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Name:__________________________________Date: ________________ Block:__________The Adventures of Tom SawyerAdvanced Language Arts - Packet 5Informational Text - “Alf Bolin: The Terror of the Hills”Questions on Chapters 23-28Due Date: ____________________52705480695Informational Reading StrategiesOn the next page, you will read an informational article titled “Alf Bolin: The Terror of the Hills.” Consider the strategies that we have discussed as we’ve read informational text in each packet. First, write down at least two steps you should take before reading the article. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Next, write down one strategy you can use as you read that will help you comprehend the information and be successful when answering the questions.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Finally, use these steps as you read and answer the questions!00Informational Reading StrategiesOn the next page, you will read an informational article titled “Alf Bolin: The Terror of the Hills.” Consider the strategies that we have discussed as we’ve read informational text in each packet. First, write down at least two steps you should take before reading the article. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Next, write down one strategy you can use as you read that will help you comprehend the information and be successful when answering the questions.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Finally, use these steps as you read and answer the questions!Alf Bolin: The Terror of the HillsSomewhere in the Fox Creek Hills is supposed to be the buried treasure of Alf Bolin, a Missouri outlaw who operated in mid-1800s. Many years ago a man came to a farm in Taney County, Missouri looking for the buried cache. He had been told by one of Alf Bolin’s gang that Bolin had buried gold and silver from his many robberies near a cave in the Fox Creek area. The old man related to the farmer that the treasure was not buried in the cave but according to the story, nearby, using the cave as a landmark.It is highly probable that Bolin’s loot is buried in those hills. The activities of the Bolin gang centered around "Murder Rocks" on Pine Mountain south of Kirbyville, Missouri. "Murder Rocks", also known as the "Alf Bolin Rocks," are located about 10 miles south of Forsyth, Missouri. This is a rugged section of the Ozark Mountains in southwest Missouri. ?278765137160The great limestone rocks stood beside the Springfield-Harrison Road near the top of the mountain. The outlaws hid behind these rocks with a perfect view of the road to the north and the south. Many travelers were held up and robbed here and several others were murdered by the gang. During the Civil War, Bolin, along with his gang of about twenty men raided northern Arkansas and southwest Missouri. While all the able-bodied men of these areas were off to war, the gang easily terrorized the farms left with only old men, women and children to defend them. ?Though Union soldiers were sent to capture the outlaw, Bolin and his band were hard riders and good woodsmen and the bandit eluded every attempt to capture him. Finally, the soldiers devised a plan to trap him instead. They approached a woman named Mrs. Foster who lived near the place Bolin and his men camped out. If she would help catch the outlaw, they would release her husband, a Confederate soldier who had been captured by the Union. Though it was a dangerous plan for Mrs. Foster, she agreed.Zach Thomas, a Union soldier disguised in a Confederate uniform, stayed at the Foster home for several days pretending to be sick. When Bolin appeared for his dinner, as he often did, he was told that Thomas was on his way back home and was laid up to recuperate. Although Bolin was suspicious, he calmed down as time passed. Thomas eventually saw his opportunity to attack and was successful in his attempt to take down Bolin. Afterwards, Bolin’s body was moved to Forsyth, Missouri. Proof of his death was then taken to Ozark where the entire area rejoiced. During his many raids along the main road from Harrison, Arkansas to Springfield, Missouri, the outlaw amassed a considerable fortune in gold, silver and other valuables. Obviously, he couldn’t keep his ill gotten cache in a bank, so he buried it somewhere near the cave on Fox Creek near the Missouri and Arkansas border. The exact location of the burial spot died with the outlaw, the treasure remaining in the ground near the cave for more than a century.Directions: Based on the article that you just read, use the information from the article to circle the answer to each question. _______ Alf Bolin’s treasure is said to be buried in which of the following states?MichiganMissouriArkansasArizona_______ Where is it said that Bolin buried the gold and silver from many robberies?In the cave in Fox Creek HillsOn Pine Mountain south of KirbyvilleNear a cave in the Fox Creek countryOn the Ozark Mountains in southwest Missouri_______ According to the selection, the word cache means…Hidden valuablesBuried bodiesTreasure mapAll of the above_______ Why did Mrs. Foster agree to help the Union soldiers capture Alf Bolin?Alf Bolin killed her husband.Mrs. Foster wanted to marry the Union soldier.Mrs. Foster was a Union soldier.Union soldiers agreed to release her captive husband._______ Why was did the people in Ozark rejoice at Bolin’s death?Bolin and his gang terrorized the farms of the areaBolin and his gang robbed travelers in the areaBolin and his gang murdered travelers in the areaAll of the above_______Describe what you would do if you found Bolin’s buried treasure. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Vocabulary:Match the following vocabulary words with their definitions by writing the correct letter on the line._______ stolida. infinitely wise; all knowing_______ omniscientb. acquired_______ auspicesc. impassive; not easily excited_______ palpabled. wearing down; gradual loss_______ attritione. patronage; sponsorship_______ procuredf. easily seen; obvious_______ ostentatiousg. marked by a vulgar display of wealth; rich and showyChapter 23 - 24Tom and Huck promised each other to…Tell on Injun JoeKeep quiet about the murderHelp Muff escapeGo to the trialOn page 148 paperback, 151 hardcover, the text says, “Tom was out late that night…” Tom probably went to see…HuckInjun JoeMuff PotterMuff’s lawyerWhat happened at the end of Chapter 23?Injun Joe was hanged.Huck told his story.Injun Joe escaped.Muff was hanged.Literary Device: Irony and ForeshadowingIrony is a literary device in which an author uses words or actions that are inconsistent with what is expected. Reread the second paragraph on page 147 paperback, 150 hardcover. Why is Muff’s dialogue ironic?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Foreshadowing is a literary device an author uses to suggest something, usually something unpleasant, that is going to happen in the story. Re-read the following paragraph on page 152 middle of the page paperback, 156 hardcover that begins with, “Half the time Tom was afraid…” Based on that paragraph, predict what will happen to Tom and Injun Joe at the end of the story._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Title of Chapter 25 – 28 Tom and Huck’s next adventure has the boys…returning to Jackson’s Islandsearching for Injun Joedigging for buried treasurefighting a gang of robbersHuck didn’t want to save his money because…he wanted to spend it all on a horsehis father would take ithe didn’t like moneyhe wouldn’t need it later onThe boys decided to look for treasure in all of the following places except…in the back of the widow’s homethe big hilla haunted housethe graveyardThe Spaniard was really ________________________________ in disguise.What did the two men find under the floor?A box of moneyA skeletonA gunA pickJoe was upset that the pick had fresh dirt on it because it meant that someone…was ruining his gardenwas snooping aroundhadn’t cleaned ithad buried the moneyTom and Huck finally decide that “Number Two” was a…housesecret messagetavern roomboxThe boys couldn’t break into the room for a few days because…they were scaredsomeone was watching themit wasn’t dark enoughJoe was still in the roomVocabulary Review:Use the words from the word box to fill in the blanks of the following sentences.297942020955Word BoxAttritionAuspicesOmniscientPalpableProcuredStolid00Word BoxAttritionAuspicesOmniscientPalpableProcuredStolidA notice in the program indicated that the play came to this theater under the ________________________ of our local Chamber of Commerce.After much persuasion, I __________________________ an antique dresser from a family that really did not want to sell it.The __________________________ expressions of the jurors did not reveal their verdict.Rather than firing all of their older employees, the company decided to thin their ranks by _________________________.Many religious worship one ______________________________ being.We knew the boy’s statement that he had been at school wan a(n) _____________________________ lie because we saw him at the movie theater.Cause and EffectRead the list of causes, then read the list of effects. Write the letter of the correct effect on the line next to the cause.CausesEffects_____ Since the house looks ominous,_____ Because he wears a large hat, whiskers, long hair and goggles, _____ Since Injun Joe is determined to have “revenge,”_____ As a result of the floorboards creaking,_____ After the boys see a bag containing six hundred dollars,_____ Because of the fresh dirt on the pick Injun Joe used to retrieve the hidden gold, _____ Due to the rotten wood on the staircase,_____ When he realizes he may be Injun Joe’s intended “revenge” victim,_____ Because the houses in St. Petersburg do not have numbers,_____ Since he is the primary decision maker,_____ Because the weather remains clear and offers no protective covering,_____ Since the tavern door is unlocked,_____ Because the room contains a large number of bottles of whiskey,_____ Since Injun Joe has drunk so much whiskey,_____ Because of his fear of Injun Joe, the boys fear making a “run” from the house.they are happier about being in the house.the boys are unable to test an assortment of keys in the lock of the door.Injun Joe suspects others are in the house.the boys are reluctant to enter.Tom concludes that “number two” must be a room in the tavern.he delays leaving for Texas.Tom and Huck remain undiscovered.Huck nearly faints.He sleeps soundly and does not hear Tom’s entrance.Tom enters the room without effort.The reader suspects the tavern owner does not support the temperance movement.Tom is a stronger leader than Huck.Tom runs from the room in a panic.Injun Joe has not been recognized in town.Active Reading Strategy – Making PredictionsWhen you make a prediction, you try to figure out what will happen next in the story. Your prediction should be based on information from the text and prior knowledge. In the space below, write a prediction for what you believe will happen next in the story. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Packet 6 Rubric____/3 “Alf Bolin – The Terror of the Hills”“Informational Reading Strategies” portion describes beneficial steps to take and strategies to follow.All questions are answered correctly and completely.____/5 Chapter Questions Vocabulary and vocabulary review completed correctly.All questions are answered correctly and completely.Student used the question to answer the question (UTQTATQ) for all short answer/open-ended questions.Each open-ended question is answered with a well-written paragraph. ____/2 Active Reading Strategy – Making PredictionsA plausible prediction that builds on the events that have already happened is provided. Students answered with a well-written paragraph. ____/2 Correct conventions (capitalization, punctuation, grammar, spelling) and neat work throughout ____/12 TOTAL ................

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