Colorado Health Information Management Association

Thursday, May 3rdTime SlotCE6:45 – 8:00Breakfast/Registration - Networking Breakfast (Sepsis)1General Session8:00 – 8:10AnnouncementsPresident’s Welcome8:10 – 9:10Simplifying MACRA, MIPS & APMs for HIM?Scott JonesSession Description: With the adoption of value-based reimbursement (VBR), HIM professionals need to lead the information governance initiative across the continuum of care. There is an increased urgency to understand what is needed to control the financial impact of value-based reimbursement.The premise of VBR is simple; providers need to deliver the best care to improve patient outcomes. And, provider payments are now based on the value of the care they deliver.BIO: Scott Jones serves as a Senior Consultant and Data Analyst for nThrive where he specializes in the areas of clinically integrated networks, revenue cycle management and physician performance. Mr. Jones consults multi-state health systems, academic medical centers and physician groups by utilizing data and analytics to improve overall quality, performance and strategy. He has significant understanding in the industry shift to value-based reimbursement. Prior to nThrive, Mr. Jones was Director of Provider Services for Leavitt Partners where he developed multiple consulting products and services related to accountable care research, clinical integration and healthcare market analytics. Mr. Jones received a BBA from the University of Utah an MHA from the University of Minnesota and interned at the Mayo Clinic Center of Innovation.1 – External Forces9:10 – 9:15Transition time9:15 – 10:15Inspiring Leadership |?Influencing Change – AHIMA's 2018 Report to the CSAsKaren ScottSession Description: Learn how AHIMA is helping you lead and influence change in your career as well as in the healthcare environment of the future.Bio:1 – External Forces10:15 – 10:45Break w Vendors10:45 – NoonCHIMA Business MeetingNoon – 1:00Lunch / Vendor time1 (one CE for Vendor time)Track ATrack BTrack C1:00 – 2:00CHA Discharge Data Program and new CHA Data PortalKrista Smith, RHIT, CHDASession Description: The presentation will review the CHA Discharge Data Program, what data is included, why it is so important, and how it is used. The second half of the presentation, I will be unveiling a brand new tool available for all CHA Member Hospital employees that will allow users to query CHA's statewide database.Bio: My first job after graduating from Arapahoe Community College, was in 2003 at Sky Ridge Medical Center. I started one week before the hospital opened it's doors and assisted in the development of the HIM department operations and my final position being the Operations Manager. In 2012, I left Sky Ridge Medical Center to pursue a HIM Director/FPO position at a hospital in Wyoming. Being a Colorado native, I could not stay away long! In 2014, the Colorado Hospital Association (CHA) contacted me and offered me a position working with HIM departments to collect data for the CHA Discharge Data Program. As the manager of Data Quality and Security, I oversee the CHA Discharge Data Program, review and manage all new and existing requests for data, and make sure all data released is HIPAA Compliant. I work with all hospitals to ensure the integrity, completeness, and accuracy of the data I so, in return, CHA can provide a reliable statewide database to its members, public health agencies, and other health care providers in the state and nationwide.?Addressing the Health and Social Needs of our Gender Diverse PopulationsStevan Hidalgo, MS, RHIA, CHPSRachel Podczervinski, MS, RHIASession Description: HIM and healthcare providers should work to create a healthcare environment that is non-judgmental and welcoming to patients of all backgrounds. Learn about regulatory, compliance, and data capture considerations that address the needs of our LGBT patient population.?Bio:Stevan Hidalgo, MS, RHIA, CHPS, is the HIM Operations Manager at Children’s Hospital Colorado and serves on the hospital’s Gender Diversity Committee. He is Adjunct Faculty in the HIM Program at Regis University’s College of Computer and Information Sciences.Stevan has been involved with CHIMA since he was the student representative from Regis University. He has served two terms as CHIMA President, is completing his two-year term as Delegate, and has served on various CHIMA Board Committees.?Stevan has presented “Addressing the Needs of Our Transgender Patient Population,” to the Colorado Hospital Association, and “Caring for Our LGBT Patient Population: Changing Documentation and Workflows” at the 2017 AHIMA Annual Meeting. He has