The Congregational Connection

The Congregational Connection

Time does fly. I am now writing a note for the December newsletter. As you may remember I wrote about Advent and Christmas Season last newsletter and promised to write about the third and fourth Sunday of Advent this time. Advent is a season we don't know what to do with because of secular preoccupation with preparation for Christmas Day. We are preoccupied mostly with decorating and buying presents. The merchants push the selling ever and ever further away from the day of Thanksgiving so they can be the first on the block to sell their goods. So we as Christians are sucked into this commercialism and are quick to neglect Advent in favor of Christmas and by the time Christmas comes along in the Christian Calendar we are too tired to care. Maybe I should say, "such is life." I guess I am sad that society tells us what to do in the church. However, I need to focus now on the Third Sunday of Advent since I touched on the first two in the previous newsletter. The Third Sunday in Advent is characterized by anticipatory joy and expectation which are to be expressed in a life lived according to the spirit of Christ, thus the rose colored candle in the Advent wreath. (only if we have three purple candles) Since we use the color blue for hope during Advent we don't use a pink or rose colored candle. Hope in the middle of a penitential time (purple or violet) meant a different color was used. The Fourth Sunday in Advent looks toward the celebration of the birth of Christ and tells of the expectancy of the Virgin Mary. It celebrates the Annunciation: to Joseph in year A, to Mary in year B and

to Elizabeth in year C.

In my next newsletter article I will focus on the Christmas Season.

Best wishes,

Pastor Hugus

Ministry Highlights

December 3 6:30 p.m. Ladies Night Out/Ornament Exchange at Sarah Williams December 6 Salvation Army Food Drive ends

BEAM Adopt-A-Family Gift Drive continues

1:00 p.m. Soup Kitchen/Woody Team

December 13 HEAL/Wounded Warriors Reception

December 13 11:00 a.m. Pancake Breakfast

BEAM Adopt-A-Family Gift Drive ends

December 14 7:00 p.m. Church Council Meeting

December 24 7:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship

Christmas Poinsettias

We will decorate the altar Christmas Eve with poinsettias. Those that wish to dedicate one or more please get an envelope designated for them and place in the offering plate by Sunday, December 13h. Please write on the envelope what your dedication is. The cost is $10 per plant.

Ministry Partnership

Lord of Life is still continuing to search for a ministry to partner with that will reach out to our community and more. It has been a slow and a timely process. Renee Farrell has been following up on any information given to her as well as suggestions from the contacts she has made. Some contacts have been made that are not a fit for LOL, here are some of the contacts that have been made that have possibilities:

• Wayne Riley – Lutheran Social Services. Talked to him he is gathering his people and finding a time for me to meet with them together.

• Met with John Peyton. He referred me to Rena Coughlin – director of non-profits for United Way. Have called on her, we are currently playing telephone tag and will be setting up a meeting when we talk in person.

• Met with Kimberly Cook and David Clark. Executive Director of Children’s Home Society and the Director of Development of the Children’s Home Society. They are meeting this week with their board and our plans to see if there is any chance to partner.

• Met with Bart Walchle and Julie Buckley (HEAL) – no word on their survey. Julie has had some health issues she is recovering from – but of all the property they looked at, they like ours first.

• Trying to schedule a meeting with the Director of Jacksonville School for Autism – She will be coming out to walk the property.

• Dr. Jerry Kartzinel. They look as if they are moving to California so that is not a fit.

Thank you Renee for all your work on this! If anyone has any other leads speak with Renee or call the office at (904) 285-5347 or email lordoflife2@.

Attention: All Team Leaders

Yes, it’s that time of year again! Deb Nye will be putting membership and statistical information together for the Annual Report of the Congregation. A summary of the 2009 year is needed from leadership team leaders and leaders of any special events or fundraisers. The deadline is January 3rd. (Financial reports are needed as soon as the Vanguard account and bank verifications can be made). It is easiest if the reports are emailed to the church office.

