Impact of social media

1821815-62357000What is social media; it is social interaction, using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques. Social media is all around us and we used it every day even, when we are not thinking about it we are using for everything. But business people used it more than we do cause of their business from checking their stock to checking there updates and lots of others thing as well. In today's world society access to media is ever present, many parents worry about what is appropriate media usage for their children and how media consumption can potentially affect them. 104140047561500Examples of social media: And there are many different forms of social media like network, blogs, video, images, and collaboration together website together. 15240063500Examples of social media network: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google plus, what social Medias are being used by businesses today, for larger business they usually used the big three (Facebook, twitter, Google +) in order to have a better approach to their clients as would a smaller companies would have. And others larger companies would spend more time and more money on their chance to get the user too used whatever they may be selling. While smaller business would try to get local customer to come to their store rather than everyone, by offering a personal touch that only a local business could only provide. Small business owners across the United States say that most of their users are actively engaged in social networking sites and they said that social networking more valuable if not more valuable than networking in-person. Either small business or big business it is clear you need to get to your customer which is mostly all online. Forget what others business around you 31750491553500may be doing cause your customer’s are not going to them they are coming to. Which Social Medias are trending now? Know you can go online for anything from buying stuff to following famous band and people and also to share things and to get business out to the local people. But the most commons of social media is Facebook, Twitter, Google +. And also visual marketing, because of the way they can attract a lot of people attention. By their looks, like Pinterest, instagram and lots of others media website. By some media companies try to get there business calmer than it used to be. What are some benefits of using social media in business? Advantage: you can bring people from around the world together on your media page. You can use it for campaigns to get either people or yourself out there to the public eye. You could tell people what is going on with your life and things that you are interesting. You could use all of these because you have a media webpage that is worldwide and any one can see it. 2787650133413500Disadvantage: some disadvantages are: you may not know how to work your social media page. You could be trying to put your social media brand out there which may be readied the wrong way by some people. And some work place that let you use social media some people use it for the wrong reasons like Facebook twitter and others stuff instead of actually doing what they are supposed to doing which is working for you the boss. In what ways are businesses using Social Media? Social media is everywhere from little kids schools to everyday business day active.Some examples are: Learning - Any business that can’t learn a thing or two from their customers or their critics isn’t going to do well in social media, or business for that matter. Social media is a great way to get new ideas. Open the door for your customer’s ideas and try to get to know industry experts in your field. Monitoring - Keeping up with what is being said about your company and your brand across the social web is important. Customer Service – Businesses are now using tools such as Twitter to interact with and serve customers online. What have you discovered that is the most enlightening or surprising to you about how business uses social media? I have discover that there are lots of different ways that business people could use social media from Facebook to web chatting and others way. Because of you could be anywhere in one part of world and could be talking to somewhere around the other part of the world. And that is what I have learned since 381000082613500I have been working on this project. Sources: 100+ examples of use of social media for learning. Ed. jane hart. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2013. <;."The Developing Role of Social Media in the Modern Business World." Forbes. Ed. Jessica Bosari. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2013. <;."Now #Trending: Offline Social Media." search energy people. Ed. Caitlin Melvin. yahoo, n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2013. <;."21 Social Media Predictions for 2013 From the Pros." Social Media Examiner. Ed. Viveka V. Rosen, Ekaterina Walter, Mitch Joel, John Haydon, and Dave Kerpen. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2013. <;."10 Must-Know Advantages & Disadvantages of Social Media." tought pick. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Feb. 2013. <; ................

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