion Principe de Viana. Diputacion Foral de Navarra, 1981, 451-455.

"Des vues sur le temps et l'espace chez Chrétien de Troyes."

Oeuvres et critiques. V,2, Réception critique de l'oeuvre  de Chrétien de Troyes. Paris: Editions Jean-Michel Place, 1981, 111-117.

"Le Coronement Loois: a Mythic Approach to Unity." Romanic

Review, 69,3 (1978), 159-171.

"Le mythe, la sémiotique et le cycle de Guillaume." Charlemagne

et l'épopée romane; actes du VIIe congrès international de  la Société Rencesvals, Liège, 28 août-4 septembre 1976, II. Liège: Université de Liège, 1978, 373-381.

"Illusion in Villon's Testament." Studies on the Seven Sages

of Rome and Other Essays in Medieval Literature  Dedicated to  the Memory of Jean Misrahi. H. Niedzielski, H. R. Runte, W. L. Hendrickson, eds. Honolulu: Educational Research Associates, 1978, 249-58.

"The Refrains of the Chanson de Guillaume: A Spatial Parameter."

Romance Notes, 18, 1 (1977), 135-140.

"The Finite World of the Chanson de Guillaume." Olifant, 1,

2,(1973), 13-20.

"Elements of Cabalism in Pierre Corneille." Romance Notes, 11, 1,

(1969), 117-20.

Reviews in Olifant, French Review,

St. Andrews Review, Speculum.


“Spirituality and Aging:” In Search of a Good Death.” With Lori Roscoe.Tenth Annual Faith, Ethics and Health Care Conference, “Spirituality and Aging.” Georgetown University Medical Center, Center for Clinical Bioethics, April 21, 2004.

“Suicide and Patient Autonomy.” Florida Bioethics Network Annual Meeting. Port

Charlotte, August 23, 2002.

“Beneficent Paternalism in Head and Neck Surgery.” Association for Politics and the

Life Sciences, Charleston, S.C., October 18, 2001.

“Literary Approaches to Human Suffering.” NEH Summer Institute, The Problem

of Human Suffering. University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus,

July 10, 1999.

"Decision-making in Biomedical Ethics; Theory and Practice." Bioethics

Seminar, Naples Community Hospital, September 14, 1991.

"A Case of Narrative Ethics." Communicating with Patients Conference,

St. Petersburg, FL, February 12, 1987.

"Couches culturelles du Moniage Guillaume: Bellatores, oratores."

IX Congrès International de la Socété Rencesvals, September 1, 1983, Padua, Italy.

"Old French Epic vs. Romance: Spatiality as a Definitional

Consideration." Conference on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, May, 1982.

"The Old French Epic and Problems of Definition." South Atlantic Modern

Language Association, Atlanta, GA, November 7, 1980.

"Epic Irony and the texte clos." Conference on the Medieval Epic in the

Romance Languages (Société Rencesvals -- American-Canadian Branch), Berkeley, CA, June 25, 1980.

"Aliscans as the Perfected Double of the Chanson de Guillaume."

Fifth Annual Conference on Literature and Film, Tallahassee, FL,

January 25, 1980.

"The Current Status of Study Abroad Programs." (with Steven J. Rubin),

South Atlantic Modern Language Association Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 3, 1979.

"Views of Chrétien's Use of Time and Space." South Atlantic Modern

Language Association Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 2, 1979.

"Les relations spatio-temporelles dans la chanson de geste". VIIIe

Congrès International de la Société Rencesvals, Pamplona, Spain,

August 17, 1978.

"Le mythe, la sémiotique et le Cycle de Guillaume." VIIe Congrès

International de la Société Rencesvals, Liège, Belgium, August 31, 1976.

"The 'faux moine': Towards a poetics of monkhood in the

Moniage Guillaume and the Moniage Rainouart." Southeastern Medieval Association Conference, Tallahassee, FL, March 5, 1976.

"Illusion in Villon's Testament." Kentucky Foreign Language Conference,

Lexington, KY, April 27, 1974.

"The Finite World of the Chanson de Guillaume." Société Rencesvals

Seminar on the Romance Epic, Chicago, IL, December 28, 1973.

