Manager’s Perspective on Hotel Outsourcing Services

[Pages:9]Proceedings of the Seventh Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Social Sciences (AP16Malaysia Conference) ISBN: 978-1-943579-81-5

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 15-17, July 2016. Paper ID: KL626

Manager's Perspective on Hotel Outsourcing Services

Naresh Nayak P, Manipal University, India. E-mail:

Anusha Pai, Manipal University, India. E-mail:

Narayan Prabhu, Manipal University, India. E-mail:

Akshay Khurana, Manipal University, India. ___________________________________________________________________________________

Abstract The aim of the study is to find out the managers' perspective of outsourcing in luxury hotels. It analyses the pros and cons as well as the hindrances related to outsourcing of hotel services. The sample consisted of 61 hotel managers, who were working in selected 5 star hotels in New Delhi, capital city of India. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire. The result of the study shows that, cost reduction is the primary motive for outsourcing among luxury hotels in the study area. Outsourcing services majorly occurs in hotel housekeeping and food and beverage departments. ___________________________________________________________________________ Key Words: Outsourcing, Hospitality, Housekeeping Services, Cost reduction, New Delhi


Proceedings of the Seventh Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Social Sciences (AP16Malaysia Conference) ISBN: 978-1-943579-81-5

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 15-17, July 2016. Paper ID: KL626

1. Introduction

In India, various 5 star hotels like TAJ Group of hotels, Marriot hotels and Hyatt are among the few that have adopted outsourcing facilities. (Kaushik, 2015) Delhi being the most attractive tourist destination attracts a large number of travelers. Areas of travel are divided in 3 parts; first, old Victorian architecture - colonial made, dynasties of Indraprastha and Qutab minar, Purana Qila, India gate, chandni chowk, Laal Qila etc. (maps of India, 2015) Since it has a huge amount of tourist and is one of the leading cities of the country, the presence of the 5 star hotels are wide spread. The city has various brands of luxury hotels like Hyaat, Marriot's, TAJ Group, ITC luxury collection, Starwood hotels and many more. The 5star hotels in Delhi also have the highest amount of Average room revenue which is 9400 Rs followed by Mumbai. Due to increasing competition and demand various hotel chain giants are now planning to make a move to Delhi in the coming years. ITC Maurya situated in Delhi is one of the most luxurious properties in the city, it has been host to various heads of state including Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton. (Kaushik, 2015)

Outsourcing can be defined as an arrangement that has grown and developed over the years and is extremely popular in the market since the late 20th century. This service is very well established in the hotel industry that includes various housekeeping annual maintenance contracts as well as Banqueting and ODC'S (Outdoor catering services) and other services as well. (Gonzales, 2004) Outsourcing is a mechanism that can be used and adopted by hotels that are of independent origin and chain properties. Offshore outsourcing can be defined as a service in which the job is outsourced out of the country to another country where there is economic stability, where the labor cost are not so high For eg: Outsourcing of customer care center to another country or outsourcing of accounting services, An hotel may outsource its reservation unit to another country to control labor cost of the organization. Outsourcing of the finance department for the Hyatt Hotels have begun since 2010. Onshore outsourcing is a service in which the job is outsourced to an organization within the country for the purpose of service expertise and cost control. For e.g. AMC'S to housekeeping companies in hotels. (Gonzalez, 2011)

Outsourcing also eliminates the organization from the liability of providing various job benefits to the employees that have been adding to the additional cost of the enterprise The third party outsourcing firm would be an expert in their field with substantial amount of experience and history, overall providing a better output than the in-house staff and ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in consideration to the cost and the service quality provided. Outsourcing to a third party firm may give your organization an upper hand over your competitors in the market who choose to carry the burden themselves. Labor attrition is no


Proceedings of the Seventh Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Social Sciences (AP16Malaysia Conference) ISBN: 978-1-943579-81-5

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 15-17, July 2016. Paper ID: KL626

more the worry of the employer in the case of outsourcing, hence a sense of security is provided to the organization. (Agron, 1999)

