South Auckland Seventh-day Advenitst School

14091552131800 -339635159204002021395414569342000ProspectusThe Puriri Tree – Our StoryThere is a tree that stands strong and tallWhose wood is the toughest and most useful of allWith bark that is smooth and branches far reachingBright flowers full of nectar and sweet berries for eatingThe Puriri tree is one of a kindAnother one like it is impossible to findThere are many reasons why the Puriri is best329946011811000Why it stands so uniquely above the restIt grows to a great height, so all can seeThe way it leads and shapes its communityIts wood is durable and is used to make toolsFor everyday life in homes and schoolsThe Puriri’s bark is smooth and lightIts soft exterior is a friendly sightThe Puriri’s branches grow in pairsOrganised and symmetrical – which is very rareIts leaves are like hands and are grouped in fivesCooperation and unity is how they thriveIts unique flowers are large and brightNourishing birds and insects alikeBut what is really special about this treeAre the small, red berries that embellish its canopyBirds of all different sizes, colours and shapesCome from all around just to have a tasteBut that’s not the end of the berry’s journey, no- The birds takeIts seeds with them wherever they goThey plant them in the places that need more life and loveSo birds from future generations can swoop down from aboveTo be nurtured and protected by a new PuririThat’s the secret of the trees’ beauty4023995444500See, the Puriri’s story goes on and onSharing hope and love all day longWe are the tree that stands strong and tallThe most unique and most beautiful of allBecause we grow and serve God’s wayAccomplishing our purpose TOGETHER every day.-387350313690007089493-30106100OUR PHILOSOPHY Every child thriving in the Kingdom E tupu ora ai ngā tamarikii roto i te rangatiratangabecause The heart of the child matters to us“Ka pā te aroha o te ngākauKo te manawa o te Tamaiti”Every…refers to the value of inclusiveness. EVERYone belongs regardless of ethnicity, gender, beliefs or demographic. The very heart of inclusiveness is the desire for equality and equity for all, where avoidable or remedial differences between groups of people are embraced.‘It is not earthly rank, nor birth, nor nationality, nor religious privilege, which proves that we are members of the family of God; it is love, a love that embraces all humanity.’ E G WhiteChild…refers to the child like qualities of faith, openness, acceptance, forgiveness, respect, obedience and humility. As a community, we seek to engage these qualities regardless of age. ‘Learn this well: Unless you dramatically change your way of thinking and become teachable, and learn about heaven’s kingdom realm with he wide-eyed wonder of a child, you will never be able to enter in.’ Matthew 18:3 (The Passion Translation)Thriving…refers to that holistic quality of life where the emotional, Spiritual, relational, and physical dimensions are functioning together in a way that promotes a purposeful, abundant life. ‘God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need, and plenty left over to share with other… For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, He will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you. Yes, you will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous. And when we take your gifts to those who need them, they will thank God.’ 2 Corinthians 9:8,10-11 (New Living Translation)In…recognizes the need for us to feel we are part of something bigger than ourselves. Therefore, we have a sense of responsibility for our world and everything that lives in it. 323278563055500The Kingdom…is wherever God’s Spirit is. Our desire is that God’s Spirit lives in us, therefore we carry the kingdom with us wherever we go, and we share the benefits of the kingdom with whomever we meet. We know the kingdom is alive in our community when we see love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control being lived out.‘And I pray that Christ will be more and more at home in your hearts, living within you as you trust in Him. May your roots go down deep into the sil of God’s marvellous love; and my you be able to feel and understand, as all God’s children should, how long, how wide, how deep and how high His love really is; know or understand it. And so at last you will be filled up with God himself. Now glory be to God who is by his mighty power at work within us can do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of…’ Ephesians 3:14-21 (The Living Bible)OUR VALUESFAMILY – FanauWe LOVE and LEAD others ‘…Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.’ John 13:34 (NLT)‘Yes, Lord… you know I love you…Then feed my lambs.’ John 21:15 (NLT)RESPECT – Fa’aaloalo We LIVE to honour and serve ‘‘Now, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what He requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God’. Micah 6:8 d.EXCELLENCE – TurangateiteiWe LEARN at our very best ‘Fix your thoughts on what is true and honorable and right and pure and lovely and admirable.Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.’ Philippians 4:8 (NLT)’ c8 (NLT)PRINCIPLESFoundations of NZ Curriculum Decision makingCoherenceGodlinessGROWTHFoundations of Adventist Education curriculum decision making.Treaty of WaitangiRich RelationshipsCultural DiversityInclusionLearning to LearnOwnership of LearningHigh ExpectationsWisdom in decisionsCommunity EngagementTransformational LearningFuture FocusHarvest FocusOUR PRINCIPLESAt our school…The principles that underpin our decision making in growing children who become equipped leaders,embracing opportunities and make a positive impact are interrelated between the NZ Curriculum and the SDA Curriculum.3300095102425500MAORI DIMENSIONSThe school will ensure that all students irrespective of learning needs, gender and religion and ethnic origin, cultural, social or family background have equal access to all opportunities offered and collaboratively learn together for shared success.WHANAUNGATANGA – TANGATA WHENUATANGA - MANAAKITANGAEmbracing IdentityEmbracing Te Ao MaoriEmbracing CommunityEmbracing CultureEstablishing and embedding our school Pepeha and Whakatauki Learners profiles that outline staff and students whakapapa, Developing school environments that support the learning of te ao MaoriProviding Te ao Maori and Tikanga Maori classroom programmes incorporating waiata and dance.Providing Staff with support through PLD to further their capability to integrate Te Ao Maori in everyday learning.Growing educationally powerful connections with Maori whanau through regular consultation throughPTA/ Teacher ConferencesKa Hikitia Parent Hui’sKapa HakaOngoing informal dialogueProviding options for all children and their whanau to be involved in KAPA HAKA Engaging in Maori Tikanga such as powhiri protocols to welcome guests and important whanau to our school, providing our children with opportunities to acknowledge and participate as tangata whenuacenter16573500331343031940500CULTURAL DIVERSITYWe are a school with over 80% Pasifika descent, most of which come from Samoa, Tonga and the Cook Islands. We now have a growing Niuean, Fijian and Filipino community as well. We have high expectation of our learners and work collaboratively to support them in their success. All learners are empowered in their understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity.ManaakitangaUplifting the mana of others through servant hearted leadership.‘Manaaki Whenua, Manaaki Tangata, Haere Whakamua’Care for the land, Care for the people, Go forward.3343275490982000Embracing LanguagesEmbracing IdentityEmbracing Culture through teaching and learningEmbracing CommunityEmbracing Te Reo Maori daily as we develop our capabilities as part of our identity.Embracing Maori, Pasifika and other languages as celebrated throughout the year through National language weeks.Planned Integrated learning each year celebrating our identity as Tangata Whenua, New Zealand through the diversity of cultures in our school and community.Opportunities for sharing our uniqueness and identity through Festival of Flavours cultural celebration.1301755778500Embedding of culturally inclusive practices throughout teaching and learning across the curriculumExtend the Pasifika Early Literacy project strategies through the school to support learners in their own language as well as English.Engaging our communities to participate and contribute to all aspects of learning that will broaden our children’s learning experience.STRATEGIC GOALS-3771909398000331470038482500OUR SPECIAL CHARACTERSouth Auckland Seventh-day Adventist School’s primary purpose is to provide a strong Christian environment in which to nurture a student’s relationship with God, develop character and foster the acquisition of life skills. The school believes its role is to develop confident, connected, committed Christians who are actively involved, making a positive contribution to society and who are lifelong learners for the entire span of life possible to human beings.The Special Character pervades every aspect of the School and its curriculum and programmes. Bible is taught as a separate subject and all students are expected to take part. The Special Character is also integrated into all subject areas. As a State Integrated School, enrolment preference is given to students with a connection to the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Under the Deed of Integration, the school is able to enrol students who may not be from a Seventh-day Adventist home but whose parents chose to have an education for their child based on the values of Seventh-day Adventist beliefs and lifestyle.OUR LEARNINGKnowing that God created human beings with infinite possibility, the school focuses on developing our student’s potential so as they are able to meet or exceed the expected achievement levels in reading, writing and numeracy for their age. The school also invests in the future of its students by developing those skills that empower them to be actively involved in the community and effective lifelong rmation and Communication Technologies are an integral part of the world in which children live, hence the school believes these are vital tools which children need to use consistently to support learning. The school is equipped with appropriate technologies so as children can integrate them into their learning and be conversant in using them as a part of the learning process.327215524638000The school values the Arts and the place of memory building activities and so provides opportunities for children to develop artistic, musical and oral ability as alternative means of expression. Programmes such as weeks of Prayer, Theme based excursions and special service projects supportthe building of positive memories of learning and learning experiences.OUR LEADINGThe school, like the Seventh-day Adventist churches that support it, provides a very mixed cultural and socio-economic experience empowering students by the opportunity to learn to live effectively with diversity and difference. Programmes developing individual’s social skills and ability to work as part of a group are key to the school and its programme.The school provides opportunities across the eight years of schooling for children to learn and develop appropriate social