Age Connects Torfaen

-3333750IntroductionAge Concern Torfaen venues at Widdershins and Broad Street are essential to local communities, and have been at the heart of Torfaen for 23 years. For many older people the Widdershins Centre is the place to be, a buzzing environment of activities and opportunities.Over the years, many thousands of people have found new confidence and support, along with companionship, laughter, new interests and for many, a life changing experience.Age Concern Torfaen cares about people, going that extra mile to meet the challenges people face.People may not be sure where to turn when faced with bereavement or redundancy, worried about finances or simply Not able to cope with life. At Age Concern Torfaen, they will find practical help, professional advice, opportunities, and a dependable service to support them.Age Concern Torfaen exists to assist anyone aged over fifty, their carers and family. Clients range from the recently retired to those still in work, from people made redundant and looking for new employment, right through to the very elderly.-152400-9525Age Concern Torfaen is the Charity to turn to for practical information, professional guidance. People come to develop new skills, discover new opportunities or simply to meet friends. Our floating support service will help those who are too frail or infirm to visit our venues.At Widdershins and Abersychan, older people come to:have tea and cakeobtain advice (from care homes, travel to claiming benefits)learn to use a computerhave a laugh amongst friendsdance have a manicuresing their heart outTake part in an ever-growing programme of enjoyable and relevant pursuits.-204470195580When people are depressed or simply lonely, they will find support and encouragement, kindness and understanding..... and a whole range of activities (and friends) to help them rediscover the pleasure of life.The environment of Age Concern Torfaen is conducive to relaxing, recharging and recovering. For some, the Widdershins centre is a haven from a seemingly indifferent world. Others may see it as the place where they learned to use a computer or line dance. Some have regained confidence to volunteer or find employment.3048000-38100-152400-38100Independent Local ListeningFor people who are isolated and confined to home, our service extends into the community. Bringing emotional and practical support where needed in the form of home visits, shopping and cleaning.Every penny raised through grants, donations and legacies is spent on supporting older people in Torfaen.The charity’s Floating Support team is accessible to both tenants and owner occupiers. Providing practical support to individuals, we use a person centred approach, working to achieve goals and outcomes for each individual client. To older people in the community, Age Concern Torfaen Home Support Services makes all the difference in the world, just by knowing someone is there.Age Concern Torfaen is many things to many different people. The one thing they all agree on is that there is nowhere else like it!Our Aim - To enhance the quality of life for older people in our community.Our Mission – Wecontinually strive to provide quality services and encourage involvementand well-being for older people in Torfaen by adding “Life to Years”. -2095500A year of major changesAt our last AGM we reported that Age Concern and Help the Aged were merging. The intention was to create a national umbrella charity – Age UK. We announced, at the close of 2011 financial year, our plans to retain our independence and reject the offer to become part of Age UK.The Trustees examined the pros and cons of the proposal. They considered whether we wished to be part of this new centralised national charity; what we in Torfaen had to gain, or indeed lose. Taking stock of our own achievements and strengths, of almost 23 years dedicated to the wellbeing of the older people of Torfaen, our Trustees decided that no one can match our knowledge of the local area and the needs of older residents. Our current services, future plans and insights were steeped in local knowledge, by becoming a totally independent charity, we could be re-assured that every penny raised locally is spent locally.Our commitment to our services and the people of Torfaen has not changed in how we operate. We concluded that the quality and variety of our services would not be enhanced by becoming part of a centralised national charity.Our decision has also presented exciting opportunities to work with the remaining seven Age Concern Organisations in Wales.During the year we have prepared for the creation of Age Connect Wales – a new alliance of Age Concern organisations.Age Concern Torfaen became an individual stand alone charity on 1st April, 2011. With a new visual identity we were ready to go forward.2905125-190500-209550-238125Our dedicated workforceOur success is due to the passion and commitment of our staff and volunteers. We work to Investors In People, Community Legal Service and Financial Services Authority accreditations. This has helped us achieve high quality standards, and gain recognition to become a preferred provider of services to statutory organisations.We are very proud of and value everyone who works with Age Concern Torfaen, whether in paid employment , as a volunteer or trainee.