1. Money, money, money!

Apprenticeships vs Universities – Articles resourceArticle 1: Advantages of apprenticeships - Kent training and apprenticeships. Money, money, money!Unlike university, when you have an apprenticeship you earn a salary whilst you learn (plus the apprenticeship training you receive is free!). It won’t be a high salary to begin with, but it is enough to provide you with the things you want. An apprenticeship means you won’t come out with any debt, meaning you will have a better credit rating.2. On the job experienceDoing an apprenticeship gives you real workplace experience, and will direct you immediately onto the career ladder, giving you the chance to find out what is best for you. 3. EmployabilityBusinesses are drawn to taking on apprentices. Not only this, but some employers prefer their employees having practical hands-on workplace experience rather than just a degree. A recent survey of 500 of the top firms in England even found that apprentices are 15% more employable compared to those with other qualifications.4. What’s on paperThose who go to university come out with a formal undergraduate qualification by the end (a Bachelor’s Degree), and apprentices also come out with a formal qualification (such as an NVQ or BTEC). Both an apprenticeship and a degree produce professional qualifications – but only apprenticeship qualifications are free.5. Do it like the prosAn added bonus of doing an apprenticeship is that you will be able to learn from the professionals who are renowned for what they do. Overall, you will be able to get an on-the-job look into how particular processes are done, by the people who know what they’re doing.Article 2: The Disadvantages of Being an Apprentice by Neil Kokemuller HYPERLINK "" An apprentice works closely with an experienced professional in a particular field to learn the ropes before entering the job full time. Apprenticeships are common in craft and trade careers, such as construction and carpentry. In fact, some states and industry associations require that you complete formal apprenticeships to obtain certifications or licenses. Though they receive valuable training, apprentices often face some disadvantages.Low PayApprentices typically receive significantly lower pay than certified or professional workers, despite often sharing in the same basic projects and tasks. This is generally because an apprentice is less experienced and skilled than his mentor. Plus, it takes time for the mentor to train an apprentice. Low RecognitionAn apprenticeship is a hands-on learning experience, though some programmes include in-class training as well. A challenge for an ambitious apprentice is that you work directly with a professional in completing projects, but you typically don't get much, if any, of the recognition from clients or customers. Apprentices are also usually less esteemed within a project team or work team compared to full-time workers that have bonded with each other and respect each other as professionals.Work LimitationsEven though you do get to complete a lot of hands-on work, some apprentices are limited from engaging in some types of activities by legal or practical standards. You may be required to hold a license or certification for certain types of electrical, plumbing or construction work may prevent an apprentice taking part.Article 3: The benefits of a degree - Abertay University of a DegreeDeciding whether or not to go to university is one of the most important decisions of your life and will definitely shape your future career. You will have many things to consider such as which course is right for you, moving away from home, leaving old friends (and making new ones), and what you hope to achieve in the future.University life also offers you personal development and allows you intellectual curiosity - and let's not forget it can also be fun.What Are the Benefits of Having a Degree?Many people who go to university have not decided on their future career, but studying for a degree gives you more time to make up your mind.The application process is made easy by UCAS, the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service. You can search for universities and courses on its website and it also provides plenty of advice to help you make your decisions.Research suggests that:Graduates enjoy higher quality jobs than non-graduatesGraduates enjoy better health outcomes, by being less likely to smoke, more likely to exercise, and less prone to depressionGraduates’ children also benefit from the educational success of their parents: graduates tend to have a greater involvement with their child’s educationGraduates are more influential in the community, by being active citizens who are more likely to vote and participate in voluntary activitiesGraduates show positive attitudes towards diversity and equal opportunities, such as on race and gender equality issuesArticle 4: Disadvantages of going to university - WH Magazine the many advantages associated with getting a university education; this isn’t a path that everyone wants to take. Although having a university education can open up a wider range of job opportunities, if you don’t need a degree to pursue the career you’re interested in, why bother?After all, obtaining a university education isn’t cheap. It may be reasonably easy to get a student loan, but the money has to be paid back in the end. There is increasing competition to get into the best universities.You not only have to pay tuition fees; you also have to find the money to pay for accommodation, nights out, as well as books and other bits and pieces that are required for your studies.You might be tempted to get a job while you study, but it can be extremely difficult combining a job and your studies, if you don’t want your grades to suffer. There is no guarantee you will end up in a well-paid job, and so you could be left with debts that you are unable to pay off.University can be an intimidating place to be, and you may not feel like you belong there, especially if no-one in your family has ever been to university. It doesn’t help that going to university usually means leaving home; you can find yourself missing friends and family, which may affect your studies.You may not enjoy the subject you have chosen to study, but feel you ought to stick at it, even though you know for the next three or four years you are going to really struggle to motivate yourself. ................

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