Is planning ahead better than playing by ear?

[Pages:8]Planning ahead vs. playing by ear

--Is planning ahead better than playing by ear?



Answer the following questions.

1. Do you usually make plans to accomplish your tasks? Why?

2. Should plans be subject to change? Why or why not?


Is planning ahead better than playing by ear? Choose a side and defend your answer.

Planning ahead...

? guides you toward your goals

+ ? helps you foresee possible challenges ? allows for task details to be carefully considered

- ? is usually time-consuming ? does not guarantee expected results ? can be limiting

Playing by ear...

? encourages spontaneity in

+ decision-making ? encourages adaptability in challenging situations ? develops problem-solving skills - ? can be costly ? can result in sloppy output ? can cause confusion when it comes to deadlines


Arguments for: I believe planning ahead is better than playing by ear. Support your idea with details by choosing from the box below.

IDEA BANK: Advantages of planning ahead

Main idea 1: guides you toward your goals Supporting details: know what to do next

Main idea 2: helps you foresee possible challenges Supporting details: ________________

Main idea 3: allows for task details to be carefully considered Supporting details: ________________

IDEA BANK: Disadvantages of playing by ear

Main idea 1: can be costly Supporting details: budget can be exceeded when decisions are not carefully thought out

Main idea 2: can result in sloppy output Supporting details:________________

Main idea 3: can cause confusion when it comes to deadlines Supporting details: ________________

1. know what to do next

4. possible obstacles can be looked into

2. task details are not well thought out

during planning

3. budget can be exceeded if decisions are 5. deadlines can be missed

not carefully thought out

6. enough time to sort out important details


Do you think planning ahead is better than playing by ear? Express your views thoroughly. Use what you learned in the last slide and your own ideas.

I believe that planning ahead is better than playing by ear. Planning ahead helps you foresee challenges because possible obstacles can be looked into during planning. In contrast, playing by ear can be costly. The project or task budget can be exceeded when decisions are not carefully thought out.


Arguments against: I don't believe planning ahead is better than playing by ear. Support your idea with details by choosing from the box below.

IDEA BANK: Advantages of playing by ear

Main idea 1: encourages spontaneity in decision-making Supporting details: decisions are made immediately

Main idea 2: encourages adaptability in challenging situations Supporting details: ________________

Main idea 3: develops problem-solving skills Supporting details: ________________

IDEA BANK: Disadvantages of planning ahead

Main idea 1: is usually time-consuming Supporting details: takes time to discuss and record task details and specifics

Main idea 2: does not guarantee expected results Supporting details:________________

Main idea 3: can be limiting Supporting details: ________________

1. takes time to discuss and record task 4. does not allow for flexibility

details and specifics

5. learn how to react to and solve

2. allows for flexibility when necessary

unexpected problems

3. the plan may not work out

6. decisions are made immediately


Do you think playing by ear is better than planning ahead? Express your views thoroughly. Use what you learned in the last slide and your own ideas.

Playing by ear encourages spontaneity in decision-making since decisions are made immediately. In doing so, you develop problem-solving skills because you learn how to react to and solve unexpected problems.

On the other hand, I can say that planning ahead can be time-consuming because it takes time to discuss and record task details and specifics.


Review what we have discussed today. Choose a main idea and discuss with your classmates, giving supporting details.

? Planning ahead guides you toward your goals.

? Planning ahead helps you foresee possible challenges.

? Planning ahead allows for task details to be carefully considered.

? Playing by ear can be costly. ? Playing by ear can result in sloppy output. ? Playing by ear can be limiting.

? Playing by ear encourages spontaneity in decision-making.

? Playing by ear encourages adaptability in challenging situations.

? Playing by ear develops one's problemsolving skills.

? Planning ahead is usually time-consuming. ? Planning ahead does not guarantee

expected results. ? Planning ahead can cause confusion when

it comes to deadlines.



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