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-914401524000THE ADVENT CHRONICLEOur Purpose: Love God, Love One Another and Make Disciples2108200123190Office HoursMon., Wed., Thurs., 9:00am – 12:00pmTuesday 9:00am – 4:30pm00Office HoursMon., Wed., Thurs., 9:00am – 12:00pmTuesday 9:00am – 4:30pm4572011049011251 SW Hwy 484Dunnellon, FL 34432(352) 465-727202000011251 SW Hwy 484Dunnellon, FL 34432(352) 465-7272February 2020episcopalchurchadvent@5207041275CONTENTSMessage from Fr Barrett ? ? ? ? ? ?1 Puerto Rico Relief ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?3Daughter of the King (DOK) ? ? ? 3Episcopal Church Women ? ? ? ? ? 4Cursillo Updates ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?6Backpack 4 Kids ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?7Health & Wellness ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 8Memorial Fund Account ? ? ? ? ? ? ?8Food Pantry Schedule ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?9Milestones ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?9Up Coming Events? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?10Weekly EventsSunday: 1st Sunday of the month is Healing Service11:15am 4th Sunday of the month is Co-ed Cursillo Grouping Tuesday: 2rd Tues. Vestry Meet at 5:30pm6:45pm Boy Scout Meet Wednesday: The 1st Wednesday 9 to Noon is Advent Food Pantry 2nd Wednesday ECW Meet at 10:30am 3pm Choir PracticeIn Advent/Lent: 5pm Soup and Bread dinner & 6pm WorshipThursday:9:30am EFM 6pm Girl Scouts Friday: 12pm Stations of the Cross Only in LentSaturday: 1st Saturday of the Month DOK Meet at 10:30am 8:00am IHOP Fellowship on the 2nd Saturday of the month – All are welcomeClean-up 9:00am on the Second Saturday of the month 00CONTENTSMessage from Fr Barrett ? ? ? ? ? ?1 Puerto Rico Relief ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?3Daughter of the King (DOK) ? ? ? 3Episcopal Church Women ? ? ? ? ? 4Cursillo Updates ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?6Backpack 4 Kids ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?7Health & Wellness ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 8Memorial Fund Account ? ? ? ? ? ? ?8Food Pantry Schedule ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?9Milestones ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?9Up Coming Events? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?10Weekly EventsSunday: 1st Sunday of the month is Healing Service11:15am 4th Sunday of the month is Co-ed Cursillo Grouping Tuesday: 2rd Tues. Vestry Meet at 5:30pm6:45pm Boy Scout Meet Wednesday: The 1st Wednesday 9 to Noon is Advent Food Pantry 2nd Wednesday ECW Meet at 10:30am 3pm Choir PracticeIn Advent/Lent: 5pm Soup and Bread dinner & 6pm WorshipThursday:9:30am EFM 6pm Girl Scouts Friday: 12pm Stations of the Cross Only in LentSaturday: 1st Saturday of the Month DOK Meet at 10:30am 8:00am IHOP Fellowship on the 2nd Saturday of the month – All are welcomeClean-up 9:00am on the Second Saturday of the month 318733741728A message from Fr. BarrettThe Lord be with you!This month we begin the season of Lent which starts with Ash Wednesday on Feb. 26th. The liturgical color is purple until Palm Sunday which starts Holy Week. We will be using Rite I for worship. It is traditional for Christians to give up something in Lent. This is both recognition of Christ’s sacrifice for us and a commitment to join him as cross bearers and servants to the world. The Lent discipline consists of prayer, worship, fasting, and reflection. Copies of this year’s devotional book will be available in the narthex. The reflection book is “By his Wounds We are Healed” by Paul Schedit.The Lent season lasts for 40 days. Sundays are considered feast days marking the resurrection of our Lord and are not counted as days in Lent. Church events which do not involve worship are held to a minimum during Lent so that we might reflect on Jesus’ commitment to the cross for us. Baptisms and weddings are never scheduled during Lent.As always we will gather on Wednesdays at 5pm for soup suppers followed by worship at 6pm. The theme for our midweek worship this year is “By His Wounds We are Healed.” Each worship deals with a specific wound or sin. 00A message from Fr. BarrettThe Lord be with you!This month we begin the season of Lent which starts with Ash Wednesday on Feb. 26th. The liturgical color is purple until Palm Sunday which starts Holy Week. We will be using Rite I for worship. It is traditional for Christians to give up something in Lent. This is both recognition of Christ’s sacrifice for us and a commitment to join him as cross bearers and servants to the world. The Lent discipline consists of prayer, worship, fasting, and reflection. Copies of this year’s devotional book will be available in the narthex. The reflection book is “By his Wounds We are Healed” by Paul Schedit.The Lent season lasts for 40 days. Sundays are considered feast days marking the resurrection of our Lord and are not counted as days in Lent. Church events which do not involve worship are held to a minimum during Lent so that we might reflect on Jesus’ commitment to the cross for us. Baptisms and weddings are never scheduled during Lent.As always we will gather on Wednesdays at 5pm for soup suppers followed by worship at 6pm. The theme for our midweek worship this year is “By His Wounds We are Healed.” Each worship deals with a specific wound or sin. The Lent schedule is as follows:Feb. 26, Ash Wednesday - Noon and 7pm Eucharist and imposition of ashes. Theme-The Wounds of BlasphemyMarch 4 The Wounds of Violating the SabbathMarch 11 The Wounds of Dishonoring AuthorityMarch 18 The Wounds of MurderMarch 25 The Wounds of AdulteryApril 1 The Wounds of StealingStations of the cross will be observed every Friday during Lent at NoonHoly WeekApril 5Palm Sunday(The Passion of Christ is read)April 9Maundy Thursday Worship at 7pm (stripping of the altar)April 10Good FridayWorship at Noon and 7pm (no communion)April 11Easter VigilWorship at 7pm(start of Easter celebration)April 12Easter SundayFather Bill BarrettThe Order of the Daughters of the KingThere is nothing to report at the time of printing.Episcopal Church WomenThe Episcopal Church Women of Advent are busy getting ready for their Valentine’s Day Tea on February 15, 2020. Tea will be served at 2 pm. All courses connected to teas will be served, savories, scones and sweets. A donation of $10 is being asked. Tickets are available now from several members. We also are having a basket raffle during the tea. You will find all sorts of good things available in them. We ask that if you attend, please bring your own teacup. In the future, at our April meeting, we are having Pat Gabriel from the SR 200 coalition speaks to us. All members of the church and guests are welcome to come and hear her.Liz Herrick Cursillo UpdatesNembers Rev'd 1.14.20Attend'dTelephoneEmailBrennanMaryann352-347-2428greygrandma@cfll.GrzybowskiMarie352 433 4610Hahne Ruth (Bebe)352 401 0232deaconbebe@HarrisonPatricia352 245 6619aboukird@JohnsLynnx305 394 6771lynna.johns@LapointeEvelinex352 873 0307evelinehl30@LapointeNormanx 352 873 0307normsretreat@LordDebbie352 238 9349lordd1957@Murphy GreyMarilyn352 489 0255SpanjerRachael850 838 4764rachael.spanjer@SpanjerRodger850 838 4764rachael.spanjer@RodriguezNancy352 307 9670SickleFlorencex352 216 5544goldtinkerbell1939@gmail.coSickleJerome (A)x352 208 5664jsickle391@SimpsonAnn352 873 8258askip123@SimpsonSkip352 873 8258askip123@TraudtCarla352 304 8801carltraudt@Ultreya is planned for Saturday April 18th, beginning at 4:30 PM.Witness talk to be given by Lynn JohnsInvite Joy Lutheran Church, Check to see if Methodist and Catholics can share in our ultrey'sConsideration for playing a CD for the music, in lieu of organistPossible candidates for Cursillo are : Dorie Sullivan Joe and Eneida Perez Elaine Meekins Beverly and Tim LaffertyCursillo Dates; Men Week end April 17-19, 2020 Canterbury Conference Center Women Week end April 24-26, 2020 Canterbury Conference Center Co-Ed Week end October 9-11, 2020 Canterbury Conference CenterFuture Discussions: What are your favorite songs? Suggestions for future Ultreya'sSubmitted byAl Sickle026162000HEALTH & WELLNESSI am looking forward to volunteering as the