authored “Privacy Challenges to Consider for Pediatric Patient Populations,” and has co-authored “Improved Patient Engagement for LGBT Populations,” for the AHIMA Journal.Finding the Tip of the Catheter and Other Tricks for Accurate Vascular Access Device ICD-10-PCS CodingKristi Pollard, RHIT, CCS, CPC, CIRCCSession Description: Coding PICC line and central line placements in ICD-10-PCS may seem rudimentary, but recent changes in the code values and documentation issues make it difficult to code these "simple" procedures. This presentation will give an overview of the different types of vascular access devices, pertinent anatomy, and documentation requirements and offer tips and tricks for accurate coding.Bio: Kristi Pollard, RHIT, CCS, CPC, CIRCC, is a senior consultant and AHIMA-Approved ICD-10-CM/PCS Trainer with Haugen Consulting Group based in Denver. She has over 23 years of coding experience and has worked as a coder, supervisor, auditor, consultant, and educator. Kristi's current work includes development of instructor-led, web-based, and webinar training materials as well as auditing and presentation of coding education through webinars and face-to-face training. She is an active CHIMA member, currently serving as co-chair of the Data Quality Committee and previously as Director and ICD-10 Task Force chair. Kristi is the proud recipient of the 2011 AHIMA Triumph Award for Mentoring for her Coder Coach blog (codercoach.) and the 2013 co-recipient of CHIMA's Outstanding Volunteer award for her work with the ICD-10 Task Force.1CHA – External ForcesLGBT – TechnologyPCS – Clinical Data Management 2:00 – 2:05Transition time2:05 – 3:05Advanced Health Information Exchange in ColoradoAlaina DesnoyersSession Description: The CORHIO Health Information Exchange has launched a new form of advanced data exchange to help Colorado healthcare providers and their staff with clinical decision-making, patient intake, and record-keeping. CORHIO Consolidated Care Summaries combine data from all available data sources in our network, regardless of system source, making it a truly interoperable way to see the whole picture of a patient’s health. In this session, you will:? Understand the next generation of health information exchange coming to Colorado providers? Learn how consolidated care summaries can help clinicians make more informed patient care decisions? See a demonstration of how this functionality works and how you could use it at your organizationBio: Alaina Desnoyers is an Outreach and Development Manager at the Colorado Regional Health Information Organization (CORHIO). She has over 10 years of experience engaging with community partners, business development, sales, branding, marketing, events, and communications. Prior to joining CORHIO, Alaina was in Provider Relations at Parker Adventist Hospital and previously, she worked with the community and providers for Children’s Hospital Colorado. Alaina is a graduate of the University of Colorado Denver and she enjoys living in Colorado with her husband and children.Data Integrity Horror Stories and a Patient Identity SolutionMatt Vargocko, RHIARenee LopezSession Description: This presentation will be an interactive one with the audience. I (Matt) will start off by going into details about true DI events that resulted into some catastrophic outcomes. I will then engage audience to hear some of their stories. After that (pending approval form Lexis Nexis) we will have a follow-up vendor solution.Bio:I have been in the field of HIM for over 10 years. I have started off as an Incomplete Chart Room Team Lead (stone age days), to a few HIM manager roles and now into leading the Chart Accuracy team for Kaiser Permanente.Patient Identity is dear to me as I love the challenge it brings and remediating the issues it creates. We are bundling more of a proactive approach at Kaiser Permanente to handle these Patient Identity issues.Taking ICD-10 Up a Notch: Diagnosis Coding SpecificityJacquie Zegan, CCS, RCCSession Description: Coding specificity is a shared responsibility between the provider and the coder to create a clear clinical picture of the encounter. This presentation will take a close look at trends in the most frequently assigned unspecified diagnosis codes. Coding and CDI professionals will learn how to tackle the challenges of assigning the most specific code documented and fine tune their "coder eye". We'll examine when it's appropriate to report unspecified diagnoses and learn how to calculate an unspecified diagnosis code rate for use in monitoring specificity in diagnosis coding and documentation.BIO: Jacquie Zegan, CCS, RCC is a