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[Pages:12]Ryer Island Farm 6,439.30? Acres

Solano County, California

$100,947,000 ($15,677/Acre)

? Pre-1914 Riparian Water Rights ? Minimal Impacts From SGMA ? Quality Soils ? Permanent Crop Potential ? Extensive Tile Drain System

Exclusively Presented by:

Pearson Realty

Offices Serving The Central Valley


7480 N. Palm Ave, Ste 101

3447 S. Demaree Street

1801 Oak Street, Ste 159

Fresno, CA 93711

Visalia, CA 93277

Bakersfield , CA 93301


DRE #00020875

All information contained herein is deemed reliable but not guaranteed by seller nor broker and should be independently verified by potential buyers. We assume no liability for errors or omissions.

Ryer Island Farm 6,439.30? Acres Solano County, CA Pro perty Lo cati o n Roseville








San Francisco


San Mateo

Hayward Fremont

Elk Grove Stockton Modesto

2 All information contained herein is deemed reliable but not guaranteed by seller nor broker and should be independently verified by potential buyers. We assume no liability for errors or omissions.

Ryer Island Farm 6,439.30? Acres Solano County, CA

Summar y

PROPERTY DESCRIPTION A rare opportunity to acquire a large, investment grade farm located in California's water rich Delta region. The 6,439.30? acre property has enjoyed an abundance of inexpensive water sustained by Pre 1914 Water Rights. Approximately 880 acres of the Ryer Island farm are improved with an extensive tile drain system to allow for expanded development of permanent crops. The owner has almond trees ordered to plant the tiled portion of the property, which may be available for a buyer. The farm investment also offers fertile soils, economies of scale, income, depreciation and minimal impacts from SGMA.

L oc a tion The subject property is in Solano County, 26? miles southwest of Sacramento and is on the east side of the Sacramento River. Highway 84 is the main access route to the location from the north, the property can be accessed from Highway 220 from the east via ferry, and access is available via ferry from the southwest end of the property from Highway 84. The town of Walnut Grove is also in close proximity, just 8 miles east of the Ryer Island Farm.

W a ter / I rri g a tion The entire property is located within North Delta Water Agency and has historically received up to 6 acre feet of water per acre with the following water fees and assessments:

Reclamation District 501- An assessment of $41.00 per acre in 2019, which is assessed through the property taxes.

The Freshwater Trust - A fee of $502.00 per diversion (siphon) of which there are 12 on the property.

Dixon/Solano RCD Water Quality Coalition - An assessment of $3.75 per acre to monitor all nitrogen management plans and verify all reporting is completed properly.

North Delta Water Agency - An assessment of $3.83 per acre involved, for assurances and obligations for adequate water supply and quality are specifically assigned to the property covered.

Note: The above water costs are subject to change.

Acre a g e 6,439.30? Surveyed Acres (6,118? Net Plantable Acres)

L e g a l D escription Solano County APNs 0042-220-020 0042-250-040

0042-220-190 0042-250-050 0042-220-210 0042-360-010 0042-230-040 0042-360-020 0042-230-110 0042-370-010 0042-230-190 0042-400-010 0042-240-110 0042-400-020 0042-240-120 0042-410-010 0042-240-140 0177-040-020 0042-240-190 0177-040-040

0177-050-010 0177-050-020 0177-050-030 0177-050-040 0177-050-050 0177-060-010 0177-060-020 0177-060-080 0177-060-090

W illi a m son Act According to the county, the properties are in the Williamson Act Contract.

L a nd u se The property is currently planted to 120.3? acres of pears, 11.2? acres of cherries, with the balance of the acreage farmed to irrigated field crops.

S tr u ct u res / I m pro v e m ents The property includes 24 residences, 11 storage barns, 2 offices, 2 shops and 1 bee house. There are several domestic wells used to service the buildings. The property also includes an extensive tile drain system on the northern 880? acres installed by the owner for the purpose of developing permanent crops. A Phase II tile drain design for an additional 1,272? acres is available for a buyer's review during due diligence.

L e a ses / T en a nts There are 3,961.61? acres leased to multiple tenants with a total 2020 revenue of $764,774 annually.

P rice / T er m s $100,947,000 ($15,676.70 per acre) cash at the close of escrow. A sale is subject to the existing lease agreements on the property.


All information contained herein is deemed reliable but not guaranteed by seller nor broker and should be independently verified by potential buyers. We assume no liability for errors or omissions.