The Annual Report of the Congregation will be available two weeks prior to the Annual Meeting.

HEAL and Wounded Warriors - December 13th

This year our pumpkin proceeds are benefiting two great organizations, HEAL (Heal Every Autistic Life) and the Wounded Warriors Project. They have been invited to attend worship with us on Sunday, December 13th and our Pancake Breakfast following worship. Each organization will each receive approximately $1700.

Pancake Breakfast

The Pancake Breakfast was awesome last month, great fellowship and food! If you missed the first three don’t worry, this event will be held the 2nd Sunday in December (the 13th) due to the approaching holidays. Normally it is the 3rd Sunday of the month and is held in the Lord of Life Pavilion. Breakfast will follow worship at 11 am.

Ladies Night Out/Ornament Exchange

Ladies, come join us for an evening of great food and fellowship Thursday, December 3, at 6:30 PM at Sarah Williams House, 10 Kingfish Ave in Dolphin Cove. Bring a wrapped ornament for the traditional chance to exchange yours for the one you can steal. The theme for the night is a Winter Christmas Picnic. Ham and Drinks will be provided, a sign-up sheet will be at church each Sunday until November 29th for you to select a menu item to bring. We always have a great time, so come join the fun. You won't want to miss it!!! If you plan to attend let Deb Nye (716-8747) or Sarah Williams know.

A Bethlehem Visit – Live Walk-Through Nativity

Friday, December 11th and Saturday December 12th

6:00 t0 8:30 p.m.

Join Ponte Vedra Presbyterian Church as we journey back through the Bible with “ A Bethlehem Visit”. Stroll through the 8000 sq. ft. re-creation of the city of Bethlehem as it might have been on the night of Jesus’ birth. The town is filled with a cast of over 200 portraying the local townspeople, merchants, and craftsmen. Come and witness the trading of goods and wares in the marketplace. Pet the live animals along the way, as you seek out the lowly manger and the Christ child. Free parking shuttled from PGA Tour (TPC parking lot) located on CR210 west of A1A. For more information call 285-8225 or visit .

Help Is Needed!

Salvation Army/St. Augustine Food Bank

Cathy Wiggins delivered the 10 food baskets that were put together last Sunday for our Thrivent project. The Salvation Army Food Bank was SOOOO grateful for the food baskets. Because of the tremendous need this year, their food shelves in the food bank were literally EMPTY. The y had some juice on the shelf and that was it.

Lord of Life will be collecting non-perishable food donations today through Sunday, December 6th. Below are some suggestions:

Rice/Pasta Peanut butter Cereal/Oatmeal Canned vegetables/fruit

Spaghetti sauce Jelly Dried Milk Canned soup/chili

Canned meats Beef ravioli Macaroni/Cheese Boxed Potatoes

Please keep in mind that when shopping for food items that the people that are usually receiving them don’t take the time to make meals from scratch. Simple is best.

Make a Difference in our Communities

Lord of Life Luthernan

Holiday Food Baskets/Salvation Army St. Augustine Food Bank

Thanks to all that helped shop, assemble and deliver the 10 food baskets that were put together for the food bank. The baskets included, canned meats, vegetables, fruit, rice, pasta, sauce/spaghetti mix, dried potatoes, cereal, peanut butter, jelly, beef ravioli and other items. The Salvation Army was so thankful as these are very tough times for many families in St. Johns County. Literally the only thing they had left on their shelves was some juice. See further details in the bulletin for a second food drive to benefit them through Lord of Life.

B.E.A.M./Adopt-a-Family for Christmas

Dec. 12-13

Share the joy, hope and love of the Christmas season with Beaches families struggling to make ends meet. Thrivent and LOL are helping 8 children this year for Christmas. Additional gift items may be donated through Sunday, December 13. With a $500 grant from Thrivent, you can help us spread some holiday cheer by simply volunteering to shop. All donations and purchases will be delivered to and distributed by B.E.A.M. Please see Kristen Bankert if you have any questions.