“I have worked at Age Concern Torfaen for many years and am proud to have been an integral part of a growing, dynamic organisation, one which has led the way in developing opportunities for Torfaen’s older people. The organisation has helped me develop both personally and professionally and I look forward to an exciting future and new challenges. (I never tell my manager if I have extra skills as I’m afraid we may have to provide another service!)” The organisation has a strong management and professional leadership, which encourages staff and volunteers to take up new skills and qualifications in the development of their roles, resulting in an effective and responsive workforce.During the year we employed 41staff (including full and part time) and increased our Volunteer base by 15 people.“I am really enjoying working for Age Concern Torfaen through the befriending project. My working day offers me new and exciting opportunities, no two days are the same. It inspires me to see the positive impact that Age Concern Torfaen has on individuals and their local communities”You learn something new every day...Young people are also important to us and we value our partnerships with training providers, local colleges and schools. Age Concern Torfaen continues to provide work experience and work based learning for the 16 - 19 age group.Our intergenerational work is enhanced by bringing younger and older people together to share life experiences and knowledge.Trainees16 Trainees have accessed training placements during the year, sourced from:Torfaen TrainingTalk TrainingLearnabout TrainingColeg Gwent Training UndertakenNVQ 13 week PreparationHealth & Social Care - Level 1Customer Service - Level 1Business Admin - Level 2Work Experience in catering, care, administration and customer service.Staff TrainingAge Concern Torfaen continually provides appropriate training, to enable its staff to deliver services to the best of their abilities. Specialist courses attended by staff:Level 2 Food Safety (QCA Accredited)Sustainability PlanningAdvantage products – Stannah Stairlifts & Golden CharterMaking the most of your moneyGwent Frailty AwarenessITC Compliance – Financial Standards AuthoritySupporting People Outcomes FrameworkCharity Log – Scheduling & InvoicingMentoring & Befriending Foundation Quality Mark & Approved Provider StandardsProtection of Vulnerable Adults – Awareness, Levels 2 & 3Self HarmDriving AwarenessAlternative Office – Pension ServiceManagement & Leadership SkillsMemory & Reminiscence TherapyResults Based AccountabilityEquality ActEmergency First Aid at workEnd of Life CareTraining provided in-houseDementia & Basic ActivitiesTeam BuildingSensory AwarenessData ProtectionInductionHealth & SafetyCharity LogPersonal SafetyWe invested a total of ?7539 in training for our staff and volunteers-3810047625VolunteeringTime is precious…to you…to us…and to Older PeopleVolunteers give us a gift of their time to make life better for Older People in TorfaenThe time donated by our volunteers totalled 3989 hours, which is equivalent to spending ?24,253Our volunteers tell us that the main reasons they volunteer is for the company and the chance to help others by doing something useful. 24320547625Volunteers enhance and add value to our workWe recognise the contribution they make. Whether a trustee or a kitchen helper, we provide the support and training necessary to carry out their role.I look forward to coming to Widdershins each week, I have been a volunteer for six years and it has helped me so much. I have made friends, I enjoy the company and it gets me out of the house. I help to serve cups of tea and biscuits and join in with the activities. It’s a lot of fun!left0Activities and ServicesAge Concern Torfaen believe engagement in activities is essential to the maintenance of physical and psychological health and well-being. Keeping the body and brain active is therefore vitally important.Our service offers opportunities for older people to enjoy social activities each week from Information Technology, Craft and Exercise to Nordic Walking.All our activities are delivered by trained, enthusiastic, energetic staff. Ranging from beginners exercise classes to therapeutic sessions for people with dementia. Expert advice on welfare benefits to practical services like hearing aid battery replacement. 