Senior Consultant for United Audit Systems, Inc. (UASI). In her role at UASI she is the lead consultant for Documentation Gap Analysis projects for large and small hospital systems across the country. Jacquie is also involved with HCC coding and documentation reviews, coding education and focused coding audits. Ms. Zegan has 20 years of experience in the Health Information Management arena and joined UASI in November 2011. Jacquie has a passion for interventional radiology coding and is a Radiology Certified Coder. She is co-chair of the CHIMA Data Quality Committee and enjoys volunteering, giving back to her profession and learning from so many talented Colorado HIM professionals!1Advanced HIE – TechnologyData Integrity – Performance ImprovementICD-10 – Clinical Data Management3:05 – 3:40Break w Vendors3:40 – 4:40Outperform The NormScott Welle, MS, CSCS, PES, ITCASession Description: Today’s competition is brutal and the pressure to perform can be suffocating. What are you doing to stay ahead and keep from burning out?Discover the strategies used by high achievers and elite athletes to take your “game” to the next level and Outperform.This high-energy presentation will raise your personal standard of excellence and give you an effortless action plan to use immediately.?Bio: Scott Welle is a #1 best selling author, speaker and founder of Outperform The Norm, a leading program for business leaders and athletes looking to perform at their highest level. He has authored 9 best selling books, has a Master’s degree in Sport Psychology, is an adjunct professor at St. Olaf University and regularly consults with top performing executives, sales leaders and entrepreneurs, as well as elite athletes. For “fun” (and because he’s a little crazy), he’s completed 5 Ironman triathlons, 29 marathons, and a 100-mile ultra marathon run :)Please visit him at !Emerging Roles for Coding ProfessionalsMary Beth Haugen, RHIA & Kristi Pollard, RHIT, CCS, CPC, CIRCCSession Description: Recent talk about the HIMR white paper and the lack of detail regarding the future of the coding professional have been making some coders nervous. Does this mean coders will be replaced by computers? Will coding jobs be moved offshore? This presentation is designed to put coders at ease and show them emerging roles in coding that go beyond the title "auditor."Bio:Kristi Pollard, RHIT, CCS, CPC, CIRCC, is a senior consultant and AHIMA-Approved ICD-10-CM/PCS Trainer with Haugen Consulting Group based in Denver. She has over 23 years of coding experience and has worked as a coder, supervisor, auditor, consultant, and educator. Kristi's current work includes development of instructor-led, web-based, and webinar training materials as well as auditing and presentation of coding education through webinars and face-to-face training. She is an active CHIMA member, currently serving as co-chair of the Data Quality Committee and previously as Director and ICD-10 Task Force chair. Kristi is the proud recipient of the 2011 AHIMA Triumph Award for Mentoring for her Coder Coach blog (codercoach.) and the 2013 co-recipient of CHIMA's Outstanding Volunteer award for her work with the ICD-10 Task Force.Mary Beth Haugen, MS, RHIA, is founder and CEO of The Haugen ConsultingGroup and Haugen Academy, based in Denver, Colorado. She has over 25years of experience in Health Information Management. Prior to launchingHaugen Consulting Group, Mary Beth held leadership roles in InformationServices and HIM in a variety of healthcare settings.Mary Beth has served on the Board of Directors for the American HealthInformation Management Association (AHIMA) and the AHIMA Foundation andis currently a member of the Council on Education and Excellence and RegisUniversity Advisory Board.Mary Beth is the proud recipient of the AHIMA Triumph Award forLeadership and CHIMA Distinguished Member. Haugen Consulting Group is also the proud recipient of the CHIMA President’s Award and recognized as a Colorado Company to Watch.1 Outperform – ManagementEmerging Roles – Clinical Data Management4:40 – 4:45Transition time4:45 – 5:45HIM Awareness/Member Benefits Session Description: Bio:Rebills & Relationships- A Big Win for CDI & Coding. The Evolution of Reconciliation Processes from Post- to Pre-BillCarolyn Page, BAS, CCSCarrie Willmer, RN, CCDS, CDIPSession Description: This presentation applies to all roles within a CDI or Coding Department. It will offer an honest account of the "growing pains" of the interdepartmental collaboration between CDI and Coding departments and how that relationship was able to be turned around in partnership towards our common goals while simultaneously