All Things Latin at Milton HS

Latin II/Unit 1 – Participles!Latin II (Stages 21-23) Unit Description: This is Unit 1 of 6 for the year. This is a 6-week unit. Students will learn about elements of Roman religion, and Romano-British religious beliefs in particular, and about the island of Britain. Students will learn about participles. Essential Questions: How was British religion organized? How were Roman and British beliefs different or similar? How do I identify participles? How do I translate participles?Proficiency Target-InterpersonalNovice-LowProficiency Target-SpeakingNovice-LowProficiency Target-ListeningNovice-LowProficiency Target-ReadingIntermediate-MidProficiency Target-WritingNovice-LowI Can StatementsI can greet and leave people in a polite manner. I can introduce myself and ask what your name is. I Can StatementsI can greet and leave people in a polite manner. I can introduce myself and ask what your name is. Read Latin passages out loud with inflection and intonation.I Can StatementsI can sometimes understand and respond to basic commands. I can sometimes understand a few courtesy statements. I Can StatementsI can comprehend basic verbal adjectives like participles. I can sometimes understand texts with different time frames.I Can StatementsI can fill out simple form with some basic personal information. I can write a sentence using a participle.Assessments:Diagnostic:Essential QuestionsClass ParticipationDigital ComponentsFormative:Vocabulary QuizGames and SongsTranslationsSummative:Unit TestProjectsStandards to address in Unit: (CLI.PS1) Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of vocabulary including inflection and syntax, reading comprehension and draw conclusions and make inferences from selected readings.(CLI.PS2.CO2) Students are able to provide accurate, written English translations while selecting the most appropriate meanings for words based on context(CLI.PS3.CO3) Students are able to write simple phrases and sentences in Latin while observing rules of grammar and syntax.(CLI.PS4.CU1) Student demonstrates an understanding of the ancient Romans based on reading selections.(CLI.PS5.CU2) Students can identify figures of early Roman legends and the principal Greek and/or Roman deities.(CLI.1) Students reinforce and further the knowledge of other disciplines through the study of Latin. Such as? Recognizing prefixes/suffixes, Identifying words and terms studied in Latin, Recognizing Roman numerals and vocab, and understanding Latin phrases, abbreviations and mottoes used in English.(CLI.2) Students will be able to identify similarities and differences in ancient Roman and contemporary culture.Know:All noun cases including the vocativePresent, imperfect, perfect, pluperfect verbs as well as the infinitive, participle, and irregulars.Basic information about Roman Britain and its culture and religion.Understand:Difference between verb conjugations and irregular verbs. How to identify and use a participle. How Roman religion changes in the provinces.Do:Greet adults and peersIdentify themselvesTranslate compound/complex sentences.Identify features of Romano-British religionMajor Concepts: (Consider all 4/5 Cs)Concept 1Roman and Celtic ReligionConcept 2Magic and superstitionConcept 3ParticiplesConcept 4Comparison of AdverbsConcept 5Additional uses of the genitiveEssential Vocabulary:Sulis, Minerva, Apollo Marponus, haruspex, augur, augury, Romanization, sacrificesEssential Vocabulary:Druids, Celts, curse tablets, defixiones, Essential Vocabulary Principal parts, perfect, passive, noun-participle agreementEssential Vocabulary:Degree of adjectives: positive, comparative, superlative, maius, peius, minus, Essential Vocabulary:Partitive, familial, description, possession, genitive, case, quantityEssential Structure:Culture readings in English, model sentences and Latin readings. Essential Structure:Translation, verb chart, noun endings, pronoun endings (relative and personal)Essential Structure:Participle chart, perfect passive participle as a principle part, verb chart, personal verb endingsEssential Structure:Adverb and adjective chart (positive, comparative, superlative)Essential Structure:Simple and compound sentences, noun chartText/Digital ResourcesCLC Unit 3Cambridge ElevateAqua Sulis WkshtRoman Religious BeliefsText/Digital ResourcesCLC Unit 3Cambridge ElevateCurses and SuperstitionsBewitched Vilbia WkshtText/Digital ResourcesCLC Unit 3Cambridge ElevatePerfect Passive Participles VideoParticiples VideoParticiple PracticeText/Digital ResourcesCLC Unit 3Cambridge ElevateAdverbs VideoAdverb vs AdjectivePracticing the LanguageText/Digital ResourcesCLC Unit 3Cambridge ElevateGenitive vs DativeGenitive AdjectivesGenitive vs GenitiveArtifact & Evidence:Unit 1 TestUnit 1 QuizArtifact & Evidence:Unit 1 TestUnit 1 QuizArtifact & Evidence:Unit 1 TestUnit 1 QuizArtifact & Evidence:Unit 1 TestUnit 1 QuizArtifact & Evidence:Stage 21, 22, 23 Vocabulary pptUnit 1 TestUnit 1 Quiz ................

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