Executive Summary - ABC Assignment Help

MANAGE HUMAN RESOURCES STRATEGIC PLANExecutive SummaryBounce Fitness provides the serving that makes the better modes of corporations in the Brisbane and Melbourne areas by enhancing a high productivity though lowering the cost of various programs in the innovative forms of wellness. It provides the approaches in the promotion of good health and proactive. The staff member deals with the health-related issues by the better managing of human resources. 1.0 IntroductionHuman resource strategic planning provides the process that helps in identifying the future and current human resources that is required in the company to meet the set goals. In the organizations, it is important for making a better planning in the human resources that further develops the strategic that assist in the future aspects. The strategic planning includes the various activities that meet the set goals. This includes the staffing, policies required in the workplace, benefits, compensation, retention, development, training and working safety. This could be maintained from the human strategic planning that helps in the better forms of working. In this case, Bounce Fitness Corporate Marketing Plan in Brisbane has been incorporated as the human resources strategic planning to enhance better forms of productivity and reduces the cost with the innovative way of thinking in the wellness that forms the set programs. From the analysis of the human resources, managements there includes with the better form of planning that understands the values and mission of the company. However, various approaches in the services help to meet the set goals required to carry out the business. This assists to face various forms of challenges from the proper planning in the human resource strategy (Suk-atthakij, 2017). 2.0 Requirements required in the research planning2.1 Review the strategic planning used in the Bounce Fitness and describe the learning from the goals and targets, impacts lies among the staff members.In the strategic planning of human resources there includes with the entire capacity required in the Bounce Fitness to meet the set objectives at the time of carrying out of business. The human resources need to manage properly on the entire activities that have been carried out in the Bounce Fitness. The Bounce Fitness has been started in the year of 2001 in Brisbane having the main aim in the offering of various facilities to improve the fitness among the people. There requires proper marketing to penetrate the market and rapid growth of a business. There lies with the various programs and activities that help to carry out the entire process through the human resources capacity (Friedman & Scholnick, 2014). HR strategy needs to carried out to increase the maximum number of staff members and reduces the cost indulged in the corporate that further helps to achieve the wellness program. The human resource planning process formulates with the better form of strategy that maintains a better form of directions in the future growth of Bounce Fitness. It helps in accessing the capacity of the required HR through the proper form of planning. In the human resources planning there includes the analysis of gap upon the indulged staff members at the time of developing of business. The working of human resources includes meeting the set targets and objectives to develop the organizations. These targets include with the recruitments, retention, training, planning of succession, development of career, reward, performance managements and engagements of the employees. In the Bounce Fitness, the human resources managements need to focus on the set targets that help to achieve the business (Hooper, Knuiman, Bull, Jones & Giles-Corti, 2015). However, this organization is formed with the corporate that makes the entire functioning properly. There are fixed objectives that are followed from the SMART and are:Specific:The specific things include the fitness things that provides the healthy staff members that make the high productive as compared to the chronically ill staff members.MeasurableThe entire activity carried out by the Bounce Fitness could be measured properly through the working of the indulged HR. AchievableThe set goals are easily achievable through the proper staff members that could carry out the entire fitness. RealisticThe entire activity helps to meet the set objectives from the better working of the staff members. TimeIn order to achieve the set goals there lies with the fixed time to carry out the entire programs properly. 