SPECIAL ITEM: 132- 32 Term Software Licenses

132-33 Perpetual Software licenses

132-34 Maintenance of Software

Note 1: All non-professional labor categories must be incidental to and used solely to support hardware, software and/or professional services, and cannot be purchased separately.

Note 2: Offerors and Agencies are advised that the Group 70 - Information Technology Schedule is NOT to be used as a means to procure services which properly fall under the Brooks Act. These services include, but are not limited to: architectural, engineering, mapping, cartographic production, remote sensing, geographic information systems, and related services. FAR 36.6 distinguishes between mapping services of an A/E nature and mapping services which are not connected or incidental to the traditionally accepted A/E Services.

Note 3: This solicitation is not intended to solicit for the reselling of IT Professional Services, except for the provision of implementation, maintenance, integration, or training services in direct support of a product. Under such circumstances the services must be performed by the publisher or manufacturer or one of its authorized agents.

Pitney Bowes Software Inc.

4200 Parliament Place, Suite 600

Lanham, MD 20706-1844


PERIOD COVERED: April 1, 1999 thru March 31, 2010



Products and ordering information in this Authorized FSS Information Technology Schedule Pricelist are also available on GSA Advantage! System. Agencies can browse GSA Advantage! by accessing the Federal Supply Service’s Home Page via the Internet at .

© Pitney Bowes Software Inc. 1990 –2008. All rights reserved.

The following software products are identified by trademarks generally owned by Pitney Bowes Software Inc. For additional information of these trademarks, please refer to Pitney Bowes Software Inc.’s web site at .

Pitney Bowes Software Inc.

A Pitney Bowes Company


Pitney Bowes Software Inc. offers a broad range of software solutions for mailing efficiency, electronic document composition, customer information management, geospatial analysis and database marketing. Our products can operate as stand-alone applications or can be integrated into your existing IS, CRM, ERP or CCM environment.

Our software includes solutions for geographic analysis CASS Certification, PAVE Certification, postal discounts, barcoding, validating or correcting address information, move updating, list management for duplicate identification and elimination, cleaning and standardizing lists and selection of lists.

Additionally, our software includes electronic document composition, one to one personalization printing, Ad-hoc letters and communications and document generation, including electronic format, for statements and other business communications, document archiving, electronic bill pay and presentment, smart casing, print stream merging and conversion and label printing.

Pitney Bowes Software Inc. operates on multiple computing environments including:

• Open VMS

• OS/400

• Mainframe



• Most UNIX operating systems including HP-UX, AIX, Solaris and more.

Pitney Bowes Software Inc. Software Corporate Objective

“The first and foremost objective of Pitney Bowes Software Inc. is the total, unreserved satisfaction of each Pitney Bowes Software Inc. Client, satisfaction with Pitney Bowes Software Inc. products and product support, with Pitney Bowes Software Inc. people and with all, facets of the Client relationship. Every other corporate objective is subordinate to and addressed by this one.”


Barcoded Bag\Tray Tag Option 21

Business Merge/Purge Plus 21

Canadian CODE-1 Plus, Universal Addressing Module Canadian (batch) or Finalist 21

Centrus Point Level Geocoding 21

Centrus Merge/Purge 31

Centrus Product Suite 31

CODE-1 Plus International, Universal Addressing Module International (batch) or Finalist 41

CODE-1 Plus, Universal Addressing Module U.S. (batch) or Finalist 41

Country Identifier Option 41

Country Identifier Option 41

Data Quality Connector for Siebel or SAP 41

DataFlow 41

DataSight 41

Demographics 51

Dispatcher or Dispatcher Plus 51

DOC1 Document Composition Service 51

DOC1 Interactive 61

E2Vault 61

EZ-Case Plus 61

Generalized Selection Plus 61

Geographic Coding Plus 61

Geographic Determination Library (“GDL”) 71

GeoStan Canada 71

GeoStan International 71

GeoStan 71

GeoTax 71

High Speed Connectivity Card Bus & Tag Option 71

High Speed Connectivity Card ESCON Option 81

I/O JET Plus 81

Labels Printing Plus 81

List Conversion Plus 81

MailStream Plus 81

Manifest Reporting Plus 81

Merge/Purge Plus 91

Palletization Plus 91

POSTNET( Barcoding Option 91

Profile Plus 91

StreamWeaver 91

Universal Addressing Module Client/Server & Web 101

VeriMove with Delivery Point Validation and LACSLink 101

CODE-1 Plus, Universal Addressing Module U.S. (batch) or Finalist 421

Canadian CODE-1 Plus, Universal Addressing Module Canadian (batch) or Finalist 441

CODE-1 Plus International, Universal Addressing Module International (batch) or Finalist 461

Universal Addressing Module Client/Server & Web 601

Mailing Efficiency and Data Quality Products 621

Barcoded Bag\Tray Tag Option 621

Business Merge/Purge Plus 621

Centrus Merge/Purge 621

Centrus Merge/Purge Integrator Series 621

Country Identifier Option 621

Delivery Point Validation/Interactive 621

Dispatcher or Dispatcher Plus 621

EZ-Case Plus 621

Finalist with DPV 621

Generalized Selection Plus 621

High Speed Connectivity Card Bus & Tag Option 621

High Speed Connectivity Card ESCON Option 621

I/O JET Plus 621

Interactive Merge/Purge Option 621

Labels Printing Plus 621

List Conversion Plus 621

MailStream Plus 621

Manifest Reporting Plus 621

Merge/Purge Plus 621

Palletization Plus 621

POSTNET( Barcoding Option 621

SortStream Canada 621

VeriMove with Delivery Point Validation and LACSLink 621

Geographic Coding Plus 701

Geographic Coding Plus 701

DataSight 721

GeoTAX, GeoTAX Client/Server ES & GeoTAX WEB ES 741

Data Quality Connector for Siebel 761

StreamWeaver 801

Profile Plus 841

GeoStan Batch, Web & Client Server and ES 861

GeoStan Canada Batch, Web & Client Server 901

GeoStan International ES Batch, Web & Client Server 931

Centrus Point Level Geocoding Option Batch, Web & Client Server 1021

Spatial+ Batch, Web & Client Server 1061

Geographic Determination Library (“GDL”) Batch, Web & Client Server 1161

Demographics Batch, Web & Client Server 1181

Centrus Desktop 1221

Address Now Module 1681

24 x 7 Premium Support Maintenance Plan 1731




SPECIAL NOTICE TO AGENCIES: Small Business Participation

SBA strongly supports the participation of small business concerns in the Federal Supply Schedules Program. To enhance Small Business Participation SBA policy allows agencies to include in their procurement base and goals, the dollar value of orders expected to be placed against the Federal Supply Schedules, and to report accomplishments against these goals.

For orders exceeding the micropurchase threshold, FAR 8.404 requires agencies to consider the catalogs/pricelists of at least three schedule contractors or consider reasonably available information by using the GSA Advantage!( on-line shopping service (fss.). The catalogs/pricelists, GSA Advantage!( and the Federal Supply Service Home Page (fss.) contain information on a broad array of products and services offered by small business concerns.

This information should be used as a tool to assist ordering activities in meeting or exceeding established small business goals. It should also be used as a tool to assist in including small, small disadvantaged, and women-owned small businesses among those considered when selecting pricelists for a best value determination.

For orders exceeding the micropurchase threshold, customers are to give preference to small business concerns when two or more items at the same delivered price will satisfy their requirement.

1. Geographic Scope of Contract:

Domestic delivery is delivery within the 48 contiguous states, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Washington, DC, and U.S. Territories. Domestic delivery also includes a port or consolidation point, within the aforementioned areas, for orders received from overseas activities.

Overseas delivery is delivery to points outside of the 48 contiguous states, Washington, DC, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Territories.

Offerors are requested to check one of the following boxes:

[x] The Geographic Scope of Contract will be domestic and overseas delivery.

[ ] The Geographic Scope of Contract will be overseas delivery only.

[ ] The Geographic Scope of Contract will be domestic delivery only.

2. Contractor's Ordering Address and Payment Information:

a. Ordering Address

Pitney Bowes Software Inc.

4200 Parliament Place, Suite 600

Lanham, Maryland 20706-1844

b. Payment Address

Pitney Bowes Software Inc.

P.O Box 911304

Dallas, Texas 75391-1304

Contractors are required to accept credit cards for payments equal to or less than the micro-purchase threshold for oral or written delivery orders. Credit cards will be acceptable for payment above the micro-purchase threshold. In addition, bank account information for wire transfer payments will be shown on the invoice.

Pitney Bowes Software Inc.

JP Morgan Chase

One Chase Manhattan Plaza, 7th Floor

New York, NY 10005

A.B.A. Account #021000021 (Fedwire and ACH)

Account #304252689

The following telephone number(s) can be used by ordering activities to obtain technical and/or ordering assistance:

Technical Services 800/367-6950

Ordering Assistance 800/368-5806


The Contractor shall not be liable for any injury to ordering activity personnel or damage to ordering activity property arising from the use of equipment maintained by the Contractor, unless such injury or damage is due to the fault or negligence of the Contractor.

4. Statistical Data for Government Ordering Office Completion of Standard Form 279:

Block 9:G. Order/Modification Under Federal Schedule

Block 16: Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS)

Number: 161581806

Block 30: Type of Contractor — C Large Business

Block 31: Woman-Owned Small Business - NO

Block 36: Contractor’s Taxpayer Identification Number

(TIN) 52-0852578

4a. CAGE Code: OTJVR6

4b. Contractor has registered with the Central Contractor Registration Database.

5. FOB Origin


a. TIME OF DELIVERY: The Contractor shall deliver to destination within the number of calendar days after receipt of order (ARO), as set forth below:


132-32 15

132-33 15

132-34 15

Pitney Bowes Software Inc. also offers expedited, 3 day, and Overnight Delivery as reasonably required by ordering Agency at no additional charge.

b. URGENT REQUIREMENTS: When the Federal Supply Schedule contract delivery period does not meet the bona fide urgent delivery requirements of an ordering activity, ordering activities are encouraged, if time permits, to contact the Contractor for the purpose of obtaining accelerated delivery. The Contractor shall reply to the inquiry within 3 workdays after receipt. (Telephonic replies shall be confirmed by the Contractor in writing.) If the Contractor offers an accelerated delivery time acceptable to the ordering activity, any order(s) placed pursuant to the agreed upon accelerated delivery time frame shall be delivered within this shorter delivery time and in accordance with all other terms and conditions of the contract.

7. Discounts: Prices shown are NET Prices; Basic Discounts have been deducted.

a. Prompt Payment: Not offered

b. Quantity: 5% see below

c. Dollar Volume: Not offered

d. Government Educational Institutions: Not offered

e. Other: The prices stated in this IT Schedule Pricelist have already been discounted to reflect the above discount schedule. An additional 5% quantity discount is available for two or more units of the same product purchased at the same time.

8. Trade Agreements Act of 1979, as amended:

All items are U.S. made end products, designated country end products, Caribbean Basin country end products, Canadian end products, or Mexican end products as defined in the Trade Agreements Act of 1979, as amended.

9. Statement Concerning Availability of Export Packing: NONE

10. Small Requirements: The minimum dollar value of orders to be issued is $100.00.

11. Maximum Order (All dollar amounts are exclusive of any discount for prompt payment.)

The Maximum Order value for the following Special Item Numbers (SINs) is $500,000:

Special Item Number 132-32 - Term Software Licenses

Special Item Number 132-33 - Perpetual Software Licenses

Special Item Number 132-34 – Maintenance of Software


Ordering activities shall use the ordering procedures of Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 8.405 when placing an order or establishing a BPA for supplies or services. These procedures apply to all schedules.

a. FAR 8.405-1 Ordering procedures for supplies, and services not requiring a statement of work.

b. FAR 8.405-2 Ordering procedures for services requiring a statement of work.

13. FEDERAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY/TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDS REQUIREMENTS: ordering activities acquiring products from this Schedule must comply with the provisions of the Federal Standards Program, as appropriate (reference: NIST Federal Standards Index). Inquiries to determine whether or not specific products listed herein comply with Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) or Federal Telecommunication Standards (FED-STDS), which are cited by ordering activities, shall be responded to promptly by the Contractor.

13.1 FEDERAL INFORMATION PROCESSING STANDARDS PUBLICATIONS (FIPS PUBS): Information Technology products under this Schedule that do not conform to Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) should not be acquired unless a waiver has been granted in accordance with the applicable "FIPS Publication." Federal Information Processing Standards Publications (FIPS PUBS) are issued by the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), pursuant to National Security Act. Information concerning their availability and applicability should be obtained from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS), 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161. FIPS PUBS include voluntary standards when these are adopted for Federal use. Individual orders for FIPS PUBS should be referred to the NTIS Sales Office, and orders for subscription service should be referred to the NTIS Subscription Officer, both at the above address, or telephone number (703) 487-4650.

13.2 FEDERAL TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDS (FED-STDS): Telecommunication products under this Schedule that do not conform to Federal Telecommunication Standards (FED-STDS) should not be acquired unless a waiver has been granted in accordance with the applicable "FED-STD." Federal Telecommunication Standards are issued by the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), pursuant to National Security Act. Ordering information and information concerning the availability of FED-STDS should be obtained from the GSA, Federal Supply Service, Specification Section, 470 East L’Enfant Plaza, Suite 8100, SW, Washington, DC 20407, telephone number (202) 619-8925. Please include a self-addressed mailing label when requesting information by mail. Information concerning their applicability can be obtained by writing or calling the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, telephone number (301) 975-2833.


a. Security Clearances: The Contractor may be required to obtain/possess varying levels of security clearances in the performance of orders issued under this contract. All costs associated with obtaining/possessing such security clearances should be factored into the price offered under the Multiple Award Schedule.

b. Travel: The Contractor may be required to travel in performance of orders issued under this contract. Allowable travel and per diem charges are governed by Pub .L. 99-234 and FAR Part 31, and are reimbursable by the ordering agency or can be priced as a fixed price item on orders placed under the Multiple Award Schedule. The Industrial Funding Fee does NOT apply to travel and per diem charges.

NOTE: Refer to FAR Part 31.205-46 Travel Costs, for allowable costs that pertain to official company business travel in regards to this contract.

c. Certifications, Licenses and Accreditations: As a commercial practice, the Contractor may be required to obtain/possess any variety of certifications, licenses and accreditations for specific FSC/service code classifications offered. All costs associated with obtaining/ possessing such certifications, licenses and accreditations should be factored into the price offered under the Multiple Award Schedule program.

d. Insurance: As a commercial practice, the Contractor may be required to obtain/possess insurance coverage for specific FSC/service code classifications offered. All costs associated with obtaining/possessing such insurance should be factored into the price offered under the Multiple Award Schedule program.

e. Personnel: The Contractor may be required to provide key personnel, resumes or skill category descriptions in the performance of orders issued under this contract. Ordering activities may require agency approval of additions or replacements to key personnel.

f. Organizational Conflicts of Interest: Where there may be an organizational conflict of interest as determined by the ordering agency, the Contractor’s participation in such order may be restricted in accordance with FAR Part 9.5.

g. Documentation/Standards: The Contractor may be requested to provide products or services in accordance with rules, regulations, OMB orders, standards and documentation as specified by the agency’s order.

h. Data/Deliverable Requirements: Any required data/deliverables at the ordering level will be as specified or negotiated in the agency’s order.

i. Government-Furnished Property: As specified by the agency’s order, the Government may provide property, equipment, materials or resources as necessary.

j. Availability of Funds: Many Government agencies’ operating funds are appropriated for a specific fiscal year. Funds may not be presently available for any orders placed under the contract or any option year. The Government’s obligation on orders placed under this contract is contingent upon the availability of appropriated funds from which payment for ordering purposes can be made. No legal liability on the part of the Government for any payment may arise until funds are available to the ordering Contracting Officer.

15. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION FOR ORDERING ACTIVITIES: Any ordering activity, with respect to any one or more delivery orders placed by it under this contract, may exercise the same rights of termination as might the GSA Contracting Officer under provisions of FAR 52.212-4, paragraphs (l) Termination for the ordering activity’s convenience, and (m) Termination for Cause (See C.1.)

16. GSA Advantage:

GSA Advantage! is an on-line, interactive electronic information and ordering system that provides on-line access to vendors' schedule prices with ordering information. GSA Advantage! will allow the user to perform various searches across all contracts including, but not limited to:

(1) Manufacturer;

(2) Manufacturer's Part Number; and

(3) Product categories.

Agencies can browse GSA Advantage! by accessing the Internet World Wide Web utilizing a browser (ex.: NetScape). The Internet address is .


NOTE: Open Market Items are also known as incidental items, noncontract items, non-Schedule items, and items not on a Federal Supply Schedule contract. ODCs (Other Direct Costs) are not part of this contract and should be treated as open market purchases. Ordering Activities procuring open market items must follow FAR 8.402(f).

For administrative convenience, an ordering activity contracting officer may add items not on the Federal Supply Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) -- referred to as open market items -- to a Federal Supply Schedule blanket purchase agreement (BPA) or an individual task or delivery order, only if-

a. All applicable acquisition regulations pertaining to the purchase of the items not on the Federal Supply Schedule have been followed (e.g., publicizing (Part 5), competition requirements (Part 6), acquisition of commercial items (Part 12), contracting methods (Parts 13, 14, and 15), and small business programs (Part 19));

b. The ordering activity contracting officer has determined the price for the items not on the Federal Supply Schedule is fair and reasonable;

c. The items are clearly labeled on the order as items not on the Federal Supply Schedule; and

d. All clauses applicable to items not on the Federal Supply Schedule are included in the order.


a. For the purpose of this contract, commitments, warranties and representations include, in addition to those agreed to for the entire schedule contract:

1. Time of delivery/installation quotations for individual orders;

2. Technical representations and/or warranties of products concerning performance, total system performance and/or configuration, physical, design and/or functional characteristics and capabilities of a product/equipment/ service/software package submitted in response to requirements which result in orders under this schedule contract.

3. Any representations and/or warranties concerning the products made in any literature, description, drawings and/or specifications furnished by the Contractor.

b. The above is not intended to encompass items not currently covered by the GSA Schedule contract.


The terms and conditions of this contract shall apply to all orders for installation, maintenance and repair of equipment in areas listed in the pricelist outside the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia, except as indicated below:

Installation services for locations outside of the 48 contiguous states will be negotiated to determine mutually acceptable deliverables and timetable for start date and completion date.

Upon request of the Contractor, the ordering activity may provide the Contractor with logistics support, as available, in accordance with all applicable ordering activity regulations. Such ordering activity support will be provided on a reimbursable basis, and will only be provided to the Contractor's technical personnel whose services are exclusively required for the fulfillment of the terms and conditions of this contract.


The use of BPAs under any schedule contract to fill repetitive needs for supplies or services is allowable. BPAs may be established with one or more schedule contractors. The number of BPAs to be established is within the discretion of the ordering activity establishing the BPA and should be based on a strategy that is expected to maximize the effectiveness of the BPA(s). Ordering activities shall follow FAR 8.45-3 when creating and implementing BPA(s).


Contractors participating in contractor team arrangements must abide by all terms and conditions of their respective contracts. This includes compliance with Clauses 552.238-74, Industrial Funding Fee and Sales Reporting, i.e., each contractor (team member) must report sales and remit the IFF for all products and services provided under its individual contract.


The Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 276a-276a-7) provides that contracts in excess of $2,000 to which the United States or the District of Columbia is a party for construction, alteration, or repair (including painting and decorating) of public buildings or public works with the United States, shall contain a clause that no laborer or mechanic employed directly upon the site of the work shall received less than the prevailing wage rates as determined by the Secretary of Labor. The requirements of the Davis-Bacon Act do not apply if the construction work is incidental to the furnishing of supplies, equipment, or services. For example, the requirements do not apply to simple installation or alteration of a public building or public work that is incidental to furnishing supplies or equipment under a supply contract. However, if the construction, alteration or repair is segregable and exceeds $2,000, then the requirements of the Davis-Bacon Act applies.

The ordering activity issuing the task order against this contract will be responsible for proper administration and enforcement of the Federal labor standards covered by the Davis-Bacon Act. The proper Davis-Bacon wage determination will be issued by the ordering activity at the time a request for quotations is made for applicable construction classified installation, deinstallation, and reinstallation services under SIN 132-8.


If applicable, Section 508 compliance information on the supplies and services in this contract are available in Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) at the following:

The EIT standard can be found at: .


Prime Contractors (on cost reimbursement contracts) placing orders under Federal Supply Schedules, on behalf of an ordering activity, shall follow the terms of the applicable schedule and authorization and include with each order

a. A copy of the authorization from the ordering activity with whom the contractor has the prime contract (unless a copy was previously furnished to the Federal Supply Schedule contractor); and

b. The following statement:

This order is placed under written authorization from _______ dated _______. In the event of any inconsistency between the terms and conditions of this order and those of your Federal Supply Schedule contract, the latter will govern.


a. The Contractor shall, at its own expense, provide and maintain during the entire performance of this contract, at least the kinds and minimum amounts of insurance required in the Schedule or elsewhere in the contract.

b. Before commencing work under this contract, the Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer in writing that the required insurance has been obtained. The policies evidencing required insurance shall contain an endorsement to the effect that any cancellation or any material change adversely affecting the Government's interest shall not be effective—

1. For such period as the laws of the State in which this contract is to be performed prescribe; or

2. Until 30 days after the insurer or the Contractor gives written notice to the Contracting Officer, whichever period is longer.

c. The Contractor shall insert the substance of this clause, including this paragraph (c), in subcontracts under this contract that require work on a Government installation and shall require subcontractors to provide and maintain the insurance required in the Schedule or elsewhere in the contract. The Contractor shall maintain a copy of all subcontractors' proofs of required insurance, and shall make copies available to the Contracting Officer upon request.


Offerors are encouraged to identify within their software items any component interfaces that support open standard interoperability. An item’s interface may be identified as interoperable on the basis of participation in a Government agency-sponsored program or in an independent organization program. Interfaces may be identified by reference to an interface registered in the component registry located at .


A payment under this contract to provide a service or deliver an article for the United States Government may not be more than the value of the service already provided or the article already delivered. Advance or pre-payment is not authorized or allowed under this contract. (31 U.S.C. 3324)







The Contractor shall only tender for acceptance those items that conform to the requirements of this contract. The ordering activity reserves the right to inspect or test any software that has been tendered for acceptance. The ordering activity may require repair or replacement of nonconforming software at no increase in contract price. The ordering activity must exercise its post acceptance rights (1) within a reasonable time after the defect was discovered or should have been discovered; and (2) before any substantial change occurs in the condition of the software, unless the change is due to the defect in the software.


a. Unless specified otherwise in this contract, the Contractor’s standard commercial guarantee/warranty as stated in the contract’s commercial pricelist will apply to this contract.

Pitney Bowes Software Inc. represents and warrants that for a period of ninety (90) days following initial delivery of the Licensed Products (the “Warranty Period”), the Licensed Products shall perform all material functions set out in the user and technical documentation for such Licensed Products and shall otherwise operate in substantial accordance with such documentation. If during the Warranty Period the Licensed Products fail to comply with this warranty, Licensee shall notify Pitney Bowes Software Inc. in writing of any alleged errors or non-conformities with the Licensed Products. Pitney Bowes Software Inc. shall, thereafter, have thirty (30) days or an additional period of time as reasonably agreed to by the parties to correct such errors or non-conformities in accordance with the support guidelines for the Licensed Products. If Pitney Bowes Software Inc. is unable to timely correct such errors or non-conformities, Licensee may elect to terminate the license to such Licensed Products. If Licensee terminates the license to such Licensed Products during the Warranty Period in accordance with this Section, Licensee shall, as its exclusive remedy, receive a refund of all fees previously paid for such Licensed Products.



d. Limitation of Liability. Except as otherwise provided by an express or implied warranty, the Contractor will not be liable to the ordering activity for CONSEQUENTIAL damages resulting from any defect or deficiencies in accepted items.


The Contractor, without additional charge to the ordering activity, shall provide a hot line technical support number 800/367-6950 for the purpose of providing user assistance and guidance in the implementation of the software. The technical support number is available from 8:00a.m EST to 8:00p.m.EST.

DOC1 support hours are 24x7, at no additional charge provided the Government has paid for maintenance services, and can be accessed using the above technical support hotline.


a. Software maintenance service shall include the following:

Maintenance Services shall consist of: (i) reasonable amounts of telephone support to assist Licensee with the use of the Licensed Products; (ii) updates, enhancements, modifications, revisions and corrective programming provided to other licensees of the Licensed Products who have paid for maintenance services for the current maintenance term; and (iii) the correction of errors or non-conformities with the Licensed Products in accordance with the support guidelines for the Licensed Products. The telephone support described herein shall be provided only to the individuals located at the Installation Site. If Pitney Bowes Software Inc. is unable to correct a reported error or non-conformity that is classified in the support guidelines as a production emergency or serious problem within thirty (30) days following notice from Licensee or an additional period of time reasonably agreed to by the parties, Licensee may terminate maintenance and subscription services for such Licensed Products. If Licensee terminates maintenance and subscription services in accordance with this Section, Licensee shall, as its sole and exclusive remedy, receive a pro-rata refund of the fees paid for maintenance and subscription services for the balance of the existing maintenance term. If Pitney Bowes Software Inc. provides services at Licensee's request to correct a suspected error and such error is non-existent, unrelated to the Licensed Products, a result of Licensee's failure to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, or a result of an unauthorized change to the Licensed Products, Licensee shall pay Pitney Bowes Software Inc. for its services at Pitney Bowes Software Inc.'s then prevailing rates plus reasonable expenses.

Maintenance and subscription services for the Licensed Products may be terminated by Licensee prior to the end of a term upon notice to Pitney Bowes Software Inc. Pitney Bowes Software Inc. may terminate maintenance and subscription services for the Licensed Products upon at least thirty (30) days written notice to Licensee prior to the end of any term or upon ninety (90) days written notice to Licensee for any superseded versions of the Licensed Products or if the Licensed Products are licensed for use on an operating system or computer that is no longer supported by their developer or manufacturer.

If Licensee terminates or declines to renew maintenance services for the Licensed Products and subsequently elects to renew maintenance services, Licensee shall pay to Pitney Bowes Software Inc. the applicable fees for the total period of non-maintenance and for the subsequent twelve (12) month renewal term.

b. Invoices for maintenance service shall be submitted by the Contractor on a quarterly or monthly basis, after the completion of such period. Maintenance charges must be paid in arrears (31 U.S.C. 3324). PROMPT PAYMENT DISCOUNT, IF APPLICABLE, SHALL BE SHOWN ON THE INVOICE.


a. The Contractor shall honor orders for periods for the duration of the contract period or a lessor period of time.

b. Term licenses and/or maintenance may be discontinued by the ordering activity on thirty (30) calendar days written notice to the Contractor.

c. Annual Funding. When annually appropriated funds are cited on an order for term licenses and/or maintenance, the period of the term licenses and/or maintenance shall automatically expire on September 30 of the contract period, or at the end of the contract period, whichever occurs first. Renewal of the term licenses and/or maintenance orders citing the new appropriation shall be required, if the term licenses and/or maintenance is to be continued during any remainder of the contract period.

d. Cross-Year Funding Within Contract Period. Where an ordering activity’s specific appropriation authority provides for funds in excess of a 12 month (fiscal year) period, the ordering activity may place an order under this schedule contract for a period up to the expiration of the contract period, notwithstanding the intervening fiscal years.

e. Ordering activities should notify the Contractor in writing thirty (30) calendar days prior to the expiration of an order, if the term licenses and/or maintenance is to be terminated at that time. Orders for the continuation of term licenses and/or maintenance will be required if the term licenses and/or maintenance is to be continued during the subsequent period.


a. The ordering activity may convert term licenses to perpetual licenses for any or all software at any time following acceptance of software. At the request of the ordering activity the Contractor shall furnish, within ten (l0) calendar days, for each software product that is contemplated for conversion, the total amount of conversion credits which have accrued while the software was on a term license and the date of the last update or enhancement.

b. Conversion credits which are provided shall, within the limits specified, continue to accrue from one contract period to the next, provided the software remains on a term license within the ordering activity.

c. The term license for each software product shall be discontinued on the day immediately preceding the effective date of conversion from a term license to a perpetual license.

d. The price the ordering activity shall pay will be the perpetual license price that prevailed at the time such software was initially ordered under a term license, or the perpetual license price prevailing at the time of conversion from a term license to a perpetual license, whichever is the less, minus an amount equal to 10% of all term license payments during the period that the software was under a term license within the ordering activity.

7. Term Licenses (does not apply to Centrus Products)

a. Pitney Bowes Software Inc. licenses certain products on a Term License basis. Term License fees are priced at a percentage of the perpetual license fee and customer shall purchase one year of maintenance and, if applicable, subscription services at list price in accordance with the Information Technology Schedule Pricelist. Term licenses will not be offered in excess of 3 years without Executive VP of Sales approval.

b. In the event customer wants to convert to a Perpetual License, Pitney Bowes Software Inc. will apply a 25% discount off the then current Perpetual License fees for each year the Term License has been in place, not to exceed a 75% discount. Such conversion must take place no later than 30 days before the end of a term period and must be converted with the same configuration as the term license to be applicable for the above discounts (i.e. seats, number of CPUs, number of copies).

8. UTILIZATION LIMITATIONS - (132-32, 132-33, AND 132-34)

a. Software acquisition is limited to commercial computer software defined in FAR Part 2.101.

b. When acquired by the ordering activity, commercial computer software and related documentation so legend shall be subject to the following:

1. Title to and ownership of the software and documentation shall remain with the Contractor, unless otherwise specified.

2. Software is licensed by computer and by ordering activity, subject to an identified MIPS or processor capacity unless otherwise agreed to by Contractor and ordering activity. An ordering activity is defined as a cabinet level or independent ordering activity. The software may be used by any subdivision of the ordering activity (service, bureau, division, command, etc.) that has access to the site the software is installed (the “Installation Site”), even if the subdivision did not participate in the acquisition of the software; provided, however, the software may not be accessed via a network, Internet or other means from locations other than the Installation Site and, if applicable, subject to a user seat limitation set out in the ordering activity. Further, the software may be used on a sharing basis where multiple agencies have joint projects that can be satisfied by the use of the software placed at one ordering activity's site, subject to the terms of this Section. This would allow other agencies access to one ordering activity's database solely for the purpose of the joint project. For ordering activity public domain databases, user agencies and third parties may use the computer program to enter, retrieve, analyze and present data. The user ordering activity will take appropriate action by instruction, agreement, or otherwise, to protect the Contractor's proprietary property with any third parties that are permitted access to the computer programs and documentation in connection with the user ordering activity's permitted use of the computer programs and documentation. For purposes of this section, all such permitted third parties shall be deemed agents of the user ordering activity.

3. Except as is provided in paragraph 8.b(2) above, the ordering activity shall not provide or otherwise make available the software or documentation, or any portion thereof, in any form, to any third party without the prior written approval of the Contractor. Third parties do not include prime Contractors, subcontractors and agents of the ordering activity who have the ordering activity's permission to use the licensed software and documentation at the facility, and who have agreed to use the licensed software and documentation only in accordance with these restrictions and any other confidentiality provisions under this schedule. This provision does not limit the right of the ordering activity to use software, documentation, or information therein, which the ordering activity may already have or obtains without restrictions.

