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Topic: Product Development in IndustryUnit 3 Outcome 2 Remote LearningLesson 1 & 2? Learning focus Learning Intension:To learn about the concept of Planned ObsolescenceTo learn about the different types of Planned ObsolescenceTo learn about the advantages and disadvantages associated with Planned obsolescenceTo learn about how one type of obsolescence applies to a company of your choice.Success CriteriaTo be able to explain the concept of Planned ObsolescenceTo be able to distinguish between the concepts of style, technical and functional obsolescenceTo be able to demonstrate how one type of obsolescence applies to a selected company of your choice.? Outline of set activities and tasks to be completed by students. Due Date: By next sessionComplete the following activities:What is meant by the term obsolescence?Define the concept of Planned ObsolescenceDistinguish between the concepts of style, technical and functional obsolescenceWhat are the advantages & disadvantages associated with planned obsolescence from the consumers & producers’ perspective?Research how one type of obsolescence applies to a company of your choice.? Relevant and useful links and resources Nelson Product Design & Technology VCE Units 1-4 pages 360View and take notes from the following video links: folio task as directed by the teacher31877011239500 This activity does not need to be uploaded. What feedback would you like to provide to your teacher about today’s lesson? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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