2.2 Discuss the practices required to make high impacts on the staff in the Bounce Fitness. Describe the findings from the changes that lie on the political, legislative or any other things from the staff.In order, the carry out the working in the Bounce Fitness there lies with the political condition of the environments to indulge the better form of operations in the market. These are followed as:Political:Tax policy: In the Bounce Fitness, there requires with the policy and regulations that make the completion of the entire procedure in business. The management need to focus on the regular payments of tax for carrying out the better mode of operations. Employment laws: This provides the agreements upon the staff members to carry out the entire process of working properly in the Bounce Fitness (Gasser & Huhns, 2014). Environmental Regulations: This enhances a mode of regulations to forecast the entire environments properly with planning and implementing of strategy. Political stability: The Bounce Fitness requires stability from the politics to carry out the fitness programs among the people. Trade restrictions and reform: A Trade restriction provides a continuous problem for enhancement of business in the Brisbane (Georgilakis & Hatziargyriou, 2015). Economic:In the economic factors there includes with the declining of the economic growth, interest rate, wages rate, minimum amount of wages and working hour. The economic factors depend on the net profit gained by the company through the better working of staff members. The working hours depends upon the total time required among the staff members at the time of working in the Bounce Fitness. The company provides the helping staff members with the recognizing of the patterns that are indulged among the staff members through the enhancements of lifestyles in a better health condition. The healthcare corporations could be reduced through the high productivity of staff members and a maximum amount of turnover that helps to increase the economic conditions (Austin et al. 2015).Sociological:The sociological factors include the markets that help in the better modes of operations in the Bounce Fitness. These are certain factors that include the global warming, career attitudes, age distribution, population growth rate, health conscious and cultural norms. These factors have provided high influences in the sociological that makes the better mode of operations that helps in grabbing the market through the proper way of fitness (Bell, 2014). Technological:The technological factors include the various changes that help in the better mode of operation in the Bounce Fitness. It includes the web and social networking websites that provide advertisements to attract a maximum number of customers in the fitness.Legal:The Bounce Fitness needs to follow the various changes required in the legislation to enhance a better mode of productivity. It includes the taxation, resources, employments, and access to materials that provide the required changes in the legislation (Krechmer, Osborne, Bittner, Jensen & Flanigan, 2015).Environmental:In order to carry out the business, there includes considering the environmental factors that help to resolve the problems. It lies with the waste management and maintaining the entire ecology at the time of carrying out of business in the Bounce Fitness.2.3 Describe the impact of staff from the future at the time of working in the Bounce Fitness by enhancing the skills. The Bounce Fitness requires proper staff members that help to carry out the fitness among the customers. The recruited staff members could be performed by the human resource management for enhancing a better mode of operations of a business. Bounce Fitness is providing the customers with a high management program through the cost induced in the health care for the staff members that could increase high productivity among the employee and reduces the cost in the overall business. The Bounce Fitness provides high benefits among the consumers through the dedicated staff members. The service includes the customization, convenience, and result oriented strategy. In order to obtain this staff member there includes the various process that forms with the hiring casual labor, outsourcing, hiring new graduates, using contractors and employing of workers in the offshore. This process needs to focus by the HR to provide a high impact on the Bounce Fitness through better staffing in the future aspects (Gagné, 2013). 2.4 Discuss the new technology that makes the impacts in the Bounce Fitness and identifies the cost from the technology.The use of technology provides a positive impact in the Bounce Fitness and enhances a high productivity. The entire operations could be carried out easily using the advanced technology with the help of dedicated staff members. The entire working among the newly recruited members could be understandable and the completion of the activity becomes very less. The use of technology reduces the workforce in the Bounce Fitness and makes a better mode of practices in the working. The chance of error becomes less from the use of technology and enhances a better skill. 2.5 Describe the appropriate changes in the forecast at the time of changes in legislation that provides the high impact on the staff.In the recent changes, there requires with the legislation that provides high impacts in the staffing facilities. These include with the conducting of small business, workplace bullying, contracts on the zero hours, leave on the shared parental and leave on adoptions (Achimugu, Selamat, Ibrahim & Mahrin, 2014). The appropriate form of legislation contributes the high productivity in the Bounce Fitness. This legal aspect needs to be followed by the higher authority to induce better operations in business. In the workplace, bullying lie with the potential impacts that need to consider the important areas and are followed as:Training of HR personnel at the time of implementing new policy and procedures are required in the Bounce Fitness.There is a necessity to enhance training activity among the staff members that assist in recognizing of procedures that have been used in bullying.The guidance provides the rewriting upon the expected behavior of the staff members. 