4. The ordering activity shall have the right, to use the computer software and documentation with the computer for which it is acquired at any other facility to which that computer may be transferred, or in cases of disaster recovery, the ordering activity has the right to transfer the software to another site if the ordering activity site for which it is acquired is deemed to be unsafe for ordering activity personnel, provided, however such computer shall have equal or fewer number of processors or MIPS as the computer for which the software was acquired; to use the computer software and documentation with a backup computer when the primary computer is inoperative provided, however such back up computer shall have equal or fewer number of processors or MIPS as the computer for which the software was acquired; to copy computer programs for safekeeping (archives) or backup purposes; to transfer a copy of the software to another site for purposes of benchmarking new hardware and/or software, provided such use shall not exceed thirty (30) days or if a longer time is necessary, the ordering activity should obtain written approval from the Contractor..

5. "Commercial Computer Software" may be marked with the Contractor's standard commercial restricted rights legend, but the schedule contract and schedule pricelist, including this clause, "Utilization Limitations" are the only governing terms and conditions, and shall take precedence and supersede any different or additional terms and conditions included in the standard commercial legend, a purchase order issued by the ordering agency or any similar document(s). It is the parties understanding that no such document shall have precedence over the GSA Schedule.

9. SOFTWARE CONVERSIONS - (132-32 AND 132-33)

Full monetary credit will be allowed to the ordering activity when conversion from one version of the software to another is made as the result of a change in operating system, or from one computer system to another, subject to the equivalent MIPS or processor capacity of the previous computer the software was has been installed and provided any such conversion occurs within six (6) months from the purchase date of the software license. Thereafter, Contract will apply a discount of its then current list prices based on useful life of sixty (60) months.


The Contractor shall include, in the schedule pricelist, a complete description of each software product and a list of equipment on which the software can be used. Also, included shall be a brief, introductory explanation of the modules and documentation which are offered.


The Government may purchase additional licenses in accordance with the quantity discount schedule as set forth above.

Pitney Bowes Software Inc. Product Descriptions

|Barcoded Bag/Tray Tag Option |Used in conjunction with MailStream Plus, Barcoded Bag/Tray Option enables mailers to qualify for automation |

| |incentive rates by generating these labels. Using this product, mailers can generate these labels using a wide |

| |variety of printers. Meets USPS requirements for automation incentive rates on bag/tray mail. More |

| |comprehensive information can be found at . |

|Business Merge/Purge Plus |Business Merge/Purge Plus saves money and improves mailings by eliminating unwanted duplicates in business |

| |mailing lists. Using a business oriented analysis, the system detects more bona fide duplicates and fewer |

| |erroneous matches than any other software available today. With Business Merge/Purge Plus, users can evaluate |

| |list sources and the efficiency of mailings. Additionally, with detailed reports, list comparisons, and |

| |statistics, users can rapidly analyze data and choose the appropriate options. More comprehensive information |

| |can be found at . |

|Canadian CODE-1 Plus, Universal Addressing Module |A comprehensive software solution that cleans, codes, validates and standardizes address data, Canadian CODE-1 |

|Canadian (batch) or Finalist |Plus address quality solution is the most efficient and accurate address matching product for Canadian |

| |mailings. Since mailings meet Canada Post Corporation (CPC) standardization requirements, businesses can avoid|

| |surcharges for non-standardized pieces and obtain substantial cost savings from CPC discounts and incentives. |

| |More comprehensive information can be found at . |

|Centrus Geocoding |The process of associating a location to an address is known as geocoding. While many address standardization |

| |programs can associate some geographic data to an address, such as postal, state or county codes, few can |

| |provide the actual location coordinates, latitude/longitude, of the corrected address. Instead, they require |

| |standardized data to be reprocessed by a secondary geocoding program, which frequently only offers “general” |

| |location positioning (ZIP or ZIP+4) as opposed to address level geocoding. By precisely defining the location |

| |of an address with a latitude and longitude coordinate, Centrus GeoStan and the Centrus Data Products geocoding|

| |databases enable a whole new way to geographically analyze data. |

| |Address standardization and geocoding both require a reference database. In the case of address |

| |standardization, the database is used for comparison purposes. When it comes to geocoding, a spatial street |

| |network file is used to determine the correct geographic coordinate for an address. |

| |By combining these two types of data sources using proprietary processing logic, Centrus is able to create a |

| |unique, more complete database. In the new database, each address has both USPS and geographic information |

| |associated with it. This information is then applied to both the address matching and geocoding processes. Most|

| |CASS-certified vendors only use US Postal Service data as the matching universe, while geocoding vendors use |

| |only a street network database. The conflated database used by GeoStan contains both the US Postal Service |

| |database and the street network file of your choice. This combined database enables geocoding more addresses |

| |while limiting the false positives providing more accurate results overall. |

| |Pitney Bowes Software Inc. offers 9 different sources of databases for Geocoding: |

| |Centrus TIGER ZIP+4 Centroid Data Set |

| |Centrus Enhanced Data Set |

| |Centrus GDT Data Set |

| |Centrus NAVTEQ Data Set |

| |Centrus Canada Data Set |

| |More comprehensive information can be found at . |

|Centrus Merge/Purge |More comprehensive information can be found at . |

|Centrus Product Suite |Pitney Bowes Software Inc.’s Centrus product suite offers the industry’s most comprehensive, accurate, and |

| |powerful software solutions for address-level business geographics. The Centrus Point-Level Geocoding Option |

| |provides the highest level of accuracy possible, matching addresses to the actual building and parcel where the|

| |address is located. |

| |The Point-Level Geocoding Option is available for the following Centrus products: |

| |GeoStan |

| |AddressBroker™ |

| |GeoTAX® |

| |Centrus Desktop™ |

| |Centrus ArcGIS® Geocoder Plugin |

| |Centrus Data Products provide geocoding, spatial, and demographic data for the Centrus line of business |

| |geographic solutions. Software or Data Products alone cannot answer the geographic questions posed today. |

| |Together, Centrus Software and Data Products answer a variety of questions by creating solutions to meet the |

| |underlying requirements. |

| |The Centrus Data Products operational goal is to investigate, develop, and acquire geographic data to enable |

| |the Centrus product line to identify, geocode, and analyze our customers’ data, meeting their operational |

| |requirements. More comprehensive information can be found at . |

|CODE-1 Plus International, Universal Addressing |CODE-1 Plus International provides address validation, correction and/or formatting for over 220 countries and |

|Module International (batch) or Finalist |dependencies worldwide - with street-level address data from over 100 countries worldwide. CODE-1 Plus |

| |International is the most comprehensive technology on the market today. It incorporates postal data from the |

| |Universal Postal Union's POST*CODE database, which contains locality and street-level data for United Nations |

| |member countries. More comprehensive information can be found at . |

|CODE-1 Plus, Universal Addressing Module U.S. |Pitney Bowes Software Inc.’s CODE-1 Plus address quality solution validates, corrects and standardizes customer|

|(batch) or Finalist |address data. CASS Certified by the United States Postal Service (“USPS”), CODE-1 Plus is used by over 1,600 |

| |companies. With this leading technology, businesses can provide accurate, on time delivery of correspondence, |

| |goods and services, and eliminate the operational costs associated with misdeliveries. Whether your need is |

| |batch processing millions of records, real-time address verification, or integrating with third-party |

| |applications, CODE-1 Plus is the solution for you. More comprehensive information can be found at . |

|Country Identifier Option |More comprehensive information can be found at . |

|Data Quality Connector for Siebel or SAP |The Pitney Bowes Software Inc. Data Quality Connector can be easily integrated into cross applications and |

| |provides accurate, consolidated account, prospect and contact data in both batch and interactive modes by |

| |verifying address information and merging duplicate records. This solution can verify and correct address data |

| |for the United States and over 220 countries and dependencies worldwide (if the International Coder is |

| |licensed), enabling organizations to increase target marketing effectiveness, enhance customer relationships |

| |through improved service, and help provide on-time delivery of goods and services. More comprehensive |

| |information can be found at . |

|DataFlow |Data Flow is a general-purpose, pipelined data processing engine that uses transformation objects to implement |

| |data integration, data analysis and information delivery services. Data Flow fundamentally changes the way that|

| |data is accessed and integrated, enabling users to easily extend the accessibility and usefulness of corporate |

| |data. It supports joining information from multiple data sources, transposing data between columns, |

| |manipulating time series, processing string and text data, and performing data lookups. Using a unique visual |

| |diagramming workbench, business analysts and IT professionals design data flow plans that create data |

| |warehouses, perform business analyses and deploy content to users and applications over the Web. More |

| |comprehensive information can be found at . |

|DataSight |DataSight provides enterprise-wide correction, validation, and enhancement of customer, prospect and supplier |

| |data. With DataSight, organizations can consolidate disparate data to achieve a comprehensive, accurate single |

| |customer view. DataSight enables companies to increase operational efficiency, make more informed business |

| |decisions and maximize customer lifetime value and return on investment from customer-facing systems. More |

| |comprehensive information can be found at . |

|Demographics |Assigning demographics information to an address based on the Census Block ID is an important part of any |

| |marketing campaign. Returning the Centrus GeoStan Census Block ID attribute from the address standardization |

| |process enables further enhancement of the customer’s address database by associating the demographics |

| |information from the 2000 Census and interim updates provided by the U.S. Census Bureau and the HMDA/CRA data |

| |from the Federal Reserve. Currently the Census Bureau has released 2002 and 2003 updates to the 2000 Census |

| |database. The latest including the NECTA and NECTA division data, and new counties incorporated since the 2000 |

| |Census poll.Y |

| |Every business that sells or provides a service directly to their customers can benefit from the increased |

| |knowledge of their customers’ life styles and living situation. Centrus Demographics Data provides that |

| |information through the Centrus Demographics Library technology. More comprehensive information can be found at|

| |. |

|Dispatcher or Dispatcher Plus |More comprehensive information can be found at . |

|DOC1 Designer |DOC1 Designer lets desktop and remote users author and design powerful, effective business documents quickly |

| |and easily. The all new Series 5 Work Center controls and administers the interface users see, document and |

| |resource access privileges, and production control. From the Work Center, users can create applications, edit |

| |existing ones, access shared resources and set up production jobs. Users can create applications without having|

| |access to the actual data or being concerned with data order or naming conventions — data aliases and variables|

| |are resolved at run time. Real-time preview capabilities ensure that what you see on the screen is what you'll |

| |get in production. More comprehensive information can be found at . |

|DOC1 Document Composition Service |The Document Composition Service is a scalable and resilient Web Service deployment of DOC1’s document |

| |generation engine for real-time creation of variable content and customized documents in support of customer |

| |facing applications. |

| |The DOC1 DCS is a Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) compliant, service-oriented architecture (SOA) platform |

| |designed to deliver on-demand documents through multiple channels including call centers, back and front-office|

| |applications, branch networks, the Web and email. |

|DOC1 Generate |DOC1 Generate is fast, scaleable and portable – running under a variety of operating systems, including, MVS, |

| |UNIX, OS/400 and Windows. DOC1 Generate composes in batch mode for high-volume output as well as in real-time |

| |for on-demand applications. The engine produces AFP, Metacode, PostScript, PCL, VPS, VDX, VIPP for production |

| |printing as well as HTML, PDF and XML output for presentation and data exchange. More comprehensive |

| |information can be found at . |

|DOC1 Interactive |For call-center and other customer-facing departments, DOC1 Interactive is essential. Using a system-managed |

| |Microsoft Word interface, DOC1 Interactive helps business users author professional, personalized customer |

| |correspondence with streamlined efficiency. DOC1 Interactive automatically populates fields with data from a |

| |variety of sources to reduce manual, error-prone key-entry. Users share approved content that's stored in a |

| |secure common repository and easily author ad hoc content for immediate or high-volume batch production. DOC1 |

| |Interactive scales to support thousands of concurrent users and supports remote and distributed access via a |

| |customer-care cockpit, an intranet or external internet. More comprehensive information can be found at |

| |. |

|e2 Vault |e2 Vault is the most advanced integrated document archive and retrieval system on the market today, providing |

| |unrivaled, high-performance real-time indexing, compression, storage, and retrieval of documents and data from |

| |their native format. Billions of documents and data elements are stored for many years and rendered online for |

| |real-time viewing, with no performance degradation. Customers, CSRs and other users instantly retrieve |

| |documents and data online, regardless of age or size. More comprehensive information can be found at |

| |. |

|EZ-Case Plus |EZ-CASE Plus converts database and file formats into easy-to-read, upper/lower case formats. Based on |

| |user-defined criteria, EZ-CASE Plus can also punctuate addresses and add personal titles to names. EZ-CASE Plus|

| |will correctly case data according to product-supplied tables, optional user-supplied tables, algorithms, or a |

| |combination of the three. More comprehensive information can be found at . |

|Generalized Selection Plus |Generalized Selection Plus is a query tool that lets users perform targeted geographic selection, demographic |

| |analysis, match/merge functions, and ad hoc query. With Generalized Selection Plus, you can increase the |

| |efficiency of your target marketing and mailing list management. More comprehensive information can be found at|

| |. |

|Geographic Coding Plus |Geographic Coding Plus offers businesses a gateway to increased customer understanding by supplying valuable |

| |geographic, demographic and lifestyle information. Geographic Coding Plus helps companies turn simple customer |

| |address data into practical and powerful information. Major features: |

| |Assigns geocodes and latitude/longitude information for marketing, spatial analysis, and trade area |

| |definitions. |

| |Analyzes customers geographically and determines areas of unmet demand, as well as oversaturation. |

| |Calculates distances for proximity and site location analysis to help identify the nearest distribution points |

| |or dealers closest to customers. |

| |Enhances a file with current year demographic data for use in profiling, market analysis, and predictive |

| |modeling applications. |

| |More comprehensive information can be found at . |

|Geographic Determination Library (“GDL”) |The GDL option builds "geo-variance buffer" around assigned latitude/longitude, giving users the ability to |

| |perform real-time spatial comparisons and confidence level assignments. Using GDL, users can make faster, more |

| |informed geographically-based business decisions in areas where there is little room for error. The GDL Option |

| |provides a confidence level to every geographic assignment at all levels - address-level, ZIP+4, ZIP+2 or ZIP |

| |Code. More comprehensive information can be found at . |

|GeoStan Canada |Pitney Bowes Software Inc.'s GeoStan International-Canada geocoding solution corrects, standardizes and |

| |geocodes Canadian address information. GeoStan International’s flexible and accurate geocoding technology not |

| |only provides a total high-speed geocoding solution, but addresses are recognized and standardized in both |

| |French and English to provide more accurate match rates nationwide. More comprehensive information can be found|

| |at . |

|GeoStan International |Pitney Bowes Software Inc.'s GeoStan International-Canada geocoding solution corrects, standardizes and |

| |geocodes Canadian address information. GeoStan International’s flexible and accurate geocoding technology not |

| |only provides a total high-speed geocoding solution, but addresses are recognized and standardized in both |

| |French and English to provide more accurate match rates nationwide. More comprehensive information can be found|

| |at . |

|GeoStan |GeoStan is an application program interface that corrects, standardizes and geocodes address information. More |

| |comprehensive information can be found at . |

|GeoTAX |GeoTAX is a comprehensive solution that standardizes addresses and appends accurate state, county, municipal |

| |place, and special tax jurisdiction information to customer address records. With tax jurisdictions constantly |

| |changing and new tax jurisdiction assignment requirements mandated by federal and state laws, the potential |

| |liability resulting from inaccurate tax assignment poses a significant problem. More comprehensive information |

| |can be found at . |

|High Speed Connectivity Card Bus & Tag Option | |

| |More comprehensive information can be found at . |

|High Speed Connectivity Card ESCON Option | |

| |More comprehensive information can be found at . |

|I/O JET Plus |I/O JET Plus takes an input file and formats the driver. In addition to names and addresses, I/O JET Plus |

| |creates barcodes, postal endorsement lines, user header labels, message records, and quality control records. |

| |The data is converted from the original record format to the one specified by the printer. The output file can |

| |have label image blocks and message blocks. The labels and accompanying messages can be printed on the outside |

| |of a catalog or magazine, as well as on the inside order form or selected advertisement. More comprehensive |

| |information can be found at . |

|Labels Printing Plus |Prints customized mailing labels without programming. Various parameter options support different record |

| |formats. Label Printing Plus includes up to nine (9) lines per label, introduction of seed names, file reports,|

| |break marks, and list code and Nth name selections. More comprehensive information can be found at . |

|List Conversion Plus |Allows easy conversion of mailing lists from one format to another-without programming! Rented and purchased |

| |lists can be quickly converted to user-defined formats, improving your mailing efficiency and response rates. |

| |Various parameter options are available, including input/output file definition, name separation, floating |

| |address lines, title conversion, reject/select, gender coding, company record identification, and printing |

| |output records. More comprehensive information can be found at . |

|MailStream Plus |MailStream Plus, a Presort Accuracy, Validation, and Evaluation (“PAVE”)-certified software, enables you to |

| |maximize postal discounts for domestic mailings efforts using all classes of mail – First Class, Periodicals, |

| |Standard, and Package Services mailings – for all types of mail – letters, flats and parcels. In addition to |

| |providing substantial cost savings, MailStream Plus generates extensive audit trail and mail production |

| |reports, and supports USPS electronic programs such as Confirm and PostalOne!, letting you assemble mailings |

| |efficiently to speed postal acceptance. The software solution also allows mailers to benefit from additional |

| |discounts and labor savings through drop-shipping, palletization and manifest reporting. More comprehensive |

| |information can be found at . |

|Manifest Reporting Plus |MailStream Plus, a Presort Accuracy, Validation, and Evaluation (“PAVE”)-certified software, enables you to |

| |maximize postal discounts for domestic mailings efforts using all classes of mail – First Class, Periodicals, |

| |Standard, and Package Services mailings – for all types of mail – letters, flats and parcels. In addition to |

| |providing substantial cost savings, MailStream Plus generates extensive audit trail and mail production |

| |reports, and supports USPS electronic programs such as Confirm and PostalOne!, letting you assemble mailings |

| |efficiently to speed postal acceptance. The software solution also allows mailers to benefit from additional |

| |discounts and labor savings through drop-shipping, palletization and manifest reporting. More comprehensive |

| |information can be found at . |

|Merge/Purge Plus |With Merge/Purge Plus, duplicate records, misspelled names and address components are identified and eliminated|

| |using a sophisticated algorithm that is tailored to name and address processing. Users have total flexibility |

| |to determine the strictness of their matching criteria through the ability to specify the name-matching |

| |algorithm as loose, medium, tight, or equal for individual name matching. More comprehensive information can be|

| |found at . |

|Palletization Plus |This module allows you to palletize mail at all allowable USPS levels. Additionally, Palletization Plus lets |

| |you adjust the weight, height, or volume settings for each level and lets you easily shut off optional pallet |

| |levels. And through entry points rolling, you can roll unpalletized mail from each drop-ship site to your |

| |local entry facility, thereby providing additional labor savings. More comprehensive information can be found |

| |at . |

|POSTNET( Barcoding Option |POSTNET Barcoding Plus allows you to save money by qualifying for postal discounts on first, Standard and |

| |Periodical mail. You can also speed delivery of your mail by preparing it for automated processing. More |

| |comprehensive information can be found at . |

|Profile Plus |More comprehensive information can be found at . |

|StreamWeaver |Pitney Bowes Software Inc.'s StreamWeaver integrates multiple print streams for postal processing, including |

| |cleansing, updating and presorting addresses — without interrupting your document processing operations. The |

| |StreamWeaver print stream engineering solutions also speed document presentment and distribution changes so |

| |that your vital documents not only go to market faster, but are customer-focused. Companies using StreamWeaver |

| |maximize postal discounts, optimize mail deliverability, eliminate costs associated with returned mail, and |

| |save time and money by consuming fewer IT resources. More comprehensive information can be found at .|

|Universal Addressing Module Client/Server & Web |The Universal Addressing Module provides unparalleled flexibility by letting users validate, correct and |

| |standardize address information for over 220 countries and dependencies worldwide (if the International Coder |

| |is licensed). The core functions are available as local or hosted services using the same API. The solution |

| |supports Java, COM, C, and C++ interfaces. More comprehensive information can be found at . |

|AddressWizard Client/Server and Web | |

| |AddressWizard can help an organization ensure, correct and validate address information entered into a CRM |

| |system; helping to reduce the costs associated with bad data, such as returned or undelivered mail, and |

| |incorrect customer profiling and duplication. AddressWizard requires only partial address details to match and|

| |return a full and valid address record. |

|VeriMove with Delivery Point Validation and |VeriMove with Delivery Point Validation and LACSLink™ interfaces with the new USPS NCOALink™ database. |

|LACSLink |NCOALink expands access to NCOA data beyond 13 months to 18, or even 48 months. NCOALink™ also provides access |

| |to descriptive return codes for more detailed information on moves when needed — a move out of country, for |

| |instance. VeriMove with Delivery Point Validation and LACSLink ™ can work with or access all levels of USPS |

| |NCOALink™ data to support Full Service Providers, Limited Service Providers and End User Mailers. More |

| |comprehensive information can be found at . |

Pitney Bowes Software Inc.

Product Pricing

* For clarification purposes only, any reference to “Annual Maintenance” and/or “Annual Subscription” set out in this document shall only refer to the period of performance for which maintenance and subscription services are being offered and shall not refer to the period of time for which maintenance and subscription services fees are to be paid.

Additional Software Products to GSA Contract Number GS-35F-0358J

February 6, 2009

General Services Administration, FAS

Center for IT Schedule Program, FCI

Crystal Plaza #4, Room 606

2200 Crystal Drive

Arlington, VA 22202

Attn: Naomi Thompson (QTADD)

Re: Additional Software Products to GSA Contract Number GS-35F-0358J

Dear Naomi Thompson,

Enclosed you will find product additions under Special Item Number (SIN) 132-32, 132-33 and 132-34 to GSA Contract Number GS-35F-0358J. In addition, you will find a commercial price list for the products being added to GSA Contract Number GS-35F-0358J.

As an authorized representative for the Contract Holder, I make the following statements to the best of my knowledge and belief:

a. All other terms and conditions of the contract referenced above will remain the same, unless otherwise disclosed and proposed in this modification request;

b. All pricing reflects the 0.75% Industrial Funding Fee (IFF) and it is not being absorbed;

c. All products are newly manufactured products unless otherwise noted, are regularly used for other than Government purposes, are offered for sale, or are sold or traded commercially, in the normal course of business operations; and

d. Products offered are compliant with the Trade Agreements Acts.

The estimated change to the Contract Value is: $500,000.

If you have any questions regarding this request, please contact Adam Sloane at 301-918-0393 or Myra Cadena at 301-918-0874.

Thank you,

Adam Sloane

Contracts Manager

Term Pricing

Universal Name Module (Batch, C\S & Web) ¹

Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to four (4) Processors. Add additional 50% for each additional four (4) Processors (minimum block). “Processor” shall mean a single processing unit with a single core (i.e. a dual processor will count as two (2) Processors).

Universal Name Module (batch or Client\Server) ¹ License Fees


(10 User Seats included)

(User Seats 11 – 50) $ 36 per User Seat

(User Seats 51 – 100) $ 24 per User Seat

(User Seats 101 – x) $ 19 per User Seat

Universal Name Module (Web) ¹ License Fees


Annual License Fee

Enhanced Core Name database $15,113

¹Enhanced Core Names database is mandatory for year 1. Thereafter, optional per below note designated by (*).

License Fee only needs to be reflected once, if Data Normalization and/or Advanced Matching Modules are also being proposed

Optional database Add-ons Annual Fees*

Arabic Pack Name Database $20,150

Asian Pack Name Database $20,150

*Sold as subscription data sets, but not a term licenses. Renewable via renewal maintenance billing after year 1.

Annual maintenance based licenses are 20% of GSA discounted license fees

Perpetual Pricing

Universal Name Module (Batch, C\S & Web) ¹

Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to four (4) Processors. Add additional 50% for each additional four (4) Processors (minimum block). “Processor” shall mean a single processing unit with a single core (i.e. a dual processor will count as two (2) Processors).

Universal Name Module (batch or Client\Server) ¹ License Fees


(10 User Seats included)

(User Seats 11 – 50) $ 48 per User Seat

(User Seats 51 – 100) $ 32 per User Seat

(User Seats 101 – x) $ 24 per User Seat

Universal Name Module (Web) ¹ License Fees


Annual License Fee

Enhanced Core Name database $15,113

¹ Enhanced Core Names data set mandatory for year 1. Thereafter, optional per below note designated by (*).

License Fee only needs to be reflected once, if Data Normalization and/or Advanced Matching Modules are also being proposed

Optional database Add-ons Annual Fees*

Arabic Pack Name Database $20,150

Asian Pack Name Database $20,150

*Sold as subscription data sets, but not a term licenses. Renewable via renewal maintenance billing after year 1.

Annual maintenance based licenses are 20% of GSA discounted license fees

Term Pricing

Data Normalization Module (Batch, C\S & Web) ¹

Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to four (4) Processors. Add additional 50% for each additional four (4) Processors (minimum block). “Processor” shall mean a single processing unit with a single core (i.e. a dual processor will count as two (2) Processors).

Data Normalization Module (Batch or Client\Server) ¹ License Fees


(10 User Seats included)

(User Seats 11 – 50) $ 29 per User Seat

(User Seats 51 – 100) $ 19 per User Seat

(User Seats 101 – x) $ 15 per User Seat

Data Normalization Module (Web) ¹ License Fees


Annual License Fee

Enhanced Core Name database $15,113

¹ Enhanced Core Names data set mandatory for year 1. Thereafter, optional per below note designated by (*).

License Fee only needs to be reflected once, if Universal Name and/or Advanced Matching Modules are also being proposed

Optional database Add-ons Annual Fees*

Arabic Pack Name Database $20,150

Asian Pack Name Database $20,150

*Sold as subscription data sets, but not a term licenses. Renewable via renewal maintenance billing after year 1.

Annual maintenance based licenses are 20% of GSA discounted license fees

Perpetual Pricing

Data Normalization Module (Batch, C\S & Web) ¹

Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to four (4) Processors. Add additional 50% for each additional four (4) Processors (minimum block). “Processor” shall mean a single processing unit with a single core (i.e. a dual processor will count as two (2) Processors).

Data Normalization Module (Batch or Client\Server) ¹ License Fees


(10 User Seats included)

(User Seats 11 – 50) $ 39 per User Seat

(User Seats 51 – 100) $ 26 per User Seat

(User Seats 101 – x) $ 19 per User Seat

Data Normalization Module (Web) ¹ License Fees


Annual License Fee

Enhanced Core Name database $15,113

¹ Enhanced Core Names data set mandatory for year 1. Thereafter, optional per below note designated by (*).

License Fee only needs to be reflected once, if Universal Name and/or Advanced Matching Modules are also being proposed

Optional database Add-ons Annual Fees*

Arabic Pack Name Database $20,150

Asian Pack Name Database $20,150

*Sold as subscription data sets, but not a term licenses. Renewable via renewal maintenance billing after year 1.

Annual maintenance based licenses are 20% of GSA discounted license fees

Term Pricing

Advanced Matching Module (Batch, C\S & Web) ¹

Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to four (4) Processors. Add additional 50% for each additional four (4) Processors (minimum block). “Processor” shall mean a single processing unit with a single core (i.e. a dual processor will count as two (2) Processors).

Advanced Matching Module (batch or Client\Server) ¹ License Fees


(10 User Seats included)

(User Seats 11 – 50) $ 109 per User Seat

(User Seats 51 – 100) $ 72 per User Seat

(User Seats 101 – x) $ 54 per User Seat

Advanced Matching Module (Web) ¹ License Fees


Annual License Fee

Enhanced Core Name database $15,113

¹ Enhanced Core Names data set mandatory for year 1. Thereafter, optional per below note designated by (*).

License Fee only needs to be reflected once, if Universal Name and/or Data Normalization Modules are also being proposed

Optional database Add-ons Annual Fees*

Arabic Pack Name Database $20,150

Asian Pack Name Database $20,150

*Sold as subscription data sets, but not a term licenses. Renewable via renewal maintenance billing after year 1.

Annual maintenance based licenses are 20% of GSA discounted license fees

Perpetual Pricing

Advanced Matching Module (Batch, C\S & Web) ¹

Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to four (4) Processors. Add additional 50% for each additional four (4) Processors (minimum block). “Processor” shall mean a single processing unit with a single core (i.e. a dual processor will count as two (2) Processors).

Advanced Matching Module (batch or Client\Server) ¹ License Fees


(10 User Seats included)

(User Seats 11 – 50) $ 143 per User Seat

(User Seats 51 – 100) $ 95 per User Seat

(User Seats 101 – x) $ 71 per User Seat

Advanced Matching Module (Web) ¹ License Fees


Annual License Fee

Enhanced Core Name database $15,113

¹ Enhanced Core Names data set mandatory for year 1. Thereafter, optional per below note designated by (*).

License Fee only needs to be reflected once, if Universal Name and/or Data Normalization Modules are also being proposed

Optional database Add-ons Annual Fees*

Arabic Pack Name Database $20,150

Asian Pack Name Database $20,150

*Sold as subscription data sets, but not a term licenses. Renewable via renewal maintenance billing after year 1.

Annual maintenance based licenses are 20% of GSA discounted license fees

Term Pricing

Enterprise Geocoding Module (Batch, C\S & Web)

Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to four (4) Processors. Add additional 50% for each additional four (4) Processors (minimum block). “Processor” shall mean a single processing unit with a single core (i.e. a dual processor will count as two (2) Processors).

Enteprise Geocoding Module (Batch or Client\Server) License Fees


(10 User Seats included)

(User Seats 11 – 50) $ 113 per User Seat

(User Seats 51 – 100) $ 91 per User Seat

(User Seats 101 – x) $ 57 per User Seat

Enterprise Geocoding Module (Web) License Fees



License Fees

Reverse Geocoding $4,534 or 20% GSA discounted license fees paid by Customer (whichever is the greater)

Centrus Point- Level Geocoding Option $20,402

Centrus Point- Level Geocoding Option Client/Server $20,402

(includes 10 User Seats)

• (User Seats 11 – 50) $ 57 per User Seat

• (User Seats 51 – 100) $ 45 per User Seat

• (User Seats 101 – x) $ 29 per User Seat

Centrus Point- Level Geocoding Option Web $41,008

For Data Subscription, please refer to GeoStan Dataset pricing

Annual maintenance based licenses are 20% of GSA discounted license fees

Perpetual Pricing

Enterprise Geocoding Module (Batch, C\S & Web)

Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to four (4) Processors. Add additional 50% for each additional four (4) Processors (minimum block). “Processor” shall mean a single processing unit with a single core (i.e. a dual processor will count as two (2) Processors).

Enteprise Geocoding Module (Batch or Client\Server) License Fees


(10 User Seats included)

(User Seats 11 – 50) $ 149 per User Seat

(User Seats 51 – 100) $ 119 per User Seat

(User Seats 101 – x) $ 74 per User Seat

Enterprise Geocoding Module (Web) License Fees



License Fees

Reverse Geocoding $5,944 or 20% of GSA discounted license fees paid by Customer (whichever is the greater)

Centrus Point- Level Geocoding Option $26,749

Centrus Point- Level Geocoding Option Client/Server $26,749

(includes 10 User Seats)

• (User Seats 11 – 50) $ 74 per User Seat

• (User Seats 51 – 100) $ 59 per User Seat

• (User Seats 101 – x) $ 37 per User Seat

Centrus Point- Level Geocoding Option Web $53,766

For Data Subscription, please refer to GeoStan Dataset pricing

Annual maintenance based licenses are 20% of GSA discounted license fees

Term Pricing

Enterprise Geocoding Module – Canada (Batch, C\S & Web)

Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to four (4) Processors. Add additional 50% for each additional four (4) Processors (minimum block). “Processor” shall mean a single processing unit with a single core (i.e. a dual processor will count as two (2) Processors).