50800Everything we do is driven by our service users. New classes are developed to meet needs – the Nordic Walking programme has been designed with the help of its members and encourages engagement with the beautiful countryside we have here in Torfaen.Group activities give people the chance to come together periodically to enjoy an afternoon tea and entertainment, a day trip or tea dance. Those unable to dance are happy to sit on the sidelines, enjoy the music and reminisce, whilst watching others. Day activities are stimulating, enjoyable and for some the visit to Widdershins is the highlight of their week; a time to see their friends and catch up. For those who care for a partner it is a chance for a well earned break knowing that their loved one is being taken care of. Information Services include.....Information/Advice/Welfare RightsLeaflets and fact sheetsYour Voice Services include.....Older Persons Forums & consultation supportVulnerable Adults Advocacy ServiceSupport Services include.....Floating SupportCommunity SupportBefriending Hubs “Friends for Life”Health & Well-being Services include.....Low Level Nail CuttingBeauty treatments & therapiesHairdressingHearing aid battery replacement Aids to independent livingPhysical Activities include.....Line DancingNordic WalkingExtend ExerciseTai ChiCreative Activities include.....Craft and PatchworkSewingCourses include.....Information TechnologyHow to use a mobile phoneGroup Activities include.....Trips and outingsCommunity Lunch ClubsAfternoon teas Tea DancesCelebrationsPractical Services include.....HandypersonThe Bistro at WiddershinsHome ServicesWhat our services mean to peopleImagine never being able to sink into a warm scented bath, or living a hand to mouth existence, because you never have a penny to spare and do not realise you’re entitled to more.Imagine watching that huge damp patch on your ceiling gradually spreading and not knowing who to call because you are afraid of the many cowboy builders out there.Imagine not being able to cut your toe nails because your arthritis restricts your bending to reach. Or being afraid to admit to anyone you cannot cope when you leave hospital just in case you are taken into a care home and lose your independence forever.Imagine spending most of your pension at the over-priced convenience store because it’s difficult to get to the supermarket unaided.Imagine being left behind by a society that seems governed by mobile phones and computers that you can’t get to grips with.Imagine feeling lonely. Imagine the days of silence with nothing but telly to break the monotonyNOW imagine meeting people who care about you, who will understand you because they share your concerns.Imagine getting help from kind strangers who become friends.Imagine laughter and relaxation, a good cup of coffee and homemade cooked lunch in lovely surroundings.Imagine getting around more, making friends, learning new skills, sharing memories and new experiences.Imagine fun and companionship.All this is waiting – at Age Concern Torfaen.“It is wonderful having someone to cut my toes nail as I can’t manage to bend now, my shoes feel so much more comfortable now, and I have a cuppa in the Bistro afterwards.“Seeing someone each week is really important to me”“Having someone who I can trust to come to my home to fix my kitchen taps has been appreciated, very friendly and polite”292417538100-23812538100Why are we different?Age Concern Torfaen complements the work of other organisations in Torfaen, working together in order to improve the quality of life for older people.Whilst statutory authorities are often under pressure to meet ever increasing demands for even basic services, we are able to support clients in maintaining their health and wellbeing, by offering services that no other organisation can match, either in scope or in delivery. For example:The family of a 71 year old lady, who was recently bereaved, contacted us regarding financial worries.Our Information & Advice Service responded by inviting the lady and her family to attend an appointment at a suitable community venue. A benefit assessment was provided: Outcome:Maximisation of income:Pension CreditHousing Benefit. Bereavement Payment Pension application – change to circumstancesWinter Fuel AllowanceAttendance allowance opportunity identified Successfully gained Resulting in ?9128.92 gained over twelve month period Our Floating Support Service also assisted, helping to deal with issues of bereavement, low self esteem and confidence, whilst promoting future independence, management and maintenance of the home.Floating Support Outcome:Building of confidence, self esteem and trust through regular contactAccess to social opportunities within local communitiesAccompany to G.P. – medication reviewAdaptations to propertyIntroduction Handyperson Service & Home Services (cleaning) to maintain homeIncreased finance able to pay for accessible transportAn introduction to our Befriending Service was also provided, allowing the lady to access a continued social network, thus maintaining independence and reducing loneliness each week.The client now feels much more confident to live alone independently. She has an awareness of how to access services, attends various social opportunities, and has rekindled old and made new friendships.“At the time when we contacted Age Concern Torfaen, I did not know there was so much help for me; I did not know what I was going to do, or how I was going to manage without my husband. I did not know how I was going to pay for my husband’s funeral or manage on my pension.”