increasing the efficiency of workflows by decreasing the volume of cases requiring second level reviews, resulting in resubmission of claims. The presentation will provide one approach to the successful implementation of pre-bill reconciliation on DRG mismatches between the CDI specials and the Coders with positive quantitative and qualitative outcomes for both teams.Bio: Carolyn Page, BAS, CCS has over 20 plus years of experience in HIM and Coding. She is currently the Western Region Coding Manager and CDI Liaison for SCL Health.Carrie Willmer, BS, BSN, RN, CCDS, CDIP is the CDI Compliance & Data Manager for SCL Health System based out of the Denver metropolitan area. She has 12 years of nursing experience including Trauma/Surgical ICU clinical experience and 5 years of experience as a Clinical Nurse Educator for the critical care division at a local safety-net, level 1 trauma center in Denver, Colorado. She has 6 years of experience in CDI, holding both the CCDS & CDIP certifications. Her responsibilities include oversight, planning, and delivery of the education provided to both the SCL Health CDI team and medical staff, data analytics and dashboard development to reflect pertinent CDI metrics to guide strategic planning, and oversight of the development and implementation of an internal departmental auditing program for compliance assurance and driving force for the ongoing CDI educational efforts for documentation improvement opportunities for SCL Health.The Ins and Outs of Point of Origin and Discharges Status Codes??Dotsy Baxter and Tedi Lojewski, RHIA, CCS, CHDASession Description: We're pretty good about capturing data in the middle of the patient's stay, but how about those little two-digit entries at the very beginning and very end of the stay? We've trained hard on ICD-10 and CPT coding but these other little data elements can have a big impact on your data quality, facility reimbursement, and ratings too!In this session we will be reviewing the newly revised CHIMA Discharge Status Tool Kit and the CHIMA Point of Origin Reference Sheet, including their relation to the Medicare PACT Policy and data reporting. Come learn about these important data elements, where to find the easy resources, and help for reporting Point of Origin and Discharge Status accurately!Bio: Tedi Lojewski earned a BS in Medical Record Administration from Indiana University and learned to code in ICD-8! After holding various HIM Director and Coding Manager positions, she joined CHAN Healthcare, where she worked as a coding compliance auditor for 17 years. Tedi has been active in the HIM profession as a member of the AHIMA Coding Community Council, CHIMA Data Quality Committee (past co-chair), AHIMA-approved ICD-10-CM/PCS Trainer and Coding Coffee Chat facilitator. Tedi is a CHIMA past president (2010-2011) and a recipient of the CHIMA Outstanding Volunteer Award (2009). Since retirement in 2017, Tedi and her husband are enjoying traveling the country in their camper, bicycle touring, visiting grandchildren, and riding wooden roller coasters. They are well on their way to accomplishing their goal of visiting all 59 National Parks and 115 US wooden roller coasters!1HIM Awareness – OtherCDI – Clinical Data ManagementThe Ins and Outs – Clinical Data Management5:45 – 7:00President’s ReceptionTotal CE’s8 (incl. vendors)Friday, May 4thTime SlotCE6:30 – 8:00Breakfast/RegistrationTrack ATrack BTrack C7:00 – 8:00Third Party Data Sources and Referential MatchingRachel Podczervinski, MS, RHIASession Description: Third party data companies are making a big splash in the healthcare industry. Data these companies collect can be extremely useful to help confirm patient identity, improve patient matching, and assist in MPI cleanup projects. Attendees will learn how and what data is collected by third party data companies, the benefits of using the data, as well as why users should be cautious. Best practices for combining people, process, and technology will be discussed.Bio: Ms. Podczervinski is a consultant, director, and informatics specialist overseeing a team of 100+ identity experts working on several projects simultaneously. With over sixteen years of experience in the healthcare industry, Ms. Podczervinski has extensive experience in many areas, including electronic master patient index, patient identity, patient access assessments, business development, and algorithm refinement consulting. Ms. Podczervinski has experience working with numerous EMR, MPI, and EMPI software applications and she has a broad base of consulting experience in requirements documentation, test plan development, and software/interface