"The Hero as Civilizer in the Moniage Guillaume." American Association

of Teachers of French National Convention, New York, NY,

December 28, 1972.


Outstanding Researcher, awarded by English Department for work done

At Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute, 2005.

USF Ambassadors “Apple Polishing Award,” 2003

NEH Summer Seminar for College Teachers, "Models and Metaphors in

Biomedical Ethics," University of Virginia, 1986.

ACLS Travel Grant, Ninth International Congress of the Société

Rencesvals, Padua, Italy, Fall 1982.

NEH Summer Institute, "The Teaching of Medieval Civilization." Mount

Holyoke College, 1981.

University of South Florida Travel Grant, Eighth International Congress

of the Société Rencesvals, Pamplona/Santiago de Compostela, Spain,

Fall 1978.

Fulbright-Hayes Travel Grant, France, Fall 1976.

Faculty Summer Study Grants, St. Andrews College, 1972, 1973.

NDEA Title IV Fellowship, The Pennsylvania State University, 1968-71.


American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery

American Society for Bioethics and Humanities

St. Joseph’s Hospital Bioethics Committee

James A. Haley Veterans’ Administration Hospital Bioethics Committee

Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute Bioethics Committee

Community Health Corporation, Board of Directors (Chairman 1996/97)

Gulf Coast Area Health Education Center, Board of Directors

Medieval Academy of America

Société Rencesvals

South Atlantic Modern Language Association

International Courtly Literature Society

Société des Anciens Textes Francais

Phi Sigma Iota

Omicron Delta Kappa

Hastings Center

Kennedy Institute of Ethics

Bioethics Committee, Doctors' Hospital of Sarasota

Bioethics Committee, Sarasota Memorial Hospital

Sarasota Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors

Sarasota Ballet of Florida Board of Directors

Sarasota/Bradenton International Airport Noise Abatement Advisory Committee

Mote Marine Laboratory Advisory Board

La Musica Board of Directors

United Way - Sarasota Cabinet


Panelist on “The Case of Terri Schiavo,” The American Association of Nurse

Attorneys Annual Conference, Orlando, October 30, 2004.

“Teaching Bioethics in the 21st Century,” poster presented at Association for

Politics and the Life Sciences, Charleston, S.C., October 18, 2001.

“Roundtable on Organ Donation: Policy and Ethics,” panel participant, Association for

Politics and the Life Sciences, Charleston, S.C., October 19, 2001.

“Policy Issues in Euthanasia,” chair, Association for Politics and the Life

Sciences, Charleston, S.C., October 19, 2001.

“Roundtable on Developmental Biology and Morality,” panel participant, Association

for Politics and the Life Sciences, Charleston, S.C., October 20, 2001

“Literary Resonses to Human Suffering,” Tuskegee University, March 22, 2001.

“Beneficent Paternalism in Head and Neck Surgery,” Tuskegee University,

March 21, 2001

Member, Board of Advisors, Société Rencesvals, 1990-1992.

Chair (and organizer), two sessions of Société Rencesvals, Studies

in Romance Epic, Modern Language Association Annual Convention, Chicago, December 28, 1990.

Panel presentation on use of part-time faculty, Southern Association of

Colleges and Schools Annual Meeting, Atlanta, December 11, 1990.

Member, Reaffirmation of Accreditation Site Visit Team for Southern

Association of Colleges and Schools at University of Southwestern Louisiana, Lafayette, March 19-22, 1990.

Chair, Honors Study Abroad Committee, National Collegiate Honors

Council, 1988-present.

Presenter, "A Critical Thinking Exercise in Biomedical Ethics," National

Collegiate Honors Council Conference, Dallas, TX, October 29, 1987.

Chair, Société Rencesvals Symposium on the Romance Epic, 20th

International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, MI, May 10, 1985.

Member, Site Visit Team for Southern Association of Colleges and

Schools at the University of Houston, Downtown, April 28-30, 1984.

Member, Site Visit Team for Southern Association of Colleges and

Schools at Western Kentucky University, April 15-18, 1984.

Chair, section of International Courtly Literature Society. South Atlantic

Modern Language Association Convention, October 29, 1983.

