Adverbs of Manner Battleships - ESL Activities Games ...



Adverbs of Manner Battleships

Activity Type

List ening, speaking, spelling and writing breakout room activity

Language Focus

Adverbs of m anner


To pract ice basic adverbs of m anner.


Send each student a corresponding A or B interactive worksheet.


Elem ent ary ( A1-A2)


30 m inutes


Here is an interactive breakout room activity to help students pract ice basic adverbs of m anner.


Divide the students into pairs ( A and B) and put them in breakout room s.

Send each student a corresponding A or B worksheet..

Tell t he st udent s t o writ e t he six adverbs of m anner shown at the top of their worksheet into their battleships grid, either horizont ally, vert ically or diagonally.

Explain that the aim of the game is for the students to find their opponent's battleships ( adverbs) by calling out coordinates for the grid at the bottom of the worksheet, e.g. B7.

I f t he square is em pt y, t heir opponent says 'm iss' and t he t wo students swap roles.

I f t he square cont ains a let t er, t heir opponent says 'hit '. The student then reveals the letter and the other student writes the letter in the square and has another turn.

When an adverb of m anner has been com pletely revealled, the student tries to sink their opponent's ship by using the adverb correctly in a sentence.

I f t he sent ence is incorrect , t he ship won't sink. Only one sent ence attem pt can be m ade each turn. I f students are unsure, they can ask you to adj udicate.

When a student successfully m akes a sentence, the ship sinks and the student writes the sentence down next to the grid in the space provided.

The game continues until one student finds and s inks a ll s ix of t heir opponent 's bat t leships. That st udent wins t he gam e.

Answer keys

St udent A - happily, carefully, quiet ly, soft ly, quickly, badly

St udent B - easily, slowly, loudly, sadly, well, angrily

Afterwards, review the students' sentences and the m eaning of each m anner adverb with the class.

Teach- ? 2019 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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