Table 1. Medical Debt Lawsuits: 2009 ? 20181

Total Lawsuits Total Amount Median Amount Number of Garnishments Total Amounts Subject to Garnishments

13 $58,292 $3,674 5 $24,142

Table 2. Revenue and Profits: 2009 ? 20182

Total Operating Revenue Total Net Income

$3,404,365,166 $207,610,806

Table 3. Executive Compensation: 2014 ? 20183

Total Executive Compensation4 Number of Annual Payments to Executives Number of Individual Executives Number of Annual Payments Over $1 Million Number of Annual Payments that Put Executives Above the 1% Income Bracket in Maryland

$58,094,540 115 37 6 54

Table 4. Hospital Provided Charity Care and Charity Rate Support: 2014 ? 20185

Total Charity Care Provided by Hospital

Charity Care Rate Support Provided by Maryland All Payer System

Cost to Hospital for Charity Care After Rate Support

$33,500,060 $30,811,810 $2,688,250

Preying on Patients | Hospital Reports


Table 5. Charity Care Percentage6: Before and After Receiving Rate Support7


2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Hospital's Charity Care Percentage Before Rate Support 3.1% 3.1% 2.0% 1.0% 0.7%

Hospital's Charity Care Percentage After Rate Support 0.0% 1.6% -0.4% -0.3% 0.0%

Table 6. Charity Care Denial Rates: 20188

Application for Charity Care Received Application for Charity Care Approved Application for Charity Care Denied Percent Charity Care Denied Statewide Denial Average

1,602 1,071 531 33.1% 9.5%

Preying on Patients | Hospital Reports


Table 7. Annual Payments to Hospital Executives Earning Above the Top 1%9

Year 2017 2016 2015 2013 2014 2017 2017 2015 2016 2015 2016 2013 2017 2013 2014 2013 2017 2014 2017 2015 2016 2015 2016 2016 2017 2017 2017 2014 2017 2017

Name Terry Forde Terry Forde Terry Forde William G Robertson Terry Forde John Sackett James G Lee John Sackett John Sackett James G Lee James G Lee Terry Forde Erik Wangsness John Sackett John Sackett James G Lee Marta Brito Perez James G Lee Kevin Smothers Patrick Garrett Kevin Smothers Kevin Smothers Patrick Garrett Erik Wangsness Patrick Garrett Kenneth B Destefano Eunmee Shim Kevin Smothers Daniel L Cochran Susan L Glover



President & CEO,AHC; Board, Secretary


President & CEO, AHC


President & CEO, AHC


Secretary, President & CEO Of AHC


President & CEO


EVP/COO, AHC; President, SGMC & BH&Ws $1,013,334



EVP & COO Of AHC; President Of SGMC


EVP & COO Of AHC & President Of SGMC $869,619







President, WAH


President, SGAH


EVP & COO Of AHC & President Of SGMC $718,437



SVP,Pop. Health/Post-Acute Care Ser.




VP & Chief Medical Officer


SVP & Physician Integration, AHC


VP & Chief Medical Officer


VP & Chief Medical Officer


SVP & Physician Integration, AHC


President, WAH


SVP&Physician Integration


VP & General Counsel, AHC


VP,Bus. Dev.&Strategic Planning, AHC


SVP & Chief Medical Officer




SVP & System Quality, AHC


Preying on Patients | Hospital Reports


Year 2013 2015 2016 2015 2015 2016 2017 2015 2014 2013 2016 2017 2013 2013 2016 2016 2015 2015 2014 2017 2013 2014 2015 2014

Name Kevin Smothers Kenneth B Destefano Marta Brito Perez Marta Brito Perez Erik Wangsness Kenneth B Destefano Brent Reitz Randall Wagner Patrick Garrett Kenneth B Destefano Daniel L Cochran Christopher Ghion Joyce L Newmyer Dennis D Hansen Susan L Glover Eunmee Shim Susan L Glover Jason C Coe William G Robertson Kevin Young Marta Brito Perez Kenneth B Destefano Daniel L Cochran Randall Wagner

Title SVP & Chief Medical Officer VP & General Counsel, AHC SVP & Chief HR Officer, AHC SVP & Chief HR Officer, AHC President, WAH VP & General Counsel, AHC President, ARHM VP & Chief Medical Officer, WAH SVP & Physician Integration VP & General Counsel VP & CFO, SGMC VP, Chief Information Officer, AHC President, WAH President, SGAH SVP & System Quality, AHC VP,Bus. Dev.&Strategic Planning, AHC SVP & System Quality, AHC President, HRMC Separated President & CEO President, BH&Ws, Partial Year SVP & Chief HR Officer VP & General Counsel VP & CFO, SGMC VP & CMO, WAH

Total $557,597 $556,915 $553,681 $542,245 $536,935 $526,709 $516,576 $516,440 $512,756 $508,779 $508,765 $498,477 $486,297 $486,219 $484,318 $480,136 $479,894 $476,564 $474,230 $471,550 $471,172 $469,613 $459,804 $448,563

Preying on Patients | Hospital Reports



1 Medical debt lawsuit data based on analysis of the case records of the Maryland Judiciary, available here: Maryland Judiciary Case Search Disclaimer:

2 Financial Information from audited financial reports and the Maryland Health Services Cost Review Commission's Disclosure of Hospital Financial and Statistical Data, appropriate years: .

3 Executive compensation was found on IRS Form 990 for appropriate years. Note: Multi-hospital systems often report the same executives on multiple 990 forms for individual hospitals.

4 Executive compensation is for Adventist HealthCare system.

5 Maryland Health Services Cost Review Commission, Community Benefits Program, Maryland Hospital Community Benefit Financial Report: FY 2014 ? 2018.

6 Charity Care Percentage refers to the cost of charity care as a percentage of operating expenses.

7 Charity amounts and rate support are taken from the Maryland Health Services Cost Review Commission, Community Benefits Program, Maryland Hospital Community Benefit Financial Report: FY 2014 ? 2018. Operating Expenses are taken from audited financial reports, appropriate years.

8 Source: Maryland Health Services Cost Review Commission, Annual Report of Revenue, Expenses, and Volumes, Supplemental Schedule VIII Debt Collection/Financial Assistance Report, .

9 According to the Economic Policy Institute, the income threshold to be in the 1% in Maryland is $445,783. Estelle Sommeiller and Mark Price, "The New Gilded Age: Income Inequality in the US by State, Metropolitan Area, and County" Economic Policy Institute, July 19, 2018. publication/the-new-gilded-age-income-inequality-in-the-u-s-by-state-metropolitan-area-and-county/

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