skills, provide opportunities for the acquisition and use of leadership skills, and to enhance student abilities to work effectively in both collaborative and cooperative situations.The school focuses on service as a part of its Special Character programme. It supports links into local, national and global communities so as children can engage with their community in diverse ways and respond to needs as preparation for the wider service of eternity.OUR COMMUNITYSouth Auckland Seventh-day Adventist School upholds individual and corporate responsibility. Learning identifies our God given responsibility to care for ourselves, others and our world. Children are given opportunity to accept and act upon their learning.Homework tasks, goal setting, developing success criteria are ways in which the school develops individual students self-management skills. Social responsibility and service units and activities allow children to show responsible behaviours towards others.3274695146685000Opportunities are provided for children to both recognise and become involved in their God given responsibility to care for and protect the world He has given us, until He returns. This includes recycling, reducing and reusing as a part of the school’s programme and engaging in community sustainability programmes.GENERAL INFORMATIONLevelsSouth Auckland Seventh-day Adventist School is a full primary catering for children from Year 0 to 8 (5 years old to 13 years old)CurriculumThe school through its special character delivers the New Zealand Curriculum.School HoursSchool commences at 8:45am and concludes at 2:45pm. Break one is from 10:45am to 11:00am.Lunch is from 12:45pm to 1:30pm.Break three is from 1:30am to 1:45am.HolidaysTerm One 2021February 3 to April 16Term Two 2021 May 3 to July 9 Term Three 2021 July 26 to October 1Term Four 2021October 18 to December 17 School FeesAs a State Integrated School Attendance Dues are charged and must be paid for a child to attend the school. These are $142.50 per term per child and must be paid before the commencement of each term. A fee account for this is sent out regularly from the New Zealand Seventh-day Adventist Schools Association.The school also charges for a Stationery pack and this must be paid on enrolment. Total cost $40.00 per child. Compulsory CostsAttendance Dues$142.50 per child per termPayment made at the commencement of each term.Stationery$40.00 annual charge per childPayment made upon enrolmentDonationsActivity DonationNo longer required under the Government’s Donation in schools’ program.Special Character$100 for first child, $75 for second, $50 for third, $25 for fourth, all other children no chargeAnnual payment or automatic payment3312795889000The Special Character Donation is an annual donation requested by the New Zealand Seventh-day Adventist Schools Association. This donation helps to ensure that the school is able to staff itself with teachers who are well trained and remain up to date in their ability to deliver the Special Character of the pulsory Costs must be paid in full before the commencement of each term unless prior arrangements are made with the Attendance Dues Officer who can be contacted Ph 0800 4693837An average cost for a year for a child is $610.00.School Uniform3331210651256000All children are expected to wear the official school uniform as a condition of enrolment and this will be strictly enforced. The uniform can be sourced from The Warehouse Airport (John Goulter Drive) – a price list is available from the school.UseItemDescriptionGirlsBlouseWhite, short sleeved with Logo on collar Yrs 0-3Yrs 4-8PinaforeSkirtTartan check Tartan checkSocksWhite crew socks, Black opaque tightsShoesTerms 1 & 4 Brown or Black Roman Sandals (optional)Black leather school shoesHair TiesSimple ties in black, blue, navy, white or redBoysShirtBlue, short sleeved with Logo on collarYrs 0-3Yrs 4-8ShortsShortsNavy with elastic waist Navy dress shorts.SocksSouth Auckland SDA Schools socksShoesTerms 1 & 4 Brown or Black Roman Sandals (optional)Black leather school shoesGeneralSweatshirtRoyal Blue, V neck with logo JacketNavy with LogoSports Polo ShirtPE ShortsPE TrackpantsRoyal Blue, Black and White, black shoulder strip collar stripes, with logoPlain black shortsPlain black trackpants (not tights)Sports ShoesSport shoes suitable for running and sport activitiesHatsTerms 1 & 4 Wide brim royal blue school hat or plain royal blue bucket hatWinter warmersPlain Black scarf, beanie or gloves worn to/from school onlySchool ProgrammesChildren are able to use and develop talents by being involved in a diverse range of programmes, events and responsibilities at the school.These include:School ChoirKapa Haka GroupWorship TeamInter school Sports (Papatoetoe Schools and Southern Zone)ICT, Art, Sport and Music monitorsStudent Librarians Music Festival (Papatoetoe Schools)Art Exhibition (Papatoetoe Schools)Fruit and Lunch monitors.Connect 4 Peer MediationChapel monitorsAll of these programmes are directed by school staff. For expert tuition parents need to engage external providers.Educational ConnectionsThe school is committed to working together with parents to support their educational aspirations for their children. Questionnaires – both online and face to face, family fono’s and hui’s are a regular means of engagement with our community as this is how parent and community voice are taken into consideration as the Board of Trustees plan and operate the school as to best meet the needs of our community.3314065163703000Seventh-day Adventist EducationThe Seventh-day Adventist Church has run schools in New Zealand for just over 100 years. It has done so to provide a strong