Other than the beneficial factors the concept of outsourcing also comes with a variety of disadvantages which are the following. Outsourcing a business to a third party may reduce the company's control over the business process, due to this there might be a negative impact as you may not have the same level of control and oversight as you would usually. Offshore outsourcing has a major disadvantage ? Linguistic barrier. If a hotel outsources its customer grievance cell to another country there might be problems in communication. Hence before outsourcing a company must identify a potential gap that may occur. An outsourced organization may not have in depth knowledge about your firm and its client and may which may affect the business process in a negative manner. One of the very important factors of concern is service quality, the service quality provided by the third party may vary and may not be consistent as per the standards of the hotel which may put the brand image of the company in risk. Outsourcing also has a threat of security as there is no background profiles of the people working for the third party company hence it can be a termed as a potential threat. (Wickford, 2012) 1.1 Objectives of this Study 1. To assess the hotel outsourcing activities in 5 Star hotels in New Delhi. 2. To identify the perception of employees towards outsourcing activities in hotels.

2. Literature Review

Outsourcing appears as an option to minimize the problem of complexity (Crichton & Edgar, 1995). Moreover, the hotel sector is labor-intensive and outsourcing could become an alternative to reduce staff volumes (Delmotte & Sels, 2008). Finally, because the hotel industry is cyclical and seasonal, with high and low season periods, outsourcing can also provide a solution to face this volatility (Lamminmaki, 2009).The researcher understands that outsourcing/contract out is nothing but the assured affiliation amid a customer and a worker. Contract out is categorized by the fact that the services would be carried within the customers company but it always achieves some advantage to it. Hotels around the world have already started engaging in outsourcing activities of the core operational departments and the nonoperational departments (Misek 2000). Outsourcing has become a recurrent strategy in hotel management during the last few years (Donada & Nogatchewsky, 2009), which is not strange considering the peculiarities of this sector (Lamminmaki, 2008). On the one hand, since one distinctive feature of hotels is the complexity arising from the diversity of tasks which are performed there (rooms, cleaning, catering, reservations, laundry)


Proceedings of the Seventh Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Social Sciences (AP16Malaysia Conference) ISBN: 978-1-943579-81-5

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 15-17, July 2016. Paper ID: KL626

The use of outsourcing enables firms to maximize their resources and reinforce their competitive advantage. However, this approach to the concept has not always existed, as the concept of outsourcing has evolved and there have been several different reasons why many firms are today opting to outsource their services. According to different authors such as Gildro?n and Rueda (1998) and McIvor (2000), the motivation to outsource is adopting an increasingly tactical profile, as a search for the short term achievement of results, in particular in terms of cost reduction, together with a more strategic perspective aiming to attain and maintain competitive advantage.

"Contract out, globalization of trade permits businesses to decrease costs, aids shoppers through poorer price goods and chattels and facilities, causes monetary growth that moderates redundancy, and upsurges efficiency. (Larry Elder 2014). As a part of the introduction I would now be giving a brief picture of the advantages of outsourcing various facilities, services and staff in a hotel. The pros of an outsourcing staff and services in a hotel are primarily associated with Cost and Expertise in a specific area of business. One of the major advantage provided by this service of outsourcing is that the process of staffing and recruitment is done entirely by the third party company hence it eliminates the liability of the HR department of an hotel that involves recruitment, interviews and group discussions , training of the staff and so on.

An analysis of this perspective raises interesting questions from the point of view of the firm, since outsourcing can not only lead to cost savings, but it can also focus a firm's attention on those services which are of vital importance, encouraging a greater degree of flexibility on the part of the firm as well as a desire to take advantage of the capabilities of specialized suppliers and so obtain a greater degree of quality than would be possible if the processes in question were developed internally. Therefore, the obtaining of all these factors not only leads to improvements in the outsourced services, but also to improvements in the core services of the firm as a result of the increased concentration on the development of these core competences, all of which enables the firm to reinforce and improve its competitive position. Venkatraman (1993) opinions that contract out is a result of pressure by supply and demand. Tactical motive is associated to the upsurge in a company's deliberation on important proficiencies which relates to high levels of contracting out. (Dess et al., 1995) (Kotabe and Murray, 1990; Quinn, 1992).