testing. Rachel has a Masters in Health Information Management from The College of Saint Scholastica and is a Registered Health Information Administrator. Rachel serves as Chair of the Technology Committee for the Colorado State Association and Chair of the Exhibit Advisory Committee for AHIMA.Evaluation and Management Coding: Exploring the Complex Aspects of these Common ServicesWhitney Horton, CPC, CCCSession Description: Explore effective ways to handle the challenges of Evaluation and Management coding presented by vague and varying guidelines, electronic record functionalities, provider involvement, and more. Discuss compliance red flags related to E/M coding and documentation and how to avoid them.?Bio: Whitney Horton is a Certified Coder and Certified Cardiology Coder through the AAPC. Ms. Horton is currently the Director of Coding and Auditing at First Professional Services in Loveland, Colorado. She has coding and auditing experience in a wide variety of specialties including Primary Care, Cardiology, Radiology, Interventional Radiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, and Pain Management. She volunteers on the CHIMA Ambulatory Committee. Whitney is passionate about empowering providers and health care professionals to understand the language of the coding and billing world.1Third Party – Clinical Data ManagementCPT – Clinical Data Management8:00 – 8:05Transition Time8:05 – 8:10In Room AnnouncementsIn Room AnnouncementsIn Room Announcements8:10 – 9:10Back to the Basics: Release of InformationAngela Rose, MHA, RHIA, CHPS, FAHIMASession Description: As Release of Information becomes more complex with new regulations and guidelines, questions surrounding appropriate policies, procedures and processes increase. Attend this session to hear the latest information on Release of Information and ask an industry expert your toughest questions.?BIO: As Vice President of Implementation Services for MRO, Rose oversees and coordinates activities related to successfully onboarding new clients to MRO’s Release of Information (ROI) platform. She has more than 20 years of experience in Health Information Management (HIM), with focused expertise in privacy and security. Prior to joining MRO, she served as Director of HIM Practice Excellence for the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA). Rose is an active member of the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) and the Florida Health Information Management Association (FHIMA), where she is currently the Program Director. Rose was named as one of the “10 Finds at HIMSS16 Conference” by Health Data Management, and is an established author and speaker on various HIM topics. She has served as adjunct faculty for the St. Petersburg College Health Information Technology and Health Informatics Programs in St. Petersburg, Florida, and served on its advisory board. She received her Bachelor of Science in HIM from the University of Pittsburgh and Master’s in Health Administration from the University of South Florida.?Quality Payment Program: How to Successfully Participate in 2018Lauren O’KipneySession Description: This session will provide an overview of the Quality Payment Program and in particular, the Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS). Ms. O'Kipney will walk you through the reporting categories, breaking them down into actionable items and tips for success.?? Introduction to Quality Payment Program's two components: Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and Advanced Alternative Payment Model (APM), including eligibility and timelines.?? Deep dive into MIPS performance categories, including weights, category requirements and tips for success in using your electronic health record system for reporting.?Bio: Lauren O’Kipney is a Transformation Support Services Manager at the Colorado Regional Health Information Organization (CORHIO). She is a Practice Facilitator and Clinical Health IT Advisor for the State Innovation Model (SIM), which is an initiative aimed at integrating behavioral health into primary care settings across Colorado. Lauren is also a Clinical Health IT Advisor for Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative, which aims to prepare clinicians to be successful with new models of compensation that require new models of care delivery, effective care coordination, and demonstrated value of care. Lauren currently works with over 50 practices all over Colorado and is a trusted advisor on utilization of electronic health records, quality improvements and reporting, workflow, and new payment models, including the Quality Payment Program. Lauren