Parish Nurse.? I do work full time Monday through Friday and some weekends.? Keeping my work schedule in mind, I am able to do the following in the coming year for the Parishioners of our Church.???????????Blood pressure checks between services on the days Tim and I are the refreshment host.? The schedule for the year thus far is:o???January 26o???March 22o???May 17o???June 14?????Twice yearly presentations on pertinent health topics – perhaps we can do a survey for suggestions that will be beneficial to the parishioners.? I could present after service or on a Saturday.??????Women’s luncheon and presentation twice a year on spiritual mind body health issues.? I can do these on Saturdays.??????I am also available to help with sick calls understanding I work full time days.??These are my thoughts on what I am able to provide, but please share with me the needs of the parish and I will do my best.? I worked for the Catholic Church for eight years as a Director of Religious Education and have an extensive history of organizing events, teaching, presentations, missions and everything in between. I am glad to help where I can, let me know what works best for you and the church.?Thank you for all that you do have a blessed New Year.??Beverly Lafferty RN BSNDirector of Volunteer Services3231 SW 34th?AvenueOcala, FL 34474blafferty@AnnualChurch of the AdventMemorial Fund Account at Center State BankTreasurer’s ReportDecember 31, 2018 through January 1, 2020Checking account Balance as of December 31, 2018$3485.01Deposits: 500.00Disbursements: 209.35Checking account Balance as of January 1, 2020$3775.66Respectfully submittedGloria Wilberg, Treasurer February 5, 2020 – FOOD PANTRY- SCHEDULEData Managers:Gaye Barrett/Shirley PeloquinInventory Procurement: Gordon Herrick/Don DanielsGreeters:Pauline DeLucaRegistration Clerks: Lesley Ciullo/Joan Manley/Lynn JohnsPickers: Charlie Pratt/Steve and Jo AckermanFloater: Leah Foshay/Evelyn ExellMilestonesIf your birthday or anniversary is not listed or is incorrect please contact the office and let us know– we want to include you with our blessings and best wishes on your special day.BIRTHDAYSLinda Menning02/04Norma Holecsko02/12Nancy Rodriquez02/21Peggy Seward02/22Gerry Baker02/26Ted Snell02/26Carol Hill02/28AnniversariesStephen & Josephine Ackerman02/03Ray & Del Miller02/08Larry & Joyce Harris02/17Art & Annmarie Farascioni02/28Al & Florence Sickle02/28________________________________________________________________________If anyone is interested in the Psalm 121 Ministry (Pray Warrior’s) please speak to or call Alice DePerna at 352-489-1335The Church is in need of Acolytes, Altar Guild helpers and Ushers. If anyone would like to volunteer or be a substitute please give Liz Herrick a call for Acolyte at (352) 291-4878 or e-mail her at tinlizziehr@, For Altar Guild, please call Lynn Johns at (305) 394-6771 or e-mail her at lajohns1@, Lesley Ciullo for Ushers. Call the Office at (352) 465-7272 or e-mail her at episcopalchurchadvent@ CorrectionsIf you see that an error was made, please let me know, so that I have the right info.Thank you, Lesley Ciullo _____________________________________________________________________Upcoming Events February 1, 2020 Daughters of the King Meet at 10:30amFebruary 5, 2020 Food Pantry at 9:00amFebruary 08, 2020 IHOP Breakfast Fellowship at 8:00am, all are welcomeFebruary 08, 2020 Clean Up Day at the Advent at 9:00am: Note change of date & timeFebruary 11, 2020 Vestry Meet at 5:30pm – All are welcomeFebruary 12, 2020 ECW – Episcopal Church Women Meet February 15, 2020 ECW Valentine Tea at the Advent at 2:00pmFebruary 15, 2020 The Diocesan Altar Guild Board Met at St. Barnabas Church in DelandFebruary 26, 2020 Noon & 7 PM Ash Wednesday Services1270024066500April 25 – May 3, 2020 Church Family Cruise883920055054540000200005975350-2540914400118745The Advent ChronicleEpiscopal Church of the Advent11251 SW Highway 484Dunnellon FL 34432-64134000020000The Advent ChronicleEpiscopal Church of the Advent11251 SW Highway 484Dunnellon FL 34432-6413 ................

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