Enteprise Geocoding Module – Canada (Batch or Client\Server) License Fee


(10 User Seats included)

(User Seats 11 – 50) $ 113 per User Seat

(User Seats 51 – 100) $ 91 per User Seat

(User Seats 101 – x) $ 57 per User Seat

Enterprise Geocoding Module – Canada (Web) License Fee


Annual maintenance based licenses are 20% of the GSA discounted license fees

Annual Subscription $53,694

Perpetual Pricing

Enterprise Geocoding Module – Canada (Batch, C\S & Web)

Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to four (4) Processors. Add additional 50% for each additional four (4) Processors (minimum block). “Processor” shall mean a single processing unit with a single core (i.e. a dual processor will count as two (2) Processors).

Enteprise Geocoding Module – Canada (Batch or Client\Server) License Fee


(10 User Seats included)

(User Seats 11 – 50) $ 149 per User Seat

(User Seats 51 – 100) $ 119 per User Seat

(User Seats 101 – x) $ 74 per User Seat

Enterprise Geocoding Module – Canada (Web) License Fee


Annual maintenance based licenses are 20% of the GSA discounted license fees

Annual Subscription $53,694

Term Pricing

Enterprise Geocoding Module – Australia (Batch, C\S & Web)

Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to four (4) Processors. Add additional 50% for each additional four (4) Processors (minimum block). “Processor” shall mean a single processing unit with a single core (i.e. a dual processor will count as two (2) Processors).

Enteprise Geocoding Module – Australia (Batch or Client\Server) License Fee


(10 User Seats included)

(User Seats 11 – 50) $ 113 per User Seat

(User Seats 51 – 100) $ 91 per User Seat

(User Seats 101 – x) $ 57 per User Seat

Enterprise Geocoding Module – Australia (Web) License Fee


Annual maintenance based licenses are 20% of the GSA discounted license fees

Annual Subscription $53,694

Perpetual Pricing

Enterprise Geocoding Module – Australia (Batch, C\S & Web)

Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to four (4) Processors. Add additional 50% for each additional four (4) Processors (minimum block). “Processor” shall mean a single processing unit with a single core (i.e. a dual processor will count as two (2) Processors).

Enteprise Geocoding Module – Australia (Batch or Client\Server) License Fee


(10 User Seats included)

(User Seats 11 – 50) $ 149 per User Seat

(User Seats 51 – 100) $ 119 per User Seat

(User Seats 101 – x) $ 74 per User Seat

Enterprise Geocoding Module – Australia (Web) License Fee


Annual maintenance based licenses are 20% of the GSA discounted license fees

Annual Subscription $53,694

Term Pricing

Location Intelligence Module (Batch, C\S & Web)

Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to four (4) Processors. Add additional 50% for each additional four (4) Processors (minimum block). “Processor” shall mean a single processing unit with a single core (i.e. a dual processor will count as two (2) Processors).

Location Intelligence Module (Batch or Client\Server) License Fees


(10 User Seats included)

(User Seats 11 – 50) $ 68 per User Seat

(User Seats 51 – 100) $ 45 per User Seat

(User Seats 101 – x) $ 34 per User Seat

Location Intelligence Module (Web) License Fees


For Data Subscription, please refer to Spatial+ Data set pricing

Annual maintenance based licenses are 20% of GSA discounted license fees

Perpetual Pricing

Location Intelligence Module (Batch, C\S & Web)

Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to four (4) Processors. Add additional 50% for each additional four (4) Processors (minimum block). “Processor” shall mean a single processing unit with a single core (i.e. a dual processor will count as two (2) Processors).

Location Intelligence Module (Batch or Client\Server) License Fees


(10 User Seats included)

(User Seats 11 – 50) $ 89 per User Seat

(User Seats 51 – 100) $ 59 per User Seat

(User Seats 101 – x) $ 45 per User Seat

Location Intelligence Module (Web) License Fees


For Data Subscription, please refer to Spatial+ Data set pricing

Annual maintenance based licenses are 20% of GSA discounted license fees

Enterprise Application Connectors

Term Pricing

Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to four (4) Processors. Add additional 50% for each additional four (4) Processors (minimum block). “Processor” shall mean a single processing unit with a single core (i.e. a dual processor will count as two (2) Processors).

License Fees

Data Quality Connector for Siebel Enterprise – Client/Server $15,868

Data Quality Connector for Siebel Industry – Client/Server $15,868

Data Quality Connector for mySAP CRM – Client/Server $15,868

Data Quality Connector for mySAP ERP – Client/Server $15,868

(10 User Seats included)

(User Seats 11 – 50) $ 227 per User Seat

(User Seats 51 – 100) $ 136 per User Seat

(User Seats 101 – x) $ 113 per User Seat

License Fees

Data Quality Connector for Siebel Enterprise – Web $38,537

Data Quality Connector for Siebel Industry – Web $38,537

Data Quality Connector for mySAP CRM – Web $38,537

Data Quality Connector for mySAP ERP – Web $38,537

Composite Information Server** License Fees


Annual maintenance based licenses are 20% of GSA discounted license fees

*These are just the connectors for SAP and Siebel. They are licensed only as add-ons to existing CDQ Platform install and require real-time licenses for (Universal Addressing or Address Now Modules and Universal Name Module, Data Normalization Module and Advanced Matching Module). If this is a new license, i.e., not an existing CDQP license, please refer to pricing for the CDQP for SAP and Siebel Bundles in the Schedule.

**License is per enterprise application. Currently supported for SAP, Siebel, Oracle, PeopleSoft and

Enterprise Application Connectors

Perpetual Pricing

Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to four (4) Processors. Add additional 50% for each additional four (4) Processors (minimum block). “Processor” shall mean a single processing unit with a single core (i.e. a dual processor will count as two (2) Processors).

License Fees

Data Quality Connector for Siebel Enterprise – Client/Server $20,805

Data Quality Connector for Siebel Industry – Client/Server $20,805

Data Quality Connector for mySAP CRM – Client/Server $20,805

Data Quality Connector for mySAP ERP – Client/Server $20,805

(10 User Seats included)

(User Seats 11 – 50) $ 297 per User Seat

(User Seats 51 – 100) $ 178 per User Seat

(User Seats 101 – x) $ 149 per User Seat

License Fees

Data Quality Connector for Siebel Enterprise – Web $50,526

Data Quality Connector for Siebel Industry – Web $50,526

Data Quality Connector for mySAP CRM – Web $50,526

Data Quality Connector for mySAP ERP – Web $50,526

Composite Information Server** License Fees


Annual maintenance based licenses are 20% of GSA discounted license fees

*These are just the connectors for SAP and Siebel. They are licensed only as add-ons to existing CDQ Platform install and require real-time licenses for (Universal Addressing or Address Now Modules and Universal Name Module, Data Normalization Module and Advanced Matching Module). If this is a new license, i.e., not an existing CDQP license, please refer to pricing for the CDQP for SAP and Siebel Bundles in the Schedule.

**License is per enterprise application. Currently supported for SAP, Siebel, Oracle, PeopleSoft and

Customer Data Quality Platform Bundles and Solution Pricing

Term Pricing

CDQP Core Bundle

Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to four (4) Processors. Add additional 50% for each additional four (4) Processors (minimum block). “Processor” shall mean a single processing unit with a single core (i.e. a dual processor will count as two (2) Processors).

CDQP Core includes: License Fees Subscription Fees

$90,222 $29,621*


• Ten (10) User Seats.

• Client APIs [C, C++, Java, COM, Dot Net, XML and Web Services]

• Client Tools [Enterprise Designer, Management Console]

• Data Governance Suite**

• Universal Addressing Module OR Address Now Module (Batch & C\S)

• Universal Name Module (Batch & C\S)

• Data Normalization Module (Batch & C\S)

• Advanced Matching Module (Batch & C\S)

• Enhanced Core Names Database***

Additional User Seats

(User Seats 11 – 50) $ 227 per User Seat

(User Seats 51 – 100) $ 136 per User Seat

(User Seats 101 – x) $ 113 per User Seat

Bundle Add-on: Subscription Fee

Arabic Pack Name Data $20,150

Asian Pack Name Data $20,150

*License fees include all three (3) UAM coders, but Customer may opt out of receiving the corresponding data set to render the UAM coder effective. Each opt out reduces the subscription fee by $9,874. For example: if Customer does not want the International coding capability – subscription fees can be reduced to $19,747. If choosing Address Now Module as the coder, please refer to Address Now Module Dataset pricing to calculate subscription fees

**Includes 1 User Seat. Additional seats available at $4,750/User

*** Sold as subscription database. Renewable via renewal maintenance billing after year 1.

Annual maintenance based licenses are 20% of GSA discounted license fees

Fees also include a Five (5) day Fast Start. Customer is responsible for Pitney Bowes Software travel expenses.


Includes up to five (5) consecutive days (up to 40 hours) of services to perform the following:

• Install the CDQP Core and related databases on the Computer

• Review Customer’s requirements for use of the CDQP Core

• Analyze Customer’s data file for initial job setup to the CDQP Core

• Establish the initial job stream and all parameters to run the initial job stream

• Execute the initial job stream and review the results with Customer

• Train Customer on the CDQP Core based on Customer’s initial job stream

• Review the support procedure for CDQP Core with Customer

FastStart Installation Services do not include the following:

• Integration of CDQP Core with any of Licensee’s other software applications (including, without limitation, modifying Licensees’ address capture programs to call CDQP Core or integration of the CDQP Core into third party custom statement formats);

• Cross-platform or cross-language application migrations;

• Process analysis, system and/or process replacement, or any recommendations for major changes to client’s business processes, except as explicitly indicated.

• FastStart Services days cannot be deferred once work has begun. A FastStart is considered closed upon satisfactory sign-off by customer even if the maximum number of hours has not been attained.

Perpetual Pricing

CDQP Core Bundle

Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to four (4) Processors. Add additional 50% for each additional four (4) Processors (minimum block). “Processor” shall mean a single processing unit with a single core (i.e. a dual processor will count as two (2) Processors).

CDQP Core includes: License Fees Subscription Fees

$118,291 $29,621*


• Ten (10) User Seats.

• Client APIs [C, C++, Java, COM, Dot Net, XML and Web Services]

• Client Tools [Enterprise Designer, Management Console]

• Data Governance Suite**

• Universal Addressing Module OR Address Now Module (Batch & C\S)

• Universal Name Module (Batch & C\S)

• Data Normalization Module (Batch & C\S)

• Advanced Matching Module (Batch & C\S)

• Enhanced Core Names Database***

Additional User Seats

(User Seats 11 – 50) $ 298 per User Seat

(User Seats 51 – 100) $ 178 per User Seat

(User Seats 101 – x) $ 149 per User Seat

Bundle Add-on: Subscription Fee

Arabic Pack Name Data $20,150

Asian Pack Name Data $20,150

*License fees include all three (3) UAM coders, but Customer may opt out of receiving the corresponding data set to render the UAM coder effective. Each opt out reduces the subscription fee by $9,874. For example: if Customer does not want the International coding capability – subscription fees can be reduced to $19,747. If choosing Address Now Module as the coder, please refer to Address Now Module Dataset pricing to calculate subscription fees

**Includes 1 User Seat. Additional seats available at $4,750/User

*** Sold as subscription database. Renewable via renewal maintenance billing after year 1.

Annual maintenance based licenses are 20% of GSA discounted license fees

Fees also include a Five (5) day Fast Start. Customer is responsible for Pitney Bowes Software travel expenses.


Includes up to five (5) consecutive days (up to 40 hours) of services to perform the following:

• Install the CDQP Core and related databases on the Computer

• Review Customer’s requirements for use of the CDQP Core

• Analyze Customer’s data file for initial job setup to the CDQP Core

• Establish the initial job stream and all parameters to run the initial job stream

• Execute the initial job stream and review the results with Customer

• Train Customer on the CDQP Core based on Customer’s initial job stream

• Review the support procedure for CDQP Core with Customer

FastStart Installation Services do not include the following:

• Integration of CDQP Core with any of Licensee’s other software applications (including, without limitation, modifying Licensees’ address capture programs to call CDQP Core or integration of the CDQP Core into third party custom statement formats);

• Cross-platform or cross-language application migrations;

• Process analysis, system and/or process replacement, or any recommendations for major changes to client’s business processes, except as explicitly indicated.

• FastStart Services days cannot be deferred once work has begun. A FastStart is considered closed upon satisfactory sign-off by customer even if the maximum number of hours has not been attained.

Term Pricing

CDQP Core Bundle - Web

Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to four (4) Processors. Add additional 50% for each additional four (4) Processors (minimum block). “Processor” shall mean a single processing unit with a single core (i.e. a dual processor will count as two (2) Processors).

CDQP Core Bundle Web includes: License Fees Subscription Fees

$112,890 $29,621*


• Client APIs [C, C++, Java, COM, Dot Net, XML and Web Services]

• Client Tools [Enterprise Designer, Management Console]

• Data Governance Suite**

• Universal Addressing Module OR Address Now Module (Batch & Web)

• Universal Name Module (Batch & Web)

• Data Normalization Module (Batch & Web)

• Advanced Matching Module (Batch & Web)

• Enhanced Core Names Database***

Bundle Add-on: Subscription Fee

Arabic Pack Name Data $20,150

Asian Pack Name Data $20,150

*License fees include all three (3) UAM coders, but Customer may opt out of receiving the corresponding data set to render the UAM coder effective. Each opt out reduces the subscription fee by $9,874. For example: if Customer does not want the International coding capability – subscription fees can be reduced to $19,747. If choosing Address Now Module as the coder, please refer to Address Now Dataset pricing to calculate subscription fees.

**Includes 1 User Seat. Additional seats available at $4,750/User

*** Sold as subscription database. Renewable via renewal maintenance billing after year 1.

Annual maintenance based licenses are 20% of GSA discounted license fees

Fees also include a Five (5) day Fast Start. Customer is responsible for Pitney Bowes Software travel expenses.


Includes up to five (5) consecutive days (up to 40 hours) of services to perform the following:

• Install the CDQP Core and related databases on the Computer

• Review Customer’s requirements for use of the CDQP Core

• Analyze Customer’s data file for initial job setup to the CDQP Core

• Establish the initial job stream and all parameters to run the initial job stream

• Execute the initial job stream and review the results with Customer

• Train Customer on the CDQP Core based on Customer’s initial job stream

• Review the support procedure for CDQP Core with Customer

FastStart Installation Services do not include the following:

• Integration of CDQP Core with any of Licensee’s other software applications (including, without limitation, modifying Licensees’ address capture programs to call CDQP Core or integration of the CDQP Core into third party custom statement formats);

• Cross-platform or cross-language application migrations;

• Process analysis, system and/or process replacement, or any recommendations for major changes to client’s business processes, except as explicitly indicated.

• FastStart Services days cannot be deferred once work has begun. A FastStart is considered closed upon satisfactory sign-off by customer even if the maximum number of hours has not been attained.

Perpetual Pricing

CDQP Core Bundle - Web

Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to four (4) Processors. Add additional 50% for each additional four (4) Processors (minimum block). “Processor” shall mean a single processing unit with a single core (i.e. a dual processor will count as two (2) Processors).

CDQP Core Bundle Web includes: License Fees Subscription Fees

$148,012 $29,621*


• Client APIs [C, C++, Java, COM, Dot Net, XML and Web Services]

• Client Tools [Enterprise Designer, Management Console]

• Data Governance Suite**

• Universal Addressing Module OR Address Now Module (Batch & Web)

• Universal Name Module (Batch & Web)

• Data Normalization Module (Batch & Web)

• Advanced Matching Module (Batch & Web)

• Enhanced Core Names Database***

Bundle Add-on: Subscription Fee

Arabic Pack Name Data $20,150

Asian Pack Name Data $20,150

*License fees include all three (3) UAM coders, but Customer may opt out of receiving the corresponding data set to render the UAM coder effective. Each opt out reduces the subscription fee by $9,874. For example: if Customer does not want the International coding capability – subscription fees can be reduced to $19,747. If choosing Address Now Module as the coder, please refer to Address Now Dataset pricing to calculate subscription fees.

**Includes 1 User Seat. Additional seats available at $4,750/User

*** Sold as subscription database. Renewable via renewal maintenance billing after year 1.

Annual maintenance based licenses are 20% of GSA discounted license fees

Fees also include a Five (5) day Fast Start. Customer is responsible for Pitney Bowes Software travel expenses.


Includes up to five (5) consecutive days (up to 40 hours) of services to perform the following:

• Install the CDQP Core and related databases on the Computer

• Review Customer’s requirements for use of the CDQP Core

• Analyze Customer’s data file for initial job setup to the CDQP Core

• Establish the initial job stream and all parameters to run the initial job stream

• Execute the initial job stream and review the results with Customer

• Train Customer on the CDQP Core based on Customer’s initial job stream

• Review the support procedure for CDQP Core with Customer

FastStart Installation Services do not include the following:

• Integration of CDQP Core with any of Licensee’s other software applications (including, without limitation, modifying Licensees’ address capture programs to call CDQP Core or integration of the CDQP Core into third party custom statement formats);

• Cross-platform or cross-language application migrations;

• Process analysis, system and/or process replacement, or any recommendations for major changes to client’s business processes, except as explicitly indicated.

• FastStart Services days cannot be deferred once work has begun. A FastStart is considered closed upon satisfactory sign-off by customer even if the maximum number of hours has not been attained.

Term Pricing

Global Sentry Module (Batch, C\S & Web)

Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to four (4) Processors. Add additional 50% for each additional four (4) Processors (minimum block). “Processor” shall mean a single processing unit with a single core (i.e. a dual processor will count as two (2) Processors).

Global Sentry Module (Batch & C\S) License Fees Subscription Fees

$56,672 $5,038

(10 User Seats included)

(User Seats 11 – 50) $ 136 per User Seat

(User Seats 51 – 100) $ 90 per User Seat

(User Seats 101 – x) $ 68 per User Seat

Global Sentry Module (Batch & Web) License Fees Subscription Fees

$74,807 $5,038

Included in Bundle:

• Interdiction Template

• Client APIs [C, C++, Java, COM, Dot Net, XML and Web Services]

• Client Tools [Enterprise Designer, Management Console]

• Universal Name Module

• Enhanced Core Names Database*

• Data Normalization Module

• Advanced Matching Module

Bundle Add-on: Subscription Fees*

Arabic Pack Name Database $20,150

Asian Pack Name Database $20,150

Annual maintenance based licenses are 20% of GSA discounted license fees

*Sold as subscription database. Renewable via renewal maintenance billing after year 1.

Perpetual Pricing

Global Sentry Module (Batch, C\S & Web)

Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to four (4) Processors. Add additional 50% for each additional four (4) Processors (minimum block). “Processor” shall mean a single processing unit with a single core (i.e. a dual processor will count as two (2) Processors).

Global Sentry Module (Batch & C\S) License Fees Subscription Fees

$74,303 $5,038

(10 User Seats included)

(User Seats 11 – 50) $ 178 per User Seat

(User Seats 51 – 100) $ 118 per User Seat

(User Seats 101 – x) $ 89 per User Seat

Global Sentry Module (Batch & Web) License Fees Subscription Fees

$98,080 $5,038

Included in Bundle:

• Interdiction Template

• Client APIs [C, C++, Java, COM, Dot Net, XML and Web Services]

• Client Tools [Enterprise Designer, Management Console]

• Universal Name Module

• Enhanced Core Names Database*

• Data Normalization Module

• Advanced Matching Module

Bundle Add-on: Subscription Fees*

Arabic Pack Name Database $20,150

Asian Pack Name Database $20,150

Annual maintenance based licenses are 20% of GSA discounted license fees

*Sold as subscription data sets, but not a term licenses. Renewable via renewal maintenance billing after year 1.

Term Pricing

Customer Data Quality Platform for Siebel CRM (Siebel Enterprise Apps OR Siebel Industry Apps)

Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to four (4) Processors. Add additional 50% for each additional four (4) Processors (minimum block). “Processor” shall mean a single processing unit with a single core (i.e. a dual processor will count as two (2) Processors).

Bundle Options: License Fees Subscription Fees

Batch & C/S $40,804 $29,621*

Batch & Web $83,874 $29,621*

Included in Bundle:

• Data Quality Connector for Siebel Enterprise OR Siebel Industry Apps**

• Client APIs [C, C++, Java, COM, Dot Net, XML and Web Services]

• Client Tools [Enterprise Designer, Management Console]

• Universal Addressing Module OR Address Now Module

• Universal Name Module

• Data Normalization Module

• Advanced Matching Module

Client/Server Option Fees include ten (10) User Seats. Additional Seats:

(User Seats 11 – 50) $ 227 per User Seat

(User Seats 51 – 100) $ 136 per User Seat

(User Seats 101 – x) $ 113 per User Seat

Bundle Add-on: License Fees Subscription Fees

Enterprise Geocoding Module $40,804*** Refer to GeoStan data set pricing

Enhanced Core Name Database $15,113

Arabic Pack Name Database $20,150

Asian Pack Name Database $20,150

*License fees include all three (3) UAM coders, but Customer may opt out of receiving the corresponding data set to render the UAM coder effective. Each opt out reduces the subscription fee by$9,874. For example: if Customer does not want the International coding capability – subscription fees can be reduced to $19,747. If choosing Address Now Module as the coder, please refer to Address Now Dataset pricing to calculate subscription fees

**Siebel Enterprise is different than Siebel Industry. Also, please check with Product Management on current supported versions of Siebel

***Enterprise Geocoding Module can be used to replace the address coding engine in the bundle.

Perpetual Pricing

Customer Data Quality Platform for Siebel CRM (Siebel Enterprise Apps OR Siebel Industry Apps)

Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to four (4) Processors. Add additional 50% for each additional four (4) Processors (minimum block). “Processor” shall mean a single processing unit with a single core (i.e. a dual processor will count as two (2) Processors).

Bundle Options: License Fees Subscription Fees

Batch & C/S $53,498 $29,621*

Batch & Web $109,969 $29,621*

Included in Bundle:

• Data Quality Connector for Siebel Enterprise OR Siebel Industry Apps**

• Client APIs [C, C++, Java, COM, Dot Net, XML and Web Services]

• Client Tools [Enterprise Designer, Management Console]

• Universal Addressing Module OR Address Now Module

• Universal Name Module

• Data Normalization Module

• Advanced Matching Module

Client/Server Option Fees include ten (10) User Seats. Additional Seats:

(User Seats 11 – 50) $ 297 per User Seat

(User Seats 51 – 100) $ 178 per User Seat

(User Seats 101 – x) $ 149 per User Seat

Bundle Add-on: License Fees Subscription Fees

Enterprise Geocoding Module $53,498*** Refer to GeoStan data set pricing

Enhanced Core Name Data $15,113

Arabic Pack Name Database $20,150

Asian Pack Name Database $20,150

*License fees include all three (3) UAM coders, but Customer may opt out of receiving the corresponding data set to render the UAM coder effective. Each opt out reduces the subscription fee by $9,874. For example: if Customer does not want the International coding capability – subscription fees can be reduced to $19,747. If choosing Address Now Module as the coder, please refer to Address Now Dataset pricing to calculate subscription fees

**Siebel Enterprise is different than Siebel Industry. Also, please check with Product Management on current supported versions of Siebel

***Enterprise Geocoding Module can be used to replace the address coding engine in the bundle.

Term Pricing

Customer Data Quality Platform for mySAP ERP

Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to four (4) Processors. Add additional 50% for each additional four (4) Processors (minimum block). “Processor” shall mean a single processing unit with a single core (i.e. a dual processor will count as two (2) Processors).

Bundle Options: License Fees Subscription Fees

Batch & C/S $40,804 $29,621*

Batch & Web $83,874 $29,621*

Included in Bundle:

• Data Quality Connector for mySAP ERP (ECC)**

• Client APIs [C, C++, Java, COM, Dot Net, XML and Web Services]

• Client Tools [Enterprise Designer, Management Console]

• Universal Addressing Module OR Address Now Module

• Address Drill-Down (Limited use Address Now)

• Universal Name Module

• Data Normalization Module

• Advanced Matching Module

Client/Server Option Fees include ten (10) User Seats. Additional Seats:

(User Seats 11 – 50) $ 227 per User Seat

(User Seats 51 – 100) $ 136 per User Seat

(User Seats 101 – x) $ 113 per User Seat

Bundle Add-on: License Fees Subscription Fees

Enterprise Tax Module Refer to pricing for ETM Refer to GeoTAX dataset pricing

Enhanced Core Name Data $15,113

Arabic Pack Name Database $20,150

Asian Pack Name Database $20,150

Data Quality Connector for mySAP CRM $35,263***

*License fees include all three (3) UAM coders, but Customer may opt out of receiving the corresponding data set to render the UAM coder effective. Each opt out reduces the subscription fee by $9,874. For example: if Customer does not want the International coding capability – subscription fees can be reduced to $19,747. Address Drill-Down requires licensing the appropriate Address Now Dataset as well. Please refer to Address Now Dataset pricing to calculate additional subscription fees. This is also true if you choose Address Now Module as the primary address coding engine, except, the above subscription fees is not applicable.

**mySAP ERP is different application than mySAP CRM. For CDQP for mySAP CRM Bundle pricing, refer to that page. Also, please check with Product Management on current supported versions of SAP applications

***For customers looking to connect to both mySAP ERP and mySAP CRM


CODE-1 Plus, Universal Addressing Module U.S. (batch) or Finalist – Term Pricing

|Workstation Pricing |

| |SIN 132-32 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Term |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|CODE-1 Plus UNC/Finalist with DPV |$16,322 |$4,232 |See below |

|Annual Subscription (database distributed monthly) |N/A |N/A |$9,874 |

|CODE-1 Plus Integrator*** |$1,133 |$209 |N/A |

| |

|Mainframe Pricing |

|CODE-1 Plus UNC/Finalist with DPV |See MIPS chart |$4,937 |N/A |

|Annual Subscription (Database distributed monthly) |N/A |N/A |$9,874 |

|CODE-1 Plus IMS** |$8,161 |$1,814 | |

| |

|** In addition to the MIPS based license fees and maintenance for CODE-1 Plus, UNC (batch) or Finalist. |

|*** License to base product is a pre-requisite. |

| |

|[pic] |

MIPS based upgrades require a minimum of an additional four percent (4%) in maintenance fees calculated against the GSA discounted achieved upgrade license fees. The additional maintenance fees MUST be pro-rated to the end of the existing maintenance period of performance.

CODE-1 Plus, Universal Addressing Module U.S. (batch) or Finalist – Perpetual Pricing

|Workstation Pricing |

| |SIN 132-33 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Perpetual |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|CODE-1 Plus UNC/Finalist with DPV |$21,399 |$4,232 |See below |

|Annual Subscription (database distributed monthly) |N/A |N/A |$9,874 |

|CODE-1 Plus Integrator*** |$1,486 |$209 |N/A |

| |

|Mainframe Pricing |

|CODE-1 Plus UNC/Finalist with DPV |See MIPS chart |$4,937 |See below |

|Annual Subscription (database distributed monthly) |N/A |N/A |$9,874 |

|CODE-1 Plus IMS** |$10,700 |$1,814 |N/A |

| |

|** In addition to the MIPS based license fees and maintenance for CODE-1 Plus, UNC (batch) or Finalist. |

|*** License to base product is a pre-requisite. |

| |

|[pic] |

MIPS based upgrades require a minimum of an additional four percent (4%) in maintenance fees calculated against the GSA discounted achieved upgrade license fees. The additional maintenance fees MUST be pro-rated to the end of the existing maintenance period of performance.

Canadian CODE-1 Plus, Universal Addressing Module Canadian (batch) or Finalist Term Pricing

|Workstation Pricing |

| |SIN 132-32 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Term |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|Canadian CODE-1 Plus UNC/Finalist with DPV |$16,322 |$3,491 |See below |

|Annual Subscription (database distributed monthly) |N/A |N/A |$4,433 |

|CODE-1 Plus Integrator*** |$1,133 |$209 |N/A |

| |

|Mainframe Pricing |

|CODE-1 Plus UNC/Finalist with DPV |See MIPS chart |$4,080 |See below |

|Annual Subscription (database distributed monthly) |N/A |N/A |$4,433 |

|CODE-1 Plus IMS** |$8,161 |$1,814 |N/A |

| |

|** In addition to the MIPS based license fees and maintenance for CODE-1 Plus, UNC (batch) or Finalist. |

|*** License to base product is a pre-requisite. |

| |

|[pic] |

MIPS based upgrades require a minimum of an additional four percent (4%) in maintenance fees calculated against the GSA discounted achieved upgrade license fees. The additional maintenance fees MUST be pro-rated to the end of the existing maintenance period of performance.

Canadian CODE-1 Plus, Universal Addressing Module Canadian (batch) or Finalist Perpetual Pricing

|Workstation Pricing |

| |SIN 132-33 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Perpetual |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|Canadian CODE-1 Plus UNC/Finalist with DPV |$21,399 |$3,491 |See below |

|Annual Subscription (database distributed monthly) |N/A |N/A |$4,433 |

|Canadian CODE-1 Plus Integrator*** |$1,486 |$209 |N/A |

| |

|Mainframe Pricing |

|CODE-1 Plus UNC/Finalist with DPV |See MIPS chart |$4,080 |See below |

|Annual Subscription (database distributed monthly) |N/A |N/A |$4,433 |

|CODE-1 Plus IMS** |$10,700 |$1,814 |N/A |

| |

|** In addition to the MIPS based license fees and maintenance for CODE-1 Plus, UNC (batch) or Finalist. |

|*** License to base product is a pre-requisite. |

| |

|[pic] |

MIPS based upgrades require a minimum of an additional four percent (4%) in maintenance fees calculated against the GSA discounted achieved upgrade license fees. The additional maintenance fees MUST be pro-rated to the end of the existing maintenance period of performance.

CODE-1 Plus International, Universal Addressing Module International (batch) or Finalist - Term License

|Workstation Pricing |

| |SIN 132-32 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Term |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|CODE-1 Plus International UNC/Finalist |$16,322 |$4,231 |See below |

|Annual Subscription (database distributed monthly) |N/A |N/A |$9,874 |

|CODE-1 Plus International Integrator*** |$1,133 |$209 |N/A |

| |

|Mainframe Pricing |

|CODE-1 Plus International UNC/Finalist |See MIPS chart |$4,937 |See below |

|Annual Subscription Database (distributed monthly) |N/A |N/A |$9,874 |

|CODE-1 Plus International IMS** |$8,161 |$1,814 |N/A |

| |

|** In addition to the MIPS based license fees and maintenance for CODE-1 Plus, UNC (batch) or Finalist. |

|*** License to base product is a pre-requisite. |

| |

|[pic] |

MIPS based upgrades require a minimum of an additional four percent (4%) in maintenance fees calculated against the GSA discounted achieved upgrade license fees. The additional maintenance fees MUST be pro-rated to the end of the existing maintenance period of performance.

CODE-1 Plus International, Universal Addressing Module International (batch) or Finalist - Perpetual License

|Workstation Pricing |

| |SIN 132-33 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Perpetual |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|CODE-1 Plus International UNC/Finalist |$21,399 |$4,231 |See below |

|Annual Subscription (database distributed monthly) |N/A |N/A |$9,874 |

|CODE-1 Plus International Integrator*** |$1,486 |$209 |N/A |

| |

|Mainframe Pricing |

|CODE-1 Plus International UNC/Finalist |See MIPS chart |$4,937 |See below |

|Annual Subscription (database distributed monthly) |N/A |N/A |$9,874 |

|CODE-1 Plus International IMS** |$10,700 |$1,814 |N/A |

| |

|** In addition to the MIPS based license fees and maintenance for CODE-1 Plus, UNC (batch) or Finalist. |

|*** License to base product is a pre-requisite. |

| |

|[pic] |

MIPS based upgrades require a minimum of an additional four percent (4%) in maintenance fees calculated against the GSA discounted achieved upgrade license fees. The additional maintenance fees MUST be pro-rated to the end of the existing maintenance period of performance.