3. Methodology

The research was conducted amongst the managers who were working in various 5 star properties in New Delhi. The questionnaire was administered through google docs. Responses received from 61 hotel managers (Senior Manager, Manager and Assistant Manager) was later coded based on their scale of measurement. The coded data was entered in excel sheet


Proceedings of the Seventh Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Social Sciences (AP16Malaysia Conference) ISBN: 978-1-943579-81-5

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 15-17, July 2016. Paper ID: KL626

and transferred to SPSS.v.16. a statistical software used by social science researchers. From a

management's point of view, outsourcing is something new which has received increased

attention in recent years. The justification of the increasing use can be found among the

various changes in the current business environment

4. Data Analysis

The first few questions in the questionnaire were regarding the demographics of the

respondents, the first question was about the age followed by gender, educational

qualification and designation of the respondent.











Post graduate


Senior. Manager


Asst. Manager

Table 1: Demographics of Respondents


Percentage (%)























According to the results the total sample size was 61, of which the number of the

respondents were maximum in the age group 20-30 years which is 45.9% where as 40.9%

were in the age group between 31-40 second and 13.1% in the age group 41-50. In the current

study 65% respondents were male and the remaining 34% of the respondents were females.

The results of the study represent that respondents consist of manager and departmental

heads from various 5 star hotels in New Delhi. Among the samples 30.8% were

undergraduates and equal respondents had completed their diploma and post-graduation i.e.

24.5% respectively. 14.7% respondents were senior managers followed by managers i.e.

34.4% and assistant managers which is 50.8%.

Service Outsourced Yes No

Table 2: Outsourcing Hotel Activities


Percentage (%)






Proceedings of the Seventh Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Social Sciences (AP16Malaysia Conference) ISBN: 978-1-943579-81-5

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 15-17, July 2016. Paper ID: KL626

95% of the managers believed that hotel activities should be outsourced to an outside

supplier whereas the remaining 5% believed that hotel activities should not be outsourced.

Table 3: Departments which Outsourced an Outside Supplier

Departments which outsourced an outside supplier Frequency

Percentage (%)

Housekeeping, Food and Beverage Department



Financial Services



Human Resource Department



Outsourcing is taking place in currently in various departments, the data collected

provided us results which were primarily one sided, various managers, supervisors

communicated that outsourcing majorly occurs in various units of housekeeping and F&B

department which are a part of the core functions. 91.8% revealed they outsource in only core

areas whereas 4.1% and 3.2% stated they have outsource finance and human resource


Table 4: Cross Tabs of Departments for Outsourcing with Designation and Education

Designation and Education

Department which outsourced


Housekeeping, Food and Beverage


Financial service

Human resource

Designation Senior Manager







11.1% 100%








9.1% 100%

Assistant Manager

28 93.3%

2 6.7%



.0% 100%

Education Total

Undergraduate Diploma Postgraduate

28 90.3%

13 86.7%

14 93.3%

55 90.2%

2 6.5%

1 6.7%

0 .0%

3 4.9%

1 3.2%

1 6.7%

1 6.7%

3 4.9%

31 100%

15 100%

15 100%

61 100%

The results of the cross tabulation between designation and educational qualification with

departments outsourced revealed that outsourcing services majorly occur in various units of

Housekeeping and Food and Beverage department i.e. 90.2%

Table 5: Factors Responsible for Outsourcing

Factor responsible for outsourcing of hotel activities Cost factor

Frequency 32

Service quality


Percentage (%)

52.4 42.6




This survey determined what are the primary reasons for outsourcing between cost factor or service quality, 52.4% employees revealed that cost factor is the primary factor responsible


Proceedings of the Seventh Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Social Sciences (AP16Malaysia Conference) ISBN: 978-1-943579-81-5

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 15-17, July 2016. Paper ID: KL626

for outsourcing whereas 42.6%employees said that service quality is the factor responsible for

outsourcing, whereas 4.9% believe there are other reasons for outsourcing.

