
NameDateEnglish Language Arts, Parts of Speech Unit 4, Adverbs, Lesson 7 Worksheet: Adverbs Unit Final Assessment. As you know, adverbs answer the question “how is it done?” when they are at work in sentences. Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. This worksheet, this assessment, is meant to reinforce what you have learned in this unit. You may work from memory, if you are confident you have mastered this material, or you may use the worksheets you have completed for this unit. If you choose to use your worksheets, please note that each section of this assessment corresponds with its respective worksheet number.Lesson 1 Worksheet, Adverbs Proofreading Exercise: Please write five sentences in which an adverb clearly modifies a verb—i.e. describes the manner in which an action was performed (as in “clearly modifies”). Use your completed worksheet from Adverbs Lesson 1, Adverbs Proofreading Exercise as a guide for the sentences you will write for this section of your assessment.A.B.C.D.E.Lesson 2 Worksheet, Adverbs Modifying Verbs: Now, just to fully reinforce this key use of adverbs, please write five more sentences in which an adverb clearly modifies an verb—i.e. describes the manner in which the action takes place (as in “fully reinforce”). Use your completed worksheet from Adverbs Lesson 2, Adverbs Modifying Verbs, for the sentences you will write for this section of your assessment.A.B.C.D.E.Lesson 3 Worksheet, Adverbs of Time Modifying Verbs: Adverbs of time, in a slight departure from the two sections of this assessment you have completed already, tell a slightly different story about how something is done: adverbs of time tell you when an action has occurred. Since adverbs of time modify verbs (by noting when an action takes place), they are adverbs; in this use, how becomes when. Use your completed worksheet from Lesson 3, Adverbs of Time Modifying Verbs, as a guide for the kinds of sentences you will write for this section of your assessment. Write five sentences using adverbs of time to modify verbs in this section.A.B.C.D.E.Lesson 4 Worksheet, Adverbs Modifying Sentences: Using adverbs to modify sentences is particularly easy. Generally, the adverb will begin the sentence, just as the adverb generally begins the preceding clause of this sentence. Use your completed worksheet from Lesson 4, Adverbs Modifying Sentences, to guide you through writing these sentences. Please write five sentences in which an adverb modifies a sentence for this section.A.B.C.D.E.Lesson 5 Worksheet, Adverbs Modifying Adjectives: One of the jobs adverbs do is to modify adjectives. This is relatively easy, just as the two words relatively (adverb) and easy (adjective) work together, so do other adverbs and adjectives. Use your completed worksheet from Lesson 5, Adverbs Modifying Adjectives to guide your writing in this section of your assessment. Please compose five sentences in which an adverb modifies an adjective.A.B.C.D.E.Lesson 6 Worksheet, Adverbs Modifying Adverbs: Adverbs can also modify other adverbs. This too is relatively simply done, as in the preceding clause in which the adverb relatively modifies the adverb simply. Use your completed worksheet from Lesson 6, Adverbs Modifying Adverbs, to guide your work in this section of your assessment. Please compose five sentences in which adverbs modify other adverbs. ................

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