NCA Quality Assurance Review Workshop

AdvancED Accreditation Process


Dr. David Hurst, AdvancED Vice President of US Regional and State Office Services

Dr. Angie Koppang. AdvancED Midwest Regional Direcctor

One Semester Hour of Graduate Credit

North Dakota State University

EDUC 600

October 17-18, 2011 - Okinawa

October 20-21, 2011 - Japan

October 24-25, 2011 - Guam

October 27-28, 2011 - Korea

I. Course Description

This workshop will assist educators in developing an understanding of accreditation standards, accreditation protocols, surveys and ASSIST tools to support accreditation and continuous improvement efforts for schools. The workshop will be provided in four sections designed to prepare individuals to lead accreditation and continous improvement efforts in their schools.

II. Course Content

The major components of the course will include the following topics:

Section 1: AdvancED Standards for Schools

In this session, participants will learn about the five new standard statements and 33 indicators, and become familiar with the research that supports these new standards. In addition, participants will develop an understanding about how the key practices of continuous improvement and stakeholder involvement are threaded through the standards.

Section 2: ASSIST for Schools

This session will focus on AdvancED’s (Adaptive System of School Improvement Tools) ASSIST which merges process, content, and technology into a web-based platform for school improvement planning and accreditation management. The participant will view actual screen shots that show the steps to complete for planning, data analysis, and reporting and learn how ASSIST supports the steps to continuous improvement.

Section 3: Accreditation Protocol

Along with AdvancED’s new standards come changes to the accreditation protocols and two new accreditation status designations for schools and districts. Session will cover the changes to the accreditation protocols and the new accreditation status designations for school accreditation.

Section 4: Perception Surveys

Collecting and analyzing stakeholder perception data is an essential part of the continuous improvement accreditation and processes.  This session will provide information needed to understand the power of stakeholder perception data, as well as how to access and begin using the stakeholder perception surveys in ASSIST. Find out how an institution can effortlessly administer parent, teacher, and student surveys, at no cost, and access meaningful reports to drive continuous improvement efforts.


As a result of their participation in this workshop, participants will develop and demonstrate the following outcomes:

• Understanding of the AdvancED process for school improvement and accreditation

• Ability to analyze data in relation to the AdvancED Standards.

• Develop the knowledge and skills to lead the accreditation and continuous improvement efforts in their school

IV. Course Requirements

• Participate in the QAR workshop and complete all workshop activities

• Completion of reflection paper

Reflection Paper Assignment

Please address the following focus questions in a reflection paper. Your responses should not exceed a total of three pages (double-spaced). The assignment should be submitted via email attachment to Dr. Angie Koppang (akoppang@advanc-) by November 30, 2011.

1. How will you use what you have learned in this training in your leadership role for accreditation and school improvement within your school or district.

Reflection Paper Grading Criteria

|Grade |Criteria |

|A |Fully addresses the focus question |

| |Ideas and concepts are well organized |

| |Clearly describes the integration and application of the ideas to your school setting or your |

| |work as a visitation chair |

| |Few or no grammar, spelling or punctuation errors |

|B |Addresses the focus question |

| |Is generally well organized and elaborates on some points |

| |Adequately describes the ideas, integration and application to your school setting or your work |

| |as a visitation chair |

| |Minor or infrequent grammar, spelling or punctuation errors |

|C |Addresses some of the ideas in the focus question |

| |Can describe how the some of the ideas apply to your school setting or work as a visitation chair|

| |Frequent grammar, spelling and punctuation errors |

|F |Did not address the focus question |

| |Is unable to describe the application of new ideas to work or classroom setting |

| |Significant grammar, spelling and punctuation errors |

|Incomplete |Paper was not received. Arrangements must be made with the instructor to request an extension of|

| |time to complete the paper. If this request is not made by the due date, the grade will be |

| |recorded as an F. |


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