Welcome to Mandeville Junior High!


Bus Riders (**It is strongly urged that students take advantage of bus transportation to avoid being tardy to school. Bus information may be found on the STPSB website. **)

- Follow all bus safety rules. School rules apply while on the bus.

- Quietly exit the bus and using the sidewalks, join the students in the picnic table area under the breezeway or enter the cafeteria to purchase breakfast.

- When the bell rings, 7th graders report to the cafeteria and 8th graders report to the gym.

Car Riders

- Cars must turn south onto Carondelet from Florida.

- Carondelet is a one-way street southbound from 7:00-9:00 am and 2:00-4:00 pm. For student safety, no student may be dropped off before 7:00 am.

- Car line forms southbound on Carondelet with unloading and loading only taking place in the school parking lot by the cafeteria.

- Please pull all the way up to the second light pole in the parking lot. This allows more cars to unload or load at one time, thereby speeding up the process.

- Do not drop off students at any other location other than the supervised car line.

- Cars must turn left onto the Carondelet when leaving the parking lot due to the one way street.

- Please quickly exit the vehicle and join the students in the picnic table area under the breezeway or go into the cafeteria to purchase breakfast.

- When the bell rings, 7th graders report to the cafeteria and 8th graders report to the gym.


- Any student walking to and from school is considered at school until he/she reaches home.

- Walkers should refrain from walking between school buses.

- Please enter the school using the Villere entrance of the school, near the library.

- Continue down the main hall to join the students in the picnic table area under the breezeway or go into the cafeteria to purchase breakfast.

- When the bell rings, 7th graders report to the cafeteria and 8th graders report to the gym.

Bike Riders

- Please ride your bike responsibly, avoiding cars, and refrain from riding in the street unnecessarily. Remember, all bike riders are responsible for obeying all traffic regulations, including stop signs.

- All bikes must be parked on Villere (NEAR) the entrance by the library.

- Please chain and lock the bike on the available bike rack.

- The student is responsible for lost or stolen bikes.

- Enter the school at the Villere entrance, walk down the main hallway, and join the students in the picnic table area under the breezeway or go into the cafeteria to purchase breakfast. When the bell rings, 7th graders report to the cafeteria, and 8th graders report to the gym.


Class Schedules

- Students will be called out by homerooms, escorted to their first period classes, and given their schedules.

- No student may receive his/her schedule early.

- The office requests that you wait until after the first day of school to discuss scheduling problems.

School Uniforms

- All students must be in proper school uniform on the first day of school and every day after.

- School uniforms consist of only red or royal blue polo-type shirts, either plain (with no logo) or with the school logo and at least finger tip length khaki bottoms.

- Please see the student handbook for further information.


- All students will be issued a locker within the first two weeks of school.

- Students do not need to bring locks to school for the lockers.

- The inside of the locker may be temporarily decorated. No decorations are allowed on the outside.


- All supplies are not required for the first day, but you will want something in case you are given papers to fill out or assignments. Students should bring a couple of folders, loose leaf paper, a pen and a pencil to the first day of school.

- Preordered school supply packs will be distributed directly to students on the first day of school.


- 7th graders eat lunch from 10:18-10:43 (after 3rd hour) and 8th graders eat lunch from 11:14-11:39 (after 4th hour)

- Please remember that all lunch money must be pre-paid. You may either send your payment in an envelope with your child's name written on the outside, or pay through MyPaymentPlus.

- Students will not know their lunch numbers prior to distributions from the cafeteria, but it should be written on all future correspondence.

- Paid student prices: $0.75 for breakfast and $1.55 for lunch = $2.30 per day

- Reduced student prices: $0.30 for breakfast and $0.40 for lunch = $0.70 per day

1st Day Schedule

- Students will have an extended 1st hour where various school policies and procedures will be discussed.

- Students will then go to all classes, following their schedules. The class periods will be shortened.

- After 7th hour, students will return to their 1st hour classroom to pick up all the necessary paperwork to be filled out by their parent/guardian.

- At 2:31, students will be dismissed. Please make sure your student knows how he/she will get home on the first day. Bus riders should remember their bus numbers. This will ease dismissal on the first day.


Bus Rider Dismissal

- When the dismissal bell rings, bus students will exit the building and follow the sidewalk between the buildings to the bus loading zone.

- The students will get onto their buses quickly and quietly. The buses leave MJH quickly, so it will important the students know their bus number.

Car Rider Dismissal

- The car line follows the same route as in the morning.

- Students are to quickly join the car line group by the cafeteria fence to wait for their ride.

- Students are to refrain from running, pushing, or playing ball in the waiting area.

- It will be important that the student be looking for his/her ride so that he/she can get in quickly and safely.

Bike Riders/Walkers Dismissal

- Exit the building between the library and the science hallway on Villere Street. For safety reasons, this is the only location for exiting the school for bikers and walkers.

- Students are to remain on campus until all buses have departed and they are released by a duty teacher.

- Bike riders and walkers are not to walk or ride between or near the buses when leaving.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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