Advanced Placement Vocabulary - PC\|MAC

Advanced Placement Vocabulary

Benchmark: 80% mastery earns 20 points each test; lower, 0.

SAT Words (from Up Your Score)

1. wanton

2. vindicate

3. usurp

4. tenacity

5. terrestrial

6. taciturn

7. sycophant

8. subvert/ subversive

9. supercilious

10. superfluous

11. static

12. seditious

13. sanguine

14. recumbent

15. relevant

16. refute

17. quixotic

18. proliferate

19. puissant

20. pusillanimous

Classical Rhetorical Terms (See Glossary of Rhetorical Terms)

21. alliteration

22. antistrophe

23. litotes

24. chiasmus

25. polysyndeton

26. asyndeton

27. synecdoche

28. apostrophe

29. metonymy

30. hyperbole

31. irony

32. oxymoron

33. zeugma

34. anaphora

35. antistrophe

36. euphemism

37. tautology

38. paradox

39. euphony

40. cacophony

Academic Words

41. analyze

42. assess

43. appropriate

44. bildungsroman

45. valid/validity

46. justify

47. illustrate

48. contend/contention

49. adequate/inadequate

50. milieu

51. parameters

52. subsequently

53. notwithstanding

54. fundamental

55. omit/omission

56. facilitate

57. domain

58. subtext

59. contemporary

60. anachronism/anachronistic

Poetic Terms (see Kaplan and Norton)

61. allegory

62. allusion

63. anapest(ic)

64. iamb(ic)

65. dactyl(lic)

66. trochee (trochaic)

67. blank verse

68. prose

69. tragedy

70. caesura

71. consonance

72. assonance

73. sibilance

74. slant rhyme

75. couplet

76. quatrain

77. diction

78. free verse

79. turn

80. genre

Poetry Mishmash

81. loose sentence

82. period sentence

83. interruptive sentence

84. balanced sentence

85. lyric

86. meter

87. soliloquy

88. speaker

89. subject

90. ode

91. parallel structure

92. trope/motif

93. persona

94. satire

95. stanza

96. theme

97. style

98. narrative

99. syntax

100. mood

Descriptive Words

101. perfunctory

102. placate

103. pithy

104. pallid

105. paucity

106. pecuniary

107. pedestrian

108. pensive

109. oscillate

110. onerous

111. opulent

112. obstreperous

113. obtuse

114. neologism

115. nemesis

116. notorious

117. naïve

118. nascent

119. mellifluous

120. canon/canonical

Tone Words

121. desultory

122. laconic

123. corroborate

124. indolence

125. impugn

126. harbinger

127. hackneyed

128. gratuitous

129. eschew

130. epitome

131. coy

132. patronizing

133. pedantic

134. soporific

135. malicious

136. petulant

137. surreptitious

138. callow

139. jingoistic

140. ex cathedra


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