Thank You!

Dear BEAM Friends,

Thank you for all you have done for BEAM this season! We are overflowing with Thanksgiving baskets/boxes and with food. This is the first time that we have had full shelves in our food pantry in this extraordinarily challenging year in which we're seeing 800 clients a month for food (two tons of food each week).

If you're in the neighborhood tomorrow or Tuesday, drop by BEAM's Suite 300 and see our Thanksgiving bounty!

On behalf of the Board and staff of BEAM, please accept our deepest gratitude for your gifts. We are truly blessed, and we are truly thankful for you and your congregations!


Vivian Southwell, Executive Director

Beaches Emergency Assistance Ministry, Inc.

BEAM'S mission is to keep families in their homes and to help them become self-sufficient.

Dear Cathy and members of Lord of Life Lutheran Church,

Thank you so much for your donation of pumpkins for our children! We were able to serve over 100 people! Every child deserves to enjoy the special things of the Fall season. Your gifts helped make that happen!

We are so thankful for the generosity of you and your congregation. The time and effort that you put into delivering the pumpkins is immearsurable. We could not do what we do without people in the community like you.

It is the ongoing support of people like you that makes such a difference in the lives of Jacksonville’s children! Please accept our thanks again for your donation.

We sincerely appreciate you!

Candance Monroe

Family Support Services, Inc.

Lutheran Services Florida Quick Facts

Did you know… LSF helped 1,450 people with HIV/AIDS last year through our Ryan White Program in Pensacola. We also helped provide 300 individuals in the program with housing opportunities. Florida ranks third in the nation in the number of AIDS cases reported, and LSF is doing its part to provide help. Remember December 1 is “World AIDS Day.” Read more about LSF’s Ryan White Program at in the “Services” section.

Changing lives daily

Lutheran Social Services News

The Sharing Place Thrift Store is in need of home items for incoming refugee families. In an effort to help hundreds or refugees arriving here in the Jacksonville community to rebuild their lives, Lutheran Social Services is asking you - our local congregation members - to join forces with us, your local social service agency. Currently, we are resettling between 30 and 40 refugees each month from countries such as Bhutan, Burma, Burundi, Colombia, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan and the Ukraine.

We need your help in providing basic living needs to these refugees-adults, parents and children-who have suffered so much and who have come to us hoping to be given the opportunity to take care of themselves and their families.

Donations of couches, dinette sets, dressers and full-sized beds are much needed, along with smaller items such as pillows, personal hygiene and alarm clocks. For more information on how you can help, please contact Karen Rieley, LSS director of advancement, at 904.730.8281 or krieley@.

Birthdays Anniversaries

12/01 Joey Waple 12/20 Trey Wiggins 12/06 Margo Noel

12/02 Amelia Orth 12/22 Mary Grietens 12/22 Dave & Bernadette Rieger

12/04 Sabrina Lemire 12/23 Sarah Williams 12/30 Lee & Natalie Taylor

12/13 MaryBeth Henningsen 12/27 Ed Mowat

12/18 Cindy Tanton 12/27 Gwen Rash

Advent 2009

Sisters and brothers in Christ of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America,

I greet you with the words of the apostle Paul to the Romans: "Therefore, since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have obtained access to this grace in which we stand" (Romans 5:1-2a).

Where does the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) stand today? We stand together in God's grace, but we are not standing still. We proclaim Jesus Christ and are fully engaged in this mission by actively caring for the world that God loves. God's mission is serious work that calls for serious commitment. We bring all that we are -- especially our rich diversity, our shared tradition and even our disagreements -- in service of God's mission.

We go forward in this mission trusting that "God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us" (Romans 5:5). Evidence abounds of the Holy Spirit being poured out upon us and through us:

Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Naples, Fla., recently purchased land for a new ministry center. They also convened ELCA partners, seminaries, synods, and churchwide staff to envision together a vibrant, evangelical and multicultural Lutheran presence in southwestern Florida.

