Revised March 9, 2005

Revised March 9, 2005


Scope and Sequence

Grade Level Assessed: Grade 9

|Content Standard |Skill Areas |Content Standard and PI |

|Reading |Reading Process – Analyze, synthesize, evaluate |A 1-5 |

| |Author’s Purpose – point of view, organization of literature |C 3, 4 |

| |Literary Devices – persuasion |D 1, 2 |

| |Context Clues – figurative, idiomatic, technical | |

| |Cultural Interpretation – social, occupational, cultural groups, symbol systems | |

| |Media and Propaganda | |

| |Scan for relevance | |

| |Fact v. Opinion | |

| |Romeo and Juliet | |

| |Mythology | |

|Literature |Characterization – simple, complex |B 1-11 |

| |Make abstract connections |C 1, 2 |

| |Elements of story – style, dialogue, plot, setting, conflict | |

| |Literary Devices – foreshadowing, flashback, time (past, present, future) | |

| |Lengthy Adult Fiction – satire, play, parody, poems, novels) | |

| |Lengthy Adult Non-Fiction | |

| |Critique Reading – identify structure, relate to self, examine and evaluate theme, relation of gender. | |

|Writing and Speaking |Peer Discussions, Conferencing, Self Edit |D 3, 6 |

| |Describe own learning process |E 1-4 |

| |Writing Process – pre-write, revise, edit, draft |F 1, 2 |

| |Language use, voice, command of mechanics |G 1-11 |

| |Spelling, usage, parts of speech | |

| |Formal and Informal Language | |

| |Conventions in speaking | |

| |Use skills learned in reading when writing stories – character, setting, problems, solutions | |

| |Target various audiences; Use a variety of techniques | |

| |Use transitional devices | |

| |Develop personal style, voice, wording | |

| |Support a thesis | |

|Research |Find uncommon technical terms |A 8 |

| |Use dictionaries, handbooks, language-related books |C 6 |

| |Locate information on proper usage |D 4, 5 |

| |Format of informational texts | |

| |Analyze/synthesize format of informational texts | |

|Organization |Outline |A 11 |

| |Paragraph | |

| |Paraphrase | |

| |Summarize | |

| |Use Graphic Organizers | |

Revised March 9, 2005


Scope and Sequence

Grade Level Assessed: Grade 10

|Content Standard |Skill Areas |Content Standard and PI |

|Reading |Reading Process – Analyze, synthesize, evaluate |A 1-5 |

| |Author’s Purpose – examine point of view, organization of literature |B 1-11 |

| |Literary Devices – persuasion |D 1, 2 |

| |Context Clues – figurative, idiomatic, technical | |

| |Cultural Interpretation – social, occupational, cultural groups, symbol systems | |

| |Media and Propaganda | |

| |Scan for relevance | |

| |Fact v. Opinion | |

| |To Kill a Mockingbird | |

| |Great Gatsby | |

|Literature |Characterization – simple, complex |B 1-11 |

| |Make abstract connections |C 1, 2 |

| |Elements of story – style, dialogue, plot, setting, conflict | |

| |Literary Devices – foreshadowing, flashback, time (past, present, future) | |

| |Evaluate lengthy adult fiction – satire, play, parody, poems, novels) | |

| |Lengthy Adult Non-Fiction | |

| |Critique Reading – identify structure, relate to self, examine and evaluate theme, relation of gender. | |

| |Study U.S. Literature | |

|Writing and Speaking |Peer Discussions, Conferencing, Self Edit |D 3, 6 |

| |Describe own learning process |E 1-4 |

| |Understand, manage, evaluate writing Process – pre-write, revise, edit, draft |F 1, 2 |

| |Produce on-demand writing |G 1-11 |

| |Comprehend and use MEA scoring rubric for writing | |

| |Language use, voice, command of mechanics | |

| |Spelling, usage, parts of speech | |

| |Formal and Informal Language | |

| |Conventions in speaking | |

| |Use skills learned in reading when writing stories – character, setting, problems, solutions | |

| |Target various audiences; Use a variety of techniques to demonstrate new knowledge | |

| |Use transitional devices | |

| |Develop personal style, voice, wording | |

| |Support a thesis | |

| |Debate topics | |

| |Use descriptive language | |

| |Identify own use of devices | |

| |Use MLA guidelines | |

|Research |Find uncommon technical terms |C 6 |

| |Use dictionaries, handbooks, language-related books |D 4, 5, 6 |

| |Locate information on proper usage |H 1-12 |

| |Format of informational texts | |

| |Analyze/synthesize format of informational texts | |

|Organization |Outline |A 11 |

| |Paragraph |C 1 |

| |Paraphrase |D 5 |

| |Summarize |E 2, 3 |

| |Use a variety of graphic organizers |H 1 |

| |Take notes that are usable | |

Revised March 9, 2005

Scope and Sequence

Grade Level Assessed: Grade 11

|Content Standard |Skill Areas |Content Standard and PI |

|Reading |Analyze, synthesize, and evaluate literature | |

| |Identify author’s purpose and the effect of that purpose on the text | |

| |Identify devices authors use (literary) | |

| |Identify devices authors use to persuade readers (rhetoric) | |

| |Identify fact vs. opinion | |

| |Analyze cultural content of literary work | |

| |Identify methods of characterization | |

| |MacBeth | |

| |The Crucible | |

| |The Color of Water | |

| |I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings | |

| |Into Thin Air | |

| |Various Poetry texts | |

| | | |

|Writing |Use the writing process | |

| |Write persuasive essays illustrating their knowledge of rhetoric devices | |

| |Use journals to reflect on their reading | |

| |Write a well-developed and organized piece on demand | |

| |Write critical analysis papers | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Research |Choose and narrow a specific topic | |