MLA Regional Delegate, 1983-85.

Chair, section of the Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference,

Richmond, KY, October 7, 1981.

Observer, Emory University/NEH Workshop for Development of Foreign

Language and Literature Programs, Houston, TX, December 27-30, 1980.

Chair, "International Courtly Literature Society" section at the

South Atlantic Modern Language Association Convention, Atlanta, GA, November 10, 1978.

Chair, "French Literature Section." Southeastern Medieval Association

Convention, Lexington, KY, March 3, 1978.

Chair, "The Old French William Epics." Modern Language Association

Convention (Section organized and chaired.) Chicago, IL,

December 29, 1977.

Chair, section of International Courtly Literature Society. South

Atlantic Modern Language Association Convention. Washington, DC,

November 4, 1977.


Guest lecturer, “Bioethical Responses to Bodies: The Exhibit, Inge Wefes’ Honors

Seminar in Ethics, October 27, 2005.

Presider, case analysis and discussion for residents in USF Department of

Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, April 12, 2005.

“A Case of Full Disclosure,” case presentation and discussion for residents in

USF Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Mar 23, 2004.

Interviewer, candidates for residency, USF Department of Otolaryngology-Head and

Neck Surgery, 2000-

“Physicians and Industry; Ethical Relationships,” Workshop conducted for USF

Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Residents,

January 7, 2003

“Ethics in Head and Neck Surgery,” lecture to otolaryngology residents,

May 13, 2003.

“Spirituality in the Practice of Otolaryngology,” lecture to residents in

otolaryngology, December 9, 2003.

“Ethics and Surgery,” presentation to Honors medical students, June 11, 2002.

“Ethics and Medical Professionalism,” in-service for residents in Otolaryngology-

Head and Neck Surgery, May 23, 2002.

“Autonomy in Head and Neck Cancer Surgery,” presentation to Religious Studies

Club, March 27, 2002.

Advisor to USF student Biomedical Ethics Society.

Member ad-hoc committee to develop MA in Bioethics and Humanities.

“The Ethics of Stem Cell Research,” co-presenter with Dr. Juan Sanchez-Ramos, USF

Bioethics Forum, November 1, 2001.

“Biomedical Ethics and Medical Professionalism,” USF College of Medicine, New

Residents’ Orientation, June 27, 2001.

“Theories and Methods in Biomedical Ethics,” USF College of Nursing Master’s

Students, October 23, 2000 and November 13, 2000.

“Bioethical Issues in Head and Neck,” USF Department of Otololaryngology, October

26, 2000.

“Approaches to Ethical Decision Making,” USF College of Medicine, New Residents

Orientation, June 29, 2000.

“Theories and Methods in Biomedical Ethics,” USF College of Nursing Master’s

Students, June 27, 2000.

“Ethics and Professionalism,” USF College of Medicine, Senior Residents’ Retreat,

May 19, 2000.

Guest lecture on informed consent, USF Department of Rehabilitation

Counseling Master’s Program, September 2, 1999.

Three, one-hour educational series on bioethics for USF Department of

Otolaryngology, September-October, 1999.

“Approaches to Bioethics.” USF College of Nursing,

September 28 and November 27, 1995; February 1 and 20, 1996;

June 12, 1996; October 15, 1996; February 6 and 24, 1997; June 6, 1997;

and March 4, 1998.

"Approaches to Biomedical Ethics." New College Division of Natural Sciences Seminar, September 16, 1992.

"Approaches to Biomedical Ethics." New College Library Association

Coffee lecture, Sarasota, January 10, 1991.

Chair, Session of Medieval-Renaissance Conference, New College,

Sarasota, March 8, 1990.

Discussant, Human Values Journal Club, USF College of Medicine,

April 19, 1985, January 24, 1986.

Guest Lecturer, Human Values in Medicine Course, USF College of

Medicine, January 17, 1986.

Acting Chair, Division of Language, USF, August, 1985.

College of Arts & Letters Promotion and Tenure Committee, USF, 1979-81,

(Chair, 1980-81).

Director, French Graduate Program, USF, 1979-81.

Arranged guest lecture "Concepts of Chivalry in Some Early French Texts"

by Professor Glyn S. Burgess, University of Liverpool, April 16, 1979.