Our new directors of evangelical mission, based in synods, are trained and ready to serve ELCA congregations that they might continue to grow as evangelical centers for mission.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malawi told Global Mission colleagues traveling in the region that they are ready to deepen their relationship with the ELCA so that together we can more generously and faithfully respond to malaria, HIV and AIDS. Andrea DeGroot-Nesdahl, ELCA coordinator for the Lutheran Malaria Initiative, writes, "The ELCA, especially through the Lutheran Malaria Initiative, will be part of a movement that changes the world. It's certainly going to change Malawi."

In summer 2009, 37,000 youth, young adults and adult leaders attended the ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans. They spread throughout the city, wearing orange t-shirts in a witness of service that touched the hearts of residents and has them talking still.

ELCA chaplains Michael Lembke, Richard Brunk and Paul Dirksmeyer bore witness to God's mercy at Fort Hood, Texas. They ministered to families, friends and an entire nation grieving the tragic shootings at the nation's largest military base.

These are just a few examples. Think of the signs of the Holy Spirit being poured out in your life and in your congregation! Thanks be to God for this continued outpouring of the Spirit among us.

When the ELCA Church Council faced the reality of reduced financial resources for mission, it made a difficult but necessary 10 percent budget reduction. The decision, however, does not diminish our resolve and commitment to engage together in God's mission for the life of the world.

We will engage Christ's mission with everyone who stands together in God's grace, using the rich gifts that the Holy Spirit has poured into our lives:

Together we will proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord in worship spaces and workplaces, in online conversations and around kitchen tables.

Together we will develop new ministries in every synod in multicultural communities and among people living in deep poverty.

Together we will raise up and welcome faithful, wise and courageous leaders by sustaining vital and creative seminaries and campus ministries.

Together we will send missionaries to accompany new and growing Lutheran churches throughout the world.

I invite you to deepen this conversation with me in an online town hall forum on Sunday, December 6, at 4:30 p.m. (CST); check for more details.

The apostle Paul wrote that where the Holy Spirit is poured out upon us, hope abounds and hope does not disappoint us (Romans 5:4-5). What a wonderful promise this is as we now enter the season of Advent! With our hope in Christ, we face the future together as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, serving the world that God so loves.

Amen. Come Lord Jesus!

Mark S. Hanson

Presiding Bishop

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

2nd Annual Living Waters Event: A Leadership Event for all the Baptized!

Join your sisters and brothers in Christ for the Second Annual Living Waters Event: A Leadership Event for all the Baptized! January 15-17, 2010. This exciting event features well-known speaker Dr. Teri Elton leading a discussion on how the Holy Spirit drives us through our baptism to be leaders in our congregation and community. You will not want to miss this exciting chance to fellowship with fellow Lutherans from across the State of Florida and beyond as we come together for worship, Bible study, learning and relaxation.

Living Waters is an event designed for lay leaders in ELCA congregations looking to connect with others in our synod. This event will allow you to:

build relationships with those from other congregations,

strengthen your knowledge of Biblical leadership,

develop ways to inspire others to lead,

connect your baptismal calling to your daily life,

and much more!

When: January 15-17, 2010

Where: Life Enrichment Center, Leesburg, FL

Cost: Starts as low as $220 per person

Contact Florida-Bahamas Synod at to register

Confirmation Retreat

January 22-24 & January 29-31

Luther Springs is in Hawthorne, Florida—North of Ocala and East of Gainesville.

Come to Luther Springs for a confirmation retreat weekend! Participants will learn about the Bible and its history, get a crash course in Lutheran theology, and have tons of fun! Recreation time may include games, crafts, canoeing, hiking, and lots of other great stuff.