Special Purpose District Data

Workstation Pricing Vertex and Taxware data not included with software.

Telecommunications , Cable, Utility Industries (Includes Spatial District Locator license)

Pricing is for a three (3) year term license.

Prospect’s Gross Operating Revenue

License Fee Subscription Maintenance

(quarterly updates)

Less than $100 million $18,135 $20,150 $4,030

From $100 million to $400 million $27,203 $25,188 $6,045

Greater than $400 million $36,270 $30,225 $8,060

All other industries (includes Spatial District Locator license)

Prospect’s Gross Operating Revenue

License Fee Subscription Maintenance


Less than $100 million $9,068 $10,075 $2,015

From $100 million to $2 billion $11,334 $11,083 $2,519

Greater than 2 billion $13,601 $12,090 $3,023

Mainframe Pricing. Vertex and Taxware data not included with software.

Pricing is for a three (3) year term license. Add an additional 80% for a perpetual license. Maintenance and Subscription pricing is for one year. Maintenance and subscription fees are the same as Workstation pricing.

| |  |Price Per MIPS for MVS, VSE, OS\390, z/OS & IMS |

|Telecommunications, Cable, |  |100 |

|Utilities & Government | | |

|All Other Industries |  |

|1 – 5,000 |$39 |

|5,001 – 10,000 |$19 |

|10,001 – x |$10 |

MIPS based upgrades require a minimum of an additional four percent (4%) in maintenance fees calculated against the achieved upgrade license fees. The additional maintenance fees MUST be pro-rated to the end of the existing maintenance period.

Annual maintenance is 20% of discounted GSA license fees

Mail360 Data Manager

|Band |Annual Mail Pieces Processed |License Fee |

|A |Up to 5,0000,000 |$34,003 |

|B |Between 5,000,001 and 10,00,000 |$56,672 |

|C |Between 10,000,001 and 15,000,000 |$79,341 |

|D |Between 15,000,001 and 30,000,000 |$102,009 |

|E |Between 30,000,001 and 50,000,000 |$136,013 |

|F |Between 50,000,001 and 100,000,000 |$170,016 |

|G |Between 100,000,001 and 300,000,000 |$219,887 |

|H |Between 300,000,001 and 500,000,000 |$260,691 |

|I |Between 500,000,001 and 1,000,000,000 |$310,562 |

|J |Greater than 1,000,000,001 |$385,369 |

Annual maintenance is 20% of discounted GSA license fees

Notes for Mail360 Data Manager:

1. Mail piece volumes are tracked quarterly.

2. Customers are allotted a 20% overrun in mail piece volumes per quarter. After 2 consecutive quarters overrun in mail pieces (or as decided by Sr. Sales Management), Customers are required to pay the difference in license fees and attributable maintenance fees for band in which their mail piece volumes should be upgraded.

3. Mail piece volumes include USPS CONFIRM and USPS ACS.


Perpetual Pricing

Mail360 Manager UNIX Windows iSeries Mainframe

License Fees $26,749 $14,861 $26,749 $44,582

Mail360 Server Not available $26,749 Not available Not available

*Web based

*Mainframe Pricing Initial price is for Customer’s then MIPS rating at the time of license. Any MIPS increase thereafter shall be charged as follows:

|Number of Additional MIPS |License Fee per MIP |

|1 – 5,000 |$52 |

|5,001 – 10,000 |$25 |

|10,001 – x |$12 |

MIPS based upgrades require a minimum of an additional four percent (4%) in maintenance fees calculated against the achieved upgrade license fees. The additional maintenance fees MUST be pro-rated to the end of the existing maintenance period.

Annual maintenance is 20% of discounted GSA license fees

Mail360 Data Manager

|Band |Annual Mail Pieces Processed |License Fee |

|A |Up to 5,0000,000 |$44,582 |

|B |Between 5,000,001 and 10,00,000 |$74,303 |

|C |Between 10,000,001 and 15,000,000 |$104,024 |

|D |Between 15,000,001 and 30,000,000 |$133,746 |

|E |Between 30,000,001 and 50,000,000 |$178,328 |

|F |Between 50,000,001 and 100,000,000 |$222,909 |

|G |Between 100,000,001 and 300,000,000 |$288,296 |

|H |Between 300,000,001 and 500,000,000 |$341,794 |

|I |Between 500,000,001 and 1,000,000,000 |$407,181 |

|J |Greater than 1,000,000,001 |$505,261 |

Annual maintenance is 20% of discounted GSA license fees

Notes for Mail360 Data Manager:

1. Mail piece volumes are tracked quarterly.

2. Customers are allotted a 20% overrun in mail piece volumes per quarter. After 2 consecutive quarters overrun in mail pieces (or as decided by Sr. Sales Management), Customers are required to pay the difference in license fees and attributable maintenance fees for band in which their mail piece volumes should be upgraded.

3. Mail piece volumes include USPS CONFIRM and USPS ACS.

Term Pricing - Communications Intelligence Appliance

License Fee $11,334


• Dell server

• Web Console software

• One device connection to single host computer

• Mirror software applications as host licenses for CI Appliance environment

Additional device connections $4,534 each

Customer can license a second CI appliance at 75% of fist server cost.

Annual maintenance is 20% of discounted GSA license fees

NOTE: Maintenance is charged for just the fees charged for the CI Appliance. Application maintenance (both remaining time and current fees) for host computer will be transferred to CI Appliance application software.

Perpetual Pricing - Communications Intelligence Appliance

License Fee $14,861


• Dell server

• Web Console software

• One device connection to single host computer

• Mirror software applications as host licenses for CI Appliance environment

Additional device connections $5,944 each

Customer can license a second CI appliance at 75% of fist server cost.

Annual maintenance is 20% of discounted GSA license fees

NOTE: Maintenance is charged for just the fees charged for the CI Appliance. Application maintenance (both remaining time and current fees) for host computer will be transferred to CI Appliance application software.

Universal Addressing Module Client/Server & Web – Term Pricing

|Client/Server |

| |SIN 132-32 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Term |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|Universal Addressing Module – US with DPV – Monthly Subscription |$16,322 | $4,232 |$9,874 |

|Universal Addressing Module – Canada – Monthly Subscription |$16,322 |$3,491 | $2,217 |

|Universal Addressing Module – International – Quarterly Subscription |$16,322 |$4,232 | $9,874 |

| (10 User Seats included) | | | |

| User Seats – 11 to 50 $96 per user seat | | | |

| User Seats – 51 to 100 $64 per user seat | | | |

| User Seats – 101 to X $48 per user seat | | | |

| |

|Web-Based |

| |

|Universal Addressing Module – US with DPV – Monthly Subscription |$36,723 |$4,232 |$9,874 |

|Universal Addressing Module – Canada – Monthly Subscription |$36,723 |$3,491 |$2,217 |

|Universal Addressing Module – International – Quarterly Subscription |$26,723 |$4,232 |$9,874 |

| |

|Customer may receive up to a 25% discount off the then current license fees on the second coder and up to a 50% discount off the then current license fees on |

|the third coder if licensed within a six (6) month period of each other. Such discounts are at Pitney Bowes Software Inc.’s sole discretion. |

| |

Universal Addressing Module Client/Server & Web – Perpetual Pricing

|Client/Server |

| |SIN 132-33 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Perpetual |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|Universal Addressing Module – US with DPV – Monthly Subscription |$21,399 |$4,232 |$9,874 |

|Universal Addressing Module – Canada – Monthly Subscription |$21,399 |$3,491 |$2,217 |

|Universal Addressing Module r – International – Quarterly Subscription |$21,399 |$4,232 |$9,874 |

| (10 User Seats included) | | | |

| User Seats – 11 to 50 $126 per user seat | | | |

| User Seats – 51 to 100 $84 per user seat | | | |

| User Seats – 101 to X $63 per user seat | | | |

| |

|Web-Based |

|Universal Addressing Module – US with DPV – Monthly Subscription |$48,148 |$4,232 |$9,874 |

|Universal Addressing Module – Canada – Monthly Subscription |$48,148 |$3,491 |$2,217 |

|Universal Addressing Module – International – Quarterly Subscription |$48,148 |$4,232 |$9,874 |

| |

|Customer may receive up to a 25% discount off the then-current license fees on the second coder and up to a 50% discount off the then-current license fees on |

|the third coder if licensed within a six (6) month period of each other. Such discounts are at Pitney Bowes Software Inc.’s sole discretion. |

| |

Mailing Efficiency and Data Quality Products – Term Pricing

|Workstation Pricing |

| |SIN 132-32 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Term |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|Barcoded Bag/Tray Tag Option |$2,267 |$416 |N/A |

|Business Merge/Purge Plus |$14,860 |$2,078 |N/A |

|Centrus Merge/Purge |$9,068 |$1,662 |N/A |

|Centrus Merge/Purge Integrator Series |$1,133 |$209 |N/A |

|Country Identifier Option |$1,133 |$209 |N/A |

|Delivery Point Validation/Interactive***** |N/A |N/A |$4,433 |

|Dispatcher or Dispatcher Plus |$4,080 |$952 |N/A |

|EZ-Case Plus |$5,667 |$1,039 |N/A |

|EZ-Case Plus – Web |$12,751 |$1,039 |N/A |

|EZ-Case Plus Client/Server |$5,667 |$1,039 |N/A |

| (10 User Seats included) | | | |

| User Seats – 11 to 50 $23 per user seat | | | |

| User Seats – 51 to 100 $15 per user seat | | | |

| User Seats – 101 to X $11 per user seat | | | |

|Finalist with DPV |$16,322 |$4,232 |$9,874 |

|Generalized Selection Plus |$7,481 |$1,371 |N/A |

|High Speed Connectivity Card Bag & Tag Option |$7,254 |$1,612 |N/A |

|High Speed Connectivity Card ESCON Option |$7,254 |$1,612 |N/A |

|I/O JET Plus |$7,924 |$1,454 |N/A |

|Interactive Merge/Purge Option**** |$4,534 |$831 |N/A |

|Labels Printing Plus |$2,267 |$416 |N/A |

|List Conversion Plus |$6,801 |$1,247 |N/A |

|MailStream Plus |$13,601 |$3,023 |$1,511 |

|Manifest Reporting Plus |$5,441 |$1,209 |N/A |

|Merge/Purge Plus |$9,067 |$1,662 |N/A |

|Merge/Purge Plus Client\Server |$9,068 |$1,662 |N/A |

| (10 User Seats included) | | | |

| User Seats – 11 to 50 $36 per user seat | | | |

| User Seats – 51 to 100 $24 per user seat | | | |

| User Seats – 101 to X $18 per user seat | | | |

|Palletization Plus** |$6,801 |$1,511 |N/A |

|POSTNET( Barcoding Option |$2,267 |$416 |N/A |

|SortStream Canada |$9,068 |$1,662 |$3,325 |

|VeriMove with Delivery Point Validation and LACSLink |$24,936 |$5,541 |$9,874 |

|LACSlink***** |N/A |N/A |$4,433(1) |

| |

| |

|** Palletization Plus should be sold with maintenance aligned with MailStream Plus. |

|*** Subscription may be discounted to $2,200 if Customer already owns CODE-1 Plus, Finalist, CODE-1 Plus C\S, Universal Addressing Module – US (batch, Web |

|or C\S) and remains current on subscription services for such product. |

|**** Interactive Merge/Purge is an additional module to Merge/Purge Plus. Merge/Purge Plus is a pre-requisite. |

|***** Included for free with all stand-alone U.S. coders. Fees only apply when such coders are bundled with a solution suite (i.e. GeoTAX, VeriMove with |

|Delivery Point Validation and LACSLink). |

|(1) Monthly updates |

| |

|Term License Price Per MIPS for VSE, MVS, OS\390, z/OS & IMS |

|Product |

| |SIN 132-32 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Term |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|Barcoded Bag/Tray Tag Option |See MIPS chart |$416 |N/A |

|Business Merge/Purge Plus |See MIPS chart |$2,078 |N/A |

|Country Identifier Option |See MIPS chart |$209 |N/A |

|Delivery Point Validation/Interactive* |N/A |N/A |$4,433 |

|Dispatcher or Dispatcher Plus |See MIPS chart |$952 |N/A |

|EZ-Case Plus |See MIPS chart |$1,039 |N/A |

|Finalist with DPV |See MIPS chart |$4,232 |$9,874 |

|Generalized Selection Plus |See MIPS chart |$1,371 |N/A |

|High Speed Connectivity Card Bag & Tag Option |See MIPS chart |$1,612 |N/A |

|High Speed Connectivity Card ESCON Option |See MIPS chart |$1,612 |N/A |

|I/O JET Plus |See MIPS chart |$1,454 |N/A |

|Interactive Merge/Purge Option** |See MIPS chart |$831 |N/A |

|Labels Printing Plus |See MIPS chart |$416 |N/A |

|List Conversion Plus |See MIPS chart |$1,247 |N/A |

|MailStream Plus |See MIPS chart |$3,627 |$1,814 |

|Manifest Reporting Plus |See MIPS chart |$1,511 |N/A |

|Merge/Purge Plus |See MIPS chart |$1,662 |N/A |

|Palletization Plus*** |See MIPS chart |$1,814 |N/A |

|POSTNET( Barcoding Option |See MIPS chart |$416 |N/A |

|SortStream Canada |See MIPS chart |$1,511 |$3,325 |

|VeriMove with Delivery Point Validation and LACSLink |See MIPS chart |$5,541 |$9,874 |

|LACSlink* |N/A |N/A |$4,433(1) |

| |

|* Included for free with all stand-alone U.S. coders. Fees only apply when such coders are bundled with a solution suite (i.e. GeoTAX, VeriMov with |

|Delivery Point Validation and LACSLink e ). |

|** Interactive Merge/Purge is an additional module to Merge/Purge Plus. Merge/Purge Plus is a pre-requisite. |

|*** Palletization Plus should be sold with maintenance aligned with MailStream Plus. |

|(1) Monthly Updates |

Mailing Efficiency and Data Quality Products – Perpetual Pricing

|Workstation Pricing |

| |SIN 132-33 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Perpetual |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|Barcoded Bag/Tray Tag Option |$2,972 |$416 |N/A |

|Business Merge/Purge Plus |$11,334 |N/A |N/A |

|Centrus Merge/Purge |$11,889 |$1,962 |N/A |

|Centrus Merge/Purge Integrator Series |$1,486 |$209 |N/A |

|Country Identifier Option |$1,486 |$209 |N/A |

|Delivery Point Validation/Interactive***** |N/A |N/A |$4,433 |

|Dispatcher or Dispatcher Plus |$5,350 |$952 |N/A |

|EZ-Case Plus |$7,430 |$1,039 |N/A |

|EZ-Case Plus – Web |$16,718 |$1,039 |N/A |

|EZ-Case Plus Client\Server |$7,430 |$1,039 |N/A |

| (10 User Seats included) | | | |

| User Seats – 11 to 50 $30 per user seat | | | |

| User Seats – 51 to 100 $20 per user seat | | | |

| User Seats – 101 to X $15 per user seat | | | |

|Finalist with DPV |$21,399 |$4,232 |$9,874 |

|Generalized Selection Plus |$9,808 |$1,371 |N/A |

|High Speed Connectivity Card Bag & Tag Option |$9,511 |$1,612 |N/A |

|High Speed Connectivity Card ESCON Option |$9,511 |$1,612 |N/A |

|I/O JET Plus |$10,402 | | |

|Interactive Merge/Purge Option**** |$5,944 |$831 |N/A |

|Labels Printing Plus |$2,972 |$416 |N/A |

|List Conversion Plus |$8,916 |N/A |N/A |

|MailStream Plus |$17,833 |$3,023 |$1,511 |

|Manifest Reporting Plus |$7,133 |$1,209 |N/A |

|Merge/Purge Plus |$11,889 |$1,662 |N/A |

|Merge/Purge Plus Client/Server |$11,889 |$1,662 |N/A |

| (10 User Seats included) | | | |

| User Seats – 11 to 50 $48 per user seat | | | |

| User Seats – 51 to 100 $31 per user seat | | | |

| User Seats – 101 to X $24 per user seat | | | |

|Palletization Plus** |$8,916 |$1,511 |N/A |

|POSTNET( Barcoding Option |$2,972 |$416 |N/A |

|SortStream Canada |$11,889 |$1,662 |$3,325 |

|VeriMove with Delivery Point Validation and LACSLink |$32,693 |$5,541 |$9,874 |

|LACSlink***** |N/A |N/A |$4,433(1) |

| |

|** Palletization Plus should be sold with maintenance aligned with MailStream Plus. |

|***Subscription may be discounted to $2,200 if Customer already owns CODE-1 Plus, Finalist, CODE-1 Plus C\S, Universal Addressing Module – US (batch, Web or |

|C\S) and remains current on subscription services for such product. |

|**** Interactive Merge/Purge is an additional module to Merge/Purge Plus. Merge/Purge Plus is a pre-requisite. |

|***** Included for free with all stand-alone U.S. coders. Fees only apply when such coders are bundled with a solution suite (i.e. GeoTAX, VeriMove with |

|Delivery Point Validation and LACSLink ). |

|(1) Monthly Updates |

|Perpetual License Price Per MIPS for VSE, MVS, OS\390, z/OS & IMS |

|Product |

| |SIN 132-33 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Perpetual |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|Barcoded Bag\Tray Tag Option |See MIPS chart |$416 |N/A |

|Business Merge/Purge Plus |See MIPS chart |$2,078 |N/A |

|Country Identifier Option |See MIPS chart |$209 |N/A |

|Delivery Point Validation/Interactive***** |N/A |N/A |$4,433 |

|Dispatcher or Dispatcher Plus |See MIPS chart |$952 |N/A |

|EZ-Case Plus |See MIPS chart |$1,039 |N/A |

|Finalist with DPV |See MIPS chart |$4,232 |$9,874 |

|Generalized Selection Plus |See MIPS chart |$1,371 |N/A |

|High Speed Connectivity Card Bag & Tag Option |See MIPS chart |$1,612 |N/A |

|High Speed Connectivity Card ESCON Option |See MIPS chart |$1,612 |N/A |

|I/O JET Plus |See MIPS chart |$1,454 |N/A |

|Interactive Merge/Purge Option**** |See MIPS chart |$831 |N/A |

|Labels Printing Plus |See MIPS chart |$416 |N/A |

|List Conversion Plus |See MIPS chart |$1,247 |N/A |

|MailStream Plus |See MIPS chart |$3,627 |$1,814 |

|Manifest Reporting Plus |See MIPS chart |$1,511 |N/A |

|Merge/Purge Plus |See MIPS chart |$1,662 |N/A |

|Palletization Plus** |See MIPS chart |$1,814 |N/A |

|POSTNET( Barcoding Option |See MIPS chart |$416 |N/A |

|SortStream Canada |See MIPS chart |$1,511 |$3,325 |

|VeriMove with Delivery Point Validation and LACSLink |See MIPS chart |$5,541 |$9,874 |

|LACSlink***** |See MIPS chart |N/A |$4,433 |

| |

|** Palletization Plus should be sold with maintenance aligned with MailStream Plus. |

|*** Subscription may be discounted to $2,200 if Customer already owns CODE-1 Plus, Finalist, CODE-1 Plus C\S, Universal Addressing Module – US (batch, Web |

|or C\S) and remains current on subscription services for such product. |

|**** Interactive Merge/Purge is an additional module to Merge/Purge Plus. Merge/Purge Plus is a pre-requisite. |

|***** Included for free with all stand-alone U.S. coders. Fees only apply when such coders are bundled with a solution suite (i.e. GeoTAX, VeriMove with |

|Delivery Point Validation and LACSLink). |

| |

Geographic Coding Plus – Term Pricing

|Workstation Pricing (currently includes VSE License fee costs * - see below VSE maintenance Costs |

| |SIN 132-32 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Term |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|Geographic Coding Plus |$4,534 |$831 |$3,325(3) or $7,556(4) |

|Geographic Coding Plus Client/Server |$4,534 |$831 |$3,325(3) or $7,556(4) |

| (10 User Seats included) | | | |

| User Seats – 11 to 50 $18 per user seat | | | |

| User Seats – 51 to 100 $12 per user seat | | | |

| User Seats – 101 to X $9 per user seat | | | |

|Geographic Coding Plus – Web** |$10,201 |$831 |$3,325(3) or $7,556(4) |

|Geographic Coding Plus Integrator**** |$1,133 |$358 |N/A |

|Advanced GeoCoding Option with ZIP+4 Level Lat/Long data(1) |N/A |N/A |$10,075(3) or |

| | | |$20,150(4) |

|Street Coding Option (1)(2) |N/A |N/A |$20,150(3) or |

| | | |$35,263(4) |

|Mainframe Pricing |

|Geographic Coding Plus |See MIPS chart |$831 |$3,325(3) or $7,556(4) |

|Geographic Coding Plus – IMS*** |$1,950 |$358 |N/A |

|Advanced GeoCoding Option with ZIP+4 Level Lat/Long data(1) |N/A |N/A |$10,075(3) or |

| | | |$20,150(4) |

|Street Coding Option (1)(2) |N/A |N/A |$20,150(3) or |

| | | |$35,263(4) |

|* Pitney Bowes Software Inc. reserves the right to charge MIPS based license fees for VSE in the future, including computer upgrades. |

|** Web pricing includes unlimited Record volume/unlimited user seats. |

|*** In addition to the MIPS based license fee and maintenance/sub fees for Geographing Coding Plus. |

|**** License to base product is a pre-requisite. |

|(1)Does not include base Geographic Coding Data |

|(2)Includes Advanced Geographic file with ZIP+4 Level Lat/Long data. |

|(3)Quarterly updates. |

|(4)Monthly updates. |

|[pic] |

MIPS based upgrades require a minimum of an additional four percent (4%) in maintenance fees calculated against the GSA discounted achieved upgrade license fees. The additional maintenance fees MUST be pro-rated to the end of the existing maintenance period of performance.

Geographic Coding Plus – Perpetual Pricing

|Workstation Pricing |

| |SIN 132-33 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Perpetual |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|Geographic Coding Plus |$5,944 |$831 |$3,325(3) or $7,556(4) |

|Geographic Coding Plus Client/Server |$5,944 |$831 |$3,325(3) or $7,556(4) |

| (10 User Seats included) | | | |

| User Seats – 11 to 50 $24 per user seat | | | |

| User Seats – 51 to 100 $16 per user seat | | | |

| User Seats – 101 to X $12 per user seat | | | |

|Geographic Coding Plus – Web** |$13,375 |$831 |$3,325(3) or $7,556(4) |

|Geographic Coding Plus Integrator**** |$41,486 |$358 |N/A |

|Advanced GeoCoding Option with ZIP+4 Level Lat/Long data(1) |N/A |N/A |$10,075(3) or |

| | | |$20,150(4) |

|Street Coding Option (1)(2) |N/A |N/A |$20,150(3) or |

| | | |$35,263(4) |

|Mainframe Pricing |

|Geographic Coding Plus |See MIPS chart |$831 |$3,325(3) or $7,556(4) |

|Geographic Coding Plus – IMS*** |$2,556 |$358 |N/A |

|Advanced GeoCoding Option with XIP+4 Level Lat/Long data(1) |N/A |N/A |$10,075(3) or |

| | | |$20,150(4) |

|Street Coding Option (1)(2) |N/A |N/A |$20,150(3) or |

| | | |$35,263(4) |

|** Web pricing includes unlimited Record volume/unlimited user seats. |

|*** In addition to the MIPS based license fee and maintenance/sub fees for Geographic Coding Plus. |

|**** License to base product is a pre-requisite. |

|(1)Does not include base Geographic Coding Data. |

|(2)Includes Advanced Geographic file with ZIP+4 Level Lat/Long data. |

|(3)Quarterly updates. |

|(4)Monthly updates. |

|[pic] |

|MIPS based upgrades require a minimum of an additional four percent (4%) in maintenance fees calculated against the GSA discounted achieved upgrade license |

|fees. The additional maintenance fees MUST be pro-rated to the end of the existing maintenance period of performance. |

DataSight – Term Pricing

|Workstation Pricing (currently includes VSE License fee costs * - see below VSE maintenance Costs |

| |SIN 132-32 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Term |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|DataSight – US |$96,116 |$12,684 |$9,874 |

|DataSight – Canada |$96,116 |$12,684 |$9,874 |

|DataSight – North America |$108,810 |$12,684 |$14,528 |

|DataSight – Global |$126,678 |$12,684 |$20,346 |

|DataSight – Batch | | |N/A |

| (10 User Seats included) | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 11 to 50 $107 per user seat | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 51 to 100 $70 per user seat | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 101 to X $52 per user seat | | |N/A |

|DataSight – Real Time* |20% above | | |

| |GSA-discounted fees | |N/A |

| |

|Mainframe Pricing |

|DataSight – US |See MIPS chart |$12,684 |$9,874 |

|DataSight – Canada |See MIPS chart |$12,684 |$9,874 |

|DataSight – North America |See MIPS chart |$12,684 |$14,528 |

|DataSight – Global |See MIPS chart |$12,684 |$20,346 |

|* License to DataSight Batch is a pre-requisite. |

|[pic] |

MIPS based upgrades require a minimum of an additional four percent (4%) in maintenance fees calculated against the GSA discounted achieved upgrade license fees. The additional maintenance fees MUST be pro-rated to the end of the existing maintenance period of performance.

DataSight – Perpetual Pricing

|Workstation Pricing |

| |SIN 132-33 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Perpetual |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|DataSight – US |$126,018 |$12,864 |$9,874 |

|DataSight – Canada |$126,018 |$12,864 |$9,874 |

|DataSight – North America |$142,662 |$12,864 |$14,528 |

|DataSight – Global |$163,467 |$12,864 |$20,346 |

|DataSight – Batch | | | N/A |

| (10 User Seats included) | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 11 to 50 $140 per user seat | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 51 to 100 $92 per user seat | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 101 to X $68 per user seat | | |N/A |

|DataSight – Real Time* |20% above | | |

| |GSA-discounted fees | |N/A |

| |

|Mainframe Pricing |

|DataSight – US |See MIPS chart |$12,684 |$9,874 |

|DataSight – Canada |See MIPS chart |$12,684 |$9,874 |

|DataSight – North America |See MIPS chart |$12,684 |$14,528 |

|DataSight – Global |See MIPS chart |$12,684 |$20,346 |

|*license to DataSight Batch is a pre-requisite. |

|[pic] |

MIPS based upgrades require a minimum of an additional four percent (4%) in maintenance fees calculated against the GSA discounted achieved upgrade license fees. The additional maintenance fees MUST be pro-rated to the end of the existing maintenance period of performance.

GeoTAX, GeoTAX Client/Server ES & GeoTAX WEB ES – Term Pricing

|Workstation Pricing |

| |SIN 132-32 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Term |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|GeoTAX |$79,341 |$17,631 |$35,262*** or |

| | | |$52,894**** |

|GeoTAX Client/Server ES |$79,341 |$17,631 |$35,262*** or |

| | | |$52,894**** |

|GeoTAX Web ES |$178,630 |$17,631 |$35,262*** or |

| | | |$52,894**** |

| (20 User Seats included) | | | |

| User Seats – 21 to 500 $159 per user seat | | | |

| User Seats – 501 to 1000 $106 per user seat | | | |

| User Seats – 1001 to X $79 per user seat | | | |

|GeoTAX Matrix***** |(1) |$3,778 |$7,556 |

|Spatial District Locator |(1) |(2) |N/A |

|Premium Tax Districts Data (semi-annual updates) |N/A |N/A |$15,113 |

|Special Purpose Districts Data (quarterly updates) |N/A |N/A |$25,188 |

|Profile Plus - User seats 6 to X $297 per user seat |$9,067 | | |

| |

|Mainframe Pricing |

|GeoTAX |See MIPS chart |$17,631 |$35,262*** or |

| | | |$52,894**** |

|* License to DataSight Batch is a pre-requisite. |

|*** Quarterly distribution. |

|****Monthly distribution. |

|***** Pricing is for “Exception Processing” only – the processing of records that have already been submitted to GeoTAX. |

|(1) 20% of GSA discounted license fees. |

|(2) 16.5% of GSA discounted license fees. |

| |

GeoTAX, GeoTAX Client/Server ES & GeoTAX WEB ES – Perpetual Pricing

|Workstation Pricing Vertex and Taxware data not included with software. |

| |SIN 132-33 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Perpetual |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|GeoTAX |$104,024 |$17,631 |$35,262*** or |

| | | |$52,894**** |

|GeoTAX Client/Server ES |$104,024 |$17,631 |$35,262*** or |

| | | |$52,894**** |

|GeoTAX Web ES |$234,203 |$17,631 |$35,262*** or |

| | | |$52,894**** |

| (20 User Seats included) | | | |

| User Seats – 21 to 500 $208 per user seat | | | |

| User Seats – 501 to 1000 $139 per user seat | | | |

| User Seats – 1001 to X $104 per user seat | | | |

|GeoTAX Matrix***** |(1) |$3,778 |$7,556 |

|Spatial District Locator |(1) |(2) |N/A |

|Premium Tax Districts Data (semi-annual updates) |N/A |N/A |$15,113 |

|Special Purpose Districts Data (quarterly updates) |N/A |N/A |$25,188 |

|Profile Plus - User seats 6 to X $297 per user seat |$11,888 |N/A |N/A |

| |

|Mainframe Pricing for unlimited record volume |

|GeoTAX |See MIPS chart |$17,631 |$35,262*** or |

| | | |$52,894**** |

|* License to DataSight Batch is a pre-requisite. |

| |

|*** Quarterly distribution. |

|****Monthly distribution. |

|***** Pricing is for “Exception Processing” only – the processing of records that have already been submitted to GeoTAX. |

|(1) 20% of GSA discounted license fees. |

|(2) 16.5% of GSA discounted license fees. |

|[pic] |

MIPS based upgrades require a minimum of an additional four percent (4%) in maintenance fees calculated against the GSA discounted achieved upgrade license fees. The additional maintenance fees MUST be pro-rated to the end of the existing maintenance period of performance.

