Advantage Endorsement – CIC-964

Advantage Endorsement – CIC-964 Auto Enhancer Endorsement – CIC-2002

Annual Premium: $35 Annual Premium: $40/vehicle

Personal Property Coverages Liability Coverage—Supplementary Payments

Money $ 500 Up to $500 for the cost of bail bonds required because of

Securities $ 3,000 an accident, including related traffic law violations. The

Watercraft $ 2,500 accident must result in bodily injury or property damage

Trailers $ 2,500 covered under the policy.

Jewelry $ 3,000

Firearms $ 3,500 Up to $250/day for loss of earnings, but not other income,

Business Property because of attendance at hearings or trials at the company’s

On Premises $ 3,000 request.

Off Premises $ 300

Electronic Apparatus Coverage for Damage to Your Auto

In/on a vehicle $ 1,500

Not in/on a vehicle $ 1,500 Glass deductible waiver for repairing or replacing

damaged safety glass.

Additional Coverages Temporary substitute auto expense – up to 30 days

with a maximum daily limit of $100 per day, and a total

Debris Removal $ 500 maximum maximum of $3,000, for rental of a temporary auto of

Trees, Shrubs & Plants $ 1,000 maximum for any one tree, like make and model in the event of a loss to your covered

shrub or plant auto.

Fire Dept. Service Charge no limit

Credit Card $ 2,500 maximum Emergency living expense – up to $100 per day to a

Personal Records Coverage $ 250 of $300 for lodging and meals in the event of loss of your

Refrigerated Products $ 500 covered auto, providing the loss occurs more than 100 miles

Reward Coverage $ 500 from your principal residence.

Lock Replacement $ 500

Water Back Up/Sump $ 2,500 Additional Coverages

ID Theft $15,000

Loss Assessment $ 5,000 Towing & Labor – up to an additional $50/$75 maximum

Lock & Key Service – Up to $50 for costs incurred each time

Liability Coverages you are locked out of, have frozen locks, or have lost your

keys to your covered auto and require professional help.

Personal Injury Protection Policy Cov. E limit Accidental Air Bag Deployment – replacement of an airbag

Claims Expenses $ 75/day in your covered auto that accidentally deploys without the

Damage to Property of Others $ 1,000 auto being in an accident.

Loss Assessment $ 5,000

Auto Theft Reward – up to a $2,000 reward in the event

of a covered loss, for information leading to the arrest

Equipment Breakdown Enhancement – CIC-2153 and conviction of anyone stealing your covered auto.

Annual Premium: $20.00 Seat Belt/Air Bag Benefit -- $5,000 death benefit if you

$50,000 per occurrence and any family member whose death is caused by a covered

$ 500 deductible loss to your covered auto and/or any family member were

Refer to actual form for details. properly wearing a seat belt at the time of the accident.

$10,000 death benefit by a covered loss to your covered auto

ID Fraud Expense Coverage – CIC-2047 where a seatbelt was properly worn and protected by an

operable air bag at the time of the accident.

Annual Premium: $25.00


No deductible

Refer to actual form for details. COMMERCE


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