1 Using ICT - Townley

Key Stage 3 ICT: Unit 7.1 Using ICT

(7 Lessons) YEAR 7

About the unit

In this unit pupils create an advert using Moviemaker for a topic within E-Safety; using text, images and sound. In creating their advert, pupils are expected to be sensitive to the needs of their audience. Pupils should use a variety of ICT based information sources to research their given topic within E-Safety, they should refine and organise their information as required.

The unit gives pupils the opportunity to learn about a variety of general topics, such as rules for working with ICT, saving and printing, respecting other people's work and keeping drafts for assessment portfolios. It also prepares pupils for working in a networked ICT room.

The unit is expected to take approximately 7 lessons, including the first 2 lessons for introductions to the ICT Department and the KS3 baseline Assessments using YacaPaca.

Where the unit fits in

Introductory unit at beginning of Autumn Term for new Year 7. Most Year 7 pupils will have experience of using both PowerPoint and MovieMaker in their primary school.

Expectations at the end of this unit:

Most pupils will: use a multimedia authoring package to organise, refine and present a set of linked multimedia pages, which incorporate images, sounds and text; use ICT to search several sources to find information for specific purposes; select appropriate information, checking it for accuracy and bias; use ICT to structure, refine and communicate information

Some pupils will not have made so much progress and will: use a multimedia authoring package to assemble images, sound and text on a multimedia page; understand the need to frame questions carefully when selecting information; use a

range of strategies to select material appropriate to their purpose and

identify the source/originator; use ICT to present, structure and communicate information showing an awareness of audience,

Some pupils will have progressed further and will: use a multimedia package to organise, refine and present a set of linked multimedia pages, which incorporate images, sound and text; create pages which offer users a variety of options; present information that matches the needs of the audience; develop and refine work

using information from a variety of sources; present their ideas in a variety of ways and demonstrate a clear sense of audience

Language for learning

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|Learning Objectives |Possible Teaching Activities |Homework |Thinker’s Keys |

|Pupils should: |Assessment / Resources | | |

| |Including opportunities for Personalised Learning, AFL, and APP | | |

|Lesson 1 – Introductions, Using IT rooms, Using a Computer Network |

|Understand what a computer network is |Class Lists/Introductions |Computer Networks worksheet OR Health|How can the following images |

|Understand the advantages and disadvantages of using|Passwords and User ID |& Safety Poster |relate to H&S in ICT? |

|a network |IT room rules, Code of Conduct, using ‘RulesCodeOfConductGrades.doc’ | |What would we do without a |

| |Health & Safety in relation to using the ICT rooms | |network? |

| |Introduction to Computer Networks; PPT in Learning Resources | | |

| Lesson 2 - |

|Be able to save files using appropriate file names |Create folder structure in own network area |Brainstorm issues concerning |What’s wrong with this image? |

|and organise files in a hierarchical folder |KS3 Baseline assessments using YacaPaca |E-Safety |(show image of a badly organized |

|structure |Introduction to ESafety and project. Discussion; online safety. | |network area) |

|Complete Baseline Assessments using YacaPaca | | | |

|Lesson 3 - |

|Be able to describe what is meant by E-Safety |Form groups (5 groups of 4 or similar), allocate a different E-Safety topic to each student within |Complete storyboard of movie for |Brainstorm ideas of what eSafety |

|Understand requirements of design for their movie |the group and relevant guidance notes for that topic. E Safety topics are: |allocated topic, research for movie; |means for them |

| |Using the Internet safely |images and information |What strategies could you use to |

| |Chat rooms/Instant messaging | |help your friend to understand |

| |Using Email | |how to keep safe online? |

| |Mobile phones/mobile internet | |Utilise images for each ESafety |

| |Peer to peer networks | |topic to generate discussion |

| |Introduce Movie Maker, requirements of design using the storyboard. | | |

|Lesson 4 |

|Be able to understand the advantages and |Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Peer to Peer Networks |Moviemaker, upload to Moodle |Justify this statement – “We |

|disadvantages of Peer to Peer Networks |Guide the pupils to other resources for the different topics for more research |Research and collect images/text |shouldn’t be allowed to download |

|combine text, images, tables and sounds from a |Show/explain how to collect Images/Music (for specific file types see Importing Images etc). | |material from the Internet and |

|number of sources to convey meaning |Independent work in Moviemaker | |use it for ourselves |

| | | |Peer Assessment and use BAR to |

| | | |improve the Storyboard design |

| Lesson 5 |

|Be able to understand the advantages and |Discuss the advantages/disadvantages of Instant Messaging and Using Email |Work on adding more |The answer is “Because they were |

|disadvantages of Instant Messaging and Using Email |Independent work in Moviemaker |clips to Movie |scared”, what would 5 possible |

|combine text, images, tables and sounds from a | | |questions be? |

|number of sources to convey meaning | | | |

|Lesson 6 |

|Be able to understand the advantages and |Discuss the advantages/disadvantages of Using the Internet safely |Work on adding more |What if - the Internet was not |

|disadvantages of using the Internet Safely |Independent work in Moviemaker |clips to Movie |available? To discuss issues of |

|combine text, images, tables and sounds from a | | |safety whilst using the Internet |

|number of sources to convey meaning | | | |

|Lesson 7 |

|Be able to understand the advantages and |Discuss the advantages/disadvantages of Mobile phones/mobile internet |Complete Movie |Find 10 different uses for a |

|disadvantages of Mobile phones/mobile internet |Starter: Share movies so far (maximum 3), peer evaluation, use feedback to improve (in pairs) | |Mobile Phone |

|Networks combine text, images, tables and sounds |Whole class: Peer to peer networks and email discussion | | |

|from a number of sources to convey meaning |Independent work in Moviemaker | | |

| |Creating a power-point and embedding movies as a group | | |

|Lesson 8 |

|Presenting the Solution |Explanation of Evaluation |Complete Evaluation | |

| |Pupils to present their E-Safety power-point/movie | | |

|full |  |  |

|1.1 Using data & info sources |b. |create information from data for specific purposes and audiences, and recognise how the presentation of|

| | |information can affect its validity and bias |

|1.2 Searching & selecting |e. |acknowledge sources and recognise copyright |

|1.3 Organising & investigating |a. |save files using appropriate file names and organise files in a hierarchical folder structure |

|3.2 Refining & presenting info |a. |use ICT to improve their work through drafting and refining |

|3.2 Refining & presenting info |b. |combine text, images, tables and sounds from a number of sources to convey meaning |

|3.2 Refining & presenting info |c. |match the content and style of their work to the audience and purpose |

|3.3 Communicating |a. |capture, store and exchange information digitally by a variety of means |

|3.3 Communicating |b. |use digital communication to share information and collaborate with others for a purpose |

|3.3 Communicating |c. |recognise the risks associated with the sharing of personal information digitally and to take actions |

| | |to protect themselves |

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|partial |  |  |

|1.1 Using data & info sources |a. |use information from primary or secondary sources |

|1.1 Using data & info sources |c. |combine and refine information and data sources to answer and pose questions |

|1.2 Searching & selecting |a. |select information for a task from a range of sources and be aware of the relative strengths and |

| | |weaknesses of these sources |

|1.2 Searching & selecting |b. |frame searches in an appropriate and considered way in relation to the required results |

|1.2 Searching & selecting |d. |use search terms correctly |

|1.3 Organising & investigating |i. |check whether the ICT tools they use are appropriate for the task |

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|optional |  |  |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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