Data Quality Connector for Siebel – Term Pricing

|Workstation Pricing |

| |SIN 132-32 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Term |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|Data Quality Connector with Merge/Purge Plus Client Server - Country Identifier | | | |

|Option and one (1) coder | | | |

| (1 User Seat included) |$11,334 |(1) | |

| User Seats – 2 to 150 $227 per user seat |$11,334 |(1) |$5,440** |

| User Seats – 151 to 300 $136 per user seat |$11,334 |(1) |$7,657** |

| User Seats – 301 to 500 $113 per user seat |$11,334 |(1) |$8,866** |

| User Seats – 501 to 1000 $68 per user seat |$11,334 |(1) |$9,873** |

| User Seats – 1001 to X $45 per user seat |$11,334 |(1) |$9,873** |

|International Subscription Fee – Flat Rate |N/A |N/A |$6,952 |

|Data Quality Connector with Merge/Purge Plus Client Server - Country Identifier | | | |

|Option and two (2) coders* | | | |

| (1 User Seat included) | | | |

| User Seats – 2 to 150 $227 per user seat |$5,441 |(1) |$5,440** |

| User Seats – 151 to 300 $136 per user seat |$7,254 |(1) |$7,657** |

| User Seats – 301 to 500 $113 per user seat |$9,068 |(1) |$8,866** |

| User Seats – 501 to 1000 $68 per user seat |$12,241 |(1) |$9,873** |

| User Seats – 1001 to X $45 per user seat |$12,241 |(1) |$9,873** |

|International Subscription Fee – Flat Rate |N/A |N/A |$6,952 |

|Data Quality Connector with Merge/Purge Plus Client Server - Country Identifier | | | |

|Option and three (3) coders* | | | |

| (1 User Seat included) | | | |

| User Seats – 2 to 150 $227 per user seat |$4,080 |(1) |$5,440** |

| User Seats – 151 to 300 $136 per user seat |$5,441 |(1) |$7,657** |

| User Seats – 301 to 500 $113 per user seat |$7,254 |(1) |$8,866** |

| User Seats – 501 to 1000 $68 per user seat |$9,068 |(1) |$9,873** |

| User Seats – 1001 to X $45 per user seat |$9,068 |(1) |$9,873** |

|International Subscription Fee – Flat Rate |N/A |N/A |$6,952 |

| |

|Mainframe Pricing for unlimited record volume |

|Data Quality Connector with Merge/Purge Plus Client Server - Country Identifier |N/A | |N/A |

|Option and one (1) coder | | | |

|* Prices for additional coders valid only if customer licenses the base configuration above. |

|** US and Canadian. |

|*** 25% discount offered on second coder (U.S. or Canadian) subscription fees to the extent the first coder subscription fees continue to be paid by customer |

|at the then current list price. Internation Subscription Fee is a flat fee of $6,900. |

|(1) 20% of the GSA Discounted License Fees. |

Data Quality Connector for Siebel– Perpetual Pricing

|Workstation Pricing |

| |SIN 132-33 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Perpetual |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|Data Quality Connector with Merge/Purge Plus Client Server | | |

|Country Identifier Option and one (1) coder (base configuration) | | |

| (1 User Seat included) | $14,861 |(1) | |

| User Seats – 2 to 150 $297 per user seat |$14,861 |(1) |$5,440** |

| User Seats – 151 to 300 $178 per user seat |$14,861 |(1) |$7,657** |

| User Seats – 301 to 500 $149 per user seat |$14,861 |(1) |$8,866** |

| User Seats – 501 to 1000 $89 per user seat |$14,861 |(1) |$9,873** |

| User Seats – 1001 to X $59 per user seat |$14,861 |(1) |$9,873** |

|International Subscription Fee – Flat Rate |N/A |N/A |$6,952 |

|Data Quality Connector with Merge/Purge Plus Client Server | | |

|Country Identifier Option and two (2) coders* | | |

| (1 User Seat included) | | | |

| User Seats – 2 to 150 $297 per user seat |$7,133 |(1) |$5,440** |

| User Seats – 151 to 300 $178 per user seat |$9,511 |(1) |$7,657** |

| User Seats – 301 to 500 $149 per user seat |$11,889 |(1) |$8,866** |

| User Seats – 501 to 1000 $89 per user seat |$16,049 |(1) |$9,873** |

| User Seats – 1001 to X $59 per user seat |$16,049 |(1) |$9,873** |

|International Subscription Fee – Flat Rate |N/A |N/A |$6,952 |

|Data Quality Connector with Merge/Purge Plus Client Server | | |

|Country Identifier Option and three (3) coders* | | |

| (1 User Seat included) | | | |

| User Seats – 2 to 150 $297 per user seat |$5,350 |(1) |$5,440** |

| User Seats – 151 to 300 $178 per user seat |$7,133 |(1) |$7,657** |

| User Seats – 301 to 500 $149 per user seat |$9,511 |(1) |$8,866** |

| User Seats – 501 to 1000 $89 per user seat |$11,889 |(1) |$9,873** |

| User Seats – 1001 to X $59 per user seat |$11,889 |(1) |$9,873** |

|International Subscription Fee – Flat Rate |N/A |N/A |$6,952 |

| |

|Mainframe Pricing for unlimited record volume |

|Data Quality Connector with Merge/Purge Plus Client Server - Country Identifier |N/A | |N/A |

|Option and one (1) coder | | | |

|* Prices for additional coders valid only if customer licenses the base configuration above. |

|** US and Canadian. |

|*** 25% discount offered on second coder (U.S. or Canadian) subscription fees to the extent the first coder subscription fees continue to be paid by customer |

|at the then current list price. Internation Subscription Fee is a flat fee of $6,900. |

|(1) 20% of the GSA Discounted License Fees. |

Data Quality Connector for SAP – Term Pricing (SIN 132-32)

Workstation Pricing



License Fee

Data Quality Connector with matcher, drill down $15,868

one (1) coder (U.S. or Canadian) (c\s version includes 1 User seat)

|Number |License Fees |Subscription fee |Subscription Fee |2nd Coder U.S. |AddressNow |

|of |Per each User Seat* |(1 Coder –U.S. or Canadian)** |(AddressNow) |or Canada |Coder |

|User Seats | | | | | |

|2-150 |$227 |$2,448 |See AddressNow |$5,441 | |

| | | |subscription pricing | | |

|151-300 |$136 |$3,446 | |$7,254 | |

|301-500 |$113 |$3,990 | |$9,068 | |

|501-x |$72,540 flat fee |$4,443 | |$12,241 | |

| | | | | |$18,135 flat fee |

*in addition to base license fee



License Fee

Data Quality Connector with matcher, drill down $83,874

one (1) coder (U.S. or Canadian)

|Subscription fee |Subscription Fee |2nd Coder U.S. |AddressNow |

|(1 Coder –U.S. or Canadian)* |(AddressNow) |or Canada |Coder |

|$4,443 |See AddressNow |$12,241 |$18,135 (flat fee) |

| |subscription pricing | | |

If Web rights are required in addition to seat based pricing – the fees for the Web rights are an additional $72,540 plus applicable maintenance.

Annual Maintenance is calculated at 20% of the GSA discounted license fees.

**25% discount offered on second coder (U.S. or Canadian) subscription fees to the extent the first coder subscription fees continue to be paid by customer at the then current list price.

Data Quality Connector for SAP – Perpetual Pricing (SIN 132-33)

WorkStation Pricing



License Fee

Data Quality Connector with matcher, drill down $20,805

one (1) coder (U.S. or Canadian) (c\s version includes 1 user seat)

|Number |License Fees |Subscription fee |Subscription Fee |2nd Coder U.S. |AddressNow |

|of |Per each User Seat* |(1 Coder –U.S. or Canadian)** |(AddressNow) |or Canada |Coder |

|User Seats | | | | | |

|2-150 |$297 |$3,210 |See AddressNow |$7,133 | |

| | | |subscription pricing | | |

|151-300 |$178 |$4,518 | |$9,511 | |

|301-500 |$149 |$5,231 | |$11,889 | |

|501-x |$95,108 flat fee |$5,825 | |$16,049 | |

| | | | | |$23,777 flat fee |

*in addition to base license fee



License Fee

Data Quality Connector with matcher, drill down $109,969

one (1) coder (U.S. or Canadian)

|Subscription fee |Subscription Fee |2nd Coder U.S. |AddressNow |

|(1 Coder –U.S. or Canadian)* |(AddressNow) |or Canada |Coder |

|$5,825 |See AddressNow |$16,049 |$23,777 (flat fee) |

| |subscription pricing | | |

If Web rights are required in addition to seat based pricing – the fees for the Web rights are an additional $95,108 plus applicable maintenance.

Annual maintenance is calculated at 20% of the GSA discounted license fees.

**25% discount offered on second coder (U.S. or Canadian) subscription fees to the extent the first coder subscription fees continue to be paid by customer at the then current list price.

StreamWeaver – Term Pricing

|Workstation Pricing |

| |SIN 132-32 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Term |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|WINDOWS - StreamWeaver Base with Line Data Input driver |$13,601 |(1) |N/A |

|WINDOWS - Basic Input driver AFP |$4,534 |(1) |N/A |

|WINDOWS - Basic Input driver DJDE |$4,534 |(1) |N/A |

|WINDOWS - Advanced Input driver AFPDS |$9,068 |(1) |N/A |

|WINDOWS - Advanced Input driver METACODE |$9,068 |(1) |N/A |

|WINDOWS - Advanced Input driver PCL |$7,254 |(1) |N/A |

|WINDOWS - Advanced Input driver Postscript |$7,254 |(1) |N/A |

|WINDOWS - Optional Software Module StreamWeaver Reprint |$11,334 |(1) |N/A |

|WINDOWS - Optional Software Module Windows Visual Engineer Plus (includes AFP and |$6,801 |(1) |N/A |

|Metacode viewing) | | | |

|WINDOWS - Optional Software Module Windows Visual Engineer Plus Upgrade (includes AFP |$4,534 |(1) |N/A |

|and Metacode viewing) | | | |

|WINDOWS - StreamWeaver Barcoding* |$9,068 |(1) |N/A |

|WINDOWS - StreamWeaver Simplex to Duplex/N-Up* |$9,068 |(1) |N/A |

|WINDOWS - StreamWeaver Postal Automation* |$9,068 |(1) |N/A |

|WINDOWS - StreamWeaver External Connectivity* |$9,068 |(1) |N/A |

|WINDOWS - StreamWeaver Sorting, Reordering & Packaging* |$9,068 |(1) |N/A |

|UNIX - StreamWeaver Base with Line Data Input driver |$17,001 |(1) |N/A |

|UNIX - Basic Input driver AFP |$5,667 |(1) |N/A |

|UNIX - Basic Input driver DJDE |$5,667 |(1) |N/A |

|UNIX - Advanced Input driver AFPDS |$11,334 |(1) |N/A |

|UNIX - Advanced Input driver METACODE |$11,334 |(1) |N/A |

|UNIX - Advanced Input driver PCL |$9,068 |(1) |N/A |

|UNIX - Advanced Input driver Postscript |$9,068 |(1) |N/A |

|UNIX - Optional Software Module StreamWeaver Reprint |$14,168 |(1) |N/A |

|UNIX - StreamWeaver Barcoding* |$11,334 |(1) |N/A |

|UNIX - StreamWeaver Simplex to Duplex/N-Up* |$11,334 |(1) |N/A |

|UNIX - StreamWeaver Postal Automation* |$11,334 |(1) |N/A |

|UNIX - StreamWeaver External Connectivity* |$11,334 |(1) |N/A |

|UNIX - StreamWeaver Sorting, Reordering & Packaging* |$11,334 |(1) |N/A |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Mainframe Pricing |

| |

|* Must be bid with separate Professional Services for implementation. Only comes with 1 Input Driver. Upgrade fee to full function StreamWeaver is the |

|difference between total license and maintenance fees paid for the Portfolio Application and list price for full function version. |

|(1) 20% of GSA discounted license fees. |

|[pic] |

MIPS based upgrades require a minimum of an additional four percent (4%) in maintenance fees calculated against the GSA discounted achieved upgrade license fees. The additional maintenance fees MUST be pro-rated to the end of the existing maintenance period of performance.

StreamWeaver – Perpetual Pricing

|Workstation Pricing |

| |SIN 132-33 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Perpetual |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|WINDOWS - StreamWeaver Base with Line Data Input driver |$17,833 |(1) |N/A |

|WINDOWS - Basic Input driver AFP |$5,944 |(1) |N/A |

|WINDOWS - Basic Input driver DJDE |$5,944 |(1) |N/A |

|WINDOWS - Advanced Input driver AFPDS |$11,889 |(1) |N/A |

|WINDOWS - Advanced Input driver METACODE |$11,889 |(1) |N/A |

|WINDOWS - Advanced Input driver PCL |$9,511 |(1) |N/A |

|WINDOWS - Advanced Input driver Postscript |$9,511 |(1) |N/A |

|WINDOWS - Optional Software Module StreamWeaver Reprint |$14,861 |(1) |N/A |

|WINDOWS - Optional Software Module Windows Visual Engineer Plus (includes AFP and |$8,916 |(1) |N/A |

|Metacode viewing) | | | |

|WINDOWS - Optional Software Module Windows Visual Engineer Plus Upgrade (includes AFP |$5,944 |(1) |N/A |

|and Metacode viewing) | | | |

|WINDOWS - StreamWeaver Barcoding* |$11,889 |(1) |N/A |

|WINDOWS - StreamWeaver Simplex to Duplex/N-Up* |$11,889 |(1) |N/A |

|WINDOWS - StreamWeaver Postal Automation* |$11,889 |(1) |N/A |

|WINDOWS - StreamWeaver External Connectivity* |$11,889 |(1) |N/A |

|WINDOWS - StreamWeaver Sorting, Reordering & Packaging* |$11,889 |(1) |N/A |

|UNIX - StreamWeaver Base with Line Data Input driver |$22,210 |(1) |N/A |

|UNIX - Basic Input driver AFP |$7,430 |(1) |N/A |

|UNIX - Basic Input driver DJDE |$7,430 |(1) |N/A |

|UNIX - Advanced Input driver AFPDS |$14,861 |(1) |N/A |

|UNIX - Advanced Input driver METACODE |$14,861 |(1) |N/A |

|UNIX - Advanced Input driver PCL |$11,889 |(1) |N/A |

|UNIX - Advanced Input driver Postscript |$11,889 |(1) |N/A |

|UNIX - Optional Software Module StreamWeaver Reprint |$18,576 |(1) |N/A |

|UNIX - StreamWeaver Barcoding* |$14,861 |(1) |N/A |

|UNIX - StreamWeaver Simplex to Duplex/N-Up* |$14,861 |(1) |N/A |

|UNIX - StreamWeaver Postal Automation* |$14,861 |(1) |N/A |

|UNIX - StreamWeaver External Connectivity* |$14,861 |(1) |N/A |

|UNIX - StreamWeaver Sorting, Reordering & Packaging* |$14,861 |(1) |N/A |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Mainframe Pricing |

| |

|* Must be bid with separate Professional Services for implementation. Only comes with 1 Input Driver. Upgrade fee to full function StreamWeaver is the |

|difference between total license and maintenance fees paid for the Portfolio Application and list price for full function version. |

|(1) 20% of GSA discounted license fees. |

|[pic] |

MIPS based upgrades require a minimum of an additional four percent (4%) in maintenance fees calculated against the GSA discounted achieved upgrade license fees. The additional maintenance fees MUST be pro-rated to the end of the existing maintenance period of performance.

Profile Plus – Term Pricing

|Workstation Pricing |

| |SIN 132-32 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Term |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|Profile Plus (includes 5 User Seats) |$9,067 |See Page 83 |N/A |

|User Seats 6-x |$227 |See Page 83 |N/A |

Profile Plus – Perpetual Pricing

|Workstation Pricing |

| |SIN 132-33 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Perpetual |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|Profile Plus (includes 5 User Seats) |$11,888 |See Page 83 |N/A |

|User Seats 6-x |$297 |See Page 83 |N/A |

GeoStan Batch, Web & Client Server and ES – Term Pricing

|Workstation Pricing Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to two (2) processors. Add additional 50% for each additional 2 |

|processors. Pricing for the term license is for a three (3) year period. |

| |SIN 132-32 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Term |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|GeoStan |$22,664 |(1) | N/A |

|GeoStan Client/Server with AddressBroker |$22,669 | (1) | N/A |

| (10 User Seats included) | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 11 to 50 $113 per user seat | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 51 to 100 $91 per user seat | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 101 to X $57 per user seat | | |N/A |

|GeoStan Web with AddressBroker |$45,564 |(1) |N/A |

|GeoStan Transform (Address Cleanser Coder) |$22,669 |(1) |N/A |

|for Sagent Platform (Perpetual License) | | | |

|GeoStan Integrator Series** |$1,133 |$1,259 |N/A |

|Premium (batch, C/S, or Web) (GDT, NAVTEQ, or TeleAtlas & USPS) |N/A |N/A | |

| | | |$55,412 |

|Advanced (batch, C/S, or Web) (Enhanced & USPS) |N/A |N/A |$32,744 |

|Base (batch, C/S, or Web) (ZIP+4 Centroid & USPS) |N/A |N/A |$12,594 |

|Format version* (GDT, NAVTEQ, or TeleAtlas & USPS) |N/A |N/A |$27,706 |

|DPV and LACSLink Bundle |N/A |N/A |$5,037 |

| |

|Mainframe Pricing |

|GeoStan |See below |(1) | |

| |

|* Customer must warrant and represent to Pitney Bowes Software Inc. it currently has, and shall maintain during the term of the license to GeoStan, a direct |

|license with Geographic Data Technologies (“GDT”), Navigation Technologies (“NAVTEQ”) or Tele Atlas for use of their respective proprietary geographic database|

|offerings for the corresponding format database option licensed from Pitney Bowes Software Inc. Customer shall be responsible for maintaining each license |

|with GDT, NAVTEQ or Tele Atlas and paying any license fees due to the respective provider. Customer’s failure to maintain the license or pay the respective |

|provider any fees due for such license, shall not affect any of Customer’s obligations due to Pitney Bowes Software Inc. under an Agreement, Addendum or Order.|

|If Customer terminates its license with the respective data provider, Customer shall pay Pitney Bowes Software Inc. the difference between the Format fees and |

|the Premium database fees. |

|** License to GeoStan is a pre-requisite |

|(1) 20% of GSA discounted license fee. |

|[pic] |

MIPS based upgrades require a minimum of an additional four percent (4%) in maintenance fees calculated against the GSA discounted achieved upgrade license fees. The additional maintenance fees MUST be pro-rated to the end of the existing maintenance period of performance.

GeoStan Batch, Web & Client Server and ES – Perpetual Pricing

|Workstation Pricing Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to two (2) processors. Add additional 50% for each additional 2 |

|processors. Pricing for the term license is for a three (3) year period. |

| |SIN 132-33 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Perpetual |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|GeoStan |$53,498 |(1) |N/A |

|GeoStan Client/Server with AddressBroker |$53,498 | (1) |N/A |

| (10 User Seats included) | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 11 to 50 $267 per user seat | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 51 to 100 $214 per user seat | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 101 to X $134 per user seat | | |N/A |

|GeoStan Web with AddressBroker |$107,531 |(1) |N/A |

|GeoStan Transform (Address Cleanser Coder) |$53,498 |(1) |N/A |

|for Sagent Platform | | | |

|GeoStan Integrator Series** |$2,675 |$1,259 |N/A |

|Premium (batch, C/S, or Web) |N/A |N/A | |

|(GDT, NAVTEQ, or TeleAtlas & USPS) | | |$55,412 |

|Advanced (batch, C/S, or Web) |N/A |N/A | |

|(Enhanced & USPS) | | |$32,744 |

|Base (batch, C/S, or Web) |N/A |N/A | |

|(ZIP+4 Centroid & USPS) | | |$12,594 |

|Format version* |N/A |N/A | |

|(GDT, NAVTEQ, or TeleAtlas & USPS) | | |$27,706 |

|DPV and LACSLink Bundle |N/A |N/A |$5,037 |

|Mainframe Pricing |

|GeoStan |See below |(1) | |

| |

|* Customer must warrant and represent to Pitney Bowes Software Inc. it currently has, and shall maintain during the term of the license to GeoStan, a direct|

|license with Geographic Data Technologies (“GDT”), Navigation Technologies (“NAVTEQ”) or Tele Atlas for use of their respective proprietary geographic database|

|offerings for the corresponding format database option licensed from Pitney Bowes Software Inc. Customer shall be responsible for maintaining each license |

|with GDT, NAVTEQ or Tele Atlas and paying any license fees due to the respective provider. Customer’s failure to maintain the license or pay the respective |

|provider any fees due for such license, shall not affect any of Customer’s obligations due to Pitney Bowes Software Inc. under an Agreement, Addendum or Order.|

|If Customer terminates its license with the respective data provider, Customer shall pay Pitney Bowes Software Inc. the difference between the Format fees and |

|the Premium database fees. |

|** License to GeoStan is a pre-requisite. |

|(1) 20% of GSA discounted license fee. |

|[pic] |

MIPS based upgrades require a minimum of an additional four percent (4%) in maintenance fees calculated against the GSA discounted achieved upgrade license fees. The additional maintenance fees MUST be pro-rated to the end of the existing maintenance period of performance.

GeoStan Canada Batch, Web & Client Server– Term Pricing

|Workstation Pricing Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to two (2) processors. Add additional 50% for each additional 2 |

|processors. Pricing for the term license is for a three (3) year period. |

| |SIN 132-32 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Term |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|GeoStan Canada |$22,669 |(1) | N/A |

|GeoStan Canada Client/Server with AddressBroker |$22,669 |(1) | N/A |

| (10 User Seats included) | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 11 to 50 $113 per user seat | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 51 to 100 $91 per user seat | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 101 to X $57 per user seat | | |N/A |

|GeoStan Canada Web with AddressBroker |$45,564 |(1) |N/A |

|GeoStan Integrator Series** |$1,133 |(1) |N/A |

|Base (batch, C/S, or Web) (GDT & CPC - monthly) |N/A |N/A | |

| | | |$15,112 |

|DMTI 6 digit Post Code Centroids (batch, C/S or Web – quarterly) |N/A |N/A | |

| | | |$15,112 |

|DMTI 6 digit Post Code Centroids Format* (batch, C/S or Web – quarterly) |N/A |N/A | |

| | | |$5,037 |

|Mainframe Pricing |

|GeoStan Canada |See MIPS chart |(1) |N/A |

|Base (batch, C/S, or Web) (GDT & CPC - monthly) |N/A |N/A | |

| | | |$15,112 |

|DMTI 6 digit Post Code Centroids (batch, C/S or Web – quarterly) |N/A |N/A | |

| | | |$15,112 |

|DMTI 6 digit Post Code Centroids Format* (batch, C/S or Web – quarterly) |N/A |N/A | |

| | | |$5,037 |

| |

|* Customer must warrant and represent to Pitney Bowes Software Inc. it currently has, and shall maintain during the term of the license to GeoStan Canada, a |

|direct license with DMTI for use of their proprietary geographic database offerings for the corresponding format database option licensed from Pitney Bowes |

|Software Inc. Customer shall be responsible for maintaining a license with DMTI and paying any license fees due to DMTI. Customer’s failure to maintain the |

|license or pay DMTI any fees due for such license, shall not affect any of Customer’s obligations due to Pitney Bowes Software Inc. under an Agreement, |

|Addendum or Order. If Customer terminates its license with DMTI, Customer shall pay Pitney Bowes Software Inc. the difference between the Format fees and the |

|non format fees. |

|** License to GeoStan is a pre-requisite. |

|(1) 20% of GSA discounted license fee. |

|[pic] |

MIPS based upgrades require a minimum of an additional four percent (4%) in maintenance fees calculated against the GSA discounted achieved upgrade license fees. The additional maintenance fees MUST be pro-rated to the end of the existing maintenance period of performance.

GeoStan Canada Batch, Web & Client Server–Perpetual Pricing

|Workstation Pricing Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to two (2) processors. Add additional 50% for each additional 2 |

|processors. Pricing for the term license is for a three (3) year period. |

| |SIN 132-33 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Perpetual |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|GeoStan Canada |$53,498 |(1) |N/A |

|GeoStan Canada Client/Server with AddressBroker |$53,498 |(1) |N/A |

| (10 User Seats included) | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 11 to 50 $267 per user seat | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 51 to 100 $214 per user seat | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 101 to X $134 per user seat | | |N/A |

|GeoStan Canada Web with AddressBroker |$107,531 |(1) |N/A |

|GeoStan Integrator Series** |$2,675 |(1) |N/A |

|Base (batch, C/S, or Web) (GDT & CPC - monthly) |N/A |N/A |$15,112 |

|DMTI 6 digit Post Code Centroids (batch, C/S or Web – quarterly) |N/A |N/A | |

| | | |$15,112 |

|DMTI 6 digit Post Code Centroids Format*(batch, C/S or Web – quarterly) |N/A |N/A | |

| | | |$5,037 |

|Mainframe Pricing |

|GeoStan Canada |See MIPS chart |(1) |N/A |

|Base (batch, C/S, or Web) (GDT & CPC - monthly) |N/A |N/A |$15,112 |

|DMTI 6 digit Post Code Centroids (batch, C/S or Web – quarterly) |N/A |N/A | |

| | | |$15,112 |

|DMTI 6 digit Post Code Centroids Format* (batch, C/S or Web – quarterly) |N/A |N/A | |

| | | |$5,037 |

| |

|* Customer must warrant and represent to Pitney Bowes Software Inc. it currently has, and shall maintain during the term of the license to GeoStan Canada, a |

|direct license with DMTI for use of their proprietary geographic database offerings for the corresponding format database option licensed from Pitney Bowes |

|Software Inc. Customer shall be responsible for maintaining a license with DMTI and paying any license fees due to DMTI. Customer’s failure to maintain the |

|license or pay DMTI any fees due for such license, shall not affect any of Customer’s obligations due to Pitney Bowes Software Inc. under an Agreement, |

|Addendum or Order. If Customer terminates its license with DMTI, Customer shall pay Pitney Bowes Software Inc. the difference between the Format fees and the |

|non format fees. |

|**License to GeoStan is a pre-requisite |

|(1) 20% of GSA discounted license fee. |

|[pic] |

MIPS based upgrades require a minimum of an additional four percent (4%) in maintenance fees calculated against the GSA discounted achieved upgrade license fees. The additional maintenance fees MUST be pro-rated to the end of the existing maintenance period of performance.

GeoStan International ES Batch, Web & Client Server– Term Pricing

|Workstation Pricing Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to two (2) processors. Add additional 50% for each additional 2 |

|processors. Pricing for the term license is for a three (3) year period. |

| |SIN 132-32 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Term |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|GeoStan International ES |$22,669 |(1) | N/A |

|GeoStan International ES Canada Client/Server |$22,669 | (1) | N/A |

| (10 User Seats included) | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 11 to 50 $113 per user seat | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 51 to 100 $91 per user seat | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 101 to X $57 per user seat | | |N/A |

|GeoStan International ES Web |$107,531 |(1) |N/A |

|DMTI Canada Data Set (batch, C/S or Web – quarterly) |N/A |N/A |$30,225** |

|DMTI Canada Data Set Format*(batch, C/S or Web – quarterly) |N/A |N/A | |

| | | |$15,112** |

|NAVTEQ Canada Data Set (batch, C/S or Web – quarterly) |N/A |N/A | |

| | | |$30,225** |

|NAVTEQ Canada Data Set Format*(batch, C/S or Web – quarterly) |N/A |N/A | |

| | | |$15,112** |

| |

|* Customer must warrant and represent to Pitney Bowes Software Inc. it currently has, and shall maintain during the term of the license to GeoStan Canada, a|

|direct license with DMTI for use of their proprietary geographic database offerings for the corresponding format database option licensed from Pitney Bowes |

|Software Inc. Customer shall be responsible for maintaining a license with DMTI and paying any license fees due to DMTI. Customer’s failure to maintain the |

|license or pay DMTI any fees due for such license, shall not affect any of Customer’s obligations due to Pitney Bowes Software Inc. under an Agreement, |

|Addendum or Order. If Customer terminates its license with DMTI, Customer shall pay Pitney Bowes Software Inc. the difference between the Format fees and the |

|non format fees. |

|** License to GeoStan is a pre-requisite. |

|(1) 20% of GSA discounted license fee. |

GeoStan International ES Batch, Web & Client Server– Perpetual Pricing

|Workstation Pricing Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to two (2) processors. Add additional 50% for each additional 2 |

|processors. Pricing for the term license is for a three (3) year period. |

| |SIN 132-33 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Perpetual |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|GeoStan International ES |$53,498 | (1) |N/A |

|GeoStan International ES Canada Client/Server |$53,498 |(1) |N/A |

| (10 User Seats included) | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 11 to 50 $261 per user seat | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 51 to 100 $214 per user seat | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 101 to X $134 per user seat | | |N/A |

|GeoStan International ES Web |$45,564 |(1) |N/A |

|DMTI 6 Canada Data Set (batch, C/S or Web – quarterly) |N/A |N/A |$30,225** |

|DMTI 6 Canada Data Set Format* (batch, C/S or Web – quarterly) |N/A |N/A | |

| | | |$15,112** |

|NAVTEQ Canada Data Set (batch, C/S or Web – quarterly) |N/A |N/A | |

| | | |$30,225** |

|NAVTEQ Canada Data Set Format*(batch, C/S or Web – quarterly) |N/A |N/A | |

| | | |$15,112** |

| |

|* Customer must warrant and represent to Pitney Bowes Software Inc. it currently has, and shall maintain during the term of the license to GeoStan Canada, a |

|direct license with DMTI for use of their proprietary geographic database offerings for the corresponding format database option licensed from Pitney Bowes |

|Software Inc. Customer shall be responsible for maintaining a license with DMTI and paying any license fees due to DMTI. Customer’s failure to maintain the |

|license or pay DMTI any fees due for such license, shall not affect any of Customer’s obligations due to Pitney Bowes Software Inc. under an Agreement, |

|Addendum or Order. If Customer terminates its license with DMTI, Customer shall pay Pitney Bowes Software Inc. the difference between the Format fees and the |

|non format fees. |

|** Quarterly updates. |

|(1) 20% of GSA discounted license fee. |

Term Pricing

AddressWizard Client/Server and Web

Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to four (4) Processors. Add additional 50% for each additional 2 Processors. “Processor” shall mean a single processing unit with a single core (i.e. a dual processor will count as two Processors).Pricing is for a three (3) year term license. Perpetual licenses not offered at this time.


License Maintenance


$16,322 20% of GSA discounted license fees

(10 User Seats included)

(User Seats 11 – 50) $ 96 per User Seat

(User Seats 51 – 100) $ 64 per User Seat

(User Seats 101 – x) $ 48 per User Seat

Web based

$36,723 20% of GSA discounted license fees

Annual Subscription (databases provided monthly)

Enhanced & USPS data sets $12,090

Perpetual Pricing

AddressWizard Client/Server and Web

Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to four (4) Processors. Add additional 50% for each additional 2 Processors. “Processor” shall mean a single processing unit with a single core (i.e. a dual processor will count as two Processors). Pricing is for a three (3) year term license. Perpetual licenses not offered at this time.


License Maintenance


$21,399 20% of GSA discounted license fees

(10 User Seats included)

(User Seats 11 – 50) $ 126 per User Seat

(User Seats 51 – 100) $ 84 per User Seat

(User Seats 101 – x) $ 63 per User Seat

Web based

$48,148 20% of GSA discounted license fees

Annual Subscription (databases provided monthly)

Enhanced & USPS data sets $12,090

Term Pricing

Special Purpose District Data

Workstation Pricing Vertex and Taxware data not included with software.

Telecommunications , Cable, Utility Industries (Includes Spatial District Locator license)

Pricing is for a three (3) year term license.

Prospect’s Gross Operating Revenue

License Fee Subscription Maintenance

(quarterly updates)

Less than $100 million $18,135 $20,150 $4,030

From $100 million to $400 million $27,203 $25,188 $6,045

Greater than $400 million $36,270 $30,225 $8,060

All other industries (includes Spatial District Locator license)

Prospect’s Gross Operating Revenue

License Fee Subscription Maintenance


Less than $100 million $9,068 $10,075 $2,015

From $100 million to $2 billion $11,334 $11,083 $2,519

Greater than 2 billion $13,601 $12,090 $3,023

Mainframe Pricing. Vertex and Taxware data not included with software.

