Care Givers -



Mary, Did You Know?

I believe it is fair to say that each of us has at least one, if not two or more, favorite Christmas songs that we love to sing or listen to. One selection that has gained popularity in recent decades is “Mary, Did You Know?” Written by Mark Lowery in 1984, this selection has been sung by artists ranging from Kenny Rogers to Kutless. Most recently, a rendition by the a cappella group Pentatonix is hitting the airwaves. If you like listening to a cappella music (no instruments except the human voice) then go to and enjoy.

A profound theme resonates throughout “Mary, Did You Know?” “Mary, did you know that your baby boy is Lord of all creation?...When you kiss your little baby you have kissed the face of God…This sleeping child you’re holding is the great I Am”. These words remind us of the miracle of Christmas, that our God who is the creator of heaven and earth, the great I Am, the creator of you and me, is embodied in the flesh of this little bambino born in Bethlehem to Mary and Joseph.

However, the question of ‘Mary, did you know?’ is not for Mary alone but for us as well. (your name), did you know? Did you know this miracle is known as ‘the incarnation’ meaning God in the flesh, God in the human body of Jesus the Messiah? The newborn King of all creation of whose birth the angels sing is our Lord E/Immanuel, God with us. Born of a virgin’s womb he is the Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing. True man yet very God. The incarnate deity who thirty three years later became the crucified God on a Jerusalem cross. (your name), did you know?

Take a look at some of the Advent and Christmas carols in our hymnal and you will see this theme is quite apparent. Better yet, read Matthew 1 & 2 and Luke 1 & 2 in the Bible to gain a deeper appreciation of the Christmas miracle.

And why the Christmas miracle? That we may have the everyday life of loving God and helping others, experiencing the greatness and graciousness of the Lord. That we may have the everlasting life of loving God forever. And to have the life, now and eternally, of God loving you – always.

May the one once born in Bethlehem who now chooses to be born in human hearts look upon you with favor and grant you his peace.

Merry Christmas, Pr. Will


Address Notification

Please remember to notify the church office if you have changed your e-mail address or phone number, especially if you have given up your land line and switched to your cell phone. St. Mark’s does not give out or sell member’s addresses/phone numbers. The information is used internally to keep you informed.


Need A Ride to Church? Call Stan Schumm during December at 419-238-1668.

DECEMBER 13th for the January 2017 Messenger. Submit your items on or before the 13th. Please have your items written/typed before you bring them. Meisa

On November 13,

2016 we welcomed Gunner James Burley through the sacrament of Holy Baptism. Gunner is the son of Dustin and Jennifer Burley and brother to Hunter.


Meals for Motycka’s: This program is currently being organized by Chantal Spoor. If you are interested in assisting with a meal for Carole and her family during her upcoming surgery and recovery, please contact Chantal at 419-203-4053 or by email at 3spoorgirls@. She will be happy to give you the password/sign-up information. She does not wish to publish the password at this time due to previous problems with sign ups online.

Our sympathy is extended to the family of Tom Dailey who entered the church triumphant on Wednesday, November 9, 2016.


Notes Of


Thank you: During a time like this we realize how much our friends and relatives really mean to us. Your sympathy will always be remembered. Thank you so much for the beautiful prayer shawls. The children loved them.

The family of Kristie Cummings

Thank you: What a beautiful gesture of love the prayer shawls are for ones dealing with a loss. Thank you for such a heartfelt gift. Your expression of sympathy will always be appreciated and remembered. Please accept this donation of $25.00 to use according to the wishes of the prayer shawl ministry.

The Betty Morehead family

Thank you: Please accept our sincere thanks for the $400 donation that your church has so generously given to the Salvation Army. Please know that it is with thankful hearts that The Salvation Army receives donations from the many supporters of God’s work. Your contribution will allow The Salvation Army to continue helping the needy in our community.

God Bless You! Lieutenant Joshua Morales, Corps Officer

Thank you: I would like to thank all that are responsible for sending the little Grief books. They are really helpful. Thank you,

Brenda Wurst

Thank you to Pastor Will for his visits and prayers. Also thanks to the prayer chain and Alicia Hickerson for the beautiful flowers and visit and to Lois Linser’s visits and garden flowers and also Dick Kirkendall for transportation to the hospital for tests. Thank you also all my many visitors and encouraging words and prayers and to Sandy Errett for delivering the church bulletins. What a wonderful group you all are!! God bless all of you! Sincerely,

Phyllis Myers

Thank you to the ladies of St. Mark’s Prayer Shawl ministry so much for the beautiful prayer shawl! I am always cold, it seems, so this will definitely help me as I say morning and evening prayers. Thank you again for thinking of me.