was previously a Practice Facilitator and Advisor at HealthTeamWorks.?Cardiopulmonary Anatomy, Physiology, and Coding Challenges Part 1Ed O’Bierne Session Description: We will examine the always-interesting anatomy and physiology of the cardiac and pulmonary systems, discuss some of the common and also some interesting conditions that affect the cardiopulmonary system, and explore the associated coding challenges. Myocardial infarction, heart failure, valvular disease, arrhythmias, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary embolism will receive special attention.BIO: A former emergency medicine physician assistant, I have spent the last 10 years working to help coders maximize their professional development through clinically-oriented education, consulting, and auditing. Aside from that, I enjoy exploring the wonders and places of the world with my two young children, and obsessing on all things aviation-related.1Back to the Basics – Privacy & SecurityQuality Payment – External ForcesCardio – Clinical Data Management9:10 – 9:15Transition time9:15 – 10:15Resume SessionSession Description: Bio:Challenges of the Electronic Health RecordTerri OwensbyKendra AdamsAmy Miller, RHIAMelinda PattenSession Description: Bio:Amy Miller: I am a RHIA with 25+ years of varied experience within the health information profession. I have been the Director of HIM at Denver Health since 2014, and the reason I relocated from Oklahoma (I prefer mountains vs. tornadoes!). I have served on the CHIMA Nominating Committee for the past two years. I look forward to expanding my professional association opportunities in the near future. This era is an exciting time to be a HIM professional and consider it a privilege to be a part of this local and national professional community.Melinda Patten is the Director of the Health Information Management department at Children’s HospitalColorado for the past nine years. Melinda holds a Master’s of Health Administration, is a RegisteredHealth Information Administrator, certifications include Certified Documentation ImprovementProfessional and is Certified in Healthcare Privacy and Security. Melinda is an Affiliate Faculty at RegisUniversity and volunteers on the Advisory Board for Regis University, Arapahoe Community College andFront Range Community College supporting the health information technology programs.Cardiopulmonary Anatomy, Physiology, and Coding Challenges Part 2Ed O’Bierne Session Description: We will examine the always-interesting anatomy and physiology of the cardiac and pulmonary systems, discuss some of the common and also some interesting conditions that affect the cardiopulmonary system, and explore the associated coding challenges. Myocardial infarction, heart failure, valvular disease, arrhythmias, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary embolism will receive special attention.Bio: A former emergency medicine physician assistant, I have spent the last 10 years working to help coders maximize their professional development through clinically-oriented education, consulting, and auditing. Aside from that, I enjoy exploring the wonders and places of the world with my two young children, and obsessing on all things aviation-related.1Resume – No CEChallenges of EHR – TechnologyCardio – Clinical Data Management10:15 – 10:45Final Vendor Break10:45 – 11:45Open Notes at UCHealth: Lessons LearnedCT Lin, MD, Chief Medical Information OfficerJonathan PellSession Description: Information transparency in healthcare is a national and growing movement. In addition to online communication between patients and providers, UCHealth has been releasing test results and most recently provider progress notes (outpatient, ED and inpatient) to patients. We will discuss our lessons learned in our multi-year journey toward transparency.?Bio: CT Lin MD is CMIO at UCHealth, an 8-hospital, 400-clinic system in the Rocky Mountain region. In 2016, UCHealth achieved HIMSS Stage 7, indicating highest achievement in EHR effectiveness. In 2017, UCHealth achieved Most Wired status from Hospitals and Health Networks. He is Professor of Medicine at University of Colorado School of Medicine, and board-certified in Internal Medicine and Clinical Informatics. He sees internal medicine patients and also facilitates workshops on "Physician-patient communication to improve health outcomes" for students, residents and practicing physicians. His national publications and talks include: Physician Adoption of IT, EHR Usability, Online patient communication and patient accessible records with Open Test Results and Open Notes. His national awards include "Healthcare IT