Digital Camera Quiz

Digital Camera Quiz

Activity #2

Part I: Implications for the Classroom

1. Define Visual Literacy.

2. Give 3 implications for visual literacy.

3. Describe 1 curriculum benefit of visual literacy.

4. Describe 4 ways that digital cameras can be used in the classroom.

5. Give 3 advantages of using digital cameras.

6. Give 1 disadvantage of using digital cameras.

7. Use one of the links provided in the PowerPoint presentation to find at least 2 examples of using digital cameras in your content area.

Part II: Digital Camera I.Q.

1. Before you download them to the computer, what are your digital photographs stored on?

2. True or False. The digital storage card is not reusable.

3. The _______ is used to navigate the basic modes of operation.

4. List 2 options in the settings menu.

5. List the 3 File Size Settings.

6. When would you want to list a higher File Size and Quality level?

7. Which File Size will fit more images on the digital storage card, the 640 or the 1600?

8. When taking a picture, you can use the optical viewfinder or look at the ________screen.

9. How do you erase pictures on the digital camera?

10. What cable is needed to download the pictures onto the computer?


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