Advantages and disadvantages of EU Membership

Sorting exercise – advantages and disadvantages of European Union (EU) membership

1. Cut out each box.

2. Read the statements in each box.

• Some of them are advantages of countries’ membership of the EU.

• Some of them are disadvantages of countries’ membership of the EU.

3. Sort the cards into one of these categories.


The EU forces member states to take a more global approach to some issues e.g. pollution.

National governments don’t have the final say on some issues affecting their citizens (loss of sovereignty).

By working together, EU member states have more power in global politics and trade.


It is easier for member states to buy and sell things (to trade) with each other.

Citizens of EU member states can move around more easily for both work and pleasure.

The institutions of the EU may

put EU interests ahead of national interests.

Citizens of EU member states can get help from the embassy of any other member state when they are travelling outside the EU.

The EU costs money to run.

The EU insists that all member states respect the human rights of their citizens.

Member states are less likely to go to war with one another.

Member states aren’t free to act alone in some situations.



Not sure

Member states have less control over how many EU citizens come to live and work in their country.


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