Ryer Island Farm 6,439.30? Acres Solano County, CA Parcel M ap

Sacramento River Miner

Liberty Island

Prospect Island








0042-230-110 0042-230-040



0042-400-020 0042-240-190


0042-240-120 0042-240-140


0042-250-040 0042-250-050

not a part

0177-050-040 0177-050-050









che Slough

0177-060-080 0177-060-090

Steamboat Slo u gh

Parcel Number 0177-060-090 0042-240-110 0042-230-190 0042-250-040 0177-060-080 0177-060-010 0177-050-010 0177-040-040 0042-240-190 0042-240-120 0042-220-210 0042-220-190 0042-220-020 0042-230-040 0042-230-110 0042-240-140 0042-250-050 0042-360-010 0042-360-020 0042-370-010 0042-400-010 0042-400-020 0042-410-010 0177-040-020 0177-060-020 0177-050-020 0177-050-030 0177-050-040 0177-050-050 TOTALS:

Assessed Acres? 309.14 328.08 510.72 216.54 266.9 252.16 115.01 336.3 227.67 267.73 329.5 329.18 416.83 414.14 220.73 38.62 187.26 0.35 1.23 1.93 4.32 0.83 2.84 266.04 396.46 200.27 280.23 242.51 256.05


2019-2020 Property Taxes

$28,242.82 $23,832.92 $35,416.66 $14,237.46 $19,601.06 $16,106.48 $11,068.68 $26,817.54 $16,837.36 $22,836.34 $23,891.18 $23,524.02 $29,731.92 $27,266.56 $14,425.72

$1,873.22 $12,224.24

$42.72 $80.56 $119.92 $268.86 $58.42 $179.78 $20,190.40 $26,191.76 $13,242.80 $18,499.92 $15,912.08 $16,972.62 $459,694.02*

* Includes Reclamation 501 water assessment of $236,638.20, which is $41.00 per acre.

NOTE: Buyer to independently verify property acreage.

4 All information contained herein is deemed reliable but not guaranteed by seller nor broker and should be independently verified by potential buyers. We assume no liability for errors or omissions.

Ryer Island Farm 6,439.30? Acres Solano County, CA

2 020 C ro p Map

Sutter Island

Sacramento River

Liberty Island

Prospect Island



Grand Island

Phase I Almond Planting (Fall 2020)

Phase II Almond Planting (Fall 2021)





che Slough





Steamboat Slo u gh

Cherries Seed Alfalfa Fallow

5 All information contained herein is deemed reliable but not guaranteed by seller nor broker and should be independently verified by potential buyers. We assume no liability for errors or omissions.

Ryer Island Farm 6,439.30? Acres Solano County, CA

Phase I A L m o n d P la n ti n g

California almonds have historically been a strong long-term investment given a large variety of consumer demand as a premier health snack, thoughtful gift, cooking ingredient, dairy milk substitute, and butter spread with more advancements being introduced each year. California supplies 82?% of the world's almond consumption with over 100 handlers/processors in the state shipping product to more than 100 countries globally, and the Almond Board of California is spending millions each year on expanding into new countries and markets.

With the advanced tile drain system and ample water, the owners have scheduled planting almonds on 877? acres of the Ryer Island Farm in the fall of 2020. The varieties, rootstock and planting configuration are illustrated in the map below. A successful buyer will have the option to assume the tree purchase contract. The design plans for the Phase II tile drain system on an additional 1,272? acres is available for a buyer's review in due diligence.


SG1 50% NP 78? Acres 25% Aldrich 25% Butte

SG1 - 78? Acres Rootpac R - 354? Acres Viking - 445? Acres

48? Acres

101? Acres

Rootpac R 100% Shasta

48? Acres 19? Acres

36? Acres

Viking 50% NP 25% Aldrich 25% Butte

95? Acres

78? Acres

79? Acres

21? Acres

43? Acres

13? Acres 40? Acres

54? Acres

23? Acres

58? Acres 43? Acres

6 All information contained herein is deemed reliable but not guaranteed by seller nor broker and should be independently verified by potential buyers. We assume no liability for errors or omissions.

Ryer Island Farm 6,439.30? Acres Solano County, CA

Delta Regio n I sla n ds Map

Elk Grove


7 All information contained herein is deemed reliable but not guaranteed by seller nor broker and should be independently verified by potential buyers. We assume no liability for errors or omissions.

Ryer Island Farm 6,439.30? Acres Solano County, CA Property P h oto s

8 All information contained herein is deemed reliable but not guaranteed by seller nor broker and should be independently verified by potential buyers. We assume no liability for errors or omissions.


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