Answer in complete sentences!

1. What is radioactivity?

2. What is a radioisotope?

3. What happens during nuclear decay?

4. What is nuclear radiation?

5. What are some common types of nuclear radiation?

6. What is an alpha particle?

7. What element does an alpha particle look like?

8. What is the common symbol for an alpha particle?

9. What does the subscript and superscript of an alpha particle tell you?

10. What type of particle is the least penetrating?

11. what can stop an alpha particle?

12. What is a beta particle?

13. What is a beta particle written like?

14. What can stop beta particles?

15. What is a gamma ray?

16. What can stop a gamma ray?

17. What is background radiation?

18. What are some sources of background radiation?

19. What are two devices that can be used to detect nuclear radiation?

20. What is half-life?

21. How are nuclear decay rates different from chemical reaction rates?

22. How much of the original substance remains after 4 half-lives have elapsed?

23. How can scientist determine the age of an object that contains carbon-14?

24. How do scientists perform artificial transmutation?

25. What are transuranium elements?

26. What is a quark?

27. What is a strong nuclear force?

28. Under what conditions does the strong force overcome the repulsive effect of electric forces in the nucleus?

29. What do the electric forces in atomic nuclei depend on?

30. What is fission?

31. What property of fission makes it a useful reaction?

32. What is a chain reaction?

33. Describe an uncontrolled chain reaction and where you would see this.

34. What is critical mass?

35. What percentage of our electricity do we get from nuclear power plants?

36. Give one advantage on one disadvantage to using nuclear power.

37. What is fusion?

38. Where do fusion reactions occur?

39. What is plasma?

40. What two problems do scientists face in designing a fusion reactor?


Answer in complete sentences!

1. What is radioactivity?

2. What is a radioisotope?

3. What happens during nuclear decay?

4. What is nuclear radiation?

5. What are some common types of nuclear radiation?

6. What is an alpha particle?

7. What element does an alpha particle look like?

8. What is the common symbol for an alpha particle?

9. What does the subscript and superscript of an alpha particle tell you?

10. What type of particle is the least penetrating?

11. what can stop an alpha particle?

12. What is a beta particle?

13. What is a beta particle written like?

14. What can stop beta particles?

15. What is a gamma ray?

16. What can stop a gamma ray?

17. What is background radiation?

18. What are some sources of background radiation?

19. What are two devices that can be used to detect nuclear radiation?

20. What is half-life?

21. How are nuclear decay rates different from chemical reaction rates?

22. How much of the original substance remains after 4 half-lives have elapsed?

23. How can scientist determine the age of an object that contains carbon-14?

24. How do scientists perform artificial transmutation?

25. What are transuranium elements?

26. What is a quark?

27. What is a strong nuclear force?

28. Under what conditions does the strong force overcome the repulsive effect of electric forces in the nucleus?

29. What do the electric forces in atomic nuclei depend on?

30. What is fission?

31. What property of fission makes it a useful reaction?

32. What is a chain reaction?

33. Describe an uncontrolled chain reaction and where you would see this.

34. What is critical mass?

35. What percentage of our electricity do we get from nuclear power plants?

36. Give one advantage on one disadvantage to using nuclear power.

37. What is fusion?

38. Where do fusion reactions occur?

39. What is plasma?

40. What two problems do scientists face in designing a fusion reactor?


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