Pricing is for a three (3) year term license. Add an additional 80% for a perpetual license. Maintenance and Subscription pricing is for one year. Maintenance and subscription fees are the same as Workstation pricing.

| |  |Price Per MIPS for MVS, VSE, OS\390, z/OS & IMS |

|Telecommunications, Cable, |  |100 |

|Utilities & Government | | |

|All Other Industries |  |100 |

|Telecommunications, Cable, |  |100 |

|Utilities & Government | | |

|All Other Industries |

| |SIN 132-32 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Term |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|Centrus Point Level Geocoding Option |$11,334 |(1) |N/A |

|Centrus Point Level Geocoding Option Client/Server |$11,334 | (1) |N/A |

| (10 User Seats included) | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 11 to 50 $57 per user seat | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 51 to 100 $45 per user seat | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 101 to X $28 per user seat | | |N/A |

|Centrus Point Level Geocoding Option Web |$22,782 | (1) |N/A |

|Centrus Point Level Geocoding Option |$11,334 | | |

|(Address Cleanser Coder) for Sagent Platform | | |N/A |

|Centrus Tele Atlas Points Data Set Subscription monthly* |N/A |N/A |$27,706* |

| |

|Mainframe Pricing |

|Centrus Point Level Geocoding Option |See MIPS chart |(1) |N/A |

|Centrus Tele Atlas Points Data Set Subscription monthly* |N/A |N/A |$27,706* |

| |

|*Monthly GDT data set is a prerequisite. |

|[pic] |

MIPS based upgrades require a minimum of an additional four percent (4%) in maintenance fees calculated against the GSA discounted achieved upgrade license fees. The additional maintenance fees MUST be pro-rated to the end of the existing maintenance period of performance.

Centrus Point Level Geocoding Option Batch, Web & Client Server – Perpetual Pricing

|Workstation Pricing Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to two (2) processors. Add additional 50% for each additional 2 |

|processors. Pricing for the term license is for a three (3) year period. The Centrus Point-Level Geocoding Option pricing is 50% of the cost of normal |

|Centrus geocoding pricing, with a $25,000 minimum. It is required that the customer already has a license to a Centrus geocoding product. |

| |SIN 132-33 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Perpetual |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|Centrus Point Level Geocoding Option |$26,749 |(1) |N/A |

|Centrus Point Level Geocoding Option Client/Server |$26,749 | (1) |N/A |

| (10 User Seats included) | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 11 to 50 $134 per user seat | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 51 to 100 $107 per user seat | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 101 to X $67 per user seat | | |N/A |

|Centrus Point Level Geocoding Option Web |$53,766 |(1) |N/A |

|Centrus Point Level Geocoding Option |$26,749 |(1) |N/A |

|(Address Cleanser Coder) for Sagent Platform | | | |

|Centrus Tele Atlas Points Data Set Subscription monthly* |N/A |N/A |$27,706 |

| |

|Mainframe Pricing |

|Centrus Point Level Geocoding Option |See MIPS chart |(1) |N/A |

|Centrus Tele Atlas Points Data Set Subscription monthly* |N/A |N/A |$27,706 |

| |

|*Monthly GDT data set is a prerequisite. |

|[pic] |

MIPS based upgrades require a minimum of an additional four percent (4%) in maintenance fees calculated against the GSA discounted achieved upgrade license fees. The additional maintenance fees MUST be pro-rated to the end of the existing maintenance period of performance.

Annual Term Subscription (monthly updates)

Products Unlimited


Centrus Tele Atlas Points* $27,706

Centrus Points $27,706

Centrus Points Elevation $45,338

Centrus Enhanced Points $60,450

Centrus Premium Points $85,638

Centrus Parcels $30,225

Centrus Enhanced Parcels $60,450

Centrus Premium Parcels $75,563

* monthly GDT data set is a pre-requisite

NOTE: The above Annual Term Subscription fees are for customer in-house use only. Pricing for customers that want to utilize the Centrus Point suite for an Intranet or Internet implementation is as follows:

• Intranet – Access by third party clients via a secure login and password controlled connection: Base fee times 2

• Internet – General access by anyone with an Internet connection (third parties are able to utilize the results of the geocoding process but are not able to receive the geocode from our Customer’s service): Base times 3

Term Pricing

Data Governance Suite

Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to four (4) Processors. Add additional 50% for each additional four (4) Processors (minimum block). “Processor” shall mean a single processing unit with a single core (i.e. a dual processor will count as two (2) Processors).

License Fee

Perpetual License Options

Comes with Profiler Plus and Monitor Plus and $22,669

a single (1) User seat as standard.

Additional User seats $2,154 each

Maintenance - 20% of the GSA Discounted License Fee

Perpetual Pricing

Data Governance Suite

Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to four (4) Processors. Add additional 50% for each additional four (4) Processors (minimum block). “Processor” shall mean a single processing unit with a single core (i.e. a dual processor will count as two (2) Processors).

License Fee

Perpetual License Options

Comes with Profiler Plus and Monitor Plus and $29,721

a single (1) User seat as standard.

Additional User seats $2,824 each

Maintenance - 20% of the GSA Discounted License Fee

Spatial+ Batch, Web & Client Server– Term Pricing

|Workstation Pricing Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to two (2) processors. Add additional 50% for each additional 2 |

|processors. Pricing for the term license is for a three (3) year period. |

| |SIN 132-32 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Term |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|Spatial+ |$13,601 |(1) | N/A |

|Spatial+ Client/Server with AddressBroker |$13,601 |(1) | N/A |

| (10 User Seats included) | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 11 to 50 $40 per user seat | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 51 to 100 $45 per user seat | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 101 to X $34 per user seat | | |N/A |

|Spatial+ Web with AddressBroker |$27,429 |(1) |N/A |

|Spatial+ Transform (PIP & Closest Site) |$13,601 |(1) |N/A |

|for Sagnet Platform | | | |

|Spatial+ Integrator Series* |$1,133 |(1) |N/A |

| |

|Mainframe Pricing |

|Spatial+ |See below |(2) |N/A |

| |

|* License to Spatial+ is a pre-requisite. |

|** Quarterly updates. |

|*** Annual updates. |

|(1) 20% of GSA discounted license fee. |

|(2) 16.5% of GSA discounted license fee. |

|[pic] |

MIPS based upgrades require a minimum of an additional four percent (4%) in maintenance fees calculated against the GSA discounted achieved upgrade license fees. The additional maintenance fees MUST be pro-rated to the end of the existing maintenance period of performance.

Spatial+ Batch, Web & Client Server– Perpetual Pricing

|Workstation Pricing Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to two (2) processors. Add additional 50% for each additional 2 |

|processors. Pricing for the term license is for a three (3) year period. |

| |SIN 132-33 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Perpetual |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|Spatial+ |$32,099 |(1) |N/A |

|Spatial+ Client/Server with AddressBroker |$32,099 |(1) |N/A |

| (10 User Seats included) | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 11 to 50 $160 per user seat | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 51 to 100 $107 per user seat | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 101 to X $ 80 per user seat | | |N/A |

|Spatial+ Web with AddressBroker |$64,733 |(1) |N/A |

|Spatial+ Transform (PIP & Closest Site) |$32,099 |(1) |N/A |

|for Sagent Platform | | | |

|Spatial+ Integrator Series |$2,675 |(1) |N/A |

| |

|Mainframe Pricing |

|Spatial+ |See below |(2) |N/A |

| |

|* License to Spatial+ is a pre-requisite. |

|** Quarterly updates. |

|*** Annual updates. |

|(1) 20% of GSA discounted license fee. |

|(2) 16.5% of GSA discounted license fee. |

| |

|* License to Spatial+ is a pre-requisite |

|[pic] |

MIPS based upgrades require a minimum of an additional four percent (4%) in maintenance fees calculated against the GSA discounted achieved upgrade license fees. The additional maintenance fees MUST be pro-rated to the end of the existing maintenance period of performance.

Additional Subscription Databases for Spatial+ Batch, Web & Client/Server

(Workstation and Mainframe Pricing)

(1 Year Term Licenses)*

Term and Perpetual Pricing


Centrus Canada Geographic Features $2,519 (annual updates)

Centrus FCC Contour Boundaries $2,519 (annual updates)

Centrus Rating Territories $20,150 (distributed by Prof. Svcs.)

Centrus GDT Windpool Boundary Data $51,383 (annual updates)

Centrus Florida Sinkholes $7,556 (annual updates)

Centrus Earthquake Faultlines $7,556 (updates as needed)

Centrus Volcanoes $7,556 (updates as needed)

Centrus Landslides $7,556 (updates as needed)

Centrus Time Zones $7,556 (updates as needed)

Centrus Vegetation Zones $7,500 (updates as needed)

Centrus Seismic $7,556 (updates as needed)

Centrus Hurricane Tracks $7,556(updates as needed)

Centrus Coal Mines $7,556(updates as needed)

Centrus Florida Fire Control Districts $7,556 (updates as needed)

Centrus FEMA Flood Plain Boundary Data $10,075 (annual updates)

Centrus Hail Event Data $7,556 (updates as needed)

Centrus Wire Centers/Switches Data $30,225 (quarterly updates)

Centrus Regional PCS Areas $7,556 (updates as needed)

Centrus Cellular Market Areas $7,556 (updates as needed)

Centrus VHF Public Coast Station Areas $7,556 (updates as needed)

Centrus Television Contour Boundaries $2,519 (annual updates)

Centrus Washington DC Wards $7,556 (updates as needed)

Centrus Washington DC Quadrants $7,556 (updates as needed)

Centrus Congressional Districts $7,556 (annual updates)

Centrus Voting Districts $7,556 (annual updates)

Centrus Airport Boundaries $15,113 (annual updates)

Centrus Airport Points $7,556 (updates as needed)

Centrus School Districts $7,556 (annual updates)

Centrus GDT ZIP Code Boundary Data $3,778 (quarterly updates)

Centrus GDT ZIP Code Boundary Data $3,023 (annual updates)

Centrus GDT County Boundary Data $7,556 (annual updates)

Centrus Minor Civil Division Boundary Data $2,519 (annual updates)

Centrus US Quadrangle Boundary Data $2,519 (updates as needed)

Centrus Canada Features $2,519 (annual updates)

Centrus World Provinces $7,556 (updates as needed

Additional Subscription Databases for Spatial+ Batch, Web & Client/Server

(Workstation and Mainframe Pricing)

(1 Year Term Licenses)*

Term and Perpetual Pricing


Centrus Municipal Boundaries Data $6,045 (quarterly updates for single State only)

Centrus Municipal Boundaries Data $30,225 (quarterly updates for up to six States only)

Centrus Municipal Boundaries Data $60,450 (quarterly updates national coverage)

Centrus Coastal Boundaries $15,113

Centrus Public Safety Answering Points Data $40,300

Centrus Rate Center Boundaries $25,188

Users Users Users

11-20 6-10 1-5

Centrus Incumbent Local Exchange $6,045 $4,030 $2,519


(quarterly updates)

Centrus Local Access Transport Area $6,045 $4,030 $2,519


(quarterly updates)

Centrus Numbering Plan Area $2,519 $1,763 $1,008


(quarterly updates)

Centrus Point of Presence $6,045 $4,030 $2,519


(quarterly updates)

*license to Spatial+ is a pre-requisite

For a full description of the capabilities of each data set go to

|Sagent – Term Pricing |

|Workstation Pricing |

|Products | |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |SIN 132-32 |Annual |Annual |

| |Term |Maintenance |Subscription |

| |License | | |

|Sagent Data Load Server |$27,202 |18% of GSA discounted |N/A |

|Does not include client tools. (2 Processors) | |license fees | |

|Sagent Data Access Server |$36,270 |18% of GSA discounted |N/A |

|Specify Solaris or Windows. Does not include client tools. (4 Processors) | |license fees | |

|WebLink Server |$27,202 |18% of GSA discounted |N/A |

|Does not include client tools. (4 Processors) | |license fees | |

|Sagent Additional Data Load Processors |$6,801 |18% of GSA discounted |N/A |

|Each Processor | |license fees | |

|Additional Data Access Processors |$9,067 |18% of GSA discounted |N/A |

|Each Processor | |license fees | |

|Additional WebLink Processors |$6,801 |18% of GSA discounted |N/A |

|Each processor | |license fees | |

|Sagent Automation Server |$9,068 |18% of GSA discounted |N/A |

|Includes 1 client seat and 1 satellite | |license fees | |

|Sagent Analytic Calculator |$4,534 |18% of GSA discounted |N/A |

|Requires a Data Load or Data Access Server | |license fees | |

|End User Package (5 User pack) |$3,400 |18% of GSA discounted |N/A |

|Includes 5 Sagent Information Studios, 5 Sagent Reports, 5 Sagent Analysis. | |license fees | |

|Sagent Design Studio (1 User) |$3,400 |18% of GSA discounted |N/A |

|Includes Sagent Reports and Sagent Analysis if Data Access Server has also been | |license fees | |

|licensed by customer | | | |

|Sagent Admin |$3,400 |18% of GSA discounted |N/A |

| | |license fees | |

|Automation 5 User Pack |$3,400 |18% of GSA discounted |N/A |

| | |license fees | |

|Automation Satellites – per additional User |$453 |18% of GSA discounted |N/A |

| | |license fees | |

|Sagent – Perpetual Pricing |

|Workstation Pricing |

| |

|Products | |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |SIN 132-33 |Annual |Annual |

| |Perpetual |Maintenance |Subscription |

| |License | | |

|Sagent Data Load Server |$35,665 |18% of GSA discounted |N/A |

|Does not include client tools. (2 Processors) | |license fees | |

|Sagent Data Access Server |$47,554 |18% of GSA discounted |N/A |

|Specify Solaris or Windows. Does not include client tools. (4 Processors) | |license fees | |

|WebLink Server |$35,665 |18% of GSA discounted |N/A |

|Does not include client tools. (4 Processors) | |license fees | |

|Sagent Additional Data Load Processors |$8,916 |18% of GSA discounted |N/A |

|Each processor | |license fees | |

|Additional Data Access Processors |$11,888 |18% of GSA discounted |N/A |

|Each Processor | |license fees | |

|Additional WebLink Processors |$8,916 |18% of GSA discounted |N/A |

|Each Processor | |license fees | |

|Sagent Automation Server |$11,889 |18% of GSA discounted |N/A |

|Includes 1 client seat and 1 satellite | |license fees | |

|Sagent Analytic Calculator |$5,944 |18% of GSA discounted |N/A |

|Requires a Data Load or Data Access Server | |license fees | |

|End User Package (5 User pack) |$4,458 |18% of GSA discounted |N/A |

|Includes 5 Sagent Information Studios, 5 Sagent Reports, 5 Sagent Analysis. | |license fees | |

|Sagent Design Studio (1 User) |$4,458 |18% of GSA discounted |N/A |

|Includes Sagent Reports and Sagent Analysis if Data Access Server has also been | |license fees | |

|licensed by customer | | | |

|Sagent Admin |$4,458 |18% of GSA discounted |N/A |

| | |license fees | |

|Automation 5 User Pack |$4,458 |18% of GSA discounted |N/A |

| | |license fees | |

|Automation Satellites – per Additional Users |$594 |18% of GSA discounted |N/A |

| | |license fees | |

Geographic Determination Library (“GDL”) Batch, Web & Client Server– Term Pricing

|Workstation Pricing Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to two (2) processors. Add additional 50% for each additional 2 |

|processors. Pricing for the term license is for a three (3) year period. GeoStan and Spatial+ are a pre-requisite to license GDL. |

| |SIN 132-32 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Term |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|GDL |$13,601 |(1) |N/A |

|GDL Client/Server with AddressBroker |$13,601 | (1) |N/A |

| (10 User Seats included) | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 11 to 50 $40 per user seat | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 51 to 100 $45 per user seat | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 101 to X $34 per user seat | | |N/A |

|GDL Web with AddressBroker |$27,429 |(1) |N/A |

|GDL Integrator Series* |$1,133 |(1) |N/A |

| |

|Mainframe Pricing |

|GDL |See below |(1) |N/A |

| |

|* License to GDL is a pre-requisite |

|(1) 20% of GSA discounted license fees. |

|[pic] |

MIPS based upgrades require a minimum of an additional four percent (4%) in maintenance fees calculated against the GSA discounted achieved upgrade license fees. The additional maintenance fees MUST be pro-rated to the end of the existing maintenance period of performance.

Geographic Determination Library (“GDL”) Batch, Web & Client Server–

Perpetual Pricing

|Workstation Pricing Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to two (2) processors. Add additional 50% for each additional 2 |

|processors. Pricing for the term license is for a three (3) year period. GeoStan and Spatial+ are a pre-requisite to license GDL. |

| |SIN 132-33 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Perpetual |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|GDL |$32,099 |(1) |N/A |

|GDL Client/Server with AddressBroker |$32,099 | (1) |N/A |

| (10 User Seats included) | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 11 to 50 $160 per user seat | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 51 to 100 $107 per user seat | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 101 to X $80 per user seat | | |N/A |

|GDL Web with AddressBroker |$64,733 |(1) |N/A |

|GDL Integrator Series* 3-year term |$2,675 |(1) |N/A |

| |

|Mainframe Pricing |

|GDL |See below |(1) |N/A |

| |

|* License to GDL is a pre-requisite |

|(1) 20% of GSA discounted license fees. |

|[pic] |

MIPS based upgrades require a minimum of an additional four percent (4%) in maintenance fees calculated against the GSA discounted achieved upgrade license fees. The additional maintenance fees MUST be pro-rated to the end of the existing maintenance period of performance.

Demographics Batch, Web & Client Server– Term Pricing

|Workstation Pricing Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to two (2) processors. Add additional 50% for each additional 2 |

|processors. Pricing for the term license is for a three (3) year period. |

| |SIN 132-32 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Term |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|Demographics |$6,801 |(1) | N/A |

|Demographics Client/Server with AddressBroker |$6,801 | (1) | N/A |

| (10 User Seats included) | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 11 to 50 $34 per user seat | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 51 to 100 $23 per user seat | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 101 to X $10 per user seat | | |N/A |

|Demographics Web with AddressBroker |$13,828 |(1) |N/A |

|Demographics Integrator Series* |$1,133 |(1) |N/A |

|Centrus World Place Centroids Data* |N/A |N/A |$10,075 |

|(annual updates) | | | |

|Centrus Claritas IntelliSet Demographics Data* |N/A |N/A |$6,045 |

|(annual updates) | | | |

|Centrus EuroDirect Cameo USA Segmentation Data* |N/A |N/A | |

|(quarterly Updates) | | |$60,450 |

|Centrus EuroDirect Cameo |N/A |N/A | |

|Canada Segmentation Data* (Semi-Annual Updates) | | |$40,300 |

|Centrus Claritas PRIZM NE Segmentation Format Data*+ (annual updates) |N/A |N/A | |

| | | |$25,188 |

|Centrus Home Heating Fuels Data* |N/A |N/A | |

|(updates every 10 years) | | |$10,075 |

|Centrus Claritas PRIZM NE Segmentation Data* |N/A |N/A | |

|(annual updates) | | |See Grid Below |

| |

|Up to 20MM |

|> 20MM |

| |

|$108,810 |

|Custom |

|Quote |

| |

| |

|MM – Record Volume License (per million) |

|+ Customer must warrant and represent to Pitney Bowes Software Inc. it currently has, and shall maintain during the term of the license to Centrus Claritas |

|PRIZM NE Segmentation, a direct license with Claritas for use of their proprietary geographic database offerings for the corresponding format database option |

|licensed from Pitney Bowes Software Inc.. Customer shall be responsible for maintaining a license with Claritas and paying any license fees due to Claritas. |

|Customer’s failure to maintain the license or pay Claritas any fees due for such license, shall not affect any of Customer’s obligations due to Pitney Bowes |

|Software Inc. under an Agreement, Addendum or Order. If Customer terminates its license with Claritas, Customer shall pay Pitney Bowes Software Inc. the |

|difference between the Format fees and the non format fees. |

|*license to Demographics is a pre-requisite |

|** Annual updates. |

|(1) 20% of GSA discounted license fees. |

Demographics Batch, Web & Client Server– Perpetual Pricing

|Workstation Pricing Per Server – A server is defined as a single computer with up to two (2) processors. Add additional 50% for each additional 2 |

|processors. Pricing for the term license is for a three (3) year period. |

| |SIN 132-33 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Perpetual |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|Demographics |$16,049 |(1) |N/A |

|Demographics Client/Server with AddressBroker |$16,049 | (1) |N/A |

| (10 User Seats included) | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 11 to 50 $ 80 per user seat | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 51 to 100 $ 53 per user seat | | |N/A |

| User Seats – 101 to X $ 41 per user seat | | |N/A |

|Demographics Web with AddressBroker |$32,634 |(1) |N/A |

|Demographics Integrator Series* |$2,675 |(1) |N/A |

|Centrus World Place Centroids Data* |N/A |N/A |$10,075 |

|(annual updates) | | | |

|Centrus Claritas IntelliSet Demographics Data* |N/A |N/A |$6,045 |

|(annual updates) | | | |

|Centrus EuroDirect Cameo USA Segmentation Data* |N/A |N/A | |

|(quarterly Updates) | | |$60,450 |

|Centrus EuroDirect Cameo |N/A |N/A | |

|Canada Segmentation Data* (Semi-Annual Updates) | | |$40,300 |

|Centrus Claritas PRIZM NE Segmentation Format Data*+ (annual updates) |N/A |N/A | |

| | | |$25,188 |

|Centrus Home Heating Fuels Data* |N/A |N/A | |

|(updates every 10 years) | | |$10,075 |

|Centrus Claritas PRIZM NE Segmentation Data* |N/A |N/A | |

|(annual updates) | | |See Grid Below |

| |

|Up to 20MM |

|> 20MM |

| |

|$108,810 |

|Custom |

|Quote |

| |

| |

|MM – Record Volume License (per million) |

|+ Customer must warrant and represent to Pitney Bowes Software Inc. it currently has, and shall maintain during the term of the license to Centrus Claritas |

|PRIZM NE Segmentation, a direct license with Claritas for use of their proprietary geographic database offerings for the corresponding format database option |

|licensed from Pitney Bowes Software Inc.. Customer shall be responsible for maintaining a license with Claritas and paying any license fees due to Claritas. |

|Customer’s failure to maintain the license or pay Claritas any fees due for such license, shall not affect any of Customer’s obligations due to Pitney Bowes |

|Software Inc. under an Agreement, Addendum or Order. If Customer terminates its license with Claritas, Customer shall pay Pitney Bowes Software Inc. the |

|difference between the Format fees and the non format fees. |

|*license to Demographics is a pre-requisite |

|** Annual updates. |

|(1) 20% of GSA discounted license fees. |

Centrus Desktop – Term Pricing

|Workstation Pricing |

| |SIN 132-32 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Term |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|Desktop Address Coding Module (ACM)P,G |$3,400 |(1) |N/A |

|Desktop ACM Query National (25 Batch Record Limit)P,G |$453 |(1) |N/A |

|Desktop DCM (Demographic Coding) / NO DATAP,G,D |$2,267 |(1) |N/A |

|Desktop DLM (Data Locator Module)R |$1,133 |(1) |N/A |

|Desktop SCM (Spatial Coding) R |$2,267 |(1) |N/A |

|Desktop GDL (Geographic Determination)S |$3,400 |(1) |N/A |

|Desktop PMA (Primary Market Area)S |$1,360 |(1) |N/A |

|Centrus Desktop ACM Address Standardization for CANADA |$3,400 | (1) |N/A |

|Census TIGER Geocoding, incl. USPS Postal Database (6 updates - bi-monthly) |N/A |N/A |$4,786 |

|GDT Geocoding Data, including bi-monthly USPS Postal Database (6 updates - bimonthly) |N/A |N/A |$8,564 |

|Canada Post Database |N/A |N/A |$2,015 |

|Canadian Postcode Geocoding Database |N/A |N/A |$3,526 |

|Number of Users** |Multiplier | | |

|1 |1 | | |

|2-5 |2 | | |

|6-10 |3 | | |

|11-25 |4 | | |

|26-49 |5 | | |

|50+ |Call | | |

|D = Base package includes Census Demographics (no updates) | | | |

|P = Requires USPS Database | | | |

|G = Requires Geocoding database | | | |

|R = Requires Desktop ACM | | | |

|S = Requires Desktop ACM & SCM | | | |

|** A User is defined as anyone having access to the software, even if only for | | | |

|occasional use. | | | |

|(1) 25% of GSA discounted license fees | | | |

| |

Centrus Desktop – Perpetual Pricing

|Workstation Pricing |

| |SIN 132-33 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Perpetual |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|Desktop Address Coding Module (ACM)P,G |$6,657 |(1) |N/A |

|Desktop ACM Query National (25 Batch Record Limit)P,G |$892 |(1) |N/A |

|Desktop DCM (Demographic Coding) / NO DATAP,G,D |$4,458 |(1) |N/A |

|Desktop DLM (Data Locator Module)R |$2,229 |(1) |N/A |

|Desktop SCM (Spatial Coding) R |$4,458 |(1) |N/A |

|Desktop GDL (Geographic Determination)S |$6,687 |(1) |N/A |

|Desktop PMA (Primary Market Area)S |$2,674 |(1) |N/A |

|Centrus Desktop ACM Address Standardization for CANADA |$3,400 |(1) |N/A |

|Census TIGER Geocoding, incl. USPS Postal Database (6 updates - bi-monthly) |N/A |N/A |$4,786 |

|GDT Geocoding Data, including bi-monthly USPS Postal Database (6 updates - bimonthly) |N/A |N/A |$8,564 |

|Canada Post Database |N/A |N/A |$2,015 |

|Canadian Postcode Geocoding Database |N/A |N/A |$3,526 |

|Number of Users** |Multiplier | | |

|1 |1 | | |

|2-5 |2 | | |

|6-10 |3 | | |

|11-25 |4 | | |

|26-49 |5 | | |

|50+ |Call | | |

|D = Base package includes Census Demographics (no updates) | | | |

|P = Requires USPS Database | | | |

|G = Requires Geocoding database | | | |

|R = Requires Desktop ACM | | | |

|S = Requires Desktop ACM & SCM | | | |

|** A User is defined as anyone having access to the software, even if only for | | | |

|occasional use. | | | |

|(1) 25% of GSA discounted license fees | | | |

| |

DOC1 Generate – Term Pricing

|Workstation Pricing |

| |SIN 132-32 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Term |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|PC Platforms [Windows Environments] Single Processor |$34,003 |(1) |N/A |

|Processors (up to) Midrange [includes AIX, HP/UX, Linux Red Hat, SCO Unix, Solaris and OS/400] |

|1 - 6 |$45,338 | | |

|7 - 12 |$56,672 | | |

|13 - 24 |$68,006 | | |

|25 - 36 |$79,341 | | |

|37 - 48 |$90,675 | | |

|49 - 60 |$102,010 | | |

|61 - 72 |$113,344 | | |

|73 - 84 |$124,678 | | |

| ( 96 |$136,013 | | |

|Options to DOC1 Generate | | | |

|XML Import |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|Print Line Data Import |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|SAP RDI Interface |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|SAP XSF Interface |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|EDU for HTML |10% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|AFP Driver |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|Metacode Driver |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|Postscript Driver |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|PCL Driver |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|Line Data Driver |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|IJPDS Driver |30% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|PDF Driver |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|HTML Driver |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|XML Driver (DOC1 Reformat) |25% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|VIPP Driver |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|VPS Driver |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|PPML Driver |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|PDM Driver |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|Additional Output Drivers |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|Server Mode |25% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|Parallel Production Engine |25% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|Double Byte Character Set Support |25% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|Dynamic Internet Mailing Engine (DIME) without E-mail support |10% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|Dynamic Internet Mailing Engine (DIME) including E-mail support |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|Graphics Option |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|Firm Data Editor API |$899 Per seat | | |

|Preview API |$899 Per seat | | |

|Message 1 (Standalone Message Creation) |$4,495 Per seat | | |

|DOC1 Post Composition Engine - Standalone PCE |40% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|DOC1 Generate – Term Pricing |

|Mainframe Pricing |

|Mainframe MVS OS/390 and z/OS |

| |

|From MIPS |

|To MIPS |

|Perpetual License Fee |

| |

|0 |

|207 |

|$45,338 |

| |

|208 |

|249 |

|$49,871 |

| |

|250 |

|299 |

|$54,405 |

| |

|300 |

|358 |

|$58,939 |

| |

|359 |

|430 |

|$63,473 |

| |

|431 |

|516 |

|$68,006 |

| |

|517 |

|619 |

|$72,540 |

| |

|620 |

|743 |

|$77,074 |

| |

|744 |

|892 |

|$81,608 |

| |

|893 |

|1,070 |

|$86,141 |

| |

|1,071 |

|1,284 |

|$90,675 |

| |

|1,285 |

|1,541 |

|$95,209 |

| |

|1,542 |

|1,849 |

|$99,743 |

| |

|1,850 |

|2,219 |

|$104,276 |

| |

|2,663 |

|3,194 |

|$108,810 |

| |

|3,195 |

|4,000 |

|$113,344 |

| |

|4,001 |

|5,000 |

|$117,878 |

| |

|5,001 |

|6,250 |

|$122,412 |

| |

|6,251 |

|7,813 |

|$126,946 |

| |

|7,814 |

|9,766 |

|$131,480 |

| |

|9,767 |

|12,208 |

|$136,014 |

| |

|12,209 |

|15,260 |

|$140,548 |

| |

|15,261 |

|19,075 |

|$145,082 |

| |

MIPS based upgrades require a minimum of an additional eighteen (18%) in maintenance fees calculated against the GSA discounted achieved upgrade license fees. The additional maintenance fees MUST be pro-rated to the end of the existing maintenance period of performance.

DOC1 Generate – Perpetual Pricing

|Workstation Pricing |

| |SIN 132-33 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Perpetual |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|PC Platforms [Windows Environments] Single Processor |$44,582 |(1) |N/A |

|Processors (up to) Midrange [includes AIX, HP/UX, Linux Red Hat, SCO Unix, Solaris and OS/400] |

|1 - 6 |$59,443 | | |

|7 - 12 |$74,303 | | |

|13 - 24 |$89,164 | | |

|25 - 36 |$104,024 | | |

|37 - 48 |$118,885 | | |

|49 - 60 |$133,746 | | |

|61 - 72 |$148,606 | | |

|73 - 84 |$163,467 | | |

| ( 96 |$178,328 | | |

|Options to DOC1 Generate | | | |

|XML Import |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|Print Line Data Import |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|SAP RDI Interface |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|SAP XSF Interface |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|EDU for HTML |10% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|AFP Driver |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|Metacode Driver |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|Postscript Driver |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|PCL Driver |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|Line Data Driver |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|IJPDS Driver |30% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|PDF Driver |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|HTML Driver |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|XML Driver (DOC1 Reformat) |25% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|VIPP Driver |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|VPS Driver |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|PPML Driver |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|PDM Driver |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|Additional Output Drivers |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|Server Mode |25% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|Parallel Production Engine |25% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|Double Byte Character Set Support |25% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|Dynamic Internet Mailing Engine (DIME) without E-mail support |10% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|Dynamic Internet Mailing Engine (DIME) including E-mail support |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|Graphics Option |20% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

|Firm Data Editor API |$899 Per seat | | |

|Preview API |$899 Per seat | | |

|Message 1 (Standalone Message Creation) |$4,495 Per seat | | |

|DOC1 Post Composition Engine - Standalone PCE |40% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee |

(1) - 18% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee

|DOC1 Generate – Perpetual Pricing |

|Mainframe Pricing |

|From MIPS |

|To MIPS |

|Perpetual License Fee |

| |

|0 |

|207 |

|$59,443 |

| |

|208 |

|249 |

|$65,387 |

| |

|250 |

|299 |

|$71,331 |

| |

|300 |

|358 |

|$77,275 |

| |

|359 |

|430 |

|$83,220 |

| |

|431 |

|516 |

|$89,164 |

| |

|517 |

|619 |

|$95,108 |

| |

|620 |

|743 |

|$101,052 |

| |

|744 |

|892 |

|$106,997 |

| |

|893 |

|1,070 |

|$112,941 |

| |

|1,071 |

|1,284 |

|$118,885 |

| |

|1,285 |

|1,541 |

|$124,829 |

| |

|1,542 |

|1,849 |

|$130,774 |

| |

|1,850 |

|2,219 |

|$136,718 |

| |

|2,663 |

|3,194 |

|$142,662 |

| |

|3,195 |

|4,000 |

|$148,606 |

| |

|4,001 |

|5,000 |

|$154,551 |

| |

|5,001 |

|6,250 |

|$160,496 |

| |

|6,251 |

|7,813 |

|$166,441 |

| |

|7,814 |

|9,766 |

|$172,368 |

| |

|9,767 |

|12,208 |

|$178,313 |

| |

|12,209 |

|15,260 |

|$184,258 |

| |

|15,261 |

|19,075 |

|$190,203 |

| |

MIPS based upgrades require a minimum of an additional eighteen percent (18%) in maintenance fees calculated against the GSA discounted achieved upgrade license fees. The additional maintenance fees MUST be pro-rated to the end of the existing maintenance period of performance.