3.0 Develop the human resource strategic plan3.1 Discuss the process required to consult with the Centre ManagerIn order to consult with the Centre Manager there lies with the various ideas and opinions regarding the working of the Bounce Fitness. The manager contributes with the different modes of views and ideas that make better preferences in the human resources. These are followed as:Required skills and knowledge: The manager needs to discuss the knowledge and skills required of the staff members at the time of working in the Bounce Fitness. This will determine the productivity required to enhance a better mode of operations in the Bounce Fitness. Roles and responsibility: The management to carry the proper way of business allocate the responsibility and roles that need to be played among the staff members.Working hours: The staff members working hours are consulted with the Centre Manager that completely depends upon the operation required in the fitness (Armstrong & Taylor, 2014). At the time of consulting with the manager there includes the methods of overview that includes the presentations of group members, conducting of face-to-face meetings and video-conferencing. The entire overview could be discussed through these types of methods upon the manager to enhance a better mode of operations in business in the fitness activities. The face-to-face meetings are the most appropriate mode of methods that need to be conducted upon the Centre Manager to enhance a better planning with the human resource departments (Goetsch & Davis, 2014).3.2 Discuss the process on the gaining of the agreements on the policy, values, and philosophy.The gain of agreements on the policy, values, and philosophy helps to meet the set objectives and targets required in the developments of areas. The main developments of areas include the diversity, information regarding human resources, analysis of job and high performance regarding retention of the employee. The Bounce Fitness needs to follow agree upon the policy, values, and philosophy that enhance a high productivity (Snell, Morris & Bohlander, 2015). The philosophy in the HR management implements the styles of leadership at the top of management. It also provides proper values and culture in the current corporate. This depends upon the leader vision at the time of working in the Bounce Fitness. The advanced leader requires modern management approaches in HR to develop a better working environment in the Bounce Fitness. Gaining of philosophy, values, and policy takes a long time. The philosophy belongs with the informal process and provides high respects on the value at the same time implements the opinion of stakeholders (Leigh & Blakely, 2016).3.3 Documents required in the targets and strategic objectives of the agreed planVarious required documents could formulate to meet the objective in the strategic areas and provides the appropriate target at the time of agreeing to plan. These things are followed as:Retention of staff and appropriate forms of planning: The succession planning in the positions of leadership helps to develop the business and reduces the unexpected loss. This makes in the developments of the new leader that could able to face various challenges at the time of working. The proper development planning provides the track upon the staff members that help to meet the goal in career and identify various opportunities at the time of working in the Bounce Fitness. This could help to increase the retention with the high motivation (Bamberger, Biron & Meshoulam, 2014). Recruitments and selection: In order to meet the strategic objectives and targets, the HR management needs to select and recruit the appropriate staff members that help in increasing the productivity. Systems regarding the human resources information: It provides the useful information regarding the technology that has been intersected in the human resources using advanced software. It allows the entire processing and activity that occurs in the electronically (Shields et al. 2015). 3.4 Selection of two options that meet the target and objectives and discuss the cost benefits required in the business units. The two options include with the internal and an external factor that makes the entire work complete in the managing of human resources and helps to achieve targets and objectives. These include the outsourcing and internal provision of HR. The outsourcing has been because it helps to the formulated maximum amount of efficiency. The outsourcing provides the provision in the external areas with the help of a consultant that helps to improve the performance through the working and enhances benefits in the costing. The internal HR provision offers the services in such a manner that enhances benefits among the clients. This provides the innovative forms of the idea; value added services and fresh thinking upon the management of HR that provides high productivity (Jackson, Schuler & Jiang, 2014). In order to complete the cost benefits analysis there includes the certain steps and are followed as:List of benefits and costComparing the benefits and costAssigning on the monetary values that makes a high amount of advantage in