Energy Unit Project - Tiger Science with Ms. Renteria

Energy Unit Project – Instructions

You will be assigned one type of alternative energy that you will research and present to the class in a PowerPoint presentation, activity, game, or other project format to teach the class. Circle the energy alternative that you have been assigned:

□ Solar

□ Hydroelectric

□ Wind

□ Geothermal

□ Nuclear

□ Fuel Cells/Hydrogen

□ Biomass

You will be assessed according to the attached rubric. You will need to have visual representations and graphs to support your research. You will get extra points for creativity and going above and beyond the assignment tasks. Your activity must include the following:

□ How the energy is produced

□ Waste products produced

□ Where this type of energy is typically found, used, and/or stored

□ Advantages to this type of energy

□ Disadvantages to this type of energy

□ Interesting facts (efficiency, popularity, statistics, units of measurement, etc.)

□ At least 4 pictures/diagrams

□ At least 2 graphs

□ Works Cited to document your sources and where you got your information

You must turn in the following:

□ Copy of your slides (outline form or 6 slides per page)

□ Description of what each group member contributed to the project, if applicable

This is a lab grade– make sure you produce a quality presentation! You will also be graded on how much you helped your group prepare – it is possible that not all group members will get the same grade.


_______________ Information (65 points)

o How is it produced (10 points)

o Waste products (10 points)

o Where is it found/used/stored (10 points)

o Advantages (5 points)

o Disadvantages (5 points)

o Interesting Facts (10 points)

o At least 4 pictures (5 points)

o At least 2 graphs (5 points)

o Works Cited (5 points)

_______________ Presentation (10 points)

o Everyone had an equal role (5 points)

o Easy to hear and understand (5 points)

_______________ Peer Grade (15 points) Your classmates will grade your presentation on the following areas: pace/rate, ease of understanding, equality of presenters for an additional 15 points.

_______________ Group Evaluation (10 points) Your group will assess your contribution to the success of the presentation. This may cause you to not receive the same grade as your group members.

________________ / 100 Points Possible

Energy Project Suggested Internet Sites

Multiple Sources:

Energy Quest's Energy Story:

U.S Department of Energy:

Home Power:

U.S. Department of Energy – Sources:

Renewable/Inexhaustible sources:

Ollie Saves the Planet:

National Renewable Energy Laboratory:

Wind and Hydropower Technologies Program:

Infinite Power – Texas Energy Fact Sheet:

Energy Resources:

Tennessee Valley Authority – How TVA makes electricity:

Alternative Power:


White House goes Solar:

Smart World Energy – Texas:

Solar Energy Fact Sheet:

Solar Electric Power Association:

Clean Energy:

Solar Electricity Basics:


American Wind Energy Association:

Wind with Miller:

Wind Power: Denmark’s Guided Tour:

Skystream Wind Turbine (process):

National Renewable Energy Laboratory – Wind Energy basics:


Geothermal Information Office:

Geothermal Education Office:


NEI - Nuclear Energy Institute:

How Stuff Works – Nuclear Energy:

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission:

Nuclear Energy and Society:


WVIC's Facts about Hydropower:

U.S. Geological Society – Water Science for Schools:

Environmental Literacy Council:

Tennessee Valley Authority - Hydroelectric Power:


Waste to Energy:

EERE: Biomass information for students:

Fuel without the Fossil – NYT article:


Renewable Energy World: [pic]


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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