The Adventist Home Educator Curriculum Guide

The Adventist

Home Educator

Curriculum Guide

"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates." Deuteronomy 6:5-9

The Adventist Home Educator Curriculum Guide

First Edition ~ 2011 First E-Book ~ 23 ? June - 2011 ? Copyright 1990-2011 by The Adventist Home Educator Melissa Bull, editor and compiler

No part of this AHE Curriculum Guide E-Book or Print copy may be reproduced in any format, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, or reproduced or electronically transferred on the Internet without written permission from the Editor.

The information is as accurate and up to date as we have at this time. We would appreciate it if you would report any inaccuracies in information.

Melissa Bull, Editor and Compiler The Adventist Home Educator 3450 Quail Avenue Manly, Iowa 50456 Email: adventisthomeducator@ Internet:

Resources available for SDA homeschoolers from The Adventist Home Educator: The Adventist Home Educator e-Newsletter ~ The Adventist Home Educator Website ~ The Adventist Home Educator Email List ~ an email discussion group. AHE logo t-shirts, book bags, etc. ~ homeschoolAHE

Mission Statement:

It is the prayer and purpose of The Adventist Home Educator Ministry that all who need information, encouragement and support for Adventist home education will find it through the ministry of The Adventist Home Educator. Consider AHE to be the support group that is hard to find anywhere else ~ Adventist parents in Christ sharing with each other in an understanding that only a few have.

"Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake." II Corinthians 4:5

Curriculum Guide Forward

This mini e-Book was originally part of the Adventist Home Educator Handbook. We are offering this for free for a limited time, as we work at creating a new Handbook.

This Curriculum Guide offers reviews on many items that have been used by other SDA homeschoolers. Some of them we feel are better than others. We have put a by the items that are our favorites and ones that tend to follow "true education" more closely. Other resources are included as some resources are ones that may fit particular situations or desires of other SDA homeschoolers.

To view newer reviews of products, books, or curriculum, visit our website and look under Past Newsletters. Each newsletter usually contains at least one new review.

As you go into reading this Curriculum Guide, please say a prayer so that God can lead you to what is best for your family. May God bless you as you search diligently for products that will glorify Him in the lives of your children.

Table of Contents Art Bible Character Development Computers Early Childhood Foreign Language Handwriting Health and Physical Education Internet and Software Language Life Skills Mathematics Music Reading Science Social Studies


Adventist Materials and Resources

AY (Pathfinders and Adventurers) Various AY honors in the Arts and Crafts category such as glass painting, sculpturing, and drawing.

Applied Art, Grades 1-8. (Country Garden School) Drawing, painting, design, color, modeling, and handicraft presented separately and interwoven together. Teacher's Key available.

"And let the beauty of the Lord our God

be upon us; and establish the work of

our hands."

Psalm 90:17

Other Christian/secular materials

Adventures in Art (Cornerstone Curriculum Project) Four-year art appreciation curriculum, with beautiful art prints in portfolios, studied from a Christian perspective.

"The Author of all beauty, Himself a

lover of the beautiful, God provided to gratify in His children the love of beauty." Education, page 41

Art with a Purpose (Country Garden School, Rod and Staff) Share-a-Care Publications. Includes drawing, coloring, lettering, paper cutting, and project making. Artpac number identifies grade level 1 8.

Developing Motor Skills in Art (Rod and Staff), For grades 1 and 2. Focus on paper and craft projects, including coloring, cutting, folding, pasting, tracing, drawing, painting, and project making. Teacher's Manual and Student Packets ordered separately.

Draw Books

Build your drawing skills with a step by step approach.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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