Table 6: Cost Reduction

Outsourcing helps in cost reduction Yes No

Frequency 42 19

Percentage (%) 68.9 31.1

This question determined whether outsourcing contributes to cost reduction or not,

Majority responded that 68.9% 2said yes whereas 31.1% of the employees said it does not.

The survey also revealed the assistant managers and senior managers believed that

outsourcing was cost reducing i.e. 80% and 77.8% respectively. With respect to education,

majority of the undergraduates and post graduates believed that outsourcing was cost

reducing ie.87% and 60% respectively.

Table 7: In a Situation, where the Hotel Staff cannot Provide the Quality as Per the Standards of

the Hotel

To sustain quality as per standards


Percentage (%)

Invest on training/equipment's









Question revealed that 59% of the managers would invest in their training and equipment rather than outsource their facilities, whereas 41% said they would outsource the services.

Table 8

Benefits/Amount Invested/Standard Framework/ Disadvantages/ Third party hospitality 1. Do you think, outsourcing of hotel activities has some


2. Does the amount of investment on training/procuring new equipment influence your decision of outsourcing



57 (93.4%) 42 (68.9%)

4 (6.6%) 19(31.1%)

3. Do you use any standard framework while selecting a



supplier for hotel activities


4. Do you think outsourcing of hotel activities has some disadvantages 37(60.7%) 24(39.3%)

5. Do you believe third party hospitality firms can provide the same level of service

40(65.6%) 21(34.4%)

According to the study 93.4% of the managers believe outsourcing of activities has benefits, meanwhile the amount of investment on training, procuring new equipment influence about 68.9% of their decisions to outsource. Similarly 91.8% of hotel activities was outsourced based on a standard framework. 60.7% of the managers believed that outsourcing of hotel activities had some disadvantage. Only 65.6% managers said that third party hospitality firms can provide the same level of services.


Proceedings of the Seventh Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Social Sciences (AP16Malaysia Conference) ISBN: 978-1-943579-81-5

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 15-17, July 2016. Paper ID: KL626

Table 9: Satisfaction Level when the Hotel Activities are Outsourced

Satisfaction level when you outsource your hotel activities












Extremely poor






Employee's satisfaction level regarding the service quality revealed that 27.9% of the employees feel the service quality is good, 16.4% believe it is average, 54.1% believe it is poor and 1.6% believe it is extremely poor

5. Discussions and Conclusion

The current study revealed the perception of outsourcing activities by the managers of different hotels in New Delhi. This research pointed out that amongst the factors influencing the outsourcing activities, cost was one the main reasons (Robaina, 2005). Majority of the managers believed that hotel activities should be outsourced to an outside supplier. (Gonzalez, 2011). The Managers perspective about maintaining the quality as per the standards of hotel was mainly by investing on training and procurement of equipment's. i.e.59%. 93.4 % of managers believed that outsourcing of activities has benefits, meanwhile the amount of investment on training, procuring new equipment influence about 68.9% of their decisions to outsource. Similarly 91.8% of hotel activities was outsourced based on a standard framework. 60.7% of the managers believed that outsourcing of hotel activities had some disadvantage. Only 65.6% managers said that third party hospitality firms can provide the same level of services. Employee's satisfaction level regarding the service quality revealed that 27.9% of the employees feel the service quality is good. (Gonzalez, 2011)

Outsourcing is something new which has received increased attention in recent years. The justification of the increasing use can be found among the various changes in the current business environment. Currently majority of the 5 star hotels in New Delhi are outsourcing various functions of their hotel to outside suppliers. This study determines that majority of outsourcing is done in housekeeping and F&B departments, also there is outsourcing taking place in supporting ancillary departments like HR, finance etc. Majority of the employees believe that cost efficiency is the primary factor to outsource facilities whereas rest believe it's the service quality factor that influences the decision to adopt third party firms. One of the findings revealed management's decision to outsource depends on the level of investment on their training and equipment to achieve the required amount of quality. Most of the employees believe outsourcing has benefits and majority of them believe outsourcing firms can provide the same level of service as their hotel staff.



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