Participated in Foreign Forum Presentation, "An American in Paris,"

January 31, 1979.

"Oral Composition and the Artistic Process." Lecture delivered to the

Arts and Letters Colloqium, March 9, 1979.

Arranged visit of French Cultural Attache USF, Quarter II, 1977-78.

Member, Academic Programs Council, 1977-80.

Member, USF Faculty Senate, 1977-78.

Member, USF Foreign Forum Series, 1975-80.

Arranged special symposium on: "Recent Trends in the French Novel and

Film," including visit to USF of Alain Robbe-Grillet, November 2-4, 1975.

Arranged visits of French Cultural Attache to USF, Quarter II, 1974-75,

and Quarters I and III, 1975-76.

Curriculum Committee, Department of Foreign Language, 1975-76.

Continuing Education Committee, 1975-78.

Comparative Literature Committee, 1974-76.

COMMUNITY SERVICE (*Note all service, including Professional and University,

began to be listed here as of February, 2006, to conform to USF

SAVE system and is now identified as “Public Service”)

Interviewer, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Program,

candidates for residency positions, 2007.

Member of H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute, continued, 2007.

Member of Center for Hospice, Palliative Care and End of Life Studies, 2007.

Member of Ethics Committees of St. Joseph’s Hospital and James A. Haley Veterans’

Administration Hospital, continuing, 2007.

“The History of Biomedical Ethics and a Case Study.” Presentation to USF

Student Philosophy Organization, November 8, 2007.

“Current Issues in Biomedical Ethics.” Presentation to Carollwood Rotary Club,

October 12, 2007.

“Legal Implications and Ethical Considerations of ‘Do Not Resuscitate’.” Presentation

and discussion leader, St. Joseph’s Hospital Ethics Committee, June 6, 2007.

Member, Honors Thesis Committee for Matthew Emory Davison, “Public Policy Changes

Needed to Improve Health Care Delivery in the United States,” Spring, 2007.

Presentation to Greater Tampa Chapter Oncology Nursing Society, “Biomedical Ethics:

A Review And Case Study.” April, 5, 2007.

Hold Joint-Appointment in Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery

as their ethicist. (In the fall of each year also participate in interviewing

candidates for residency program in otolaryngology. See also under

University Governance).

Member of Ethics Committees of St. Joseph’s Hospital and James A. Haley Veterans’

Administration Hospital, continuing, 2006.

“Biomedical Ethics and PEG Tube Issues.” Endoscopy Nurses Conference,

St. Joseph’s Hospital, December 2, 2006.

Special Ethics Consult, St. Joseph’s Hospital, October 30, 2006.

“Euthanasia and Physician Assisted Suicide.” Guest lecture to CCJ 4932-002, Issues in

Criminal Justice, October 2, 2006.

“Ethical Issues in Palliative Care: Journeying Through the Process.”

James A. Haley Veterans’ Administration Hospital, Tampa, Florida,

September 6, 2006.

Panelist on “The Stem Cell Debate,” Kathy Fountain Program, Fox 13 TV,

July 26, 2006.

Special Ethics Consult, St. Joseph’s Women’s Hospital,

February 3, 2006.

Presentation to Oncology Nurses’ Society, “Issues in Biomedical Ethics: A Case-

Oriented Discussion,” February 2, 2006.

Special Ethics Consult (subject confidential), St. Joseph’s Women’s Hospital,

January 13, 2006.

Special Ethics Consult (subject confidential), Bayfront Medical Center,

St. Petersburg, January 10, 2006.

Special Ethics Consult (subject confidential), James A. Haley Veterans’

Administration Hospital, December 8, 2005.

Special Ethics Consult (subject confidential), James A. Haley Veterans’

Administration Hospital, December 7, 2005.

Presenter, “A Problem Case in Advance Directives.” Plant City Bar Association,

October 7, 2005.

Panelist on “Bodies, the Exhibition,” Kathy Fountain Program , Fox 13 TV,

August 22, 2005.

Panelist on “Stem Cells,” Kathy Fountain Program, Fox 13 TV, August 11, 2005.