DOC1 Designer – Term Pricing

|Workstation Pricing |

| |SIN 132-32 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Term |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|PC Platforms (Windows Environment) |$13,601 | (1) | N/A |

|Spell Checker |$1,133 |(1) |N/A |

|Hyphenation |$3,400 |(1) |N/A |

|RealProof |Included (one per Designer) | |

DOC1 Designer – Perpetual Pricing

|Workstation Pricing |

| |SIN 132-33 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Perpeptual |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|PC Platforms (Windows Environment) |$17,833 |(1) |N/A |

|Spell Checker |$1,486 |(1) |N/A |

|Hyphenation |$4,458 |(1) |N/A |

|RealProof |Included (one per Designer) | |

DOC1 Message 1 – Term Pricing

|Workstation Pricing |

| |SIN 132-32 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Term |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|Message 1 Administrator Basic System |$22,669 |(1) |N/A |

|Per Seat Cost |$2,267 |(1) |N/A |

DOC1 Message 1 – Perpetual Pricing

|Workstation Pricing |

| |SIN 132-33 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Perpetual |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|Message 1 Administrator Basic System |$29,721 |(1) |N/A |

|Per Seat Cost |$2,972 |(1) |N/A |

Content Author

Term Pricing

| |Basic System (includes 1 session) |$11,334 | |

|  |additional sessions (5 pack) |$2,267 | |

| |licensed in minimum blocks of 5 concurrent session | | |

Content Author

Perpetual Pricing

| |Basic System (includes 1 session) |$14,861 | |

|  |additional sessions (5 pack) |$2,972 | |

| |licensed in minimum blocks of 5 concurrent session | | |


Term Pricing

| | | | | | |

| | | |License Fee |Maintenance fee | |

|Windows |  |•OpenEDMS Server |$22,669 |18% of GSA discounted license fees |

|  | |•5 Named User Licenses | | |  |

|  | |•Single Domain License | | |  |

|  | |•OpenEDMS Desktop | | |  |

|  | |• Workflow | | |  |

|  | |•Records Management | | |  |

|  |  |  |  |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|UNIX |  |•  OpenEDMS Server |$34,003 |18% GSA discounted license |

| | | | |fees |

|(HPUX, Solaris, AIX & Linux) | |•  5 Named User Licenses | | |  |

|  | |•   Single Domain License | | |  |

|  | |• OpenEDMS Desktop | | |  |

|  | |•  Workflow | | |  |

|  | |•Records Management | | |  |

|  |  |  |  |

| | | | | | |

|Optional Add-Ons | |License Fee |Maintenance Fee | | |

| | | | | | |

|Annotations Module | |$4,534 per Domain |18% of GSA discounted license fees | | |

|Additional Named Users | |$907 per User |18% of GSA discounted license fees | | |

|Additional Users - 25 Pack* | |$18,135 |18% of GSA discounted license fees | | |

|Additional Users - 50 Pack* | |$34,003 |18% of GSA discounted license fees | | |

|Additional Users - 100 Pack* | |$56,672 |18% of GSA discounted license fees | | |

|Additional Domains (Windows) | |$18,135 |18% of GSA discounted license fees | | |

|Additional Domains (UNIX) | |$22,669 |18% of GSA discounted license fees | | |

| | | | | | |

|must be licensed at the same time (not an aggregate cost) | | | |


Perpetual Pricing

| | | | | | |

| | | |License Fee | Maintenance fee | |

|Windows |  |• OpenEDMS Server |$29,721 | 18% of GSA discounted |

| | | | |license fees |

|  | |•5 Named User Licenses | | |  |

|  | |• Single Domain License| | |  |

|  | |Οpen EDMS Desktop | | |  |

|  | |• Workflow | | |  |

|  | |• Records Management | | |  |

|  |  |  |  |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|UNIX |  |•         OpenEDMS Server |$44,582 |18% of |

| | | | |GSA discounted\ |

| | | | |license fees |

|(HPUX, Solaris, AIX & Linux) | |•         5 Named User Licenses | | |  |

|  | |•         Single Domain License | | |  |

|  | |•         OpenEDMS Desktop | | |  |

|  | |•         Workflow | | |  |

|  | |•         Records Management | | |  |

|  |  |  |  |

| | | | | | |

|Optional Add-Ons | |License Fee |Maintenance Fee | | |

| | | | | | |

|Annotations Module | |$5,944 per Domain |18% of GSA discounted license fees | | |

|Additional Named Users | |$1,189 per User |18% of GSA discounted license fees | | |

|Additional Users - 25 Pack* | |$23,778 |18% of GSA discounted license fees | | |

|Additional Users - 50 Pack* | |$44,582 |18% of GSA discounted license fees | | |

|Additional Users - 100 Pack* | |$74,303 |18% of GSA discounted license fees | | |

|Additional Domains (Windows) | |$23,778 |18% of GSA discounted license fees | | |

|Additional Domains (UNIX) | |$29,721 |18% of GSA discounted license fees | | |

| | | | | | |

|must be licensed at the same time (not an aggregate cost) | | | |


Term Pricing

|StreamSure Base Compare Module |  |  |  |  |

|$34,003 | |(Windows Only - 2 Processor box) | | | |

| | | | | |

|2 Copies with 1 User per copy | | | | | | |

|1 Input Compare Format (AFP, Metacode or Line Data) | | | | |

|Command Line Engine (Batch Compare) | | | | | |

|Upgrades |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |

|2nd Compare Format | | | |$22,669 | | | |

|3rd and Successive Compare Formats (each) | |$11,334 | | | |

| | | | | | | |


Perpetual Pricing

|StreamSure Base Compare Module |  |  |  |  |

|$44,582 | |(Windows Only - 2 Processor box) | | | |

| | | | | |

|2 Copies with 1 User per copy | | | | | | |

|1 Input Compare Format (AFP, Metacode or Line Data) | | | | |

|Command Line Engine (Batch Compare) | | | | | |

|Upgrades |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |

|2nd Compare Format | | | |$29,721 | | | |

|3rd and Successive Compare Formats (each) | |$14,861 | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| e2 Web View and Account Management Price sheet – Term License | | |

| | | | | |

| | To |13 months |Upgrade |Rendering Eng. |Utility |

|From | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| 1 |250,000 |$38,537 |$22,669 |3 |$5,781 |

| 250,001 |500,000 |$55,878 |$32,870 |3 |$8,382 |

|500,001 |1,000,000 |$86,612 |$50,948 |3 |$12,992 |

|1,000,001 |3,000,000 |$134,248 |$78,970 |6 |$20,137 |

|3,000,001 |5,000,000 |$174,523 |$102,660 |9 |$26,178 |

|5,000,001 |8,000,000 |$218,153 |$128,326 |12 |$32,723 |

|8,000,001 |10,000,000 |$250,876 |$147,574 |15 |$37,631 |

|10,000,001 |15,000,000 |$275,963 |$162,331 |18 |$41,394 |

|15,000,001 |20,000,000 |$303,560 |$178,564 |21 |$45,534 |

|20,000,001 |25,000,000 |$333,916 |$196,421 |25 |$50,088 |

|Included Features |  |· 2 Ingestion |Upgrade to |- Includes 2 PDF & |Indexing utility to index |

| | |print streams |unlimited |GIF presentation |non-DOC1 documents. WebView still|

| | |(SPECIFY) |months of |drivers |a requisitte. |

| | |· API set for |Vault Storage|- Can be installed | |

| | |internal and | |in different | |

| | |external viewing | |machines (each | |

| | |· 1 thick client | |render has a | |

| | |· Unlimited | |separate keycode) | |

| | |Repository | | | |

| | |· 13 month | | | |

| | |document | | | |

| | |retention in | | | |

| | |Vault | | | |

| | | | | |

| | To |Eng Per Block |Ingestion |Mgmt |Option |

|From | | |driver | | |

| | | | | | |

| 1 |250,000 |$3,854 |$3,854 |$45,338 |$11,334 |

| 250,001 |500,000 |$5,588 |$5,588 |$45,338 |$11,334 |

|500,001 |1,000,000 |$8,661 |$8,661 |$45,338 |$11,334 |

|1,000,001 |3,000,000 |$13,425 |$13,425 |$90,675 |$22,667 |

|3,000,001 |5,000,000 |$8,726 |$17,452 |$90,675 |$22,667 |

|5,000,001 |8,000,000 |$10,908 |$21,815 |$90,675 |$22,667 |

|8,000,001 |10,000,000 |$12,544 |$25,088 |$90,675 |$22,667 |

|10,000,001 |15,000,000 |$13,798 |$27,596 |$136,013 |$34,003 |

|15,000,001 |20,000,000 |$15,178 |$30,356 |$136,013 |$34,003 |

|20,000,001 |25,000,000 |$16,696 |$33,392 |$136,013 |$34,003 |

|Included Features |  |· Tiers up to 3MM |  |· Web Designer |· payment templates for |

| | |= 1 Engine per | |· Registration Database |ACH and credit card |

| | |block | |· CSR access including "on |payments |

| | |· Tiers up to 3MM | |behalf of" |· payment APIs |

| | |- 8MM = 2 Engines | |· Enrollment | |

| | |per block | |· Logon Security | |

| | |· Tier up to 8MM -| |· CSV Download | |

| | |10MM = 3 Engines | |· Report Generation | |

| | |per block | |· Mass Enrollment | |

| | |· Tiers up to 10MM| |· DOC1 Query | |

| | |- 20MM = 4 | |- Unix Support | |

| | |Engines per block | | | |

| | |· Tier up to 20MM | | | |

| | |- 25MM = 5 | | | |

| | |Engines per block | | | |

| |  | | | |

|Maintenance | | | | |

|18% of discounted GSA license cost annually |AM Technical Environments | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

| |Databases | | | | | | |

| | |Sun| |

|Optional Features – |  |  |  |  |

|Term License (most are| | | | |

|English Only) | | | | |

|Suite Component |Feature Description |Additional Comment or |Additional Charge (as % of |Key or License? |

| | |Description |Base Price in Column F, WV | |

| | | |an AM base pricing) | |

|e2 Web View |Document Level Redaction |Special Bid |Special Bid |NA |

|e2 Web View |GIF Display format |  |15% |KEY |

|e2 Web View |PDF Display format |  |15% |KEY |

|e2 Web View |CRM/ERP Connector |  |10% |  |

|e2 Web View |TIFF Display format |  |15% |KEY |

|e2 Web View |Other Display format |(e.g. HTML, XML/XSLT, |Special Bid |KEY |

| | |BLOB, PNG) Special Bid | | |

|e2 Web View |HTML Display format |Passthrough from HTML |Included if HTML Ingestion |KEY |

| | |Repository Only | | |

|e2 Web View |XML/XSLT |  |Special Bid |KEY |

|e2 Web View |DOC1 AFP Ingestion |  |15% |KEY |

|e2 Web View |DOC1 Metacode Ingestion |  |15% |KEY |

|e2 Web View |DOC1 Postscript Ingestion |  |15% |KEY |

|e2 Web View |DOC1 HTML Ingestion |  |15% |KEY |

|e2 Web View |BLOB Ingestion |e.g. Word, Excel, PDF, |Special Bid |KEY |

| | |general BLOB Support | | |

|e2 Web View |TIFF Ingestion |  |15% |KEY |

|e2 Web View |DOC1 XML Ingestion |  |15% |KEY |

|e2 Web View |DOC1 Line Data Ingestion |  |15% |KEY |

|e2 Web View |Non-DOC1 AFP Ingestion |Requires Techincal Review |15% |KEY |

|e2 Web View |Non-DOC1 Metacode Ingestion |Requires Techincal Review |15% |KEY |

|e2 Web View |Non-DOC1 Postscript |Requires Techincal Review |15% |KEY |

| |Ingestion | | | |

|e2 Web View |Non-DOC1 Line Data Ingestion|Requires Techincal Review |15% |KEY |

|e2 Web View |Application Specific |Case by Case, See Manager |Special Bid |LIC |

| |Limitation | | | |

|e2 Web View |Mobile Vault |Base image creation |$22,669: 1 to 100 copies / |  |

| | |capability to subset and |month | |

| | |create images. Enables |$11,334: 101 - 500 copies / | |

| | |disaster recovery with |month | |

| | |self-contained viewer. |$11,334: 500 -1000 copies / | |

| | | |month | |

| | | |$11,334: 1001 – 5000 copies | |

| | | |/ month | |

| | | |Bid: > 5000 copies /| |

| | | |month requires special bid /| |

| | | |enterprise license | |

|iProof |iProof |Requires DGP or Vault |* $11,334 if purchased with|  |

| | |License |e2 Web View or DGP | |

| | | |* $22,669 if purchased | |

| | | |separately (must evaluate | |

| | | |and include professional | |

| | | |services) | |

|e2 Web View |Unix Support |In development: Solaris, |Special Bid |KEY |

| | |AIX, HP/UX, Linux (CHECK | | |

| | |AVAILABILITY) | | |

|e2 Web View |Heirarchical Storage |  |Included |KEY |

| |Management Support | | | |

|e2 Web View |DBCS Printstream Ingestion |AFP / DOC1 Postscript Only|20% |LIC |

|e2 Web View |DBCS/UnicodeIndexing |Special Bid |20% |LIC |

|e2 Web View |Bulk Reprint Feature |AFP, Metacode, and DOC1 PS|10% |KEY |

|e2 Web View |Certified Siebel Connector |  |$22,669 Flat Fee |KEY |

| | | |

| | | |

|e2 Web View and Account Management Price sheet – Perpetual License | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

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|  | | |

| | | |

|Monthly Page volume | | |

|e2 Web View | | |

|e2 Vault | | |

|Included | | |

|Index | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|From | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|To | | |

|13 months | | |

|Upgrade | | |

|Rendering Eng. | | |

|Utility | | |

| | | |

|1 | | |

|250,000 | | |

|$50,526 | | |

|$29,721 | | |

|3 | | |

|$7,579 | | |

| | | |

|250,001 | | |

|500,000 | | |

|$73,263 | | |

|$43,096 | | |

|3 | | |

|$10,990 | | |

| | | |

|500,001 | | |

|1,000,000 | | |

|$113,558 | | |

|$66,799 | | |

|3 | | |

|$17,034 | | |

| | | |

|1,000,001 | | |

|3,000,000 | | |

|$176,014 | | |

|$103,538 | | |

|6 | | |

|$26,402 | | |

| | | |

|3,000,001 | | |

|5,000,000 | | |

|$228,819 | | |

|$134,599 | | |

|9 | | |

|$34,323 | | |

| | | |

|5,000,001 | | |

|8,000,000 | | |

|$286,023 | | |

|$168,249 | | |

|12 | | |

|$42,903 | | |

| | | |

|8,000,001 | | |

|10,000,000 | | |

|$328,926 | | |

|$193,486 | | |

|15 | | |

|$49,340 | | |

| | | |

|10,000,001 | | |

|15,000,000 | | |

|$361,819 | | |

|$212,834 | | |

|18 | | |

|$54,273 | | |

| | | |

|15,000,001 | | |

|20,000,000 | | |

|$398,001 | | |

|$234,118 | | |

|21 | | |

|$59,700 | | |

| | | |

|20,000,001 | | |

|25,000,000 | | |

|$437,801 | | |

|$257,530 | | |

|25 | | |

|$65,670 | | |

| | | |

|Included Features | | |

|  | | |

|· 2 Ingestion print streams (SPECIFY) | | |

|· API set for internal and external viewing | | |

|· 1 thick client | | |

|· Unlimited Repository | | |

|· 13 month document retention in Vault | | |

|Upgrade to unlimited months of Vault Storage | | |

|- Includes 2 PDF & GIF presentation drivers | | |

|- Can be installed in different machines (each render has a separate keycode) | | |

|Indexing utility to index non-DOC1 documents. WebView still a requisitte. | | |

| | | |

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|  | | |

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|  | | |

|  | | |

|  | | |

| | | |

|Monthly Page volume | | |

|Rendering | | |

|Added | | |

|Account | | |

|Pay | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|From | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|To | | |

|Eng Per Block | | |

|Ingestion driver | | |

|Mgmt | | |

|Option | | |

| | | |

|1 | | |

|250,000 | | |

|$5,053 | | |

|$5,053 | | |

|$59,443 | | |

|$14,861 | | |

| | | |

|250,001 | | |

|500,000 | | |

|$7,326 | | |

|$7,326 | | |

|$59,443 | | |

|$14,861 | | |

| | | |

|500,001 | | |

|1,000,000 | | |

|$11,356 | | |

|$11,356 | | |

|$59,443 | | |

|$14,861 | | |

| | | |

|1,000,001 | | |

|3,000,000 | | |

|$17,602 | | |

|$17,602 | | |

|$118,885 | | |

|$29,721 | | |

| | | |

|3,000,001 | | |

|5,000,000 | | |

|$11,441 | | |

|$22,882 | | |

|$118,885 | | |

|$29,721 | | |

| | | |

|5,000,001 | | |

|8,000,000 | | |

|$14,301 | | |

|$28,603 | | |

|$118,885 | | |

|$29,721 | | |

| | | |

|8,000,001 | | |

|10,000,000 | | |

|$16,447 | | |

|$32,893 | | |

|$118,885 | | |

|$29,721 | | |

| | | |

|10,000,001 | | |

|15,000,000 | | |

|$18,091 | | |

|$36,182 | | |

|$178,328 | | |

|$44,582 | | |

| | | |

|15,000,001 | | |

|20,000,000 | | |

|$19,900 | | |

|$39,800 | | |

|$178,328 | | |

|$44,582 | | |

| | | |

|20,000,001 | | |

|25,000,000 | | |

|$21,890 | | |

|$43,780 | | |

|$178,328 | | |

|$44,582 | | |

| | | |

|Included Features | | |

|  | | |

|· Tiers up to 3MM = 1 Engine per block | | |

|· Tiers up to 3MM - 8MM = 2 Engines per block | | |

|· Tier up to 8MM - 10MM = 3 Engines per block | | |

|· Tiers up to 10MM - 20MM = 4 Engines per block | | |

|· Tier up to 20MM - 25MM = 5 Engines per block | | |

|  | | |

|· Web Designer | | |

|· Registration Database | | |

|· CSR access including "on behalf of" | | |

|· Enrollment | | |

|· Logon Security | | |

|· CSV Download | | |

|· Report Generation | | |

|· Mass Enrollment | | |

|· DOC1 Query | | |

|- Unix Support | | |

|· payment templates for ACH and credit card payments | | |

|· payment APIs | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |


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|AM Technical Environments | | |

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|Databases | | |

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|MSSQL Server | | |

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|Oracle | | |

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|Operating System | | |

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|UNIX (check for available versions) | | |

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|Sun | | |

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|Windows | | |

| | | |

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|Supported Application Servers | | |

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|Web View | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

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| | | |

|Web Logic | | |

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|JBOSS | | |

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|Licensing Restriction | | |

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|e2 Web View is a pre-requisite. Pricing is based on the monthly page volume permitted for Web View or Vault | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Optional Features – | | |

|Perpetual License (most are English Only) | | |

|  | | |

|  | | |

|  | | |

|  | | |

| | | |

|Suite Component | | |

|Feature Description | | |

|Additional Comment or Description | | |

|Additional Charge (as % of Base Price in Column F, WV an AM base pricing) | | |

|Key or License? | | |

| | | |

|e2 Web View | | |

|Document Level Redaction | | |

|Special Bid | | |

|Special Bid | | |

|NA | | |

| | | |

|e2 Web View | | |

|GIF Display format | | |

|  | | |

|15% | | |

|KEY | | |

| | | |

|e2 Web View | | |

|PDF Display format | | |

|  | | |

|15% | | |

|KEY | | |

| | | |

|e2 Web View | | |

|CRM/ERP Connector | | |

|  | | |

|10% | | |

|  | | |

| | | |

|e2 Web View | | |

|TIFF Display format | | |

|  | | |

|15% | | |

|KEY | | |

| | | |

|e2 Web View | | |

|Other Display format | | |

|(e.g. HTML, XML/XSLT, BLOB, PNG) Special Bid | | |

|Special Bid | | |

|KEY | | |

| | | |

|e2 Web View | | |

|HTML Display format | | |

|Passthrough from HTML Repository Only | | |

|Included if HTML Ingestion | | |

|KEY | | |

| | | |

|e2 Web View | | |

|XML/XSLT | | |

|  | | |

|Special Bid | | |

|KEY | | |

| | | |

|e2 Web View | | |

|DOC1 AFP Ingestion | | |

|  | | |

|15% | | |

|KEY | | |

| | | |

|e2 Web View | | |

|DOC1 Metacode Ingestion | | |

|  | | |

|15% | | |

|KEY | | |

| | | |

|e2 Web View | | |

|DOC1 Postscript Ingestion | | |

|  | | |

|15% | | |

|KEY | | |

| | | |

|e2 Web View | | |

|DOC1 HTML Ingestion | | |

|  | | |

|15% | | |

|KEY | | |

| | | |

|e2 Web View | | |

|BLOB Ingestion | | |

|e.g. Word, Excel, PDF, general BLOB Support | | |

|Special Bid | | |

|KEY | | |

| | | |

|e2 Web View | | |

|TIFF Ingestion | | |

|  | | |

|15% | | |

|KEY | | |

| | | |

|e2 Web View | | |

|DOC1 XML Ingestion | | |

|  | | |

|15% | | |

|KEY | | |

| | | |

|e2 Web View | | |

|DOC1 Line Data Ingestion | | |

|  | | |

|15% | | |

|KEY | | |

| | | |

|e2 Web View | | |

|Non-DOC1 AFP Ingestion | | |

|Requires Techincal Review | | |

|15% | | |

|KEY | | |

| | | |

|e2 Web View | | |

|Non-DOC1 Metacode Ingestion | | |

|Requires Techincal Review | | |

|15% | | |

|KEY | | |

| | | |

|e2 Web View | | |

|Non-DOC1 Postscript Ingestion | | |

|Requires Techincal Review | | |

|15% | | |

|KEY | | |

| | | |

|e2 Web View | | |

|Non-DOC1 Line Data Ingestion | | |

|Requires Techincal Review | | |

|15% | | |

|KEY | | |

| | | |

|e2 Web View | | |

|Application Specific Limitation | | |

|Case by Case, See Manager | | |

|Special Bid | | |

|LIC | | |

| | | |

|e2 Web View | | |

|Mobile Vault | | |

|Base image creation capability to subset and create images. Enables disaster recovery with self-contained viewer. | | |

|$29,721: 1 to 100 copies / month | | |

|$14,861: 101 - 500 copies / month | | |

|$14,861: 500 -1000 copies / month | | |

|$14,861: 1001 – 5000 copies / month | | |

|Bid: > 5000 copies / month requires special bid / enterprise license | | |

|  | | |

| | | |

|iProof | | |

|iProof | | |

|Requires DGP or Vault License | | |

|* $14,861 if purchased with e2 Web View or DGP | | |

|* $29,721 if purchased separately (must evaluate and include professional services) | | |

|  | | |

| | | |

|e2 Web View | | |

|Unix Support | | |

|In development: Solaris, AIX, HP/UX, Linux (CHECK AVAILABILITY) | | |

|Special Bid | | |

|KEY | | |

| | | |

|e2 Web View | | |

|Heirarchical Storage Management Support | | |

|  | | |

|Included | | |

|KEY | | |

| | | |

|e2 Web View | | |

|DBCS Printstream Ingestion | | |

|AFP / DOC1 Postscript Only | | |

|20% | | |

|LIC | | |

| | | |

|e2 Web View | | |

|DBCS/UnicodeIndexing | | |

|Special Bid | | |

|20% | | |

|LIC | | |

| | | |

|e2 Web View | | |

|Bulk Reprint Feature | | |

|AFP, Metacode, and DOC1 PS | | |

|10% | | |

|KEY | | |

| | | |

|e2 Web View | | |

|Certified Siebel Connector | | |

|  | | |

|$29,721 Flat Fee | | |

|KEY | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Category |License Description |Type |Price |

|  |  |  |  |

|EngageOne Production |EngageOne Production Server |Server, |$90,675 |

|Startup System |- 4 CPU Cores |CPU Cores | |

| |- 1 instance of the EngageOne Server | | |

| |- 1 security domain | | |

| |- EngageOne Admin | | |

| |- 1 DOC1 Designer Seat (named user - restricted to use | | |

| |only with EngageOne) | | |

| |- 25 concurrent EngageOne End User Licenses | | |

| |- PDF output driver | | |

| |- 1 print output driver of choice (AFP, PS) | | |

| |- EngageOne Output Management | | |

| |- EngageOne Batch | | |

| |- EngageOne Interactive Correspondent | | |

| |- full access to EngageOne Web Services | | |

|EngageOne User Packs |25 Users |Conc. User |$11,334 |

| |50 Users |Conc. User |$18,135 |

| |100 Users |Conc. User |$34,003 |

| |500 Users |Conc. User |$102,009 |

| |1000 Users |Conc. User |$158,861 |

|EngageOne Add-on Pricing |Additional Production Server License |Server, |$18,135 |

| |Adds 1 instance of the EngageOne Server on 1 physical |CPU Cores | |

| |server with 4 CPU Cores | | |

|  |Add. Production CPU Core License |CPU Core |$2,267 |

| |Adds an additional CPU Core to an existing production | | |

| |server | | |

|  |Additional Production Security Domains |per Domain |$6,801 |

| |Adds support for an additional security domain to an | | |

| |existing production server configuration. | | |

|  |Development Server License |Server, |$22,669 |

| |Includes 1 instance of the EngageOne Server supporting |CPU Cores | |

| |unlimited domains installed on 1 physical server with 2 | | |

| |CPU Cores. Includes 10 concurrent EngageOne End User | | |

| |Licenses for test and development purposes. | | |

| |***note: a special temporary license for additional | | |

| |users can be licensed by a customer to match the | | |

| |production user count in support of customer scale | | |

| |testing. These temporary licenses expire in 30 days of | | |

| |their creation. | | |

|  |Additional Development Server License |Server, |$9,068 |

| |Adds 1 instance of the EngageOne Server on 1 physical |CPU Cores | |

| |server with 2 CPU Cores | | |

|  |Add. Development CPU Core License |CPU Core |$1,133 |

| |Adds an additional CPU Core to an existing development | | |

| |server | | |

|  |Add. DOC1 Designer User |per User |2,267 |

| |- named user - restricted to use only with EngageOne | | |

| | |Subtotals |

| | |Customer Discount |

| | |Subtotals |

| | |Reseller Discount |

| | |Total Amount to PBSI |

18% of discounted GSA license cost annually

|EngageOne | | |

| | | |

|Perpetual Pricing | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Category |License Description |Type |Price |

|  |  |  |  |

|EngageOne Production |EngageOne Production Server |Server, |$118,885 |

|Startup System |- 4 CPU Cores |CPU Cores | |

| |- 1 instance of the EngageOne Server | | |

| |- 1 security domain | | |

| |- EngageOne Admin | | |

| |- 1 DOC1 Designer Seat (named user - | | |

| |restricted to use only with EngageOne) | | |

| |- 25 concurrent EngageOne End User | | |

| |Licenses | | |

| |- PDF output driver | | |

| |- 1 print output driver of choice (AFP, | | |

| |PS) | | |

| |- EngageOne Output Management | | |

| |- EngageOne Batch | | |

| |- EngageOne Interactive Correspondent | | |

| |- full access to EngageOne Web Services | | |

| |- right to install in a horizontal | | |

| |cluster on 2 physical servers, each with| | |

| |2 CPU Cores | | |

|EngageOne User Packs |25 Users |Conc. User |$14,861 |

| |50 Users |Conc. User |$23,777 |

| |100 Users |Conc. User |$44,582 |

| |500 Users |Conc. User |$133,746 |

| |1000 Users |Conc. User |$208,049 |

|EngageOne Add-on Pricing |Additional Production Server License |Server, |$23,777 |

| |Adds 1 instance of the EngageOne Server |CPU Cores | |

| |on 1 physical server with 4 CPU Cores | | |

| |(must be included in existiing | | |

| |horizontally clustered production | | |

| |server). | | |

|  |Add. Production CPU Core License |CPU Core |$3,171 |

| |Adds an additional CPU Core to an | | |

| |existing production server | | |

|  |Additional Production Security Domains |per Domain |$8,916 |

| |Adds support for an additional security | | |

| |domain to an existing production server | | |

| |configuration. | | |

|  |Development Server License |Server, |$29,721 |

| |Includes 1 instance of the EngageOne |CPU Cores | |

| |Server supporting unlimited domains | | |

| |installed on 1 physical server with 2 | | |

| |CPU Cores. Includes 10 concurrent | | |

| |EngageOne End User Licenses for test and| | |

| |development purposes. | | |

| |***note: a special temporary license for| | |

| |additional users can be licensed by a | | |

| |customer to match the production user | | |

| |count in support of customer scale | | |

| |testing. These temporary licenses expire| | |

| |in 30 days of their creation. | | |

|  |Additional Development Server License |Server, |$11,889 |

| |Adds 1 instance of the EngageOne Server |CPU Cores | |

| |on 1 physical server with 2 CPU Cores | | |

| |(must be included in existiing | | |

| |horizontally clustered production | | |

| |server). | | |

|  |Add. Development CPU Core License |CPU Core |$1,486 |

| |Adds an additional CPU Core to an | | |

| |existing development server | | |

|  |Add. DOC1 Designer User |per User |$2,972 |

| |- named user - restricted to use only | | |

| |with EngageOne | | |

| | |Subtotals |

| | |Customer Discount |

| | |Subtotals |

| | |Reseller Discount |

| | |Total Amount to PBSI |

18% of discounted GSA license cost annually

DOC1 Interactive – Term Pricing

|Workstation Pricing |

| |SIN 132-32 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Term |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|Document Design and Unit Testing - Interactive Designer |$16,322 Per Seat |(1) |N/A |

|Includes All Components Below: | | | |

|BDoc-Design | | | |

|- Proprietary repository, Oracle repository | | | |

|- Support for MS-Word (USER MUST SUPPLY WORD) for document design (included), support | | | |

