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Infinitives and Infinitive Phrases Worksheet #1Directions: On a separate sheet of paper, identify all the single infinitives/infinitive phrases in the sentences below. Then list the part of speech of each infinitive/infinitive phrase (adverb, adjective, or noun). It the infinitive/infinitive phrase is a modifier, identify the word it modifies. If the infinitive/infinitive phrase is a noun, identify its noun function in the sentence. The pilgrim was looking for a sign to guide him on his life’s journey. To guide him on his life’s journey—adjective—modifies “sign”To be or not to be—that is the question.To be—noun—subjectNot to be—noun—subject She really wanted to marry Richard, but John was the one who bothered to ask her. To marry Richard—noun—DO To ask her—adverb—modifies “bothered”Did you manage to complete your test on time?To complete your test on time—noun—DO He seemed to understand the material.To understand the material—adjective—modifies “he”His first goal was to make the cut; his second was to make the team.To make the cut—noun—PN To make the team—noun--PNHe decided to keep hiking on the same trail even though he wasn’t exactly sure if he was going in the right direction.To keep hiking on the same trail—noun—DO He was anxious to satisfy his mother after the death of his aunt. To satisfy his mother after the death of his aunt—adverb—modifies “anxious”He took it for granted that he would always be able to see.To see—adverb—modifies “able” The team to beat in the Western Conference is San Antonio. To beat in the Western Conference—adjective—modifies “team” Infinitives and Infinitive Phrases Worksheet #2(The directions are the same as for Worksheet #1 above.)I needed to raise my grade if I wanted to stay on the basketball team. I needed to raise my grade(S TV DO)I wanted to stay on the basketball team(S TV DO)To raise my grade—noun—DOTo stay on the basketball team—noun—DOMy goal is to be the starting point guard on the KMS basketball team.Goalisto be … team(S LV PN)To be … team—noun—PNThe members of the congregation bowed their heads to say a prayer for the fallen soldiers.Members bowedheads(S TV DO)To say a prayer for the fallen soldiers—adverb infinitive—modifies “bowed”To drive from here to Lincoln, Nebraska takes approximately twenty hours.To drive from here to Lincoln, NEtakeshours(S TV DO)To drive from here to Lincoln, NE—noun—subject The best way to study for these vocabulary tests is to use flashcards.Way isto use flashcards(S LV PN)To study for these vocabulary tests—adjective—modifies “way”To use flashcards—noun—PN My grandson was excited to see the Childsplay production of The Strange Adventures of Edward Tulane. Grandsonwas excited … Tulane(S LV PA)To see … Tulane—adverb—modifies “excited”Are you ready to attempt the double flip?Youareready(S LV PA)To attempt the double flip—adverb—modifies “ready”The best route to the cabin is to take State Highway 64 through Sonoita.Routeisto take … Sonoita (S LV PN)To take … Sonoita—noun—PN Sometimes I’m just not motivated to finish my homework.I am motivated to finish my homework(S LV PA)To finish my homework—adverb—modifies “motivated”Franklin never did like to write essays.Franklin (did) like to write essays(S TV DO)To write essays—noun—DOIt’s still possible to apply for the job that you have always wanted. It ispossible(S LV PA)To apply for the job … wanted—adverb—modifies “possible”The only way to get around this lake is to take this overgrown and poorly maintained trail.Wayisto take … trail(S LV PN)To get around this lake—adjective—modifies “way”To take … trail—noun—PN Scientists were able to determine the approximate date of the artifact by using carbon dating techniques.Scientistswereable (S LV PA)To determine … techniques—adverb—modifies “able” The valedictorian was given the opportunity to deliver a speech at graduation. Valedictorianwasgiven the opportunity(S LV PA)To deliver a speech at graduation—adjective—modifies “opportunity”We were too distraught to figure out a reasonable solution to our dilemma. We weredistraught(S LV PA)To figure out a reasonable solution to our dilemma—adverb—modifies “distraught”Infinitives and Infinitive Phrases Practice Test(The directions are the same as for Worksheets #1 and #2 above.)Why do you choose to act so immaturely?You(do) chooseto act so immaturely (S TV DO)To act so immaturely—noun—DOKen’s goal in life is to make as much money as humanly possible. Goalisto make … possible(S LV PN)To make … possible—noun—PN Our club raised money to help flood victims in the Bahamas. Clubraisedmoney(S TV DO)To help flood victims … Bahamas—adverb—modifies “raised”You need this tool to fix that flat tire correctly.You needtool(S TV DO)To fix that flat tire correctly—adverb—modifies “need” That is the best mower to use on this type of grass. Thatismower(S LV PN)To use on this type of grass—adjective—modifies “mower”The boys in the band were thrilled to receive a contract from the record company.Boyswerethrilled … company(S LV PA)To receive a contract from the record company—adverb—modifies “thrilled”Is he prepared to testify against his cousin?He isprepared … cousin(S LV PA)To testify against his cousin—adverb—modifies “prepared”The best answer to that question is the one that contained adequate textual evidence. Answerisone(S LV PN)NO INFINITIVES Sometimes I’m reluctant to answer questions in class. Iamreluctant(S LV PA)To answer questions in class—adverb—modifies “reluctant”To win an NBA title would be a dream come true.To win an NBA title (would) bedream(S LV PN)To win an NBA title—noun—subject Have you decided to apply to Stanford?You(have) decidedto apply to Stanford(S TV DO)To apply to Stanford—noun—DOThe primary research method to use when studying these caterpillars is the one explained in the text. Methodisone(S LV PN)To use—adjective—modifies “method”Teachers are usually psyched to begin a new school year in August. Teachersareusually psyched … August (S LV PA)To begin … August—adverb—modifies “psyched”The patient was asked to fill out a number of complicated forms. Patientwasasked … forms (S LV PA)To fill out … forms—adverb—modifies “asked”I needed to take some money out of the bank before leaving on vacation. I neededto take … vacation (S TV DO)To take … vacation—noun—DO ................

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