The season of Advent brings us the magnificent vision of ...

[Pages:2]The season of Advent brings us the magnificent vision of life and hope for the future given to us by Christ. We ask for your attention during this busy season for an update prior to the January 2, 2014 implementation of the Michigan Catholic Conference state of the art Benefits Administration System. We want to support you as you prepare for the significant changes that are coming in the New Year. Our goal is to continue to work with you to make this transition as smooth as possible. We want to highlight the following changes you can expect:

? A secure MCC website will be available to you for monthly consolidated MCC Invoices, monthly Wage Reporting, Benefit Worksheets and Benefit Confirmations.

? Units that are not processing payroll with Paycor or Beene Garter will report new hires and changes by submitting a Benefits Worksheet on the secure MCC website.

? Wage reporting for Units that are not processing payroll with Paycor or Beene Garter will be done on the secure MCC website.

? Clergy healthcare will be billed on the monthly consolidated MCC Unit invoice. ? New hires and newly eligible employees will enroll in benefits by calling MCC. Benefit

Confirmations will be available on the secure MCC website. ? Units that are Health only will be merged into the Unit that maintains their other MCC benefits.

All Units will receive an email with your user name and password to access the new secure MCC website. The email will provide you with a link to the new secure site. Units that currently use the Gateway Portal to report wages may continue to use their current user name and password. The new secure MCC website will replace the Gateway Portal. Units that used the Gateway Portal prior to their conversion to Paycor can continue to use the same user name and password. Units that currently have Gateway access will receive an email to remind them of their user name and password. Access to the website for wage reporting will begin on January 6, 2014. Please do not attempt to access the website prior to that date.

Units that do not process payroll through Paycor or Beene Garter will use the MCC secure website to submit Benefit Worksheets reporting new hires, terminations, hours changes, salary changes, address changes and status changes. The link to the secure website will be sent to you in January. Paper forms and emails may not be used to report changes to MCC.

The secure MCC website will be used for wage reporting for all Units that do not process payroll through Paycor or Beene Garter. The wage reporting process has been greatly simplified on our new website. Fourth quarter wages for 2014 need to be reported by January 31, 2014. Monthly wage reporting begins with January 2014 wages. January 2014 wages need to be reported by February 18, 2014. Monthly wages need to be reported by the 18th of the following month. Units will be billed for Unemployment and LERP based on previously reported wages if they do not report wages in a timely manner.

Clergy health premiums will be billed to their assigned Unit beginning with the February 2014 consolidated MCC invoice. The dioceses will no longer bill Units for clergy benefits.

New hires and newly eligible employees will enroll in benefits by calling MCC. The current rule will continue, employees need to enroll in benefits within 30 days of their hire date. The Unit is responsible for instructing the employee to call MCC. The Unit may continue to provide benefit information to their employees or they may refer their employees to the MCC website for benefit information. Benefit Coordinators at MCC will enroll employees by phone while they educate employees on their benefits. Units will receive an email notifying them that a Benefit Confirmation is available on the secure MCC website following the employee's enrollment in benefits. You need to access the secure MCC website to retrieve the Benefit Confirmation. Please review the Benefit Confirmation with the employee for accuracy and give the employee a copy of the Benefit Confirmation for their records. Paper enrollment forms will not be accepted for benefits enrollment and changes after December 31, 2013.

Units that were set up for the sole purpose of receiving a separate Health invoice will be merged into the Unit that maintains their other benefit plans. For example, if a parish school receives a Health invoice, and the parish receives invoices for all other MCC programs, the parish school will be merged into the parish Unit effective with the February 2014 invoice.

We continue to strive to work cooperatively with you by communicating upcoming changes ahead of the implementation of the Michigan Catholic Conference Benefits Administration System. We welcome your suggestions and ask that you contact us at 800-395-5565 with any questions you may have.

Thank you for your patience during this significant transition. We wish you a joyous and blessed Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.


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