The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn


English 10 Honors, Mr. Dils


M 2/28 chapters 1-4

T 3/1 chapters 5-7; vocabulary 4

W 3/2 chapters 8-11

Th 3/3 chapters 12-15; study for vocab. quiz

F 3/4 chapters 16-18

M 3/7 chapters 19-21 (26)

T 3/8 chapters 22-24 (24); vocabulary 5

W 3/9 chapters 26-28 (22)

Th 3/10 chapters 29-31 (21); study for vocab. quiz

F 3/11 chapters 32-35 (24)

M         3/14                 chapters 34-37

T          3/15                 chapters 38-41; vocabulary #6 (sentences and definitions)

W        3/16                 chapters 42-end (including “Afterword)

Th        3/17                 study for vocabulary quiz

F          3/18                 prepare for in-class essay


M         3/21                 work on paper

T          3/22                 [MCAS review]work on paper; vocabulary #7 (sentences and definitions)

W        3/23                 work on paper

Th        3/24                 work on paper; study for quiz

F          3/25                 finish Huck Finn paper


1. Create an episode/narrative that either goes into more detail than Huck provides (i.e. Buck’s death), or write a new scene that could appear in the novel (something like the circus scene in chapter 22). You will be graded on your ability to:

1) imitate Huck’s style of speaking/writing, including attention to diction and syntax

2) stay within Huck’s character

3) write an original and creative passage

4) create irony, satire, or a theme consistent with Twain

3-5 pages. You may also include with dialogue with Jim. The same rules above apply to use of “Jim-speak.”


2. With a partner, create a screenplay and video (3-5 minutes) of a scene from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. You must type up and turn in your screenplay. You will be graded on:

            1) creativity

2) your interpretation of the text (satire, irony, theme and how ideas from the novel are emphasized in your screenplay/video)

            3) professionalism

Please use correct screenplay format. See handout.


3. Compile a soundtrack for a new film version of Huck. Use at least six songs. Turn in a cd (samples of songs are adequate—at least a minute from each song). For each song, you should write a descriptive paragraph that:

1) explains where in the story/film the song will play

2) describes the mood and feel of the music (descriptions of specific instruments and sounds in the song is very important) and why that mood is appropriate for that scene.

3) explains why the lyrics (if your song has them) are appropriate

You will be graded on the depth and complexity of your descriptions of the songs as they are based on the three required elements.


4. Construct an argumentative and persuasive piece that supports or attacks the school committee’s decision to ban Huck Finn from the tenth grade curriculum. Research the history of the censorship of this book to help you form an educated response. (3-4 pages)



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