Weekend Highlights:

Rev. Dr. David Gardner-Tweed instructing

Overview of the entire Bible!

Basic Lutheran Theology

To register, download and complete this form and return to:

Luther Springs Registration

P.O. Box 830

Arden, NC 28704

Check-in starts at 7:00pm on Friday, and check-out is 10:00am Sunday

With questions, or for more information, visit our website——or call (352) 546-5554

A New Lenten Journey for 2010

This new Lenten Journey takes you through Romans 12, in which the apostle Paul identifies marks of the Christian life.

This new devotional book contains deep reflections and insightful questions that will be your guide as you explore how your life is "marked" by Christ and consider how you live the marked life for the sake of the world

You are invited to a 40-day journey exploring Romans 12. In this chapter, the apostle Paul calls us to new life in Christ and identifies marks of the Christian life. The deep reflections and insightful questions in this book will help you explore how your life is "marked" by Christ and consider how you live the marked life for the sake of the world.

You can take this journey on your own or with others. Consider getting together with a family member, friend, or small group to discuss the questions.

Availability: This item is not yet available. You may order this item now and it will be shipped to you as soon as it is available, the cost is $9.99. Call 1-800-328-4648 or go online at .

Please order your copies by February 5, 2010 to make sure you have them in time for Ash Wednesday!

Remember in our prayers those with special concerns, including:

Homebound/Assisted Living Facilities: Alma Ainsley (Vicar’s Landing, PVB), Lucille Halstead

Disciple in the Military James Saurman (USMC),Christian Tanton (US Army)

Disciples Ed & Dorothy Archer, Janet Dilts & family, MaryBeth Henningsen, Aaron Nye, Amelia Orth, Vivian Steinbach, Natalie Taylor, Joey Waple, Sarah Williams

Families Mourning Loss:

Julie Magneson Evelyn Weyandt (Karen Bianchi)

Family of Prayer Partners are: Karen Bianchi, Amelia Orth, Jackie Woloscheck, Jim and Vicki VanHorn.

To Put Someone on the Prayer List: you can either call the office at 285-5347 or email the office at lordoflife2@


Lord of Life Lutheran Church ELCA

276 N. Roscoe Blvd.

Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082


About Our Church…

Our Vision is to be the body of Christ,

proclaiming God’s love to all in a broken world and

connecting the people of Ponte Vedra Beach and

surrounding communities with the healing power of

hope and peace brought by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Our Mission is to gather as a community of believers

empowered by the Holy Spirit to

spread God’s Word and love as His caring people.

Our Guiding Principles:

Jesus is our Lord and Savior

leading and encouraging Christ-centered lives

(Philippians 2:9-11)

Everyone is Welcome

all are forgiven at the foot of the cross

(Luke 15:1-2)

Providing Sanctuary in a Broken World

sharing Christ’s message of peace and hope

(1 Peter 2:9)

Serving Others with Compassion

letting the love of Christ flow from us into the world

(1 Corinthians 12:4-7)

Returning our Gifts for God’s Work

growing good stewards of the environment,

and our time, abilities and financial resources

(2 Corinthians 9:8)

Teaching and Modeling Christian Values

nurturing new, renewed and deeper discipleship

(2 Timothy 4:1-5)

Sunday Worship

9:45 a.m.

Holy Communion celebrated

Stay Connected with Us!

Office: (904) 285-5347

Fax: (904) 273-8271

Email: lordoflife2@

Web Site:

Lord of Life Lutheran Church December 2009 Volume 14 Issue 12


Partners in Ministry

Assistant to the Bishop

Rev. Paul Lutze

FL-Bahamas Synod ELCA website

Lutheran Social Services Lutheran Outdoor

Ministries of FL


Sharon Jobbs & family (Brenda Braatz)

Pat Kaminshi (Pat Darty)

Samantha Kelley (Cathy Wiggins)

Beulah Landon (Deb Nye)

Linda Larrimore (Kevin Larrimore)

