Sales Onboarding Checklist - Brainshark




10 Essential Activities

Let*s be honest: onboarding salespeople

through the cracks on your reps* road to

can be hard.

being fully ramped.

There are so many moving parts involved

What milestones must your new reps

in getting new reps ready to sell 每 from

achieve before they*re ready to start

leading workshops and creating content,

selling? This eBook presents a handy

to coordinating with sales managers

list of 10 key activities every sales

and other departments 每 that it can be

onboarding program should include

tough to cover every base. But as a sales

每 whether you*re refining an existing

enablement or training leader, you*re

strategy or building one from scratch.

tasked with ensuring nothing falls

49% of high-performing sellers view

onboarding as ※very to extremely important§

when considering a new position

每 SiriusDecisions

Sales Onboarding Checklist:

10 Essential Activities

1. Pre-Boarding

6. Pre-Call Planning

2. Buyer Personas

7. Prospecting

3. Product Training

8. First Sales Interaction

4. Competitive Differentiation

9. Demo Call

5. Territory and Account Planning

10. Follow-Up




Accelerate Rep

Learning with


Quick Tip

A sales readiness platform like Brainshark

makes it easy to create microlearning

courses that keep reps engaged throughout

the onboarding process. For instance, you

could share a welcome video from the CEO

or a short introduction to the company*s sales

strategy and market opportunities.

Pre-boarding is a helpful way to ease new

hires into the onboarding experience before

their official start dates. It allows sales

enablement to quickly familiarize new sellers

with key members of the company, jumpstart

the onboarding process with a pre-learning

content package, and ensure important to-do

items (such as hardware and software setup)

have been completed.

Pre-boarding content should present a highlevel introduction to the company 每 covering

topics such as its history, strategy, value prop

and target industries 每 that takes 10 minutes

or less to complete. Include a short quiz at the

end to test reps* understanding of this basic


Read more: Pre-Boarding for Sales: 6 Ways to

Prime New Reps for Onboarding



CEO Introduction

Market Opportunities

Welcome Video

Our Values


Quick Tip

Ask your new salespeople

to describe what they know

about a specific buyer persona

and have them share their

response with a manager. Look

for key details when grading

the responses. For example,

does the rep have a good grasp

of the persona*s objectives,

KPIs, competitive pressures,

or where they sit within the



Buyer Personas

Meet Blended


Your company only exists because of

its buyers. Who are they? What matters

to them, and how do they measure

success? What business problems are

they trying to overcome? The better new

reps understand who your buyers are

and what they do, the faster they can

build productive client relationships.

Your training should cover key details

for each buyer persona, such as common

responsibilities, job titles, and KPIs.

But it should also provide a deeper

level of context around the challenges,

risks and fears that affect each role.

For example, if the buyer is often under

pressure to reduce costs, your reps need

to understand which factors are at play.


That*s why it*s helpful to use a blended

learning approach that highlights buyer

persona basics with short eLearning

content, and then reinforces and builds

on that information during a more

in-depth live training session.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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