Master Dent 756 Lectures


JUST-Faculty of Dentistry

Course Coordinator: Dr. M.Rawashdeh

1ST Semester 2008/2009

Course syllabus

Course Title: Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

Course Number: Dent 756

Course Instructors: Dr. M.Rawashdeh & Y. Nusair

Prerequisite: Dent 755

Course Credits: 2 hours, one 2-hour lecture every week

Course Description:

This course is offered by the Department of Oral medicine & Surgery and is one of the core courses of the Postgraduate/Master programme in Oral & Maxillofacial surgery. Lectures are set to cover the various topics of advanced Oral & Maxillofacial surgery. Postgraduate/Master students are required to participate actively in preparing and presenting the different lecture topics. Postgraduate/Master students are introduced and encouraged to developed research skills by writing presentations about topics in Oral & Maxillofacial surgery.

Course Objectives:

By the end of this course the Postgraduate/Master student in Oral & Maxillofacial surgery will be expected to:

1. Have the knowledge and ability to review and present the various topic in Oral & Maxillofacial surgery in a scientific way

2. Be familiar with modern information technologies used in scientific presentations

3. Have a sound knowledge about the management of patients with advanced oral & maxillofacial injuries including fixation techniques

4. To know the various aspects of management of patients with benign and malignant lesions of the oral & maxillofacial region

5. Be familiar with the presentation, investigations and surgery of the major salivary glands

6. To understand the advantages and limitations of the different techniques used for reconstruction of oral and maxillofacial defects

7. Be familiar with the diagnosis, preoperative planning and Surgical techniques for correction of Facial deformities

8. Know the indications, limitations and surgical approaches for Tempromandibular Joint Surgery

9. Have a basic knowledge about the multidisciplinary approach for the management of cleft lip and palate patients

10. Improve the research skills

Students Evaluation:

There will be two intrasemester examinations (written /viva) credited 25 marks each, and a comprehensive final examination (written /viva) credited 50 marks.


JUST - Faculty Of Dentistry. Dent 756-OMFS Master Lectures

1st Semester 2005 – 2006.

Course Coordinator: Dr. M. RAWASHDEH

|NO. |Date |Topic |Post.Grad.St. |Staff |

|1 |18/9/2008 |Guidelines & Presentation Techniques | |Dr. Rawashdeh |

|2 |25/9/2008 |Emergency and early management of Facial trauma and | |Dr. Rawashdeh |

| | |clinical assessment | | |

|3 |2/10/2008 |Management of Dentoalveolar and Mandibular fractures | |Dr. Rawashdeh |

|4 |9/10/2008 |Management of fractures of the mid-face and upper face | |Dr. Rawashdeh |

|5 |16/10/2008 |Surgery of the TMJ | |Dr. Nusair |

|6 |23/10/2008 |1st Exam (written /viva) (25 MARKS) Dr. Rawashdeh |

|7 |30/10/2008 |Orthognathic Surgery I: | |Dr. Rawashdeh |

| | |Mandibular Osteotomies | | |

|8 |6/11/2008 |Orthognathic Surgery I: | |Dr. Rawashdeh |

| | |Maxillary Osteotomies | | |

|9 |13/11/2008 |Surgery of Cleft lip and palate | |Dr. Rawashdeh |

|10 |20/11/2008 |Distraction Osteogenesis | |Dr. Nusair |

|11 |27/112008 |Surgery of Salivary glands | |Dr. Nusai |

|12 |4/12/2008 |2nd Exam (written /viva) (25 MARKS) Dr. Nusair |

|13 |11/12/2008 |Advanced surgical management of oral cancer | |Dr. Nusair |

|14 |18/12/2008 |Principles of simple facial flaps and reconstructive | |Dr. Nusair |

| | |surgery | | |

|15 |25/12/2008 |Holiday | | |

|16 |1/01/2009 |Holiday | | |

|17 |8/01/2009 |Vascular lesions management | |Dr. Nusair |

|18 |15/01/2009 |Surgical Complications: Prevention & Management | |Dr. Nusair |

|19 | |Final Exam Exam (written /viva) (50 marks) | | |

Timing: Thursday, 2:30-4:30

Venue: Hall 3, Dental Teaching Centre, Irbid

1. These lecturers will be given on the dates shown on your course description. Please kindly arrange that each topic will be prepared and presented by the postgraduate student(s) allocated to each lecture.

2. The presentation should also be typewritten and be handed at the end of each lecture.

3. It is the responsibility of the student preparing the presentation to be able present it and to discuss it with the rest of the group during the lecture.

4. Slides, Transparencies and other forms of illustration can be used

5. These presentations will be marked and be part of your evaluation

Guidelines to contents:

I. General back ground about the topic, for example:

1.Introduction 2.Incidence 3.Pathophysiology 4.Etiology

5.Clinical Features 6.Investigations 7.Treatment

II. Oral/Facial/Dental aspects & Management

III. References:

1.Internet site (s) 2.Text Books 3.Publications in Recent Scientific Journals

VI. Presentation Book: Clear file with A4 Pockets

Office hours:

Oral and Maxillofacial surgery clinic in the Dental Health Centre on Sunday and Wednesdays.

Recommended textbooks:

1. Contemporary Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Larry Peterson, Fourth edition, 2003

2. Medical Problems In Dentistry, C. Scully & R.A. Cawson, Fifth edition, 2005

3. Operative maxillofacial Surgery, J. Langdon & M. Patel, First Edition 1998

4. Fundamentals of orthognathic surgery, Malcolm Harris

5. Fractures of the facial skeleton First edition 2001, Peter Banks & Andrew Brown

6. Peterson’s principles of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery, second edition 2004. Volume 1 and 2, Michael Miloro, G. E. Ghali, Peter Larsen, Peter Waite

7. Other chapters or review articles.

Good Luck

Evaluation Form

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (Dent 756)

Student Name:

University Number:


Topic Presented:

Coverage of the Topic: /35

Depth of Information: /35

Presentation skills: /10

Language: /10

Artistic: /10

Final Mark: /100

Comments of Faculty Member:

Faculty Member:


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