Delia Loupee (Nancy Chojn/Leann Wiggins)

Kevin Mahoney (Dolly Holcomb)

Mark Markantonatos (Hilda Markantonatos)

Andres Marquez (Hilda Markantonatos)

Madeline Moore (Amelia Orth)

Bertha Neeson (former member)

Mandy Ohorodnik (Nancy Connors)

Dorothy Orth (Bob Orth)

Bruce Pinover (Bankerts)

Dee Roberts (Jean Bankert)

Chrystal Rhude (Nancy Chojn)

Robert Schlobohm (Dolly Holcomb)

Kimberly Severson (Hilda Markantonatos)

Heather Soucek (Brenda Braatz)

Connie Shaffer (Kristen Bankert)

Diane Smith (Deb Nye)

Sherrill Sullivan (Kristen Bankert)

Rick Tobias & family (Brenda Braatz)

Turner family (MaryBeth Henningsen)

Riley Turner (Nancy Connors)

Al Wallace & family (Brenda Braatz)

Deb Willifor (Wendy Mowat)

Anna Wroblewski (Sarah Williams)

Michael Zich (Sarah Williams)

Rita Zich (Sarah Williams)

Staff, Officers, Church Council

Interim Pastor Rev. John Hugus

Parish Secretary Deb Nye

Lead Musician Katie Bonfati

President Kevin Larrimore

Vice President Sarah Williams

Cong.Secretary Karen Bianchi

Treasurer Cathy Wiggins

Financial Secretary John Sievers

Council Jean Bankert

Council Nancy Connors

Council Smith Holcomb

Council Wendy Mowat

Council Leann Wiggins

Ministry Team Leaders

Disipleship Leann Wiggins

Fellowship Jean Bankert

Finance Kevin Larrimore

Mutual/Staff Support VACANT

Outreach Kristen Bankert

Property VACANT Stewardship John Sievers

Youth Wendy Mowat

Cathy Wiggins

Witness VACANT

Worship & Music VACANT

Building Ministry Team

Wendy Mowat Deb Nye

Bob Orth Floyd Wiggins


Come share in an experience like no other… the miracle of Christmas as we worship in the pavilion formerly a stable where it all began…

Come share in the miracle that is Christmas.


Relatives & Friends:

Ann’s brother (Amelia Orth)

Julia (Amelia Orth)

Evan & Brent Baker (Dorothy Waple)

Todd Blake (Mario Bianchi)

Connor Bos (Leann Wiggins)

Alvina Braatz (Brenda Braatz)

Georgia Braddock (Hilda Markantonatos)

Aleatha Brantner (Hilda Markantonatos)

Frieda Carillo (Hilda Markantonatos)

Vickie Centeno (Dorothy Waple)

Nancy Chojn (Leann Wiggins)

Juan, Johnny, Shannon Colon (Hilda Markantonatos)

Adrian & Olivia Colon (Dorothy Waple)

Margaret Darty (Bill Darty)

Carol Davis (Nancy Connors)

Marlie Didson (Kristen Bankert)

Ethan &Evan Elfsey (Lindsey Larrimore)

Alicia Gonzalez (Hilda Markantonatos)

Jan Holcomb (Smith & Dolly Holcomb)

Brenda Jewell Grafton Garner (Hilda Markantonatos)

Marita and Terry Greene (Dolly Holcomb)

Nancy Goodale (Roy Lewis)

Anne Hager (Hilda Markantonatos)

Jerry Hale (Jean Bankert)

Rev. Vicki Hamilton (St. Johns Lutheran)

Arnie Henningsen (Marybeth Henningsen)

Dona Horsley (The Bianchi family)

George Inman (Wendy Mowat)

Carmen Jimenez (Hilda Markantonatos)

Juan Jimenez (Hilda Markantonatos)

To our friends…

December 24th

Lord of Life Pavilion

7:00 p.m.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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