Dear Parents and Students,

Dear AP English III Students,Welcome to AP English III with Ms. Cole!This course challenges advanced level English students to do college level reading and writing through in-depth study of American literature, analysis of non-fiction prose, and extensive essay writing. Students taking this course should be highly motivated to improve analytical thinking and writing skills. All students are expected to take the Advanced Placement test in May. THE COST FOR TAKING AN AP EXAM WITH MISD IS NOW $25/TEST (or $15/test for free/reduced lunch participants). EACH STUDENT WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY BILLED FOR EACH AP TEST IN THEIR STUDENT ACCOUNT. If you pass the AP test, depending on the college you enter, you can receive a year’s worth of freshman college English credit! In the state of Texas, ALL Texas public universities must give credit for an AP score of 3 or higher. (Translation: NO first year English class in college!)You can reach me with questions or concerns anytime at LisaCole@. Please check your grades in Skyward regularly! It is YOUR responsibility to know what your academic standing is in my class. You can access ongoing assignments and other documents on my classroom website at . Be sure to save it as a favorite on your iPad and phone! On my weebly site is the code for signing up for my Remind 101 messenger app. Sign up so you don’t miss any announcements!The following is a list of novels and play that my classes will read throughout the school year (not in the order listed). Many of these can be read for free on the iPad; however, you are encouraged to purchase your own copy for annotation purposes. I find purchasing on to be the cheapest, and easiest. Do not purchase any of the books until told to do so. (We will read Adventures of Huck Finn first!) If you prefer to use an audiobook, please do so; however, I find reading along with the audiobook most beneficial for vocabulary building which you need for the SAT and AP test.In Cold Blood by Truman Capote The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain** (Available for free on the IPad)The Crucible by Arthur Miller (available in our textbook and on the Ipad). We will read this in class using our textbooks.Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer (PDF version available online)The Things They Carried (Tim O’Brien)Materials Needed:Notebook paperBinder, or notebook, to keep class papersBlue and/or black ink pens (for all submitted work)Kleenex (one box)Grading Percentages Daily Grades (daily/quizzes) 40% Major Grades (essays/tests/projects)60%Semester Final Exams20% of total semester gradeRe-take policy Ideally, you do your best the first time. However, you may re-take a failed TEST (not daily, quizzes or projects) within 5 school days of your failing for a maximum grade of 70. Please either re-take the test, or make arrangements to do so, within that time frame. A student may re-write a failing essay for a 70 after first meeting with me. Absences If you are absent on the day of an assignment, test, quiz, etc. you have 5 school days to make up the assignment, or make other arrangements with me. Until you make up the assignment a zero will be entered into Skyward. After 5 days, a zero will be entered permanently into Skyward for that assignment. EXCEPTION TO THIS POLICY: If I have assigned a long term major project or writing assignment that is due the day you are absent, IT IS STILL DUE! Turn it in early if it’s a scheduled absence, or send it with a friend or parent if you are sick that day. It will be considered late if it is not turned in on time. Academic Dishonesty Academic dishonesty—cheating or plagiarism—is not acceptable. Cheating includes the copying of another student’s work—homework, class work, test answers, etc.—as one’s own; cheating also includes loaning your work for someone else to copy. Plagiarism is the use of another person’s original ideas or writing without giving credit to the true author (i.e. stuff you find on the internet). A student found to have engaged in academic dishonesty will be subject to loss of credit for the work in question, as well as disciplinary penalties, according to the Student Code of Conduct.Cheating on daily work will result in a grade of 0 for the assignment.Cheating on quizzes, tests or projects will result in a grade of 0 and the parent, associate principal and/or academic principal will be contacted.Late Work Policy Students may be assessed a penalty of no more than 15 points per day for up to three days before a zero may be given for work not turned in on time. iPad and Phone ExpectationsI DO NOT WANT TO SEE YOUR IPAD OR PHONE UNLESS I’VE REQUESTED ITS USE. Keep it in you backpack, messenger bag, or purse. In the event you do not have a bag to keep it in, it needs to be face down, under your desk. For example, do not enter my classroom with the iPad in your hand. Do not take out your iPad during class because you’re “bored”. There are occasions when we will use the iPad, so do bring it fully charged to class every day. Until then, keep it out of sight! The above goes for your cell phone as well. iPad Disciplinary Procedures: Students are expected to follow their teacher’s classroom expectations with respect to iPad use.?Failure to follow teacher expectations could result in parent contact, loss of the privilege to use the iPad, and may lead to further disciplinary consequences.? ................

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