innovator" and "Electronic Physician of the Year." He leads a team of 32 physician informaticians, whose main work is now reducing physician burnout and the EHR burden. Our vision: "We improve physician and team resilience and effectiveness by building world-class relationships and innovative tools."1 – Performance Improvement11:45 – 1:00Lunch and Vendor Drawings 1:00 – 2:00Expanding the View of HIM Beyond the Hospital WallsBonnie Cassidy, MPA, RHIA, FAHIMA, FHIMSSSession Description: There have been numerous white papers and articles published by AHIMA that address the current state of the HIM Profession and the future state. It is an exciting time for HIM professionals as we pave the way for a future of HIM professionals to serve. What is your position? Where do you spend the majority of your time across the continuum of care? This presentation will address the core competencies of the HIM profession and provide thought provoking questions and challenges for us to consider as we prepare for changes in our professional lives.The "HIM Reimagined" initiative has challenged all of us to serve healthcare in ways that are more relevant and contributory than ever before. This excitement may be accompanied by fear of the unknown. and need to do all that can be done to plant the seed for the next generation of HIM professionals.?Bio: Bonnie Cassidy is a leading Health Information Management executive advisor, focusing her efforts on advancing Clinical Documentation Integrity, Risk Adjusted Reimbursement and Health Information Governance.Cassidy was the 2011 President of AHIMA/Chair of the AHIMA Board of Directors, and the 2015 Chair of the Board of Directors for The Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management (CAHIIM). Bonnie is a Fellow of AHIMA, an AHIMA Academy ICD-10-CM/PCS Certificate Holder & ICD-10 Ambassador, is a Fellow of HIMSS and an advanced member of HFMA.Cassidy was honored to be the recipient of the 2014 Distinguished Member Triumph Award from AHIMA and the 2015 Distinguished Member Award from the Georgia Health Information Management Association. She is also a recipient of the Distinguished Member Award from the Ohio Health Information Management Association.Bonnie Cassidy has served as an executive with nThrive, Nuance, QuadraMed, North Highland, CCHIT, Price Waterhouse, Ernst & Young, and was an HIM Administrator at two major teaching hospitals including the Cleveland Clinic Foundation. 1 - Management2:00 – 2:05Transition Time2:05 – 3:05Investigating and Responding to a Privacy or Security Breach Involving Protected Health Information or Personal InformationSteven Johnson, B.A., M.A., J.D. Session Description: This session will describe the process for investigating and responding to a reported or suspected privacy or security breach involving protected health information or personal information, including: (i) measures to mitigate risks associated with breaches, (ii) the breach notification requirements under the HIPAA breach notification regulations and under the Colorado Consumer Protection Act, and (ii) the accounting of unauthorized disclosures resulting from breaches. Bio: Steven L. Johnson, Esq., is a partner-shareholder and health law attorney at the health law firm of Kozak & Gayer, P.A., with offices located in Salida, CO, and Augusta, ME. Mr. Johnson is a graduate of the University of Maine School of Law, has a B.A. in philosophy from Asbury College, and earned an M.A. in philosophy from the University of Kentucky. He has been practicing health law since 2004 and is a member of the American Health Lawyers Association. Mr. Johnson's practice encompasses a broad range of areas and issues in health law, including regulatory compliance (HIPAA, EMTALA, Stark, Anti-Kickback Statute, tax exemption, human subjects research and IRB compliance), consent and confidentiality, involuntary commitment, healthcare decision-making, health care employment law, health care institution policy writing, hospital/physician contracting, and representation of health care professionals before professional licensing boards. He is licensed in Colorado, Maine, New Hampshire (inactive) and Vermont (inactive), is the former Chair of the Health Law Section of the Maine State Bar Association, has been recognized as a “Rising Star” in New England by Super Lawyers magazine and listed in The Best Lawyers in America for Health Care Law.?1 – Privacy & Security3:05 – 3:25Break3:25 – 3:30Thank you/introduce Keynote3:30 – 4:30Dear Stress, Let’s Break UpDavid RemsonSession Description: Bio:1 - ManagementTotal CE’s7 ................

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