development base for instilling values and principles based on Seventh-day Adventist Christian beliefs in children.For over 50 years South Auckland Seventh-day Adventist School has provided Seventh-day Adventist Education at its current location. While the school has grown and changed over that time the mission and purpose of the school remains growing children who are committed, connected, confident, actively involved Christians who are able to learn throughout life and eternity.Children at the school will be taught Bible in line with the New Zealand Adventist Schools Curriculum aimed at developing student knowledge, commitment and ability to serve as Christians. They will also learn from Spiritual and Biblical learning integrated by teachers in all curriculum areas. Teaching will include the beliefs, lifestyle and practices of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.Seventh-day Adventists are fundamental Christians who believe that because of sin, we are all in need of salvation. This is provided by a faith relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Salvation comes from this relationship alone. More unique beliefs include:SabbathSeventh-day Adventist, similar to Jewish belief, worship and treat as holy the Sabbath being the time from sunset on a Friday evening to sunset on a Saturday evening. This means Saturday is their church day.Death and the Second ComingDeath is considered to be like sleeping by Seventh-day Adventists. They do not consider that people go to heaven or hell as soon as they die but rather they ‘rest’ in the grave until the literal return of Jesus Christ at His second coming at which time Jesus will raise those who have a realtionship with Him to eternal life. Those who do not choose a relatioship with Jesus will be put to death and remain that way for eternity.Modern ProphetessSeventh-day Adventists believe that Ellen White who lived in the late 1800’s to early 1900’s is a modern Prophetess . They do agree with her own statements that her writings support scripture and that the Bible is the foremost authority on belief.Health and Lifestyle331660544958000Seventh-day Adventists uphold a lifestyle of abstinence from the use of alcohol, smoking tobbaco and other substances. They agree to the use of drugs for health reasons not for abuse and social use. These are tests of faithA preferred lifestyle is a vegetarian diet. This is not required but advocated as is abstinence from tea and coffee. Adventists, where there is a choice to eat meat, advance a lifestyle that uses only clean meats as identified in Scripture.EnrolmentFamilies wanting to enrol children in the South Auckland Seventh-day Adventist School need to fill in an Application Form which is enclosed in this pack. One should be filled in for each child.The form should be submitted to the school upon completion. Upon receipt of the form the School will check the Preferential Status of students. Under Integration Legislation the school is permitted to determine whether applicants have:a specific connection to the Seventh-day Adventist Church (church members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church community)a general connection (members of the Christian faith) those who have no connection to the Special Character of the School. Families who have a special or general connection are deemed Preferential and will be given priority for enrolment.The names of students are then referred to the Board of Trustees at its next meeting for approval. Once a decision has been made by the Board of Trustees, this is communicated to parents in writing and an Enrolment pack sent out for completion if accepted. For all New Entrants two half day school visits will need to be arranged prior to starting at the schoolFor further information and details regarding the South Auckland Seventh-day Adventist School you are invited to contact the Principal.South Auckland Seventh Day Adventist School.Postal addressPO Box 23598ManukauAuckland 2241Street address42A Puhinui RoadPapatoetoeAuckland 210432975558509000Phone 09 2786055Email 021 2786055WAITING LISTWe are excited to be growing and would like to take a moment to acknowledge the confidence that our parents have in this school to grow our children for eternity.The school has, together with its Proprietors made a successful application for a roll increase to 400 as we continue to have a very large waiting list.Subsequently our application has been approved by the Ministry of Education has been signed by both parties. We were granted a staggered Roll increase on a staged basis (now complete) and we must continue to manage our roll as carefully as we can – we currently are almost full.It is our intention to work with our Proprietors to commence building new classrooms in late 2021 and early 2022 to accommodate this increase.Our Enrolment priority is as follows:Siblings of Children present whose parents are members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.Children who are, or whose parents are members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.Siblings of Children present whose parents are members of Christian Churches.Children who are, or whose parents are members of Christian Churches.Siblings of Children present whose parents are not members of Christian Churches.Children who are, or whose parents are not members of Christian Churches. 32486601397000A more complete description of this is to be found on our school website.…OUR VISIONIs for every graduate to be anEQUIPPED LEADER whoEMBRACES EVERY OPPORTUNITY tomake a POSITIVE IMPACT3219450357187500center42164000 ................

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