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These pictures date back to the beginning of the 20th century. They show local shops/ general stores. They were rural or small town stores where people used to come to purchase/buy all sorts of goods / could find a wide selection of goods including staple food items (such as milk, bread, flour, eggs…) and other households goods such as clothing or hardware. At the time, supermarkets did not exist, so these were the only places where people go shopping.

Drawback: little choice / expensive prices/ Advantages: a meeting place for the members of the community (a source of news and gossip) / you were served at the counter/ bartering or buying on credit was quite a common thing)


These pictures refer to a quite recent way of trading: e-commerce or on line shopping. It consists in trading products (including food) or services using computer networks/ the internet. When you come across a product of interest, you just have to click on it and add it in your virtual basket or shopping cart. Then you just have to fill in a delivery and payment information form. The item is usually home-delivered in a few days.

The advantages of online-shopping: You don’t have to wait in long lines /queue in stores you save time and energy /quick and fast You don’t need to search from store to store You can shop staying at home (no need to travel) You can have the goods delivered

You can compare the prices to get the best deals economical You don’t need to pay for parking The goods are usually cheaper (increased competition between retailers (for some on a global scale) brings down prices.)

You have access to a large number of brands and choices

The drawbacks of online shopping:

There can be security concerns surrounding payment by credit card over the Internet

You can’t physically inspect the goods before purchase

The goods may get damaged during transport

The goods may not arrive in time


This picture shows a supermarket. The photo was probably taken in the 1960’s at the time when supermarkets developed. We can see many people queuing at the supermarket check-out. Their shopping trolleys are full of items they have just bought. This picture illustrates the emergence of mass-consumption / the consumer society.

The advantages Cheaper products /goods People enjoy wandering round the store Find all you need in the same place (ex: tinned and fresh food, stationery, toys, washing cleaning products…) big and free car parks

The drawbacks You sometimes buy more than you need You must queue at the supermarket checkout = time consuming

( The shopping center/mall

These pictures present the biggest shopping mall in the US: Mall of America. It is situated in Minnesota near Minneapolis. It was opened in 1992 . Like many shopping malls, it offers many services. Indeed, you can find ordinary retail shops/stores (520) but also restaurants (50), movie theaters, a mini golf, a bowling alley and attractions and theme parks / indoor amusement parks such as an aquarium or a mirror maze…

Big shopping malls developed in the 1980’s 1990’s.

The advantages Cheaper products /goods People enjoy wandering round the stores You do more than shopping = an entertainment place Find all you need in the same place big and free car parks

The drawbacks You sometimes buy more than you need /spend a lot = temples of consumption Often out of town / in the suburbs

( Discounters

These pictures present two very famous discount retailers/department stores: Lidl and Aldi. They were born a few years ago and aim to sell products at prices lower than the typical market value. They offer a wide assortment of goods with a focus on price rather than service, display, or wide choice.

The advantages Cheaper products /goods =economical / useful when you are on budgets The drawbacks You don’t have the choice / a smaller selection of goods The products are not always satisfactory (second-rate goods)


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