“Seeing someone each week from Age Concern Torfaen meant so much to me. Now I continue going to a Befriending Hub and local Lunch Club each week, I really look forward to going, and enjoy the company there”The aim of the Floating Support Project is to ensure that no older person is left to cope unaided.2905125-3810Our Befriending Project, in partnership with Torfaen Mind and Crossroads Care South East Wales is funded by the Advantage Safeguarding Big Lottery. The project is accessible to all older people over 50, who may be lonely or isolated in their communities, offering friendship and support in community hubs. The emphasis of this project builds on the work already undertaken by Age Concern Torfaen and the services provided by the statutory authorities. The Befriending Project is designed to provide an enhanced level of befriending over and above support that we offer. The value of this service is clear. There is no need for anyone to be isolated within their own community. In the futuresuch services will onlybecome more significant. Six community hubs have been successfully established. They are located in key communities, previously providing few opportunities for older people to get together socially. Over 400 people have benefited from services provided through the project, and over 230 people have accessed hubs, along with participating in organised activities.-228600-523875Your VoiceThe Vulnerable Adults Advocacy Service in Torfaen provides focused support to vulnerable older people who are at risk of, or are experiencing abuse or neglect. Advocacy can be provided to those already involved in the Protection of Vulnerable Adults process. We will represent people with or without capacity, providing both instructed and non-instructed advocacy. Sometimes people have difficulty in communicating their needs for whatever reason. Advocacy is there for people, who are being ignored, excluded, unfairly treated, or are not receiving the sort of help they think they need.Age Concern Torfaen is a partner of the South East Wales Safeguarding, a project providing independent advocacy services. The project operates across nine local authorities and three local health board areas in South East Wales, funded by the BIG Lottery Advantage Programme.Age Concern Torfaen supports three independent Older Persons Forums to ensure voices are heard on issues that matter. Influencing planning and provision of services locally, regionally and nationally, as well as providing a mechanism for consultation to the wider communities of Torfaen. 992 people attended the Older Persons Forums. We consulted on a variety of subjects, including Welfare reform, Bronafon Social Housing changes and Health issues.Facts & FiguresHere is a snapshot of our achievements for the past year.Welfare benefitsWe helped older people to maximise their income to a total of ?1,362,298.5658% of people were over the age of 7053% of clients owned own homes65% of clients were femaleWe often provide services to people to deal with more than one issue, as life can be complex. There are many reasons why older people, their families and carers turn to Age Concern Torfaen for information, advice, support and help.The Community Support Service encourages choice of service provision to promote independence. Partners to the service have been:Torfaen Social Services – 154 hours of spot contract support provisionPrivate clients – 309 hours of support provisionTotal service provision for the year equates to 463 hours.Floating Support Service We provided 11,284 hours of support, the average length being six months. People are referred due to various reasons. The main contributing factors are shown:9% mental health issues2% chronic illness1% learning difficulties12% frail elderly76% Just an older person in need.Help at HomeAge Concern Torfaen provided:4166 hours of cleaning (86 per week). We have 104 people on our register.A weekly shopping service to an average of 30 people each week, a total of 1502 shops during the year.Home Services staff made 32 referrals to the Information & Advice service, examples are: welfare benefit assessmentsattendance allowance applicationfuneral plan informationLunch Clubs We operate ten lunch clubs on a weekly basis throughout Torfaen. Our Bistro is open from Monday to Friday and offers a choice of menu.We operate a meal delivery service available to people being discharged from hospital, or in an emergency to those in need.We have provided a total of 12,840 hot meals throughout the year.Handyperson We completed 2421 jobs for clients within the period.Healthy LifestyleWe provided day activity sessions to 1803 people (10% increase). Clients contracted by Torfaen Social Services accounted for 57% of the total, whilst 43% were private contracts, showing a steady growth in this area.However, voids (non attendance due to sickness, holidays and weather) accounted for 14% in lost income.26% of clients are male74% clients are femaleMore than half of new referrals came from the Mental Health Team, Torfaen Social Services, resulting in an