|for OpenOffice | | | |

|Data Extraction Utilities | | | |

|- BDoc-FlowManager for flat files | | | |

|- BDoc-XMLFlowManager for XML files | | | |

|Composition Engines for Unit Testing only | | | |

|- BDoc-Mail for MS-Word and Bdoc-Batch for RTF (included) | | | |

|- BDoc-PDF for PDF and BDoc-ODT for OpenOffice | | | |

|DOC1 Integration - Production Connector for DOC1 PCE or Streamweaver |$22,669 Per Seat |(1) |N/A |

|License Limited to processing DOC1 Interactive Output | | | |

|Document Deployment, Resource Management, and Production |$16,322 Per Seat |(1) |N/A |

|Named Users (Individuals with Access Logon Rights to System) |

| |

|From |

|To |

|Quantity |

|Per Named User |

|Total in Range |

|Total |

| |

|1 |

|5 |

|5 |

|$5,441 |

|$27,203 |

|$27,203 |

| |

|6 |

|50 |

|45 |

|$544 |

|$24,482 |

|$51,685 |

| |

|51 |

|100 |

|50 |

|$490 |

|$24,482 |

|$76,167 |

| |

|101 |

|250 |

|150 |

|$408 |

|$61,206 |

|$137,373 |

| |

|251 |

|500 |

|250 |

|$326 |

|$81,608 |

|$218,980 |

| |

|501 |

|1,000 |

|500 |

|$245 |

|$122,411 |

|$341,391 |

| |

|1,001 |

|5,000 |

|4,000 |

|$82 |

|$326,430 |

|$667,821 |

| |

|5,001 |

|20,000 |

|15,000 |

|$54 |

|$816,075 |

|$1,483,896 |

| |

| |

|Includes All Components Below: |

|Composition Engines |

|- Proprietary repository, Oracle repository |

|- BDoc-Mail for MS-Word and Bdoc-Batch for RTF |

|- BDoc-PDF for PDF and BDoc-ODT for OpenOffice |

|- Developer API for client/server (included) |

|Resource Deployment |

|- Administrator deployment utilities, including Bdoc-Builder and developer API |

|Data Extraction Utilities |

|- BDoc-FlowManager for flat files |

|- BDoc-XMLFlowManager for XML files |

|Client/Server Architecture |

|- BDoc-Printer - client/server production server |

|- BDoc-Mail - client/server interaction GUI, typically for integration testing |

|Thin Client Architecture |

|- BDoc-Web - support for .NET, Bdoc - Web support for J2EE |

|- Developer API for .NET and J2EE (included with Bdoc-Web) |

|- BDoc-EControl - embedded OCX for user editing with MS-Word |

|- BDoc-WebDesktop - thin client interaction GUI, typically for integration testing |

|Production Management |

|- BDoc-Edit - process management for composition and printing |

|- BDoc-EditMailer - utility for printstream manipulation |

DOC1 Interactive – Perpetual Pricing

|Workstation Pricing |

| |SIN 132-33 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Perpeptual |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|Document Design and Unit Testing - Interactive Designer | |(1) |N/A |

|Includes All Components Below: | | | |

|BDoc-Design | | | |

|- Proprietary repository, Oracle repository | | | |

|- Support for MS-Word (USER MUST SUPPLY WORD) for document design (included), support | | | |

|for OpenOffice | | | |

|Data Extraction Utilities | | | |

|- BDoc-FlowManager for flat files | | | |

|- BDoc-XMLFlowManager for XML files | | | |

|Composition Engines for Unit Testing only | | | |

|- BDoc-Mail for MS-Word and Bdoc-Batch for RTF (included) | | | |

|- BDoc-PDF for PDF and BDoc-ODT for OpenOffice | | | |

| | | | |

| |$21,399 | | |

| |Per Seat | | |

|DOC1 Integration - Production Connector for DOC1 PCE or Streamweaver |$29,721 |(1) |N/A |

|License Limited to processing DOC1 Interactive Output |Per Seat | | |

|Document Deployment, Resource Management, and Production | |(1) |N/A |

| | | | |

| |See Below | | |

|Document Deployment, Resource Management, and Production |

| |

|Named Users (Individuals with Access Logon Rights to System) |

|From |

|To |

|Quantity |

|Per Named User |

|Total in Range |

|Total |

| |

|1 |

|5 |

|5 |

|$7,133 |

|$35,666 |

|$35,666 |

| |

|6 |

|50 |

|45 |

|$713 |

|$34,250 |

|$67,764 |

| |

|51 |

|100 |

|50 |

|$642 |

|$34,250 |

|$99,863 |

| |

|101 |

|250 |

|150 |

|$535 |

|$80,247 |

|$180,111 |

| |

|251 |

|500 |

|250 |

|$428 |

|$106,997 |

|$287,107 |

| |

|501 |

|1,000 |

|500 |

|$321 |

|$160,495 |

|$447,602 |

| |

|1,001 |

|5,000 |

|4,000 |

|$107 |

|$427,986 |

|$875,588 |

| |

|5,001 |

|20,000 |

|15,000 |

|$71 |

|$1,069,965 |

|$1,945,553 |

| |

| |

|Includes All Components Below: |

|Composition Engines |

|- Proprietary repository, Oracle repository |

|- BDoc-Mail for MS-Word and Bdoc-Batch for RTF |

|- BDoc-PDF for PDF and BDoc-ODT for OpenOffice |

|- Developer API for client/server (included) |

|Resource Deployment |

|- Administrator deployment utilities, including Bdoc-Builder and developer API |

|Data Extraction Utilities |

|- BDoc-FlowManager for flat files |

|- BDoc-XMLFlowManager for XML files |

|Client/Server Architecture |

|- BDoc-Printer - client/server production server |

|- BDoc-Mail - client/server interaction GUI, typically for integration testing |

|Thin Client Architecture |

|- BDoc-Web - support for .NET, Bdoc - Web support for J2EE |

|- Developer API for .NET and J2EE (included with Bdoc-Web) |

|- BDoc-EControl - embedded OCX for user editing with MS-Word |

|- BDoc-WebDesktop - thin client interaction GUI, typically for integration testing |

|Production Management |

|- BDoc-Edit - process management for composition and printing |

|- BDoc-EditMailer - utility for printstream manipulation |

DOC1 Data Flow – Term Pricing

|Workstation Pricing |

| |SIN 132-32 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Term |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|DOC 1 DataFlow | |(1) |N/A |

|Data Load Server | | | |

|Automation Server | | | |

|Admin | | | |

|Design Studio (1 Per Designer Seat Standard) | | | |

|License Restriction to DOC1 Applications | | | |

| |$22,669 | | |

|DOC 1 QA Bundle | |(1) |N/A |

|Data Load Server | | | |

|Automation Server | | | |

|Admin | | | |

|Design Studio (1 Per Designer Seat Standard) | | | |

|Information Studio Client | | | |

|License Restriction to DOC1 Applications | | | |

| |$9,608 | | |

|DOC 1 BI Bundle | |(1) |N/A |

|Data Load Server | | | |

|Automation Server | | | |

|Admin | | | |

|Design Studio (1 Per Designer Seat Standard) | | | |

|Information Studio Client | | | |

|Data Access Server | | | |

|Weblink Server and User | | | |

|License Restriction to DOC1 Applications | | | |

| |$13,601 | | |

DOC1 Data Flow – Perpetual Pricing

|Workstation Pricing |

| |SIN 132-33 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Perpetual |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|DOC 1 DataFlow |$29,721 |(1) |N/A |

|Data Load Server | | | |

|Automation Server | | | |

|Admin | | | |

|Design Studio (1 Per Designer Seat Standard) | | | |

|License Restriction to DOC1 Applications | | | |

|DOC 1 QA Bundle |$11,889 |(1) |N/A |

|Data Load Server | | | |

|Automation Server | | | |

|Admin | | | |

|Design Studio (1 Per Designer Seat Standard) | | | |

|Information Studio Client | | | |

|License Restriction to DOC1 Applications | | | |

|DOC 1 BI Bundle |$17,833 |(1) |N/A |

|Data Load Server | | | |

|Automation Server | | | |

|Admin | | | |

|Design Studio (1 Per Designer Seat Standard) | | | |

|Information Studio Client | | | |

|Data Access Server | | | |

|Weblink Server and User | | | |

|License Restriction to DOC1 Applications | | | |

DOC1 Model 1– Term Pricing

| |

|Workstation Pricing |

|User-Based Pricing for All Modules  |

| |

|Includes Response Modeler, Customer Segmenter, Customer Valuator and Cross Seller* |

| |

|Number of Users |

|SIN 132-32 |

|Term |

|License |

|Info Only Average price per user |

| |

|1 |

|$22,669 |

|$22,669 |

| |

|2 |

|$36,270 |

|$18,135 |

| |

|3 |

|$45,338 |

|$15,112 |

| |

|5 |

|$56,672 |

|$11,334 |

| |

|Additional 5 Users |

|$22,669 |

|$4,538 |

| |

| |

|*All four modules available for Model1: Response Modeler, Customer Segmenter, Customer Valuator, and Cross Seller are sold together. Modules should not be |

|sold individually without prior approval. |

|*Model1 1-user license is a desktop license. For multiple users, a client server version is available. Does not include database connectivity or ODBC drivers.|

|*Client Server License Fee is restricted to one Model1 production server. |

|*Additional Model1 production server are 50% of initial list license price. |

DOC1 Model 1– Perpetual Pricing

| |

|Workstation Pricing |

|User-Based Pricing for All Modules  |

| |

|Includes Response Modeler, Customer Segmenter, Customer Valuator and Cross Seller* |

| |

|Number of Users |

|SIN 132-33 |

|Perpetual |

|License |

|Info Only Average price per user |

| |

|1 |

|$29,721 |

|$29,721 |

| |

|2 |

|$47,554 |

|$23,777 |

| |

|3 |

|$59,443 |

|$19,814 |

| |

|5 |

|$74,303 |

|$14,861 |

| |

|Additional 5 Users |

|$29,721 |

|$5,944 |

| |

| |

|*All four modules available for Model1: Response Modeler, Customer Segmenter, Customer Valuator, and Cross Seller are sold together. Modules should not be |

|sold individually without prior approval. |

|*Model1 1-user license is a desktop license. For multiple users, a client server version is available. Does not include database connectivity or ODBC drivers.|

|*Client Server License Fee is restricted to one Model1 production server. |

|*Additional Model1 production server are 50% of initial list license price. |

DOC1 Document Composition Service – Term Pricing

|Workstation Pricing |

| |SIN 132-32 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Term |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|DOC1 Production Connector to PCE or StreamWeaver |$22,669 |(1) |N/A |

| |

|From |

|To |

|Total |

|Price Per Additional User if Customer Does Not Upgrade to Next Tier |

| |

|1 |

|5 |

|$22,669 |

|$1,133 |

| |

|6 |

|50 |

|$43,071 |

|$453 |

| |

|51 |

|100 |

|$63,473 |

|$408 |

| |

|101 |

|250 |

|$114,477 |

|$340 |

| |

|251 |

|500 |

|$182,483 |

|$272 |

| |

|501 |

|1000 |

|$284,493 |

|$102 |

| |

|1001 |

|5000 |

|$556,518 |

|$34 |

| |

DOC1 Document Composition Service – Perpetual Pricing

|Workstation Pricing |

| |SIN 132-33 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Perpetual |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|DOC1 Production Connector to PCE or StreamWeaver |$29,721 |(1) |N/A |

| |

|From |

|To |

|Total |

|Price Per Additional User if Customer Does Not Upgrade to Next Tier |

| |

|1 |

|5 |

|$29,721 |

|$1,486 |

| |

|6 |

|50 |

|$56,470 |

|$594 |

| |

|51 |

|100 |

|$83,220 |

|$535 |

| |

|101 |

|250 |

|$150,092 |

|$446 |

| |

|251 |

|500 |

|$182,483 |

|$357 |

| |

|501 |

|1,000 |

|$373,002 |

|$134 |

| |

|1,001 |

|5,000 |

|$729,657 |

|$45 |

| |

|Options to DOC1 Generate |

|RFT Driver |

Term Pricing

| |SIN 132-32 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Term |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

| | |(1) |N/A |

| | | | |

| |20% of the GSA |

| |DOC1 Generate |

| |DiscountedLicense Fee |

|Options to DOC1 Generate |

|RFT Driver |

Perpetual Pricing

| |

| |SIN 132-33 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Perpetual |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

| | |(1) |N/A |

| | | | |

| |20% of the GSA |

| |DOC1 Generate |

| |DiscountedLicense Fee |

(1) - 18% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee

VeriMove with Delivery Point Validation and LACSLink Express

Term Pricing

| |SIN 132-32 | | |

| |Term | | |

| |License | | |

| |$12,695 | | |

VeriMove with Delivery Point Validation and LACSLink Express

Perpetual Pricing

| |

| |SIN 132-33 | | |

| |Perpetual | | |

| |License | | |

| |$16,644 | | |

- 20% of the GSA Discounted License Fee


Term and Perpetual Pricing (Annual Subscription)

SuiteLink $5,038

Term Pricing

|e-Messaging for EMAIL |

|Tiered Pricing: "emails sent or received per month" |

|From |To | License Fee | e2 Vault Upgrade |

| 1| 10,000 |$9,068 |  |

| 10,001 | 20,000 |$15,868 |  |

| 20,001 | 100,000 |$24,029 |$13,063 |

| 100,001 | 250,000 |$27,633 |$20,901 |

| 250,001 | 500,000 |$31,778 |$28,738 |

| 500,001 | 1,000,000 |$36,545 |$36,576 |

| 1,000,001 | 2,000,000 |$42,027 |$44,414 |

| 2,000,001 | 3,000,000 |$48,331 |$52,251 |

| 3,000,001 | 4,000,000 |$55,580 |$60,089 |

| 4,000,001 | 5,000,000 |$63,917 |$67,927 |

| 5,000,001 | 6,000,000 |$70,309 |$75,764 |

| 6,000,001 | 7,000,000 |$77,340 |$83,602 |

| 7,000,001 | 8,000,000 |$85,074 |$91,440 |

| 8,000,001 | 9,000,000 |$93,581 |$99,278 |

| 9,000,001 | 10,000,000 |$102,939 |$107,116 |

| 10,000,001 | 15,000,000 |$113,234 |$114,954 |

| 15,000,001 | 20,000,000 |$124,557 |$122,791 |

| 20,000,001 | 25,000,000 |$137,012 |$130,629 |

|  |  |Includes: |Includes: |

| | |* e2 Web View to be used for e-Messaging only.|* Upgrade of the Retention period in Vault to |

| | |Retention period: 90 days. 2 render engines. |UNLIMITED. Always limited to content related |

| | |e2 Vault ingestion driver: "Collection" |to e-Messaging |

| | |Excludes: | |

| | |* email (SMTP) server | |

| | |* 1 DOC1 Designer Lic | |

| | |* 1 DOC1 Generate Lic | |

| | |* Drivers: linedata, eHTML & PDF | |

|  |  |These base configurations exclude e2 Web View |  |

|  |  |If a customer already has e2 then either: |  |

| | |- Apply 20% dicount to the above prices or | |

| | |- Provide required e2 "collection' ingestion | |

| | |format | |

| | |- * Note if customer already has e2 then they | |

| | |will need to pay to increase their monthly | |

| | |ingestion volume to accommodate archiving of | |

| | |emails too. | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|e-Messaging for SMS |

|Tiered Pricing: "SMS sent or received per month" |

|From |To | License Fee | e2 Vault Upgrade |

| 1| 10,000 |$4,534 |  |

| 10,001 | 20,000 |$7,934 |  |

| 20,001 | 100,000 |$12,014 |$13,063 |

| 100,001 | 250,000 |$13,817 |$20,901 |

| 250,001 | 500,000 |$15,889 |$28,738 |

| 500,001 | 1,000,000 |$18,272 |$36,576 |

| 1,000,001 | 2,000,000 |$21,013 |$44,414 |

| 2,000,001 | 3,000,000 |$24,165 |$52,251 |

| 3,000,001 | 4,000,000 |$27,790 |$60,089 |

| 4,000,001 | 5,000,000 |$31,959 |$67,927 |

| 5,000,001 | 6,000,000 |$35,155 |$75,764 |

| 6,000,001 | 7,000,000 |$38,670 |$83,602 |

| 7,000,001 | 8,000,000 |$44,804 |$91,440 |

| 8,000,001 | 9,000,000 |$46,791 |$99,278 |

| 9,000,001 | 10,000,000 |$51,470 |$107,116 |

| 10,000,001 | 15,000,000 |$56,617 |$114,954 |

| 15,000,001 | 20,000,000 |$62,278 |$122,791 |

| 20,000,001 | 25,000,000 |$68,506 |$130,629 |

|  |  |Includes: |Includes: |

| | |* e2 Web View to be used for e-Messaging only.|* Upgrade of the Retention period in Vault to |

| | |Retention period: 90 days |UNLIMITED. Always limited to content related |

| | |Excludes: |to e-Messaging |

| | |* the SMS gateway connection and click charge | |

|  |  |These base configurations exclude e2 Web View |  |

|  |  |If a customer already has e2 then either: |  |

| | |- Apply 20% dicount to the above prices or | |

| | |- Provide required e2 "collection' ingestion | |

| | |format | |

| | |- * Note if customer already has e2 then they | |

| | |will need to pay to increase their monthly | |

| | |ingestion volume to accommodate archiving of | |

| | |SMS too. | |

Maintenance - 18% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee

Perpetual Pricing

|e-Messaging for EMAIL |

|Tiered Pricing: "emails sent or received per month" |

|From |To | License Fee | e2 Vault Upgrade |

| 1| 10,000 |$11,889 |  |

| 10,001 | 20,000 |$20,805 |  |

| 20,001 | 100,000 |$31,505 |$17,127 |

| 100,001 | 250,000 |$36,230 |$27,404 |

| 250,001 | 500,000 |$41,665 |$37,679 |

| 500,001 | 1,000,000 |$47,914 |$47,955 |

| 1,000,001 | 2,000,000 |$55,101 |$58,232 |

| 2,000,001 | 3,000,000 |$63,367 |$68,507 |

| 3,000,001 | 4,000,000 |$72,872 |$78,784 |

| 4,000,001 | 5,000,000 |$83,803 |$89,060 |

| 5,000,001 | 6,000,000 |$92,183 |$99,336 |

| 6,000,001 | 7,000,000 |$101,401 |$109,612 |

| 7,000,001 | 8,000,000 |$115,541 |$119,888 |

| 8,000,001 | 9,000,000 |$122,695 |$130,164 |

| 9,000,001 | 10,000,000 |$134,965 |$140,441 |

| 10,000,001 | 15,000,000 |$148,462 |$150,717 |

| 15,000,001 | 20,000,000 |$163,308 |$160,992 |

| 20,000,001 | 25,000,000 |$179,638 |$171,269 |

|  |  |Includes: |Includes: |

| | |* e2 Web View to be used for e-Messaging only.|* Upgrade of the Retention period in Vault to |

| | |Retention period: 90 days. 2 render engines. |UNLIMITED. Always limited to content related |

| | |e2 Vault ingestion driver: "Collection" |to e-Messaging |

| | |Excludes: | |

| | |* email (SMTP) server | |

| | |* 1 DOC1 Designer Lic | |

| | |* 1 DOC1 Generate Lic | |

| | |* Drivers: linedata, eHTML & PDF | |

|  |  |These base configurations exclude e2 Web View |  |

|  |  |If a customer already has e2 then either: |  |

| | |- Apply 20% dicount to the above prices or | |

| | |- Provide required e2 "collection' ingestion | |

| | |format | |

| | |- * Note if customer already has e2 then they | |

| | |will need to pay to increase their monthly | |

| | |ingestion volume to accommodate archiving of | |

| | |emails too. | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|e-Messaging for SMS |

|Tiered Pricing: "SMS sent or received per month" |

|From |To | License Fee | e2 Vault Upgrade |

| 1| 10,000 |$5,944 |  |

| 10,001 | 20,000 |$10,402 |  |

| 20,001 | 100,000 |$15,752 |$17,127 |

| 100,001 | 250,000 |$18,115 |$27,404 |

| 250,001 | 500,000 |$20,032 |$37,679 |

| 500,001 | 1,000,000 |$23,957 |$47,955 |

| 1,000,001 | 2,000,000 |$27,551 |$58,232 |

| 2,000,001 | 3,000,000 |$31,683 |$68,507 |

| 3,000,001 | 4,000,000 |$36,436 |$78,784 |

| 4,000,001 | 5,000,000 |$41,902 |$89,060 |

| 5,000,001 | 6,000,000 |$46,092 |$99,336 |

| 6,000,001 | 7,000,000 |$50,701 |$109,612 |

| 7,000,001 | 8,000,000 |$55,771 |$119,888 |

| 8,000,001 | 9,000,000 |$61,348 |$130,164 |

| 9,000,001 | 10,000,000 |$67,483 |$140,441 |

| 10,000,001 | 15,000,000 |$74,231 |$150,717 |

| 15,000,001 | 20,000,000 |$81,654 |$160,992 |

| 20,000,001 | 25,000,000 |$89,819 |$171,269 |

|  |  |Includes: |Includes: |

| | |* e2 Web View to be used for e-Messaging only.|* Upgrade of the Retention period in Vault to |

| | |Retention period: 90 days |UNLIMITED. Always limited to content related |

| | |Excludes: |to e-Messaging |

| | |* the SMS gateway connection and click charge | |

|  |  |These base configurations exclude e2 Web View |  |

|  |  |If a customer already has e2 then either: |  |

| | |- Apply 20% dicount to the above prices or | |

| | |- Provide required e2 "collection' ingestion | |

| | |format | |

| | |- * Note if customer already has e2 then they | |

| | |will need to pay to increase their monthly | |

| | |ingestion volume to accommodate archiving of | |

| | |SMS too. | |

Maintenance - 18% of the GSA DOC1 Generate Discounted License Fee

Term Pricing

|Servers a la Carte |Processor Model |Server + User Tier Model|

|Data Load Server (64 bit Windows version) |$29,469 |n/a |

|Does not include client tools. |2 Processors | |

|Data Access Server (64 bit Windows version) |$38,537 |$18,135 |

| |4 Processors |per server |

|Specify Solaris or Windows. Does not include client tools. | |user tiers not included |

|WebLink Server (64 bit Windows version) |$29,469 |$11,334 |

| |4 Processors |per server |

|Does not include client tools. | |user tiers not included |

|Additional Data Load Processors(64 bit Windows version) Each Processor |$9,068 |n/a |

| | | |

|Additional Data Access Processors(64 bit Windows version) Each Processor |$11,335 |n/a |

| | | |

| | | |

|Additional WebLink Processors(64 bit Windows version) Each Processor |$9,068 |n/a |

| | | |

| | | |

Perpetual Pricing

|Servers a la Carte |Processor Model |Server + User Tier Model|

|Data Load Server (64 bit Windows version) |$38,638 |n/a |

|Does not include client tools. |2 Processors | |

|Data Access Server (64 bit Windows version) |$50,526 |$23,777 |

| |4 Processors |per server |

|Specify Solaris or Windows. Does not include client tools. | |user tiers not included |

|WebLink Server (64 bit Windows version) |$38,638 |$14,861 |

| |4 Processors |per server |

|Does not include client tools. | |user tiers not included |

|Additional Data Load Processors(64 bit Windows version) Each Processor |$11,888 |n/a |

| | | |

|Additional Data Access Processors(64 bit Windows version) Each Processor |$14,861 |n/a |

| | | |

| | | |

|Additional WebLink Processors(64 bit Windows version) Each Processor |$11,888 |n/a |

| | | |

Address Now Module – Term Pricing

|Workstation Pricing |

| |SIN 132-32 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Term |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|Address Now Module Client/Server | | | |

|United States |$16,322 |20% of GSA |$9,874 |

|Canada |$16,322 |Discounted |$9,874 |

|International |$16,322 |License Fees |See Page 82. |

|Address Now Module Batch | | | |

|United States |$16,322 |20% of GSA |$9,874 |

|Canada |$16,322 |Discounted |$9,874 |

|International |$16,322 |License Fees |See Page 82. |

|Address Now Module Web | | | |

|United States |$36,723 |20% of GSA |$9,874 |

|Canada |$36,723 |Discounted |$9,874 |

|International |$36,723 |License Fees |See Page 82. |

Address Now Module– Perpetual Pricing

|Workstation Pricing |

| |SIN 132-33 |SIN 132-34 |SIN 132-34 |

| |Perpetual |Annual |Annual |

| |License |Maintenance |Subscription |

|Address Now Module Client/Server | | | |

|United States |$21,399 |20% of GSA |$9,874 |

|Canada |$21,399 |Discounted |$9,874 |

|International |$21,399 |License Fees |See Page 93 |

|Address Now Module Batch | | | |

|United States |$21,399 |20% of GSA |$9,874 |

|Canada |$21,399 |Discounted |$9,874 |

|International |$21,399 |License Fees |See Page 93 |

|Address Now Module Web | | | |

|United States |$48,148 |20% of GSA |$9,874 |

|Canada |$48,148 |Discounted |$9,874 |

|International |$48,148 |License Fees |See Page 93 |

SIN 132-34 Annual Subscription for Address Now Module International

Country – Level 2 - Americas $5,038


Antigua and Barbuda







British Virgin Islands

Cayman Islands






El Salvador







Netherlands Antilles




Saint Kitts and Nevis

Saint Lucia

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines



Trinidad and Tobago

Country -  Level 2 – Asia $5,038




Christmas Islands

Cook Islands

East Timor









Norfolk Island

North Korea

Solomon Islands






Wallis and Futuna Islands

 Country -  Level 2 – EMEA $5,038






Burkina Faso



Central African Republic




Democratic Republic of Congo



Equatorial Guinea



French Southern Territories











Ivory Coast

















Sao Tome and Principe

Saudi Arabia



Sierra Leone



Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands







United Arab Emirates


Western Sahara




SIN 132-34 Annual Subscription for Address Now Module International

 Country -  Level 3 – Americas $5,038

American Samoa

Costa Rica

Dominican Republic

Falkland Islands


Marshall Islands



Saint Pierre and Miquelon

South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands

Turks and Caicos Islands



 Country -  Level 3 – Asia $5,038


Brunei Darussalam


Cocos (Keeling) Islands

French Polynesia




New Caledonia

Northern Mariana Islands


Papua New Guinea


Pitcairn Islands

Sri Lanka


 Country -  Level 3 – EMEA $5,038






Bosnia and Herzegovina


Cape Verde



Faroe Islands














Russian Federation

Saint Helena

Serbia and Montenegro



South Africa





 Country -  Level 4 – Americas $5,038


French Guiana





Puerto Rico

Virgin Islands

 Country -  Level 4 – Asia $5,038

Hong Kong


New Zealand


South Korea


SIN 132-34 Annual Subscription for Address Now Module International

 Country -  Level 4 – EMEA $5,038



Czech Republic



















Premium Regions

France $25,188

Germany $25,188

Ireland $5,038

Japan $5,038

Mexico – Partial Street Data $5,038

Mexico – Full Street Data $25,188

Netherlands $25,188

Switzerland $5,038

United Kingdom – Delivery Point Level $25,188

United Kingdom – Street Level $5,038

Australia $5,038

Belgium $25,188

Brazil $25,188

Unicode (All) $25,188

24x 7 Premium Support Maintenance Plan

Products Maintenance Fee

Enterprise Geocoding Module (batch, Web or C\S) $2,015

Location Intelligence Module (batch, Web or Client\Server) $3,000

Mail360 (per module) $2,015

VeriMove with Delivery Point Validation and LACSLink Express $2,015

Universal Addressing Module (per component) $2,015

CDQP Core $2,015

CDQP Core Web $2,015

Data Quality Connector (per module) $2,015

Data Flow $2,015

Global Sentry $2,015

Universal Name Module batch, C\S or Web $680

Data Normalization Module batch, C\S or Web $831

Advanced Matching Module $2,015

Enterprise Tax Module (batch, Web or Client\Server) $2,015

Data Governance Suite $756


24x7 Premium Support plans are available by product.

After $7,556 in 24x7 Premium Support Fees, a company may receive 24x7 on all products already current on maintenance. 24x7 Premium Support Fees are in addition to base maintenance fees and must be purchased to align with base maintenance expiration date.

24 x 7 Premium Support Maintenance Plan (Workstation or Mainframe)

|Products |Maintenance Fee |

|Barcoded Bag\Tray Tag Option |$214 |

|Business Merge\Purge\ Business Merge\Purge Plus |$1,033 |

|Canadian CODE-1 Plus |$2,015 |

|Centrus Merge\Purge |$831 |

|Centrus Points Level Geocoding Option |$1,007 |

|CODE-1 Plus International |$2,015 |

|CODE-1 Plus or Finalist |$2,015 |

|Data Flow |$2,015 |

|Data Quality Connector |$2,015 |

|DataSight |$2,015 |

|Demographics batch, Web or Client/Server |$1,259 |

|EZ-Case Plus batch, Web or Client/Server |$519 |

|GDL batch, Web or Client/Server |$1,511 |

|Generalized Selection \ Generalized Selection Plus |$680 |

|Geographic Coding Plus batch, Web or Client/Server |$415 |

|GeoStan batch, Web or Client/Server, ES |$2,015 |

|GeoStan International ES batch, Web or Client/Server |$2,015 |

|GeoTAX batch, Web ES or Client/Server ES |$2,015 |

|GeoTAX Matrix |$2,015 |

|I\O JET \ I\O JET Plus |$705 |

|Labels Printing Plus |$214 |

|List Conversion \ List Conversion Plus |$630 |

|MailStream Plus/Palletization Plus |$2,015 |

|Manifest Reporting Plus |$415 |

|Merge\Purge Client/Server or Interactive |$831 |

|Merge\Purge Plus\Consumer Merge\Purge |$831 |

|POSTNET Barcoding Option |$214 |

|Profile Plus |$756 |

|Sagent |$2,015 |

|SortStream Canada |$2,015 |

|Spatial+ batch, Web or Client/Server |$1,511 |

|StreamWeaver (per component) |$2,015 |

|Universal Addressing Module (per component) |$2,015 |

|VeriMove with Delivery Point Validation and LACSLink |$2,015 |


• 24x7 Premium Support plans are available by product.

• After $7,556 in 24x7 Premium Support Fees, a company may receive 24x7 on all products already

current on maintenance. 24x7 Premium Support Fees are in addition to base maintenance fees and must be purchased to align with base maintenance expiration date.


User Seat - An individual employed by customer authorized by customer to use the Licensed Products regardless of whether the individual is actively using the Licensed Products at any given time.

Processor - A single processing unit with a single core.

Record Volume Licenses - Record volume licenses are based on the number of Records submitted to a licensed product during a specific twelve (12) month period. “Record” is defined as a single address submitted to a licensed product for processing. If a customer plans to exceed the maximum number of Records permitted under the license, customer must notify Pitney Bowes Software Inc. in writing. As a result, Pitney Bowes Software Inc. will require payment for the price difference between the fees previously paid by customer for the license, maintenance and, if applicable, subscription services and the then current list price of the license, maintenance and, if applicable, subscription services required to meet the new Record volume processing needs. Many of the Pitney Bowes Software Inc. products contain a counter that shall interrupt a customer’s use of the licensed product if the permitted Record volume restriction is reached. Pitney Bowes Software Inc. reserves the right to use license management to monitor Record volume counts. The increase in maintenance and, if applicable, subscription services must be prorated to the end of the existing maintenance term.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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