Presenter, “Ethical Issues Related to Patient Acceptance/Rejection of Treatment,”

Spinal Cord Injury 101 Educational Program, James A. Haley VA Hospital,

August 10, 2005.

Presenter, “Biomedical Ethics,” CPE Program, James A. Haley VA Hospital,

August 8, 2005.

Panelist on “Terri Schiavo,” Kathy Fountain Program, Fox 13 TV, June 20, 2005.

Panelist on “Terri Schiavo,” Kathy Fountain Program, Fox 13 TV, March 21, 2005

Panelist on “Terri Schiavo,” Kathy Fountain Program, Fox 13 TV, March 16, 2005

Short course on the “Principles of Biomedical Ethics” for St. Joseph’s Hospital staff,

November 8 and November 15, 2004.

Short course on ”Medicine and Spirituality” for St. Joseph’s Hospital staff, October 11

And 25, 2004.

Panelist on “The Case of Terri Schiavo,” Kathy Fountain Program, Fox 13 TV,

June 21, 2004.

“A Terminal Patient in Head and Neck,” case discussion at Sarasota Memorial

Hospital, May 6, 2004.

Presentation on “Abortion and Maternal Fetal Conflicts,” James A. Haley Veterans’

Administration Hospital Ethics Committee, April 2, 2004.

“To Treat or Not to Treat?” presentation to The Pines of Sarasota Long-Term Care

Facility, March 26, 2004.

Presentation on methods in bioethics to James A. Haley Veterans’ Administration

Hospital Clinical Pastoral Care program, March 16, 2004.

“Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia,” presentation to James A. Haley Veterans’

Administration Hospital Ethics Committee, February 20, 2004.

“Alternative Methods in Biomedical Ethics,” presentation to James A. Haley Veterans’

Administration Hospital Ethics Committee, January 20, 2004.

“The Principles of Biomedical Ethics,” presentation to St. Joseph’s Hospital Ethics

Committee, January 7, 2004.

“The Terry Schiavo Case,” Kathy Fountain Program, Fox 13 TV,

October 15, 2003.

“The Terry Schiavo Case, continued,” Kathy Fountain Program, Fox 13 TV,

October 24, 2003.

“A Case of Patient Autonomy Versus Physician Beneficence,” presentation to

St. Joseph’s Hospital Ethics Committee, February 5, 2003.

“Vent Removal, Terminal Sedation and Issues of Organizational Ethics,”

discussion and commentary, St. Anthony’s Hospital, July 24, 2003.

“Resource Allocation Issues in a Terminally Ill Cancer Patient,” discussion

and commentary, St. Joseph’s Hospital, November 5, 2003.

Member, Ethics Committees of St. Joseph’s Hospital (1999-) and James A. Haley

Veterans’ Administration Hospital (2000-)

Taught course (gratis) in “Ethical Decision Making in Health Care” for staff of

St. Joseph’s Hospital, fall 2002.

“Cat Cloning,” Kathy Fountain Program, Fox 13 TV, February 2, 2002.

“Ethical Issues in Genetics and Genomics,” with Inge Wefes, Grand Rounds, St.

Joseph’s Hospital, March 25, 2002.

“Ethical Decision Making,” Grand Rounds, St. Anthony’s Hospital,

June 11, 2002.

“Stem Cell Research,” Kathy Fountain Program, Fox 13 TV, October 2, 2002.

“Ethical Decision Making,” workshop conducted for Public Defender’s Office, 12th

Judicial Circuit, Sarasota, August 17, 2001.

“Ethical Issues For Speech Pathologists,” Tampa Bay Medical Speech Pathology

Association, January 4, 2001.

“Ethical Issues in Multi-Fetal Pregnancies,” Bioethics Committee, St. Joseph’s

Hospital, October 4, 2000.

“Current Issues in Biomedical Ethics”, Rotary International (Dunedin, FL-North),

October 20, 1999.

“What is Biomedical Ethics?” Inns of Court, Bradenton, FL, October 26, 1999.

Two-hour educational program on biomedical ethics for Sarasota Memorial

Hospital Bioethics Committee, December 6, 1999.

“What Does Biomedical Ethics Have To Do With Medical Professionalism?”