Megan Hurless


Hospital Reminder

Please call the office with ANY information on hospital emergency visits or admissions.


Yellow Ribbons: There is a display on the bulletin board next to the main entrance. We would like to include the names of our loved ones who are in military service on this board. Please contact the church office (419-238-6336) to have a name listed on the board.


COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS & GUIDELINES: The St. Mark’s Lutheran Church Scholarship Committee now has made the scholarship applications available. Changes include being renewable. Scholarship renewals are contingent on funds being available after scholarships are awarded to graduating high school seniors. It is important to note the scholarships are funded by monies given to the church and specifically designated for college scholarship. No monies are taken from current offerings. Scholarship guidelines and applications can be picked up in the church office or in the cloak room and will also be available on the church website. **Deadline for application submission is January 15, 2017.**


Church Cancellation Information Available

Please be advised, you may listen to the following radio/TV stations for any church service or activity cancellations due to severe winter weather conditions or look on our webpage

WERT radio1220 (Van Wert)

WKSD radio 99.7 (Van Wert)

WTGN radio 97.7 (Ft. Wayne)

WBCL radio 90.3 (Ft. Wayne)

Channels 15, 21 & 33—Ft. Wayne

Channel 6 (Van Wert cable)

Wednesday Evening Cancellations

If Van Wert Schools cancel, due to fog, the Wednesday evening youth/kids meetings WILL MEET as planned. If Van Wert Schools cancel or have early dismissal due to ice, snow, etc. then Wednesday evening meetings WILL NOT MEET.


Circle Meetings



Advent Luncheon & Thankoffering Ingathering in fellowship hall

Guest Speaker—Mary Hilger from Ft. Wayne, Indiana speaking about her gift of painting.

Ruth-Eunice Circle & Esther Circle groups will not meet in January.


Church Security

Just a reminder that if you unlock a door to get into the church please be sure to lock it again when you leave or lock it behind you when you enter the building. Tom has found the front doors have been left unlocked or unlatched quite a few times. Also close any window you may open upon leaving. Please be extra careful to lock or close anything you have unlocked or opened.



It’s not too early to mark your calendars in preparation for the Advent/Christmas season. Here’s what is just around the corner.

Mid-Week Advent Services Weds., November 30th, December 7th, 14th & 21st at

12:00 PM & 7:30 PM

Sunday, December 4th—

Second Sunday of Advent

WELCA General Meeting at 12 noon in fellowship hall.

Sunday, December 11th—

Third Sunday of Advent

Children’s Christmas Pageant at 10:30 a.m. service.

Sunday, December 18th —

Fourth Sunday of Advent

One service at 9:30 a.m. Adult Choir Christmas Cantata followed by Annual Cong. Budget Meeting with Sunday School/Birthday Party for Jesus in the fellowship hall.

Thursday, December 22nd—

7:30 PM Christmas “Eve” Serv.

in the church sanctuary

Saturday Evening,

December 24th—

7:00 Youth & Adult Preludes

7:30 Holy Communion with

Liturgical Praise Ensemble

10:30 Chimes

11:00 Worship Service with

Adult Choir

Sunday, December 25th —


One service at 9:30 a.m.



Nov. 24th & 25thh--all day

December 23rd—1/2 day

January 2nd—all day

Preparing for Death: A Resource Guide: Death can be a difficult thing to think about, but being prepared can ease the decision making process during that time. A manual has been prepared by the Health Ministry to assist congregational members in planning for death—their own or that of a loved one. The booklet includes instructions for advance directives, local information, checklist of steps, suggestions for funeral arrangements, forms for biographical information and funeral preferences. Booklets are in the cloak room and church office.

[pic]WELCA Christmas Luncheon

The WELCA Christmas Luncheon is December 4, 2016 at 12:00 noon. We are inviting Families to come and enjoy a delicious meal and sit back and enjoy the program of this Talented artist. Mary Hilger from Fort Wayne, Indiana, will speak about her painting, as she creates it in front of you. Mary has a spiritual gift, that GOD has blessed her with so please plan on All Families attending this exciting and spiritual gathering. Please sign up on the “I worship today” the number of people attending. You will not want to miss this!