costingAssigning high value in the monitoring areas3.5 Discuss the strategic plan that includes among the human resources and supports received from the senior managementThe strategic human resource planning provides the better working in the human resources that make a proper planning and strategy. The entire process lies with the business planning that helps to meet the perspectives in the long range (Storey, 2014). Figure 1: Strategic HR planning(Source: Skills & Liew, 2017)The operation planning lies in the better planning program that provides the better solutions in the human resources. From the proper planning in the operations there includes with the budgeting required to carry out the entire operations in the business (Northouse, 2015). From the budgeting there lies with the various action plan that includes the recruitments, relations with labor and enhancements of benefits. The operational planning includes with the forecasting in the level of staffing. In the planning process of HR there includes the analysis of problems.The senior management provides huge supports by properly working in the senior managers through the understanding of the enhanced corporate goals. However, the senior management could easily enhance the high values and philosophy in the HR (Binagwaho et al. 2013).3.6 Discuss the plan in the risk management that provides support in the strategic human resources plan. Events:What could be happenedThe entire recruitments process could not be managed by the HR. Probability:Chances of happened probabilityThere might be high chances of improper recruitments and selection due to the lack of support. Impact:Impacts happeningThere might be high impact arise in the company. Mitigation:Reduce the chances of probabilityThis could be reduced through the support provided from the strategic human resources plan. Contingency:Reduce the impacts of happeningThe management needs to follow the planning and strategy required in the human resources departments (Kavanagh & Johnson, 2017). 4.0 Implement the human resources strategic plan4.1 Discuss the working on the implemented plan in the human resourcesThe general manager of Bounce Fitness needs to incorporate several other designated subordinates in order to ensure the seamless distribution of associated tasks. The several subordinates are supposed to perform accordingly and contribute in accordance with their sphere of expertise. On that note, it is an imperative task to retain a collaborative spirit and workplace ambiance in order to ensure successful performance of the underlying tasks. The designated subordinates are HR personnel, Line Managers, Senior Managers, Employee representative Groups, Potential stakeholders and external contractors, Outsourcing agencies and Suppliers. In order to secure the tasks and performance standards, these subordinates and the potential participants of the plan needs to pertain a transparent understanding and insight regarding their job roles and concurrent assigned tasks.The HR managers are supposed to pose the entire outline of the respective plan while demonstrating the internal nuances of the same. These nuances typically composed of the proportion of precision with an insightful understanding of the underlying tasks. Furthermore, they need to be sincere and critical regarding the allocated time for each of the underlying tasks. Moreover, they need to possess a prudent accountability regarding the budget constraints. The Line Managers are supposed to retain the synchronization of the tasks and the appointed subordinates. Senior Managers are supposed to supervise the entire workflow. Employee representative groups are supposed to listen to the opinions and the underlying issues of the employees and subsequent propagate them to the general and senior managers and several other relevant authorities. External contractors are supposed to act like the potential stakeholders and supposed to ensure appropriate allocation of resources and financial investments in order to ensure the seamless flow of performance within the allocated time (Bos‐Nehles, Van Riemsdijk & Kees Looise, 2013). Outsourcing agencies are supposed to answer the urges and demands that are prone to emerge from the requisites regarding the non-core competency segment of the entire management. Suppliers are also considered as a potent party of the entire plan since they are liable to ensure the proper allocation of the materials and several other corporeal resources.While reviewing and monitoring the progress of the respective plan, the supervisor needs to ensure whether the advancement of the tasks is happening accordingly or not. For instance, it is frequent to occur that due to the delayed allocation of some indispensable resources, the progress does not go accordingly. This might further cause that some of the integral components remain incomplete. This might hamper the entire work schedule and indulge significant alteration of those integral components as the deadlines start smothering (Savoia, Stefanovic & Fragassa, 2016). Moreover, it can be an essential criterion to adhere to the respective budget schedule. In order to facilitate that, several financial forecast frameworks can be employed in order to discern the origins of the loopholes that are preventing the entire plan to function accordingly. Moreover, the monitor needs