Adverbs of manner - Los adverbios de modo

Adverbs of manner - Los adverbios de modo

    Un adverbio de modo modifica un verbo y nos dice algo sobre la manera en que se realiza la acción. Este tipo de adverbios responde a la pregunta how? (cómo). Se suele formar añadiendo la terminación -ly a un adjetivo. los adverbios normalmente van detrás del verbo.

She sings beautifully.

He runs quickly.

Elephants move slowly.

    Algunas palabras que acaban en -ly son adjetivos y no adverbios:


She is a lovely person.

He is a friendly man.


    Hardly (apenas), rarely (raramente), lately (últimamente) y recently (recientemente) son adverbios de frecuencia y no de modo, aunque acaben en -ly.


Spelling rules - Reglas ortográficas


    Para formar un adverbio solemos añadir -ly al adjetivo. Sin embargo, fíjate en lo siguiente:


• Añadimos -ly a los adjetivos que acaban en vocal+l y a los adjetivos que acaban en consonante+e.

careful ==> carefully

polite ==> politely


• Añadimos -y a los adjetivos que acaban en -ll.

full ==> fully

• Los adjetivos que acaban en consonante+le pierden la -e y añaden -e.

comfortable ==> comfortably

terrible ==> terribly

• Los adjetivos que acaban en -y, cambian la -y en -i antes de añadir la terminación -ly.

happy ==> happily

noisy ==> noisily

• Los adjetivos que acaban en -ic añaden -ally.

tragic ==> tragically


    Hay algunas excepciones a las reglas anteriores:

• El adjetivo good (bueno) se convierte en well.

He is a good dancer. He dances well.

• Fast (rápido), late (tarde), straight (recto), early (temprano) y hard (duro) mantienen la misma forma para el adjetivo y el adverbio. Su uso depende de su posición en la frase.

He's a hard worker. He works hard.



Adverbs are words that tell us things about the verb.  Adverbs tell us in what way something happens or in what way someone does something.

Adverbs can describe or modify a verb, an adjective or another adverb

He plays the sax beautifully

Beautifully is an adverb: it describes the verb "play"

These buildings are very tall

Very is an adverb: it modifies the adjective "tall"

He ran incredibly quickly

 Incredibly is an adverb: it modifies the other adverb in the sentence "quickly"

As we will see, adverbs frequently end in -ly. Yet, the -ly ending is not a guarantee that that word is an adverb  (many words and phrases not ending in -ly have adverbial functions as well)

Examples: words like  lovely, lonely,  friendly, for instance, are adjectives:

She has a lovely voice

Lunatics are lonely people

Dolphins are friendly creaturas

Kinds of adverbs

Adverbs of manner: they answer the question HOW

Ejemplos:  easily, slowly, quickly, carefully, etc

He easily swallowed the pill

The train is coming very slowly: there was an accident

Don't speak so quickly. I am trying to understand

Put in the disk carefully in the cd rom

Adverbs of Manner List

Adverbs of manner form the largest group of adverbs. We make most of them simply by adding -ly to their corresponding adjective. This is an alphabetical list of 130 common single-word adverbs of manner. Adverbs of manner that do not end in -ly are shown in bold.

|accidentally |frantically |quickly |

|angrily |generously |quietly |

|anxiously |gently |rapidly |

|awkwardly |gladly |rarely |

|badly |gracefully |really |

|beautifully |greedily |recklessly |

|blindly |happily |regularly |

|boldly |hard |reluctantly |

|bravely |hastily |repeatedly |

|brightly |healthily |rightfully |

|busily |honestly |roughly |

|calmly |hungrily |rudely |

|carefully |hurriedly |sadly |

|carelessly |inadequately |safely |

|cautiously |ingeniously |selfishly |

|cheerfully |innocently |sensibly |

|clearly |inquisitively |seriously |

|closely |irritably |sharply |

|correctly |joyously |shyly |

|courageously |justly |silently |

|cruelly |kindly |stupidly |

|daringly |lazily |successfully |

|deliberately |loosely |suddenly |

|doubtfully |loudly |suspiciously |

|eagerly |madly |swiftly |

|easily |mortally |tenderly |

|elegantly |mysteriously |tensely |

|enormously |neatly |thoughtfully |

|enthusiastically |nervously |tightly |

|equally |noisily |truthfully |

|eventually |obediently |unexpectedly |

|exactly |openly |victoriously |

|faithfully |painfully |violently |

|fast |patiently |vivaciously |

|fatally |perfectly |warmly |

|fiercely |politely |weakly |

|fondly |poorly |wearily |

|foolishly |powerfully |well |

|fortunately |promptly |wildly |

|frankly |punctually |wisely |


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