Grand Rounds Presentation, Tampa General Hospital, February 4, 2000.

“Creating a Social Change Movement: Normalizing Death in our Community.”

Future of Dying: Responding to End-of-Life Issues. Sarasota Memorial Hospital, April 24, 1998.

“Ethics Overview.” Ethics in Guardianships: Who has them? Who Needs Them?

Who Cares? Gulf Coast Chapter/Florida State Guardianship Association and

Sarasota County Bar Association. Sarasota, November 13, 1997.

“Patient Rights/Autonomy and The Ethics Committee.” Healthcare Ethics into the 21st Century. Charlotte Regional Medical Center/Fawcett Memorial Hospital/St. Joseph’s Hospital, Port Charlotte (FL), September 19, 1996.

"Values in Ethics and Personhood." Sarasota Memorial Hospital Bioethics

Committee Meeting, March 4, 1993.

"Current Directions in Bioethics." Doctors' Hospital Bioethics Committee Meeting, March 1, 1993.

"Bioethical Decision-making." Sarasota County Medical Society, Venice, May 9, 1992.

"Bioethics: Where Are We Now -- Where Are We Going?" Sarasota Memorial Hospital Conference, Bioethics in the 90's; Challenges and Opportunities, August 28, 1992

"Approaches to Biomedical Ethics." Lecture to West Coast Health Care

Systems, Sarasota, February 28, 1990.

Discussion Leader, "The Have and Have Knots of Health Care," Florida

Endowment for the Humanities Conference, Tampa General Hospital,

February 4, 1989.

Chair, panel, Communicating with Patients Conference, St. Petersburg,

FL, February 13, 1987.

UNIVERSITY GOVERNANCE (began to be listed as new category for fall 2006 to

conform to AFD/FAR system).

Dept. of English: Faculty Evaluation Committee, 2007-2008

Dept. of English: Placement Committee, 2007-2008

Dept. of English: Composition Policy Committee, 2007-2008.

Dept. of English: First Year Composition Policy Committee, fall, 2006.

Dept. of English: member search committee for position in Rhetoric/Composition,

fall, 2006.

Dept. of English: member Graduate Admissions Committee, fall, 2006.

Dept. of English: member M.A. Literature Exam Committee, fall, 2006 (has not met yet).

Dept. of English: revised and submitted LIT 2000 course, Introduction to Literature,

as part of university-wide revisions to General Education curriculum, fall, 2006

Dept. of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery: member of committee to interview

candidates for residency in otolaryngology, fall, 2006.

DEPARTMENTAL RESEARCH (began to be listed as new category for fall 2006 to

conform to AFD/FAR system).

Preparation and submission of grant application to the American Cancer Society

Entitled “A Study of Communication Between Head and Neck Surgeons

And Their Patients.” Judith C. McCaffrey, M.D., Principal Investigator,

David P. Schenck, Ph.D. and Lori A. Roscoe, Ph.D., co-investigators. Fall 2006.

Not funded.

Preparation and submission of grant application to the Center for Hospice, Palliative

Care and End-of-Life Studies entitled “A Study of Communication Between

Head and Neck Cancer Surgeons and Their Patients,” Judith C. McCaffrey,

M.D., P.I., Lori A. Roscoe, Ph.D., and David P. Schenck, Ph.D., co-

Investigators, Fall 2007.

Preparation of grant application to National Cancer Institute entitled “The

Development of An Educational Tool on Oral Cancer for Migrant Farm

Workers.” David P. Schenck, Ph.D., P.I., Tapan A. Padhya, M.D.,

co-investigator. In process.


“Health Disparities in Oral Care and Cancer Screening-A Pilot Project for Tampa Bay,”

conducted out of the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, USF,

$15,000, awarded by Tuskegee University National Center for Bioethics in Research

and Health Care/NYU School of Dentistry Research on Adult and Adolescent Health

Promotion Center/National Center for Dental and Craniofacial Research, 2004-05,

David P. Schenck, Principal Investigator.


Have traveled widely in Europe as well as West and Southern Africa for purposes of teaching, professional development, international conferences, and pleasure.

(updated April, 2007)


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