increase in referrals for older people with early/newly diagnosed dementia.Low Level Nail Cutting Our service provided 720 nail cutting sessions to people at Widdershins and at community outreach venues across rmation & Advice Our service dealt with 9108 general enquiriesClubs and classesAll our classes offer a relaxed and friendly atmosphere, and an opportunity for social interaction. They are run by qualified tutors with additional support from enthusiastic volunteers.Our most recent class – Line Dancing – started at the end of September 2011, has grown in popularity, attracting an average of 18 people per week (415 people in the period).Other classes include:Information Technology (I.T.)Sewing & CraftExtend Exercise & Nordic WalkingTai ChiThe total number of attendances for clubs & classes during the year was 3642 (20% increase on previous year). Extend Exercise and I.T continues to prove most popular. 19050-4445advant~AGEEvery day we face challenges to raise unrestricted income in order to sustain the future of Age Concern Torfaen. In 2011, we developed a new partnership with advant~AGE. By selling products and services we are able to generate income to support and develop new or existing services. This is a new venture and one that will take time to grow. Unlike some other national charities who deal in similar products, every penny we raise is reinvested locally in direct services for older people.The charity’s trading arm raises income by selling:Travel, Home & Contents, Motor and Commercial Insurance ProductsStannah StairliftsGolden Charter Prepaid Funeral PlansCarelineCorporate Achievements throughout 2011-2012.We continue to work closely with local funding bodies as they review their investment in the work of the charityWe successfully secured funding from the Big Lottery Fund Advantage Programme to start a Befriending Project.We moved our Information and Advice Project to new premises offering more opportunities.We entered into a Partnership agreement with Torfaen Mind and Crossroads Care South East Wales.We partnered the South East Wales Age Concern’s Regional Advocacy project, funded by the Big Lottery Advantage Programme, enabling us to operate a new Advocacy Service.We recruited 15 new volunteers across the organisation.We rebranded the Age Concern Torfaen visual image.We increased our efficiency by extra investment in our CharityLog Management SystemWe became part of a new Welsh Alliance of Age Concerns called Age Connects Wales-50482519050Future AspirationsAge Concern Torfaen has always been innovative in their design of services, which sets them apart from others.We are committed to collaborative and partnership working, which has already made a difference with Torfaen Mind and Crossroads Care South East Wales. We will continue to involve other partners to enable us to grow in strength and share best practise.We will continue to encourage people to become more active, by offering more opportunities. Within the next year we will set up a number of service user groups to enable voices to be heard, which can be fed into local planning, to bring about change. Also to increase consultation, helping to shape service provision.We will invest in promotion of our services to ensure all older people in Torfaen are aware of services and products available. In addition we will continue to work to our accreditation to maintain quality service delivery.We will engage with new training providers offering more opportunities which will benefit young people on Jobs Growth Wales. This will enhance employment opportunities, whilst also targeting those who are socially disadvantaged.The organisation will continue to maintain the investment in staff and volunteers in the development of their roles, resulting in a knowledgeable, effective workforce.Over the next few years, funding will become increasingly difficult to obtain. Therefore we must strive to create a sustainable trading operation, which will make a positive contribution to the charity.Thank YouDuring the year the following people and organisations have offered us support in lots of different ways by sharing ideas or by giving financial and practical support. We want to thank them all.Torfaen County Borough CouncilTorfaen Social ServicesAneurin Bevan Trust Health BoardTorfaen MindCrossroads Care South East WalesTorfaen Voluntary AllianceBronafon Social HousingMelin HomesCare & Repair TorfaenGwent PoliceCounty HospitalTorfaen TrainingLearnabout Us TrainingColeg GwentCareers WalesDepartment of Works and PensionsAdvantage Big LotteryBroomfield & AlexanderWelsh Assembly GovernmentChief Officers & Trustees Age Connects WalesTorfaen Older Persons Forums MembersFloating Support Providers Torfaen Legs ClubOld Cwmbran United Reformed ChurchTy George LansburyTorfaen Falls Prevention ProgrammeTorfaen Round Tableadvant~AGEStannah Stairlifts & Golden CharterLocal churchesFinally, thank you to our valued staff and volunteers who have given their time, dedication and enthusiasm throughout the year. ................

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