The December Annual Budget Meeting, for voting on Church Council recommendations for the enclosed Proposed Budget of 2017 (copies available in cloak room and elevator room), is being held on Sunday, December 18th immediately following the 9:30 service. If the worship service is cancelled due to inclement weather, the meeting will take place on the following available Sunday upon the conclusion of the 10:30 a.m. service. The recommendations, listed in order of the agenda, are as follows:

Motion # 1.

To approve the Current Expense budget of $ 364,383.00. The Current Expense budget will be funded as follows:

1. Congregation Current Expense Offerings.

2. Designated Giving to Bread and Bowl, Van Wert Blessings, and College Scholarships.

3. Youth Program expenses funded from youth program bequests after considering any direct donation to various programs and any fund raisers with matching funds for the following budget lines:

A. Account 9-a –

Educational Ministry

B. Account 9-b – Sr. High

Youth Group

C. Account 9-c – Middle

School Youth Program

D. Account 9-d –

Awesome Attitudes

E. Account 9-e-

Little Awesome Attitudes

F. Account 9-f –

Campers' Scholarships

G. Account 9-g-

Awesome Family

H. Account 9-h-

College Scholarships

I. Account 9-i-

Other Scholarships

J. Account 9-j-Catechetical

Books & Confirmation Gowns

4. Up to $35,000.00 of principal from non-designated bequests to be used to cover Current Expenses if Current Expense offerings do not cover our expenses.

Motion # 2.

To approve the Property Improvement budget of $8,000.00 to be funded from the Property Improvement Fund.

Motion # 3.

To approve the Mission Support Budget (Benevolence Budget) of $46,000.00 to be funded from Mission Support Offerings (Benevolence Offerings).

Motion # 4.

To approve changing the current formula of non-designated numbered offering envelopes from “85% to current expense and 15% to Mission Support (Benevolence)” to “90% to current expense and 10% to Mission Support (Benevolence)”.

Quick Reminder: Please notify the office BEFORE you schedule a meeting with a group or committee due to the fact we are having many different people using our facilities. If you schedule a meeting without notifying the office there may not be a place for you to meet.


YUMMEE BROWNIE TIME: The Salvation Army is again collecting for their Christmas Baskets for the less fortunate in our community and as you can tell by the title of this article we have brownie boxes this year. Please bring in your regular size 16-18oz. package(s) of brownies by or before December 18th. We need 350 boxes this year so grab that extra box when you’re shopping. As of November 16th we have 240 boxes. Only 110 to go!! Keep “em coming!!


Christmas Cantata Rehearsal Schedule

Sunday, December 11

9:15-10:00 am

Cantata rehearsal only

The choir will not be singing during the 10:30 worship service. Children’s Christmas Program of Sunday December 11th.

Thursday, December 15

7:00-8:30 p.m.

Cantata rehearsal only

Saturday, December 17

9:00 am-noon

rehearsal with Orchestra

Sunday, December 18

8:45 am choir rehearsal

9:30 am worship service

with Cantata


BREAD & BOWL: St. Mark’s will be hosting the Bread and Bowl on Friday, December 9th, at First United Methodist Church. More information will following in future bulletins and sign-ups on the I Worshipped Today. It’s a wonderful way to thank God for our many blessings so keep the date open. This is valuable service to our community and one that serves those in need.

Notes Of

Thanks (cont.)

Thank you for all the beautiful altar flowers, cards, visits, and your prayers. I truly appreciate them. Thank you Pastor for your visits and giving me communion. God bless you all. Treva Hillery

Operation Christmas Child update: Thank you to the congregation for making Operation Christmas Child a huge success. With your help we were able to pack 250 boxes!! Thank you to Craig Staley for delivering the boxes!! Your kindness and generosities are appreciated!

Carole Motycka


Christmas Cards For Service Personnel: St. Marks will be sending Christmas cards to service personnel overseas and service personnel in hospitals. There will be cards in the gathering area that you may sign and then place in the 2 marked boxes. Deadline for cards is November 22nd. Any questions contact Alicia Hickerson 419-771-0795.


Church Garden Update: With the recent cold weather, our church garden is now finished for the season. During the last month the garden really produced vegetables which upped our totals for the year. They are:  81 gallon bags of green lettuce, 355 green peppers, 14 pounds of green beans (way down from last year), 205 pounds of tomatoes, 32 summer and zucchini squash, and 19 heads of cabbage. We thank our volunteers this year, Roy Ringwald, Yvonne Leaser, Don and Jeannine Roediger. The produce is well received by the patrons of the First United Methodist Food Pantry.  



Gunner James Burley

November 13, 2016


Thomas G. Dailey

Monday, November 14, 2016



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