| |Use a variety of resources | |

| |Evaluate information for accuracy | |

| |Use a variety of technological resources to present the results of research | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Organization |Use a series of questions covering the six critical thinking levels | |

| |Draft a well-organized presentation | |

| | | |

| | | |

Revised March 9, 2005

Scope and Sequence

Grade Level Assessed: Grade 12

|Content Standard |Skill Areas |Content Standard and PI |

|Reading |Analyze, synthesize, and evaluate literature | |

| |Identify complex elements of fiction | |

| |Identify author’s purpose | |

| |Identify audience and occasion and how these elements affect writer’s stance | |

| |Read and evaluate lengthy adult fiction | |

| |Analyze cultural content of literary work | |

| |Read a variety of genres | |

| |Hamlet | |

| |Lord of the Flies | |

| |Oedipus Rex | |

| |Malcolm X | |

| |Catcher in the Rye | |

| |In Cold Blood | |

| |The Life of Pi | |

| |Perfect Storm | |

| | | |

|Writing |Use the writing process – plan, revise, edit, drafts | |

| |Write a variety of essays using evidence to support a thesis | |

| |Write critical analysis pieces | |

| |Maintain journals to illustrate their reading | |

| |Write well-developed and well-organized pieces on demand | |

|Research |Choose and narrow for specific topic | |

| |Use a variety of resources | |

| |Evaluate resources for accuracy | |

| |Use a variety of technological resources to present the results of research | |

| | | |

|Organization |Use a series of questions covering the six critical thinking levels | |

| |Draft a well-organized presentation | |

| | | |

| | | |

Appendix for 9th grade English


6a. irony, analogy, simile, metaphor, idioms, clichés,

allegory, connotation, denotation, personification,

alliteration, pun, onomatopoeia

10b. slang, jargon, colloquialism, dialect


5a. hyperbole, allusion, imagery, rhyme, symbolism, irony,

antagonist, protagonist, atmosphere, mood, tone,

metaphor, simile, soliloquy, tragic flaw, alliteration,

extended metaphors

7a. (Same as 5a.)

8a. illustrations, access features, vocabulary, page layout

and format, headings, glossaries, sidebars, graphic



8a. bandwagon, emotional appeal, product comparison,

slogan, testimonials, repetition, plain folk, and

positive/negative appeal


4a. graphics, bullets, sidebars, charts, maps, table of

contents, index and verso page


1a. Demonstrate an understanding of how to use internal

marks of punctuation, use of commas, succession of

prepositional phrases, verbal phrases, adverbial clause,

non-restrictive clause or phrase, coordinate adjectives, parenthetical expressions, contrasting elements, parenthesis, and introduce semi-colons.

Identify properties and functions of 8 parts of speech

(nouns and pronouns, predicate nominatives, direct and indirect objects, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions).

Identify parts of a sentence.

Use verbs correctly.

Avoid modifier errors.

Study and identify commonly confused terms and spellings.

Students study analogies, anecdotes, illustrations,

detailed descriptions, paraphrases, examples, and

comparison. Many of these are at a basic level.


10a. analogies, anecdotes, illustrations, detailed

descriptions, paraphrases, examples, and comparison

Appendix for 10th grade English

Content Standard A. Process of Reading

6a. irony, analogy, idioms, clichés, allegory, connotation,

denotation, palindrome (ongoing all year)

10b. slang, colloquialism, dialect.

Content Standard B. Literature and Culture

5a. hyperbole, allusion, imagery, rhyme, symbolism, dramatic

monologue, tragedy, atmosphere, mood, tone, metaphor,

autobiography, biography, soliloquy, hubris, tragic flaw,

history play, parody, alliteration, extended metaphors.

7a. Same as 5a (above)

Content Standard F. English Conventions

1a.Demonstrate an understanding of how to use internal marks

of punctuation. (Commas, succession of prepositional

phrases, verbal phrases, adverbial clause, non-restrictive

clause or phrase, coordinate adjectives, parenthetical

expressions, contrasting elements, parenthesis, brackets,

ellipses, semi-colons.

Identify properties and functions of 8 parts of speech.

(Nouns and pronouns, predicate nominatives, direct and

indirect objects, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions)

Identify parts of a sentence.

Use verbs correctly.

Demonstrate an understanding of verb/subject agreement.

Avoid modifier errors.


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