to keep track of the regular progress of the tasks in order to evaluate the outcomes of every prevalent action. This will further endow the monitor with an insight to anticipate the potential obstacles that are vulnerable to come in the way of the progress (Navimipour, Rahmani, Navin & Hosseinzadeh, 2015). This proper anticipation will obviously enable the monitor to devise the possible remedies in a very time-effective manner. Moreover, it must endow the respective monitor with the understanding that might pave thy towards the alteration of some significant components of the prevalent schedule. ?????????????4.2 Discuss the plan for adapting the circumstance changes. Changes are prone to occur in the organizational premises and sometimes they are potent enough to encourage the respective management for considerable alterations of the preordained schedule and the absence of circumventing mitigation plan might pave the entire unit to succumb. The plans of mitigation need to be shaped by the desire to alter the orientation of the prevalent organizational strategic plan that can enable the unit to devise the requisite recovery plan. In most of the cases, the plans seek equivalent alternatives that typically comprise of better system and methods and indulge the installation of cost-effective technological expertise. The changes can be frequently posed by the legal authorities as well the industry that the respective unit owes a lot from since it is rife for the industries to introduce considerable alterations. Furthermore, a significant change in the legislative principles of compliance can cater the cause of mitigating the change. Most of the Foreign Service providers such as the outsourcing agents can also cater the cause of change and the HR plan needs to be adaptable enough to eliminate it immediately (Kavanagh & Johnson, 2017). Moreover, sudden and unexpected illness might introduce a significant factor that might cater the cause of change.4.3 Describe the evaluation and performance generated from the set objectivesAbsolute review of the HR plan is extensively considered as the final phase of the implementation of the strategic plan. This typically includes the feasibility check of the proposed objectives in order to apprehend the accuracy of the nuances of the ultimate objectives. In order to pursue the essence, the assessment of accomplishment is essential since the unit requires to develop the capability to cope with the potential impacts of the change (Armstrong & Taylor, 2014). In this course, the identification of the devices might appear effective for the entire unit to survive since it inherently eliminates the hazardous components. On that note, the senior management team needs to keep track of the progress in a regular manner in order to report the potential stakeholders who are supposed to invest in the project.On the concluding note, the process of evaluation might appear non-corporeal and challenging to perform since the absolute objectives are often vague to comprehend. ??4.4 Discuss the opinions and ideas heard by the General Manager upon the 2 to 3 students at the time of 15-minute role-play. After participating in the 15-minute role play as a group in the major role of the General Manager in the Human Resources in the company. There are various ideas and opinions concluded after talking with the Centre Manager regarding the strategic planning in the human resources formulates the better forms in the appropriate areas. From the role-play, with the students, various ideas could be easily concluded to enhance a better mode of planning regarding the recruitments process that would help in the further growth of the firm. ConclusionIn regards to the concurrent study, the major requisites of the strategic planning of bounce fitness have been analyzed with an effort to implement it in a decisive manner. In this course, the major strategic plan documents have been analyzed in order to propagate the absolute objectives and goals and its potential impact on the underlying staffs and other designated subordinates. This includes the acknowledgment of the HR capacity while forecasting the possible HR requirements in order to direct Bounce Fitness towards a direction of success. In this regard, furthermore, the HR capabilities and the associated objectives has been systematically analyzed while employing the framework of SMART. Moreover, the emerging inclinations of the staffs and the potential subordinates have been extensively discussed in order to anticipate the leading market trends and customer demands and install requisite technological and other expertise that might cater the subsequent urges. The findings of the corresponding pursuit have been further analyzed in terms of PESTLE framework. On that advent, the subsequent impact of the technological and other expertise on the assigned job roles has been deciphered in order to evaluate the benefit of that installation against the invested costs. A significant effort has been granted to analyze the current changes and forecasting major legislative alterations that might affect the entire unit and the designated subordinates. At the final phase of the recurring study, the associated tasks are regularly monitored in order to report the potential stakeholders. ................

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