OUR LADY AND ST CUTHBERT CHURCH, PRUDHOE PARISH OF THE DIOCESE OF HEXHAM & NEWCASTLEPartnership of OvinghamPRESBYTERY: HIGHFIELD LANE, NE42 6EYParish Priest: Fr Michael Whalen: Tel: 01661 832298e-mail: prudhoecatholichn@Secretary: olscsecretary@ Parish Website: Partnership Website: Diocesan Website: Bishop’s Conference of England & Wales Website: .uk Partnership Facebook page: : Mass will continue to be broadcast online on Zoom on Sunday mornings. Please use the link below and password if needed. Sunday, 10.30am Mass. Passcode: 257979(Masses in italic are not open to parishioners, those in bold are public.)THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT. SATURDAY 12th December Mass: 5.00pm. Lydia Collins.SUNDAY 13th December Mass: 10.30am. People of the Parish.MONDAY: Mass 9.30am. Annie Hogg.TUESDAY: Mass: 10.00am. Fr. Gerard Martin.WEDNESDAY: Mass 9.30am. Mirabella & Nicolina Jaconelli.THURSDAY: Mass 9.30am. Margaret McNeil. FRIDAY: Mass 9.30am. Theresa Rogers.FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT. SATURDAY 19th December Mass: 5.00pm. Edna & John Griffin.SUNDAY 20thDecember Mass: 10.30am. John & Cathie Connelly.Weekday Readings: 3rd Week of Advent. Liturgy of Hours: Week 3 & Advent Proper.Feasts: Mon: St John of the Cross. Sick List: Fr. Kevin Daley, Joyce Redden, Michael Graham, Kathie Bell, Cathy Endacott, Sarah Richmond, Joan Ridley, Doreen Ayres, Pat Palmer, Debbie Henderson, Pam Woods, Pat Callendar, Verna Welsh, Joyce Brooks, Nathaniel Foster, Jeff Woods, Debs Down.Recently deceased: Fr. Gerard Martin.Collections: Sunday 13 December - Home Mission; Sunday 20 December - Sea Sunday UKChallenge on our website from Methodist Church on witness of Nativity scene in Prudhoe. We too can place crib in our windows or gardens. An inspiration from St. Francs of Assisi.St. Cuthbert’s Care: Advent Alms. Please remember our diocesan charity this Advent. To donate to St Cuthbert’s Care please visit - TIMES OPEN FOR MASS: Tuesday 15thDecember 10.00am.Saturday 19th December 5.00am.Sunday 20thDecember 10.30am.Please remember that booking is necessary. Telephone booking 01661 832298, Tuesday & Thursday mornings between 10 & 12am. Emails toolscsecretary@ As usual we have to say first come first served due to the limited number of places.CHRISTMAS MASSES:The Christmas Eve Masses are now fully booked. Friday 25th December 10.30am. (spaces available today)Booking is required. All Covid precautions will be observed. The limitations on singing, sanitising and Holy Communion will continue to be observed. There will be no evening Mass on Saturday 26th Dec. (Boxing Day) Sunday Mass will be at 10.30am. Feast of the Holy Family. Booking required.?Food Bank Appeal How you can help. West Northumberland Food Bank. Parishioners have always generously helped with food donations to this food bank which covers Prudhoe. At present donations may be left at the Co-op’s collection point. This is then collected regularly, and food parcels are delivered to those in need in Prudhoe on a weekly basis.The Miners Lamp Café. Churches together have asked us to join with them in supporting this local charity, which delivers food parcels to local people, many of whom are struggling at this time. St Matthews School are already giving their support. Donations may be left in our Church porch on a Tuesday morning, when we are open for private prayer 10:00am till 11:00am. Additionally, donations may be left at St Mary Magdalene Church any weekday morning. If you wish to make a financial donation to this charity you may do so through the link published on our web site. Retreat Weekend: Part 1 Livestreamed on Parish Facebook at Parish Family Stockton 10:00am Mass EMSSPP Church 11:00am - 11:30am: Talk by Fr Michael Whalen 11:35am - 12:00 Noon Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Part 2 Livestreamed on Facebook at St Teresa, St Lawrence, Our Lady and St Vincent - East End 1:00pm - 2:00pm Talk by Fr Shaun O'Neill and Adoration of the Blessed SacramentPart 3. Livestreamed on Parish Facebook at Parish Family Stockton 6:00pm - 7:00pm Fr Shaun O'Neill, Fr Michael Whalen, Fr Jeff Dodds Are You Ready to Celebrate Christmas? A Call to Conversion and Healing.What is Suspended?It is with regret that ROUTINE VISITS TO THE SICK AND HOUSEBOUND are suspended at this time, on the advice of Public Health England. This is to protect not only the sick person, but also the visitor, many of whom themselves fall into an ‘at risk’ category. In the case of grave illness or danger of death, please contact Fr. Michael. If the parishioner is in hospital or a care home, permission must be obtained from the nurse in charge before contacting a priest. Any visits can only be made in an emergency at this time.Coronavirus PrayerLord Jesus Christ, you travelled through towns and villages curing every disease and illness. At your command, the sick were made well. Come to our aid now, in the midst of the global spread of the coronavirus, that we may experience your healing love. Heal those who are sick with the virus. May they regain their health and strength.Heal us from our fear, which prevents neighbours from helping one another.Heal us from our pride, which can make us claim invulnerability to a disease that knows no borders.Good Lord, healer of all, stay by our side in this time of uncertainty and sorrow.May those who have died from the virus rest in peace and rise in glory.Be with the families of those who are sick or have died. As they worry and grieve, defend them from illness and despair.Be with the doctors and nurses, researchers and all medical professionals who seek to heal and help those affected and who put themselves at risk in the process. May they know your protection and peace.Be with the leaders of all nations. Give them the foresight to act with prudence and charity for the well-being of the people they are meant to serve.Stay with us Lord and grant us your peace. AmenOur Lady, Health of the Sick, pray for usSaint Joseph, pray for usSaint Roch, pray for usOur Lady & St Cuthbert: Public Sunday & Weekday Masses will resume:Saturday 12th December 5pm.Sunday 13th December 10.30am.Tuesday 15th December 10.00am.Saturday 19th December 5pm.Sunday 20th December 10.30am.Sunday Masses in Church will continue to be streamed on Zoom.What Else Can We Do?During this time if we are prevented from attending Holy Mass due to the Coronavirus, there are several things we can do at home in order to keep connected with the parish and the Church.Regularly check parish website for updates and the Newsletter.Pray through the readings of Mass and make an Act of Spiritual Communion.Keep in contact with vulnerable people and telephone them regularly.Daily An Act of Spiritual Communion to be prayed when we are prevented from receiving the Blessed Sacrament.My Jesus,I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul.Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You.Never permit me to be separated from You.Amen ................

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