Adverbial Phrases

Fronted Adverbials

Below are two groups of words: main clauses and adverbial phrases.

Main clauses

➢ Cameron walked through the forest

➢ The police car came to a halt

➢ Debbie stood underneath the lamppost

➢ There was a knock at the door

➢ Catherine hurried to her car

➢ Jack lifted the curtain

Adverbial phrases

➢ In the dead of night

➢ One sunny morning

➢ In the distance

➢ On the other side of the street

➢ All of a sudden

➢ In the depths of the countryside

In a fronted adverbial, we put the adverbial phrase at the start of the sentence, followed by a comma and then write our main clause.


One sunny morning, Cameron walked through the forest.

Task 1

Put the adverbial phrase and main clause together to create at least 5 exciting sentences with fronted adverbials.

Task 2

Write 5 of you own sentences with fronted adverbials.


Full stop


Capital letter


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